
Chapter 6

Dera buried herself under sheets of blankets, withdrawn solemnly into herself as she thought about last night's events. Her head throbbed — she had been up all night thinking about the things she had witnessed, and when sleep had tried coming to her in the early hours of the morning, Edith was already up, chattering like a bird, disturbing her sleep.

"Alright! C'mon wake up now. We've still got an appointment to prepare for" Edith announced, throwing a pillow at Dera.

"Leave me alone" she sighed, wrapping herself properly with the blankets.

"Wonderful! So Dera, the goddess of the real estate world is crying her eyes out because of some man?"

"I'm not crying... and his not just some MAN' " Dera snapped.

"Bloody hell! Is he a god now?" Edith retorted, heedless of the subtle anger in the other's voice.

"You wouldn't understand" Dera replied calmly, quiting the argument.

"Try me" Edith continued, taking a seat beside her. Dera sighed irritably, turning to face Edith who stared down at her with sad eyes. Edith cared for her — like a mother would to a child

"You know, all these years..." Dera began, her voice trailing off like a dying hiss, as if it were not hers. Her eyes flickered and tears threatened to fall out but she held them back and continued. "I have been alone, working on myself, and achieving my dreams — by any means necessary. All these years I have given up on love and had forgotten about him... or so I thought. Then I meet him again after twenty-six years and it turns out my stupid heart still feels for him. He in return, chooses to be spiteful towards me. Even worse, he's married to her." She spoke with rancor. "Of all the people in the world, why did it have to be Jennifer? I feel betrayed!" she complained, pouring her heart to Edith.

"Do you have the right to?" Edith countered softly, leaving Dera bewildered. "I mean you left him. You broke him. Do you think you have the right to feel betrayed?" She asked meaningfully.

"You're not helping matters" Dera sighed in exasperation

"No, I'm being your conscience."

"Are you lashing out on me?" Dera snapped once more.

"No, Dera. I have no business in this issue but I don't want you deceiving yourself. If you were to be true to yourself, do you think he's wrong for being spiteful towards you — if he were?" Edith pressed the matter. Dera was silent as she pondered over the question genuinely. She sighed, then spoke.

"I suppose he isn't?" She answered calmly.

"Good. Now when you say you still love him... do you mean it?" Edith continued and Dera nodded a reply. "Now let's be realistic. Do you think your love for him is worth fighting for, say he is willing to forgive you and be perceptible? Remember, he's married and probably have kids too. Does it feel right that his family would be wrecked for two of you to be together, say you eventually fight for your love" Edith asked a very difficult question — one Dera could not bring herself to answer.

The golden rays of the morning sun shone gracefully on the Opal Manor, the faint light refracted by the very tiny polished stones embedded in the house, such that it appeared as though the stars were descending gently on the earth. It was called the Opal Manor because it was literally opal white in color — a trick achieved by the meticulous treatment of opal white paint with crushed diamonds, giving it the elegant color it possessed. Exotic birds flew about the Opal Manor aimlessly, lingering unwillingly due to the beautiful scent of wild flowers in the gardens that graced the environment.

"So this old friend... how come I've never seen around before?" Strength asked, pointing out an observation as they ate breakfast. His attitude shocked Buchi so much that he feared Jeremy would pick offense.

"Shut up, stupid!" Treasure interjected quickly, narrowing her eyes at her brother. "I know him. Dad's always told me stories about him. I'm quite excited to finally meet him" she announced smiling cheerfully at the stranger who sat in silence before her, and he smiled back at her.

"I don't like him" Strength stated plainly. "Juanita! More tea please!" he requested from a maid then continued. "I don't like him. He's an enigma and there's something off about him"

"Strength! Enough!" Buchi interrupted him fiercely, banging his clenched fist on the dining table, so hard, that it threatened to snap in two. "Not another word!" He warned, glaring at the boy. "Now hurry up with your meal. Mr Joe will be coming to pick you up soon"

"It's okay dad" Treasure cut in grabbing his hand softly, soothing him with her gentle melodic voice. "You too, Strength. Now hurry up with your food" she said softly, grabbing her little brother by the shoulder to calm him down.

"I'm beginning to hate you, dad" Strength muttered harshly as he abandoned his meal and left. Treasure followed after him, leaving her stunned father behind.

"Kids these days" Buchi chuckled nervously as he turned to face Jeremy. "I'm really sorry for what just happened. I apologize on his behalf" Buchi apologized, frightened that the strange man must've felt offended. Jeremy was an enigma — one difficult to read nor understand. He had been like this since Buchi had known him, withdrawn to himself. Even worse, now things were bad between tthem. Jeremy seldom spoke a word and it frightened him greatly. Yet, somewhere in those hard icy eyes, he still saw some sort of evidence that assured him, his friend was still there, locked inside the strange man.

"It's okay" Jeremy replied, smiling briefly at him. "His character is quite intriguing. He reminds me more of him... my nephew — and then my sister." He said calmly, sadness in his eyes over the last words. "So why didn't you tell me he wasn't here?" he asked, quickly changing the conversation.

"I was scared you'd refuse to stay if you knew" Buchi replied.

"You worry too much. I would stay if you asked"

"Maybe... . I was just insecure."

"True. Either ways I need to go use the bathroom." Jeremy said excusing himself. Buchi sat back silently, wondering what he was to do with his old friend. His son's attitude earlier disturbed him too.

"You fear he's becoming like master Champion. Don't you?" Juanita, the chief maid spoke, startling him.


"Master Strength. You fear he'll become like this step brother. You fear you'll lose them both." Juanita spoke confidently as she dropped a cup of coffee then cleared the table.

"Perhaps... . Juanita do you think my dad is a better father than I am?" Buchi asked concerned.

"There's no need to be jealous of him" the older woman assured.

"I know I'm hundred times a better father than my dad. But why does Champion prefer him to me. For two years now I have not seen him physically. Why does he do that?" he complained. He was yet to say something more before the door bell rang, just at the time Jeremy returned from the bathroom.

"Don't worry I'll go get it" he offered running off to get the door. Buchi followed behind him still, more out of curiosity than caution. He froze at the spot, and his face darkened the moment Jeremy opened the door and a feminine figure stepped in.

"Dera?" Jeremy called out — he was surprised to see her too.