
8. Early Start

After the initial awe of the Slytherin common room began to settle, the prefect gathered the first-years once more for the final part of their introduction to their new house: assigning their rooms. Unlike the other houses at Hogwarts, Slytherins were afforded a unique privilege—each member was given their own room, a reflection of the house's values of individual achievement and privacy.

"Follow me," the prefect announced, his voice echoing slightly in the spacious common room. He led them through a narrow corridor that branched off from the main area, the stone walls here lit by torches that cast flickering shadows on the floor. The corridor was lined with doors, each bearing a silver number that glinted in the torchlight.

As they walked, Apollyon's mind whirled with excitement and a touch of nervousness. The reality of her new life at Hogwarts, of being a Slytherin, was becoming more tangible with each step. The thought of having her own room, her own private space within the castle, was both thrilling and a little daunting.

Finally, they stopped before a door marked with the number that had been assigned to her. "This will be your room," the prefect said, handing her a small, silver key. "Your belongings have already been brought up. Remember, privacy is respected here, but do not hesitate to seek out your housemates or professors if you need anything."

With a nod of thanks, Apollyon inserted the key into the lock and turned it, hearing the soft click as the door unlocked. She pushed it open and stepped inside, her eyes taking in her new surroundings.

The room was cozy and inviting, the walls painted a soft shade of green that matched the common room's color scheme. A large, arched window dominated one wall, offering a breathtaking view of the Black Lake. The moonlight filtered through the glass and water, casting the room in a serene, silver green glow.

A four-poster bed stood against one wall, its frame carved from dark wood and draped with green and silver hangings that whispered softly as they moved. A plush, velvet-covered armchair sat in one corner, next to a small fireplace that already contained a crackling fire, casting warmth throughout the room. A wooden desk was placed near the window, its surface smooth and polished, with a comfortable chair pulled up to it.

Shelves filled with books and various trinkets lined the walls, and a large wardrobe stood open, revealing her belongings neatly stored inside. The attention to detail, the sense of comfort and privacy, spoke volumes about the Slytherin house's values and the care taken to welcome its new members.

Apollyon felt a rush of gratitude and a sense of belonging as she took in her new room. Here, she would study, practice magic, and perhaps most importantly, reflect on her journey and the person she wished to become. It was more than just a room; it was a sanctuary, a place where she could truly be herself, free from the shadows of her past.

As she unpacked her suitcase and arranged her belongings, Apollyon felt a profound sense of peace settle over her. She was home, surrounded by the ancient magic of Hogwarts and the quiet strength of Slytherin.

The moonlight, diffused by the waters of the Black Lake, painted Apollyon's room in shifting patterns of silver-green light, lending an ethereal beauty to her new sanctuary. The gentle, rhythmic sound of water against the castle's foundation was soothing, a natural lullaby that spoke of the deep, unspoken bond between Slytherin and the element it revered.

After arranging her belongings with a meticulous care that mirrored her inner need for order and control, Apollyon stood for a moment by the window, peering into the depths of the lake. The dark waters, illuminated by the moon's reflection and the soft glow from her room, revealed fleeting glimpses of the life within—shadows of fish darting past, the occasional glimpse of something larger, more mysterious, moving in the depths. It was a reminder of the world of magic she was now a part of, a world as vast and deep as the lake itself.

Turning away from the window, she prepared for bed, her movements slow, almost reverent, as she reveled in the solitude and the quiet strength of her surroundings. The four-poster bed, with its green and silver hangings, beckoned invitingly. As she slipped between the cool sheets, the soft fabric whispered against her skin, enveloping her in a cocoon of warmth and comfort.

Lying in the darkness, the fire in the small fireplace her only companion, Apollyon allowed herself a moment to reflect on the day's events. From the nervous anticipation of the Sorting Ceremony to the awe-inspiring beauty of the Slytherin common room and her own private quarters, it had been a day of firsts, of beginnings. The realization that she was truly free, that she could explore her magic without fear, without hiding, was both exhilarating and a little overwhelming.

The quiet crackle of the fire and the steady, soothing sound of the lake against the castle's foundations lulled Apollyon into a state of peaceful contemplation. Here, in the heart of Slytherin's domain, beneath the surface of the Black Lake, she felt a sense of belonging, of coming home. Her past, with its shadows and trials, seemed distant now, a part of her story but not its conclusion.

As sleep began to claim her, Apollyon felt a profound sense of gratitude for the journey that had brought her to this moment, to Hogwarts, to Slytherin. The challenges of the future were unknown, but she faced them with a heart full of hope and a spirit strengthened by the trials she had overcome.


