
53. Last Stand and the Last Year

In the endless darkness of her mindscape, Apollyon felt a sense of foreboding as a shadowy form rushed towards her with menacing speed. Without hesitation, she instinctively reached for her wand, summoning her magical abilities to defend herself against the looming threat.

With a flick of her wrist, Apollyon cast a stunning spell, sending a burst of bright light cascading through the darkness. The spell struck true, engulfing the shadowy figure in a dazzling display of magical energy, causing it to falter and recoil in surprise.

Seizing the opportunity, Apollyon pressed forward, her movements fluid and precise as she unleashed a barrage of spells upon her assailant. Each incantation was a testament to her skill and determination, as she fought with unwavering resolve against the encroaching darkness.

As the shadowy form staggered under the onslaught of Apollyon's spellwork, she could sense a glimmer of triumph rising within her. She refused to be overcome by fear or despair, drawing upon her inner strength to vanquish the darkness that threatened to engulf her.

With a final burst of magical energy, Apollyon unleashed a powerful spell, channeling all of her resolve into a single decisive strike. The spell collided with the shadowy form, shattering it into fragments of dissipating darkness that scattered into the void.

As the echoes of her previous victory faded into the darkness, Apollyon remained on high alert, her senses keenly attuned to the ever-shifting shadows that surrounded her. Suddenly, from the depths of the darkness, two shadowy forms emerged, their outlines twisted with malice as they surged towards her with menacing speed.

Reacting swiftly, Apollyon summoned her wand once more, her movements fluid and instinctive as she prepared to face this new threat. With a sharp incantation, she cast a shield charm, creating a shimmering barrier of magical energy to deflect the incoming assault.

But the shadows were relentless, their movements swift and unpredictable as they closed in on Apollyon from all sides. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a barrage of stunning spells, each one aimed with precision at her shadowy assailants.

The first shadow staggered under the force of Apollyon's spellwork, faltering for a brief moment before regaining its composure and pressing forward with renewed determination. Meanwhile, the second shadow circled around her, seeking to exploit any weakness in her defenses.

Faced with the dual onslaught, Apollyon remained steadfast, her focus unwavering as she continued to fend off the relentless attacks. With each spell she cast, she channeled her resolve and determination, refusing to be overcome by the overwhelming sense of fear and dread that threatened to engulf her.

As the battle raged on, Apollyon could feel her strength waning, the relentless assault taking its toll on her physical and mental reserves. But she refused to yield, drawing upon the depths of her inner power to fuel her defiance against the encroaching darkness.

With a final surge of determination, Apollyon unleashed a powerful spell, channeling all of her remaining energy into a single decisive strike. The spell pierced through the shadows with blinding intensity, shattering them into fragments of dissipating darkness that faded into the void.

Breathing heavily, Apollyon stood amidst the remnants of her battle, her heart pounding with exertion and adrenaline. Despite the overwhelming odds, she had emerged victorious once again, reaffirming her resilience and courage in the face of adversity.

As the shadows continued to multiply, closing in on Apollyon from all sides, she felt her resolve waver under the relentless assault. Each shadow seemed to embody a different fear, feeding off her doubts and insecurities with malicious intent. With every moment, the darkness threatened to overwhelm her, suffocating her with its oppressive presence.

Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a sudden surge of power rippled through the darkness, dispersing the shadows like wisps of smoke in the wind. As the shadows recoiled from the unexpected onslaught, Apollyon felt a familiar presence at her side—a shadowy figure, her Obscurial, standing tall and resolute against the encroaching darkness.

With a defiant roar, the Obscurial unleashed a torrent of raw magical energy, driving back the shadows with unyielding force. Its form pulsed with an otherworldly power, emanating a sense of primal strength and determination that filled Apollyon with awe and gratitude.

With her Obscurial by her side, Apollyon felt a renewed sense of courage and determination. Together, they fought as one, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony as they repelled the shadows with a combination of spellwork and sheer force of will.

