

The intertwined lives of Reina and Justin, two individuals grappling with shattered dreams, broken promises, and the daunting challenge of rebuilding their lives. Reina, once a beacon of hope, now struggles with the aftermath of a devastating personal loss. Her journey toward healing takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with Justin, a man desperately trying to escape the clutches of a tumultuous past. As fate weaves their destinies together, Reina and Justin discover that their scars may be deep, but the possibility of redemption lies within each other. Justin, haunted by the consequences of his choices, is determined to break free from a life marked by shadows. However, an unexpected phone call thrusts him back into a world he thought he had left behind. As he grapples with his own demons, Justin finds an unlikely ally in Reina, a woman fighting her own battles but harbouring a strength that might just be the catalyst for his own transformation. Amidst the wreckage of their pasts, Reina and Justin embark on a journey of self-discovery, confronting painful truths and forging an unexpected connection. Together, they navigate a landscape of challenges, deceit, and the murky waters of redemption. As their stories unfold, "Broken: Beyond Repair" explores the resilience of the human spirit and the possibility of finding solace and strength in the most unexpected places. Will Reina and Justin find the courage to confront their brokenness and build a future together, or will the weight of their pasts prove too much to bear?

Sylvia_E_Kay · 若者
19 Chs

#15. Be

"There's no way in hell I'm going to ride that!" Justin says defensively for the umpteenth time as we're standing in front of the amusement park's most notorious and terrifying ride, "The Haunting Abyss."

"Come on! Don't be a party pooper," Jade keeps taunting him like she had been doing for the past 5 minutes.

"Just let it go, will you?" Chris sidelines Jade and drags her somewhere else.

From the little time I've gotten to know Justin, he would never act this way without a reason or cause. I had noticed his change in demeanour ever since Jade had suggested we go for the ride. He looked really vulnerable right now, and I could tell that if we didn't leave now, he might have a panic attack.

I know there's more to his fear than meets the eye. He doesn't talk about it, but I'm pretty sure he's had a very traumatic experience he's trying to heal from, and right now, all he might need is space or someone to talk to.

I wonder if I could be that someone.

I step closer to him. "Hey, it's okay," I say softly, my voice carrying genuine concern. "You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. We can find something else to enjoy in the park."

He glances at me, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. He appreciates my understanding, even though he hasn't fully disclosed why he's so afraid of taking that ride.

With a shaky breath, he manages a weak smile, silently thanking me for being there.

I step closer to him and I take his hands in mine. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it now," I squeeze his hand tighter. "I'm always here when you're ready."

He flashes me a grateful smile and pulls me into a hug.

Chris returns, but this time without Jade, his expression a mix of frustration and worry. "I don't get why Jade keeps pushing him. She knows something's up."

I shake my head and laugh, my gaze following Jade, who is now off in the distance, chatting excitedly with a group of strangers.

"You can't blame her for being so energetic all the time," I chuckle, still gazing at her.

"Let's just focus on having a good time ourselves. We don't need to let this ruin our day," I suggest, trying to lift the heavy atmosphere.

"Let's make that another time," I voice out my thoughts. "It would be much better," I say, but this time my gaze is fixed on Justin as I stand beside him, our fingers intertwined.

He stares back at me, and something passes between us, I couldn't tell what it was, but I liked it. He nods at me lightly and smiles.

"I agree," Chris concurs. "Jade and I will check something at the mall, though." He adds, and Jade stares at him, confused.

I guess he wanted to use that as an opportunity to talk about what happened today with her.


"Sorry," Justin suddenly blurts out as he's walking me back home.

I pause in my steps and stare at him. "For what?" I stare at him, confused for a while.

"Oh, that," I remember. "You shouldn't be. It's always been about me for a while. You should never apologize for being vulnerable," I say, and we keep on walking.

I notice him stealing glances in my direction, and his eyes are filled with gratitude. Even though he hasn't shared the reason why he was so petrified.

"I'm so glad I met you," he says, his voice carrying so much emotion, which makes me stop in my tracks one more time and so does he.

And in that moment, despite the chaos that happened at the amusement park, a silent understanding passes between us, and it strengthens the bond between us forming, a bond rooted in trust, empathy, and the unspoken promise of support.

I take a step closer to Justin, and our eyes lock. In the silence of the night, our hearts beat in unison, and it feels as if the world around us has disappeared.

Without a word, I reach out and gently place my hand on his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips. His breath hitches, and he leans in, his lips seeking mine.

My fingers gently trace the contours of his face, my thumb caressing his cheek. His breath hitches, and he leans in, his lips seeking mine. I welcome his kiss with a hunger that has been building throughout the day.

Our kiss is intense, filled with longing and suppressed emotions. Our mouths move together with a fierce passion as if we've both been holding back for far too long. Justin's hands find their way to my waist, pulling me closer to him, our bodies pressed tightly together.

The world fades away, leaving only the heat of our connection. Our tongues dance in a sensual tango, exploring each other with a burning desire. Justin's fingers trace a path from my waist to my lower back, sending shivers down my spine. His touch is electrifying, igniting a fire within me that threatens to consume us both.


We both break apart abruptly, and I swiftly turn in the direction of the voice, realizing it's my Dad. My heart races, and I feel a lump forming in my throat as I meet his stern gaze. His eyebrows furrow with a mix of disappointment and concern.

'What's going on here?' he asks, his voice low and intense.

I struggle to find the proper words, my mind racing with explanations and apologies, but I can't seem to form a proper sentence. In that moment, I'm acutely aware of the magnitude of trouble I've landed myself in."


My vision is blurry, and I slowly regain consciousness. At first, all I see is the white ceiling, and when I turn my head to the side, I can't make out who the people surrounding me are. Everything feels surreal, like a hazy dream.

"It was a close call for her this time," the doctor informs my parents, his words piercing the fog in my mind. "I would suggest a change of environment for her temporarily, and it's a good thing you had them arrested."

My heart races, and I struggle to make sense of what I've just heard. They're in police custody. Panic courses through me. What if they confess to their crimes? I could be arrested for possession and distribution of hard drugs. My mind races with fear and confusion.

"Thank you, Doctor. We'll be leaving tomorrow," my mom says, her voice shaky. I look up and see how red her eyes are. Her exhaustion is evident, and it's painful to witness her in this state.

My Dad holds her steady, supporting her as she looks very weak like she hasn't slept in days. Guilt washes over me. I hate that I'm causing my loved ones so much pain, and I can't do anything to take it all back. I never asked for any of this to happen, and it breaks my heart and soul to know that I've become nothing but trouble to them.

But what about me? Shouldn't I be convicted for possessing and distributing hard drugs if they had been convicted? The uncertainty of my own fate adds to the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

My head is spinning, and I keep wondering, What's happening? Where are we going the next day, and how did they find me? The questions race through my mind like a storm.

I search desperately for answers, but none come to mind. It's as if I've been dropped into a nightmare, and I'm struggling to wake up from it.