
Chapter 29 - The Ultimate Wingman

Thomas arrived at the gate and let himself in. There was a small gap that he fit through to exit and he was able to fit through it again when he had to get in. After opening the side door he could smell something delicious. On the opposite side of the house from the bakery was a dining room and Thomas followed the scent to there.

Jessica and Jasmine were already seated at the tables when Thomas finally arrived. Like the rest of the house the two tables differed in size. "Oh my, you've returned at the perfect time. Dinner was just about to be served." Jessica seemed happy to see him while Jasmine was acting impatient.

"Don't lie, mom. We've been waiting for you. Where have you been?" Jessica didn't let Jasmine eat before Thomas returned and she felt hungry.

Thomas took a seat at the shorter table. He would have liked to sit next to Jasmine and flirt a bit more with her but then he wouldn't have been able to eat unless he stood on the chair. "I went out to the market and got distracted by a book shop. Sorry."

Jessica served him some food. She had made a stew and baked some rolls for them to have on the side. "Oh, I was sure that you were going to find another woman to fuck." Jasmine was eating a roll when Jessica said that and she started choking before chugging down a glass of water.

"There's no way I'd do that when there are two lovely ladies waiting for me at home." Jasmine looked at Thomas and her mother as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her mother was talking about him having sex and yet he seemed to be going along with it.

Jasmine smacked her palm on her table. "Is this really the kind of conversation that you should be having at the dinner table? I don't need to be hearing my own mother talking about sex when trying to eat."

Jessica giggled and spoke to her daughter. "I think that now is the perfect time to talk about it." Thomas was eating his food while watching them. The stew was very creamy and Thomas was enjoying eating a piece of the roll that he had dunked in it. Jessica seemed to be a good cook. "After all, my little girl seems like she'll become a woman tonight." Jessica looked over at Thomas. "Isn't that right?"

Jasmine started protesting, leaving her stew to sit and cool down. "What kind of nonsense are you spouting this time? Since when did I say that I'd give myself to this shorty!?" Thomas felt insulted... he really was a shorty though.

Jessica continued with her teasing. "That's no way to talk about your future husband. Don't you remember that you accepted his proposal earlier? You were the one that told me about that." Jessica's smile got a bit wider. Thomas felt like she was laying a trap for her daughter but didn't know where she was going with this.

Jasmine's face became red and she pointed her spoon at her mother. "I told you that I only agreed to marry him if he could pay my dowry up front. There's no way he could afford it so let's just drop this subject for now."

Jessica's smile widened even further as she made a weird laugh. "Fu fu fu. My little daughter is too naive. I was cleaning up around the house when I found something interesting." Jessica turned to Thomas. "I've really got to say that you've impressed this woman."

Jasmine watched as Jessica ran upstairs. Thomas had already figured it out but wanted to see Jasmine's reaction. This mother was really the perfect wingman. Jessica came back downstairs stairs holding something silvery in her hands. "Dun da da duuun! Do you know what this is?"

Jasmine reached out to grab the helmet from her mother's hands. Inside of it was a sack and when she poked the sack there was a familiar clinking sound. Jasmine turned to look at Thomas and saw that he had a grin on his face as he was watching them. Jasmine turned over the sack and a large amount of coins poured out into the helmet. Coppers, silvers, and even gold coins appeared. "What is this?"

Thomas answered her instead of Jessica. "Your dowry. You said that you'd marry me if I gave you ten gold coins. There's more than that in there." Jessica seemed unhappy that Thomas stole her line.

"You know, Gren is a good man. He has money, he's handsome, and he has a really big dick." Jasmine seemed surprised hearing her mother talk about the size of his penis. "You might not know this now but someone like Gren will be very popular with women. Right now he's interested in you but that doesn't mean he'll wait for you forever."

Jessica put her hand on Jasmine's thigh. "Just think about it. It has been less than a day that you've met but you're already infatuated with him. I can see it on your face."

Thomas felt like he could see steam coming from Jasmine's face. She returned to eating her food while occasionally glancing over at Thomas. She ate quickly and then after she was finished she looked between Thomas and the helmet. Taking the helmet without saying a word, Jasmine rushed downstairs with it.

Jessica's smile disappeared and she became serious. "I don't know where you got that money but you're going to keep your word, right? You won't ask her to give it back after taking advantage of her. Right? You won't abandon her for some other woman. RIGHT?" Jessica was being a bit scary but Thomas didn't have any intentions of hurting Jasmine.

"Even if I find other women I won't leave Jasmine behind. I can't promise that I won't be with other women since I already have Estella but I'll keep my word and make Jasmine my wife." Jessica seemed satisfied with his answer.

Just as he was about to leave, Jessica grabbed his arm. "I've seen what you're packing down there. Even if that girl is bigger than that Estella you could still hurt her if you're rough." Jessica let go of Thomas and gave him a little push towards the stairs leading downward.

My cat woke me up before I could get a decent amount of sleep but it's too late to go back to bed so I worked on this instead.

Webnovel had a glitch and created a copy of this chapter. Here it is again since the copy I uploaded originally got deleted.

Darth_Gizmocreators' thoughts