

It is the first decade of 25th century and I am currently commuting to my University. I am currently pursuing my graduation and I am in my final year now. My bag is especially heavy today as it is filled with my trans-molding gloves, A.I. case and my toolbox. I am checking the net while chilling at the window seat.

There was this headline which was eye catching, "C.E.R.N initiating project GATE today". This was a hot topic debated on many internet forums, as the project's sole aim was to drill a hole in reality and explore multiverse. There have been many protest to stop the project or carry it out off-world but due to budget constraints it was carried out in Sweden. The project will be started at 12:00 p.m. GMT.

'So, it will be taking place at lunch, not that it concerns me though' is what I thought to myself but I literally had no idea what mess I was going to be dragged into due to some mad scientists working at the other end of the globe.

At C.E.R.N research lab in Sweden, many people in white coat and engineers in yellow helmet were busily doing the final inspection before the test run of 'Viewer', the device to tunnel path into multiverse.

At this moment the head of the research committee proposed for a trial run ahead of schedule to check for any errors. The committee agreed to the proposal and after 15 minutes the green signal for the 2 minutes trial run was given. For the first 30 seconds everything was fine, but then the device imploded on itself releasing a massive shockwave and creating many catastrophes around the globe like earthquakes, thunderstorms and worst of all spatial tears. Later, in the inquiry it was found that due to wrong parameters given to the algorithm to condense the energy at a point in the device the energy dispersed throughout the globe causing a massive catastrophe.

As I was walking towards my campus I suddenly lost my footing and fell face forward due to the earthquake. As I was falling a spatial tear appeared in front of me and I was sucked into the void.

If you think falling into the portal, wormhole or whatever name you give it will directly send you to another world you are terribly wrong. As I fell in the void I saw countless worlds littered across the dark void like stars in the night sky, as I focused on a single star I was able to see that world's entire timeline, along with its infinite possibilities that gave me such a head-splitting headache that I blacked out. While I was blacked out my body was falling drifting in the void, it hit a world and was sucked in. In the free city of Braavos an 18 year old teenager is seen lying unconscious at the side of a street. At any other time it would have been a normal sight but what makes it peculiar today is the boy is wearing clothes that are not seen in the known world and has a pair of sparkling red sneakers. At this moment a stray dog comes and sniffs the boy. The boy abruptly wakes up and starts breathing heavily while looking around scaring the stray dog.

"Where am I?" this was the first thought that came to my mind while looking at the alien environment that resembles mediaeval Europe. I staggered while standing up. I took out my cell phone and find it is switched off. I restart it and to my horror I find there is no network coverage. Why you ask having no network coverage is horrible you say, that is because in 25th century Earth there is hardly any place that doesn't come under network coverage and if it doesn't then the place must be a hazard zone totally unfit for inhabitation. After carefully looking around I don't think that it is one of those infamous hazard zones. After the A.I. in my cell phone detects the abnormal conditions it starts to implement emergency protocols and reboots my transmolding glove and A.I. case. The emergency protocols revokes the industrial encryption placed on a device to prevent its duplication or reverse engineering. In very special circumstances it is revoked like for survival.

After looking around I start to have doubt that this Stone Age looking place is definitely not Earth. I observe the people on a busy street and find that the language spoken here is English. I felt relieved at the fact that communicating with the natives will not be a problem. Hence mustering up my courage I walk towards a pale skinny looking old man.

"Which city is this?" was the first thing I asked that person. That old man frowns looking at my dress and answers "This is the free city of Braavos". I then asked which continent is this as the answer didn't make much sense. The man frowned and said it's Essos and asked me to stop wasting his time. As I turned back my gaze fell on a statue in the horizon which looked like a Greek soldier raising its sword. Its size was humongous and I doubted the possibility of construction of such wonder by such a backward civilization. I then asked my A.I. to check for any continent named Essos or a city name Braavos and got a negative reply. I asked it to check its database to come up with something relevant. After a few seconds my A.I. replied "The city Braavos and continent Essos are part of a classical fictional novel series named "Game of Thrones" from 21st century". I got irritated and was about to rebuke when the news headline flashed in my mind. I asked my A.I. if it's possible that any malfunction in that experiment land us in a different universe. The A.I. said that it doesn't have the necessary data to calculate the possibility of such event, however it was theoretically feasible. I then commanded my A.I. to make a questionnaire to confirm if this is the GOT world. I again move the city albeit carefully so as to not get mugged. I find a tavern and ask the tavern girl the questionnaire the A.I. prepared. After analyzing the response the result came that it is indeed the GOT world. After hearing it I started to sweat cold buckets as I know how messed up my situation is.

The prologue will consist of two parts and the main series will begin after that stay tuned.

ashutoshswain465creators' thoughts