As the last of the shadows dispersed into nothingness, Apollyon and her Obscurial stood amidst the remnants of their victory, their bond stronger than ever before. In that moment, Apollyon knew that she was not alone in her struggle—that her Obscurial would always be there to stand by her side, guiding her through the darkness towards the light.


A week had passed since Apollyon had embarked on her journey within her mindscape, delving deep into the recesses of her soul to confront the shadows of her past. Each day brought new challenges and revelations as she forged connection after connection with her Obscurial nature, unraveling the traumas that had shaped her existence.

Within the confines of her mindscape, Apollyon faced her fears head-on, confronting the memories that had haunted her for so long. She relived the moments of abandonment and suppression, the echoes of pain and loneliness that had lingered within her for years.

But with each connection she forged, Apollyon felt a sense of healing wash over her, a gradual easing of the burden that had weighed heavily on her soul. It was a slow and arduous process, filled with moments of doubt and uncertainty, but Apollyon persisted, drawing strength from the resilience that lay at the core of her being.

As she faced the traumas of her past, Apollyon discovered a newfound sense of understanding and acceptance, both for herself and for her Obscurial nature. She learned to embrace the darkness within her, recognizing it not as a source of shame or weakness, but as a part of her identity that deserved to be acknowledged and embraced.

With each connection she forged, the bond between Apollyon and her Obscurial grew stronger, until they became inextricably intertwined, two halves of a whole united in their shared journey of self-discovery. Together, they faced the challenges of Apollyon's past, navigating the twists and turns of her inner landscape with courage and determination.

And as the days turned into weeks, Apollyon emerged from her mindscape transformed, her spirit lighter and her heart more resilient than ever before. She knew that the road ahead would still be fraught with challenges, but she faced the future with a newfound sense of hope and purpose, knowing that she was no longer alone in her journey.


As Apollyon stirred from her unconscious state, she became aware of a heated exchange taking place nearby. Blinking groggily, she struggled to focus her thoughts as she tried to make sense of her surroundings.

To her surprise, she found herself in a dimly lit room, with Dumbledore and Newt Scamander standing nearby, engaged in what appeared to be a heated discussion. Their voices were hushed but filled with urgency, their expressions tense with concern.

Before Apollyon could fully grasp the situation, a set of rough coughs erupted from her throat, interrupting the argument and drawing the attention of both men towards her. Dumbledore's eyes widened in surprise, while Newt's expression softened with relief as they rushed to her side.

"Apollyon, you're awake," Dumbledore exclaimed, his voice tinged with concern. "How are you feeling?"

Apollyon struggled to sit up, her head swimming with confusion and exhaustion. "I... I'm not sure," she managed to croak out, her throat dry and scratchy from disuse. "What happened?"

Dumbledore exchanged a worried glance with Newt before explaining, "You've been unconscious for quite some time, my dear. We were... discussing the best course of action for your recovery."

Newt nodded in agreement, his gaze lingering on Apollyon with a mixture of sympathy and concern. "We were worried about you," he admitted softly. "But I'm glad to see you're awake now."

Apollyon tried to piece together the events that had led to her current situation, but her memories were hazy and disjointed. She remembered the battles within her mindscape, the overwhelming darkness, and the unexpected intervention of her Obscurial. But beyond that, everything was a blur.

As she struggled to gather her thoughts, Apollyon couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the tension that lingered between Dumbledore and Newt. It was clear that they had differing opinions on what was best for her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that her fate hung in the balance.

However, she had managed to bond with her Obscurial, the two becoming one after the week of constant hard work.

Apollyon's revelation about bonding with her Obscurial seemed to shift the atmosphere in the room. Dumbledore and Newt paused, their argument dissipating as they processed the significance of her words. The notion of a witch not only surviving her Obscurial but also achieving a harmonious relationship with it was unprecedented. It offered a glimmer of hope, a potential breakthrough in the understanding of such dark and misunderstood magic.