In the predawn silence of the castle, Apollyon stirred awake, feeling an unusual sense of restfulness envelop her. The room was still dark, save for the faintest hint of light beginning to filter through the water outside her window, casting dancing shadows across the stone walls. She lay there for a moment, reveling in the quiet strength and solitude of her new home, before the day's possibilities urged her out of bed.

Eager to explore the castle without the bustling crowds of students and to find a quiet space where she might establish a routine for physical exercise—a luxury her previous life had sorely lacked—Apollyon dressed quickly. The castle, with its myriad secret passages and extensive grounds, promised ample opportunity for such endeavors, and the thought of running or practicing spells in the early morning light filled her with a quiet excitement.

As she made her way through the dimly lit corridors towards the Great Hall, her footsteps echoed softly on the stone floors. The castle was a different world in the quiet of the early morning, its usual vibrancy muted, the portraits along the walls still asleep, their occupants dozing in painted chairs or beds.

Turning a corner, she nearly collided with a figure emerging from the shadows. Heart leaping into her throat, Apollyon stepped back, only to realize it was Professor Snape, his black robes making him nearly indistinguishable from the dark corridor.

"Miss Seraphina," Snape said, his voice as cool and measured as the look in his eyes. "You're up rather early. Not wandering the corridors out of bounds, I hope."

Apollyon felt a flicker of nervousness at the professor's imposing presence but answered with a confidence she barely felt. "No, sir. I was just headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. And... I was hoping to find a place to exercise before classes begin."

Snape's eyebrows rose slightly at this, a hint of surprise in his otherwise impassive expression. "Exercise?" he repeated, his tone neutral. "A commendable pursuit. Physical fitness can be beneficial to a witch or wizard's overall well-being and magical proficiency."

Encouraged by his response, Apollyon continued, "Yes, sir. I was wondering if there's a place you might recommend? Somewhere... appropriate for that."

Snape regarded her for a moment longer, as if weighing her request. Then, with a slight nod, he replied, "The grounds are extensive and, at this hour, largely deserted. You might find the area near the Black Lake particularly suited to your needs. Just be mindful of the boundaries and the Forbidden Forest."

"Thank you, Professor," Apollyon said, relief and gratitude mingling in her voice. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

Snape gave a curt nod, then, without another word, swept past her, his robes billowing slightly as he continued down the corridor. Apollyon watched him go, a sense of surrealness washing over her. She had just had a civil conversation with Professor Snape, one of the most intimidating figures at Hogwarts, about exercise of all things.

Shaking her head slightly, as if to clear it, Apollyon resumed her walk to the Great Hall, her spirits lifted.

As Apollyon entered the Great Hall, the vastness of the room felt even more pronounced in the quiet of the early morning. The usual clamor of students was absent, replaced by the soft sounds of cutlery against plates and the gentle murmur of conversation between Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. They were seated at the high table, a small island of activity in the otherwise tranquil hall.

The moment she stepped in, the two Hogwarts stalwarts paused, their conversation ceasing as they turned their attention towards her. There was a brief flicker of surprise in their expressions, not accustomed to seeing first-year students up and about at such an hour. However, their surprise quickly gave way to smiles of approval, recognizing the eagerness and dedication it took to rise early.

Apollyon, feeling slightly self-conscious under their gaze, offered them a polite nod, a gesture of respect and acknowledgment. Dumbledore returned the nod with a gentle, encouraging smile, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon glasses, while Professor McGonagall gave her a small, approving nod, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. Their silent welcome warmed Apollyon, reassuring her that she was indeed part of this magical community.

Choosing a spot at the Slytherin table, Apollyon settled in for her breakfast. The table was laden with an array of dishes, even at this early hour, the house-elves ensuring that every possible preference was catered to. She helped herself to a hearty meal, filling her plate with scrambled eggs, toast, and slices of crispy bacon, accompanied by a fresh cup of pumpkin juice. The food was delicious, each bite a reminder of the magic that permeated every aspect of Hogwarts life, from the enchanted ceiling above her to the culinary delights on her plate.

As she ate, Apollyon's mind wandered to the day ahead, to the classes she would attend, the spells she would learn, and the friends she might make. The early morning quiet of the Great Hall, shared with two of the most respected professors at Hogwarts, felt like a moment of calm before the storm of activity that was a day at the school.

Finishing her breakfast, Apollyon felt a surge of energy and anticipation. She had a brief moment of gratitude for the simple act of enjoying a meal in such a historic hall, under the watchful eyes of Dumbledore and McGonagall, before the day's adventures began. With a final glance at the high table, she rose from her seat, ready to face whatever challenges and wonders Hogwarts had in store for her that day.

With breakfast concluded and the first light of dawn casting the Great Hall in a soft, golden hue, Apollyon felt a surge of anticipation for the day ahead. She remembered Professor Snape's recommendation from earlier that morning—the area near the Black Lake—as an ideal spot for her morning exercise. The thought of exploring the Hogwarts grounds, so rich in history and magic, added an extra layer of excitement to her plans.

