
Chapter 79: Layla

Her words carve more pain into me, and I find myself pulling my floral cushion to my chest. I blink several times. I kind of knew this, but her saying it really brings it home. "But," she continues, "I tracked him down years ago. I’ve known where he was all this time."

A bitter taste pools in my mouth. The gash that my past carved into my soul reopens all over again.

Evelyn’s eyes glaze with unshed tears. "I keep waiting for you to fully blossom in your life, but I knew something was holding you back. So…" The smile she wears rips a strip of anger from me. She tilts her head and blinks, tears falling. "I packed up our lives and dropped you across Ireland so you could hopefully find your peace."

Evelyn wipes her face with both hands before rubbing them together. "Ever since we arrived here, I’ve kept waiting for you to come alive again." She swallows all her tears. "You do, Layla. You come alive around Jared, and I’m so sorry I kept you from him all that time."