"Is that so?" Dumbledore asked, his voice now calm, reflecting a mix of curiosity and admiration. "That is indeed remarkable, Apollyon. It suggests a depth of connection and understanding of your magic that we have yet to fully comprehend."

Newt's eyes sparkled with an academic interest that briefly overtook his concern. "Extraordinary," he murmured, leaning in closer. "The implications could be significant. Your experience could offer invaluable insights into the nature of Obscurials, insights that could change how we approach and support others like you."

Apollyon, though still grappling with fatigue, felt a surge of pride at their reactions. Her journey with her Obscurial, fraught with dangers and uncertainties, had led her to uncharted territories of magic. The realization that her experiences could contribute to a greater understanding and possibly aid others in similar situations brought a sense of purpose to the struggles she had endured.

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, this changes much. Apollyon, your courage and resilience have opened a door to possibilities we had scarcely imagined. It is essential that we proceed with care, but I believe your unique bond with your Obscurial warrants further study—study that respects your well-being and autonomy, of course."

Apollyon nodded, buoyed by their support and the potential to help others. "I want to understand more," she said, her voice gaining strength. "If my experience can help others, then I want to do whatever I can."

The tension that had once filled the room had transformed into a shared sense of purpose and excitement. While the road ahead would undoubtedly be filled with challenges and discoveries, Apollyon now faced it not just as an individual battling her inner darkness but as a pioneer on the frontier of magical knowledge.

As Dumbledore and Newt began to discuss the next steps, outlining a plan that would involve careful observation and collaboration with experts in various fields of magic, Apollyon felt a profound sense of gratitude.

As the school year progressed, Apollyon's journey through Hogwarts took on a new dimension, shaped by her unprecedented bonding with her Obscurial and the subsequent leap in her magical prowess. The once-daunting chasm between her and her darker half had transformed into a bridge, enabling her to tap into and harness a wellspring of magical energy that few could fathom. This newfound strength and control became the focus of her studies, both in her regular classes and in the solitary practice sessions she held in the ever-adaptable Room of Requirement.

The Room of Requirement, responding to her unique needs, became a sanctuary where Apollyon could safely explore the full extent of her abilities. Here, she learned to summon her Obscurial form at will, a feat that once seemed an impossible dream. The room provided an environment where she could experiment with this formidable aspect of her magic without fear of harming herself or others. Through countless hours of practice, Apollyon refined her control over the Obscurial, transforming it from an uncontrollable surge of dark energy into a powerful tool she could wield with precision.

Outside the Room of Requirement, Hogwarts life continued amidst a backdrop of growing unease. The news of Voldemort's attacks on various towns and wizarding communities cast a long shadow over the school. Conversations in the Great Hall, once filled with the mundane concerns of student life, now often turned to whispered discussions about the latest developments in the war. Apollyon, like her peers, felt the weight of these troubling times, but her unique experiences had also given her a perspective that was rare among her classmates. She understood, more than most, the nature of the darkness they faced—and the importance of standing against it.

Despite the turmoil in the wider wizarding world, Apollyon's academic year was marked by a quiet determination. She excelled in her classes, her increased magical capacity allowing her to grasp and apply complex concepts with ease. Professors, many of whom were aware of her extraordinary circumstances, watched her progress with a mix of admiration and curiosity. Apollyon, for her part, remained focused on her goal: to master her powers and to prepare for the challenges that lay ahead.

As the year drew to a close, Apollyon reflected on her journey. From the depths of fear and struggle with her Obscurial to the heights of magical discovery and personal growth, she had traversed a path few could imagine. The quiet of the school year was a deceptive veneer; beneath it, Apollyon had forged herself into a witch of formidable strength and resolve.

With Voldemort's shadow looming ever larger, Apollyon knew that the peace of Hogwarts was a temporary respite.