Stepping out of the Great Hall, Apollyon made her way towards the castle's grand entrance, her footsteps echoing softly in the empty corridors. The portraits that lined the walls watched her pass, their expressions ranging from curious to approving, as if they too understood the significance of a student making the most of Hogwarts' many opportunities.

The cool morning air greeted her as she exited the castle, the grounds bathed in the soft light of dawn. The scenery was breathtaking, with the vast expanse of the Black Lake stretching out before her, its surface calm and mirror-like, reflecting the sky's changing colors. The Forbidden Forest loomed in the distance, a reminder of the untamed magic that surrounded Hogwarts.

Following the path that led down to the lake, Apollyon found the solitude she sought. The area was deserted at this early hour, the only sounds being the gentle lapping of water against the shore and the distant calls of magical creatures waking to the new day. The peace and quiet of the setting were exactly what she needed to focus her mind and body on the physical exertion to come.

Finding a flat, open spot near the water's edge, Apollyon began her workout. She started with a series of stretches, feeling the stiffness from the previous day's activities begin to ease. Then, she moved on to more vigorous exercises—running short sprints along the shore, doing sets of push-ups and sit-ups on the soft grass, and practicing defensive stances and movements that she hoped would serve her well in future Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

As she exercised, Apollyon couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of her surroundings. The Black Lake was a constant, mesmerizing presence, its depths hiding secrets and mysteries she hoped to one day explore. The castle, seen from this vantage point, was even more imposing, its towers and battlements reaching towards the sky, a testament to the centuries of magical learning it housed.

After completing her workout, Apollyon took a moment to sit by the lake's edge, catching her breath and allowing herself a moment of quiet reflection. She thought about her journey to Hogwarts, the trials she had faced, and the new beginning that lay before her. Here, in this moment, with the beauty of nature surrounding her and the promise of the day ahead, she felt a profound connection to the magical world she was now a part of.

As the sun rose higher, signaling the start of another day at Hogwarts, Apollyon made her way back to the castle, her spirits lifted and her body energized. The advice from Professor Snape, a suggestion that might have seemed inconsequential at the time, had led her to discover a perfect spot for solitude and reflection—a place where she could strengthen not just her body, but her connection to the magical world around her.

The tranquility of the spot by the Black Lake lingered in Apollyon's mind as she made her way back to her room beneath the water's surface. The early morning workout had invigorated her, grounding her in the reality of her new life at Hogwarts and filling her with a sense of purpose. The shower was a refreshing conclusion to her morning routine, washing away the remnants of physical exertion and leaving her feeling renewed and ready to face the day's challenges.

Dressed in her Slytherin robes, Apollyon double-checked her bag to ensure she had all she needed for her classes. Textbooks, parchment, quills, and an assortment of inks were neatly packed alongside her wand, a constant companion and a symbol of her identity as a witch. With a final glance around her room, ensuring everything was in order, she set off for her first class of the day: Transfiguration with the Hufflepuff House.

The corridors of Hogwarts were now bustling with activity, a stark contrast to the quiet of the early morning. Students of all ages and houses moved in a colorful, chaotic stream, their voices a cacophony of greetings, laughter, and the occasional groan at the prospect of an early morning class.

Apollyon navigated the crowd with a sense of anticipation. Transfiguration was a subject she had been particularly eager to learn, fascinated by the complexity and precision it required. The ability to change the form and nature of objects—or even oneself—was a testament to the power and versatility of magic.

Arriving at the classroom a little before the start of the class, Apollyon found it already mostly full, a testament to the popularity of the subject or perhaps the reputation of the teacher. She spotted an empty seat near the front and made her way to it, settling in and taking out her materials.

Her attention was immediately drawn to the cat sitting calmly on the teacher's desk, its green eyes surveying the classroom with an almost disinterested gaze. Apollyon knew, of course, that this was no ordinary cat. Professor McGonagall, the head of Gryffindor House and a witch of formidable skill, was renowned for her ability to transform into a tabby cat at will.

As the bell rang, signaling the start of the class, the cat's form shimmered and shifted, growing and changing until Professor McGonagall stood in its place. The transformation was smooth and effortless, a display of mastery that had the class erupting into applause. Apollyon watched, wide-eyed and impressed, a sense of awe filling her at the demonstration of such advanced magic.

"Good morning, class," Professor McGonagall began, her voice commanding attention as she surveyed the room with a keen eye. "Today, we will be delving into the basics of Transfiguration. Transfiguration is one of the most complex and dangerous subjects you will study at Hogwarts, requiring concentration, precision, and a deep understanding of the nature of the objects—or beings—you wish to transform."