
C3 - Broken Angel

He reaches out to feel for a pulse but there is none. He fiddles with the ropes to get her loose and feels her icy cold hands. He struggles to get her hands loose. ''HELP! HELP!'' Alex started calling out, hoping the people at the bus stop will hear him.

He finally gets the rope loose but is too slow to catch her before she hits the ground. ''Dammit! Sorry, sorry,'' he quickly takes off his jacket and covers her best he can. He does not know how to give CPR but puts his ear to her heart and hears her heart is beating. He picks her up in one sweep. She is light and easy to carry. Alex is a well build 31-year-old. He started running with her to the hospital.

One kilometre away an Ambulance cut him off. Two female medics got out and one made her way to feel for a pulse, "what happened?" medics ask.

"I am not sure, I found her at the play park, she is naked under here and in very bad shape," Alex said out of breath, temple a hint of sweat. The second medic opened the ambulance door and pulled out the stretcher, wheels smashing into the ground with a bang. Alex puts the lifeless woman on the stretcher while the medics secure her body on both sides. They push the stretcher back into the Ambulance with one medic following into the back and the other getting into the driver seat of the Ambulance.

"Get in!" the medic orders Alex. Alex gets into the back and the medic closes the door. One minute later they are at the emergency entrance of the hospital. The medic already called it in, and nurses and an intern doctor received them. The ambulance doors swing open and the medics quickly pull the stretcher out of the ambulance. The two nurses and intern lift Gabriella's body onto the hospital bed and the medics secure the railings of the hospital bed. "You can go to the reception and wait for the police to give a statement," the medic tells Alex. Alex did not like the idea of that but knew it had to be done.

This won't be the first time he has to give a statement to the police as he is most of the time the first one on the scene to get the photos but from experience, he knew he had to hide his camera or the police will take it to get the photos. He is not one to hold back something that could help solve a crime, but law-enforcement doesn't really have respect for other people's things. He is not about to get another camera damage. He hurriedly slipped away to go put his camera back at his apartment, after all, it is only two kilometres away, surely, he can get back before the police arrive. Alex saw that the doctors are still busy working on the man that were found at the bus stop and quickly snapped a picture before making his exit.

"Wonder if she will make it, she's practically a goner, yet her Angel sacrificed his wings. The last time an angel did that for a human was over 3000 years ago, not for the same reason thou," Baraqiel, Gabriella's replacement angel says, talking to the angels around. He reaches out and touch Gabriella's forehead and immediately is taken aback. 'A reincarnated Angel. She has reincarnated 46 times. I wonder if Angel Zurier knew this? Did he ever touch her? Is that maybe why he decided to become a human? Was he thinking about it for a while?' he thought to himself. He looks up at Zuriers Angel. "Why did he give up his wings?"

Angel Bethor reaches out and touches Zurier. "No, he never touched her, and it seems that he loves her, but it was never in his plans to become human. He wanted to save her from dying because she did not lead a righteous life that will qualify her for judgment day and believed that she will go straight to hell," Angel Bethor respond sadly. She has never felt so sad for a human, if only he knew that she was an angel. Angels that give up their wings to become human reincarnate over and over until judgment day. They get a new Angel every time as only the last life before judgment day will count as that will be the life of Good Vs Evil.

While the Angles get to the bottom of why Angel Zurier gave up his wings the doctors struggled to keep him alive, while a doctor is on top of Gabriella giving her CPR.

It seems that the doctors have managed to stop the bleeding from Zurier's back and now make their way to the theatre. The doctor on top of Gabriella has stopped SPR and pulled the heat blankets over her lifeless body's face. "Time of death..."

Before the doctor could give the time of death, Gabriella gasp for air. "Stay with us, there has been an incident," the doctor said quickly pulling the cover off her face. Gabriella tried to talk but she could not get the words out. The doctor is concerned that they might have to amputate her breast, toes, and fingers due to frostbite.

Gabriella is finally set up in a hospital room, but she is too tired to care what is going on around her. All she knew is that she is getting the same feeling she had when she was drugged.

"Start treatment on the affected frostbite areas and let's try to save the infected areas," the doctor instructed the intern and nurse.

While on the operating table the doctors could not believe the extent of their patient's wounds. All his ribs at his back have splintered into his muscles and one of his broken ribs poked into his right lung. "Good thing this is not in his left side," the doctor says trying to get the rib out of his lung without having to break it completely off. He manages to get the rib out and felt around the area for splinters. Once he were happy, he pushed some cotton fabric in to prevent bleeding and he, together with an intern started to remove splintered rib cage pieces.

It was a long morning on the operating table but eventually, the doctors manage to repair Zurier's back and he is now rolled into the same room as Gabriella.

Alex finally got home at 11 am after being interrogated and giving his statements. He quickly got ready to put his story together as he knew that it will already be all over the news. He hoped that no photos were circulating yet and had a feeling that he had the best. He scanned through his photos and paused at the first photo he took of Gabriella.

It looks like a dead person already. White and blue patchy body. Hands, feet, and breast blue, almost black. He zooms on to her breast, 'what a pity, those are such nice breasts, just the right size nipples but they are damage from frostbite,' he continued to scroll through his photos and landed on the last one he took before he exited the hospital.