
MY Love.

The Present Day.

My love why are you looking at me like you have seen a ghost?,it me your Mella,do I look different?,or have I gotten fat?,mum has been packing so much food in me since the accident.

I woke up and you didn't come to see me?,am really angry with you.

Dear,I will talk to ken for a minute and ask him why he didn't come.

What is going on here aunt Teresa?, Carmella left me on the alter and now she is saying that we are together?.

Forgive me ken,but Carmella was in an accident two months ago and only woke up two weeks ago,she has a memory loss and cannot remember what happened in the last eight months,she thinks that your wedding is still being planned.

Then tell her the truth,am married so I can't possibly marry her.

The doctor forbade us telling her anything,he said that she has to remember on her own,if not it will be fatal and I don't want to lose my daughter,just play along with her for a month then you can break up.

Kenny love,your house is so beautiful. I chose the Masters bedroom and kept my luggage there.

All the while the drama was going on Gold kept looking at Carmella in suspicion but when she mentioned that she will sleep in the Masters bedroom she said…..

You can't have the Masters bedroom.

Says who.

Says me.

And who are you?

You want to know who I am?, I will tell you.

My name is Golden Kenn...

Her name is Golden and she is my friend.

The name Golden Kenneth Chester got stock in Gold's mouth after she heard what he said.

Kenneth you said your friend?. Am sorry Gold but I can't tell Carmella the truth now,just give me some time I will tell her everything.

Nice to meet you Golden,I love meeting Kenny's friends because they always become my friend. My love come let's go to the room I want to sleep,am so tired.

As they went upstairs, Golden put pressure on her hand and her newly done nails wounded her and caused bleeding as her sister turned she saw what was happening.

Gold how could you injure yourself like this,come let me treat you with the first aid.

Sis,I don't trust that girl at all I feel like she has a story and the truth will hurt my Ken.