
Chapter 40

Words could not express how Dera felt when she looked Buchi in the eyes. The look in his eyes wrenched her soul. She had never seen him scared like this before. In his eyes, she saw fear, anger, desperation, and a man losing himself. At this point she knew he was willing to do anything to save his son; (for what's the difference between a man and an animal, when he's provoked?) so she didn't bother to stop him, rather she offered to help.

"No, Dera. I can't let you come with me. It's too risky. I don't want to lose you too." He refused blatantly. "But if you wish to help me, take this (he handed her a card containing the private investigator's number). Give him a call and tell him to track my phone and involve the police too." He instructed her, then left.