
CH:16 where is the driver?

I should call him back. Or should I not? What should I do????

Let's call him. Final decision.

After 2-3 rings David picked up the call.

"Assalamoaliukum." David's voice sounded from the other end.

"Waliukum salam, what's the matter why were you calling me?" Emma said.

"I was just wondering what my wife's doing at home. Miss me?" David asked.

"If there is nothing important then I will hang up," Emma said coldly.

"My love, what are you busy with?" David asked again ignoring Emma's question.

"I am in a taxi coming back home," Emma said.

"Why taxi? Where is the driver?" David was now concerned. Like why did his wife need to take a taxi when there was her driver present at home?

Shit!!!!!!! What the hell I did do?! I confessed my crime on my own!!!

Now which reason should be best?

"Umm, yeah the driver's daughter was sick so he went there, I didn't mind at all and did a cab." Emma lied to cover her situation.

"Okay then I will talk to him personally, maybe he will need money," David said.

"No, no I will handle it don't worry," Emma said.

"I will see this matter." After saying this David hung up the phone.

Oh no, what if he finds out that I lied? Well, I want a divorce why am I worrying? But what will he think about me?

Too many thoughts bombarded Emma. Making Emma speechless.

As Emma arrived home. The first thing she saw was her driver sitting outside the house.

What's he doing here? He should be hiding? How will I explain the whole matter to him?? It's getting complicated!!

"Hey, Uncle Mehmet I think you should go to your home," Emma said hurriedly.

Uncle Mehmet was stunned.

What's wrong with her? Why should I go to my house? Why is she saying this?

"Umm, I mean that you work hard every day, you should take some days off," Aina added, seeing Uncle George puzzled with a bunch of thoughts she was very worried.

"But I should ask the young master first." Uncle George replied.

"Uncle George I have talked to David, now you can go," Emma said.

"Then I should say goodbye to everybody, and pack up my things." Uncle George said happily.

"And thank you thank you very much, Young mistress." Uncle George added.

Just then David's car arrived in the street.