
51. The First Steps

Apollyon's return to Hogwarts, escorted by Dumbledore himself, felt both surreal and deeply comforting. The castle, with its towering spires and ancient stone walls, loomed ahead of them, a steadfast guardian through the ages. As they approached, the familiar sights and sounds of the school washed over Apollyon, a mixture of nostalgia and anticipation stirring within her.

The journey from the gates to the castle was made in silence, each step bringing Apollyon closer to a world she had temporarily left behind—a world of learning, friendship, and magical discovery. Yet, she was not the same person who had walked these grounds before. Her experiences, her newfound knowledge of herself as an Obscurial, and the weight of the responsibility she now carried, marked her return with a sense of gravitas.

Upon entering the castle, the warmth of the torch-lit corridors enveloped her, the flickering light casting dancing shadows against the stone walls. The familiar yet always mysterious atmosphere of Hogwarts seemed to welcome her back, an acknowledgment of her continued journey within its walls.

Dumbledore led Apollyon directly to his office, the journey through the castle's ever-shifting staircases a reminder of the school's living, breathing nature. The gargoyle guarding the entrance to Dumbledore's office sprang aside at their approach, revealing the spiral staircase that led to the headmaster's sanctum.

As they entered the office, the sight of the room's peculiar yet comforting clutter—the whirring silver instruments, the shelves laden with ancient tomes, and the portraits of past headmasters and headmistresses watching silently—offered Apollyon a sense of continuity amidst change. Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, greeted them with a soft trill, his brilliant plumage a splash of color against the room's subdued tones.

Dumbledore gestured for Apollyon to take a seat, his expression both kind and serious as he regarded her. "Your return to Hogwarts marks the beginning of a new phase in your education, Apollyon," he said, his voice resonating with the wisdom and authority that had guided countless students before her. "Here, within these walls, you will find the resources, the guidance, and the support you need to explore and master your unique abilities."

Apollyon listened intently, the magnitude of the opportunity before her not lost. She was at Hogwarts, not just to resume her interrupted studies, but to embark on a deeply personal quest for understanding and control—a quest that would challenge her in ways she could only begin to imagine.

Dumbledore's assurance of support, the promise of specialized instruction to help her navigate her relationship with the Obscurus, filled her with a sense of purpose and determination. Hogwarts was more than a school; it was a place where she could grow, learn, and perhaps find a way to harmonize the disparate parts of herself into a cohesive whole.

As the meeting concluded, and Dumbledore outlined the practical steps they would take in the coming days, Apollyon felt a profound sense of readiness. The daunting task ahead no longer seemed insurmountable but rather a journey she was prepared to undertake with all the fervor and determination she possessed. Dumbledore's plan involved a series of tailored lessons that would not only focus on harnessing her magical abilities but also delve into the psychological aspects of living as an Obscurial.

"These sessions will be unlike any traditional class at Hogwarts," Dumbledore explained, his eyes twinkling with an unspoken promise of the extraordinary. "We will explore ancient texts, forgotten magics, and delve into the very essence of what it means to wield magic. Your unique experience offers a rare opportunity for discovery, for both of us."

The thought of exploring realms of magic that few ever touched filled Apollyon with a mix of excitement and a slight apprehension. However, the trust she placed in Dumbledore, combined with her own unyielding desire to understand herself and her powers fully, outweighed any fears.

"To assist in this endeavor," Dumbledore continued, "I will be calling upon a few trusted colleagues, each an expert in their respective fields. Together, we will provide you with a comprehensive understanding and, hopefully, a mastery over your Obscurial nature."

As their meeting drew to a close, Dumbledore handed Apollyon a schedule, detailing the times and locations of her upcoming sessions. "Your regular coursework will continue, of course," he added, "but these special sessions will take precedence. I have informed your professors, and they are all understanding of your unique circumstances."

Stepping out of Dumbledore's office, Apollyon felt as though she was stepping into a new chapter of her life, one filled with challenges and learning beyond what she had ever imagined. The castle around her seemed to buzz with an energy reflective of her own internal excitement and determination.

As Apollyon made her way towards the Slytherin common room, the castle's familiar stones seemed to pulse with the same mix of anticipation and resolve that filled her. Being a Slytherin, her path had always been a complex one, marked by the preconceptions and biases that often came with the house. Yet, she had always known that true courage and strength lay in defining oneself beyond the bounds of such labels.

Navigating the corridors, Apollyon felt the weight of her experiences as both a challenge and a mantle she was ready to bear. Her identity as a Slytherin, intertwined with her unique status as an Obscurial who sought control and understanding rather than destruction, set her apart in ways she was only beginning to comprehend.

Reaching the entrance to the Slytherin common room, hidden behind a cleverly disguised portion of the damp dungeon walls, Apollyon whispered the password to the stone door, which slid open with a quiet hiss. The green-hued lights of the common room greeted her, casting their underwater glow across the luxurious interiors that had always felt like a second home.

The common room was abuzz with the usual early-term excitement, but her entrance drew a noticeable pause in the conversations. Her disappearance and the rumors that had swirled in her absence had not gone unnoticed by her housemates. Slytherins, ever curious and strategically minded, watched her with an intensity that spoke of their interest in the complexities of her situation.

However, Apollyon was not deterred. If anything, she understood the importance of standing firm in her truth, of showing her housemates that being a Slytherin was about more than ambition and cunning—it was about resilience, loyalty, and the pursuit of greatness, even in the face of adversity.

Understanding Apollyon's unique position within Slytherin house, as well as her relationship with Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis, provides a deeper context for her journey. Despite the traditional Slytherin values that often prioritize pure-blood status and cunning, Daphne and Tracy represent a more open-minded segment of the house, one that values individual merit over lineage. Their acceptance and treatment of Apollyon as an equal, despite her being Muggle-born, underscores the complexity and diversity within Slytherin that often goes unacknowledged.

As Apollyon stepped into the common room, the silent pause that greeted her was quickly broken by Daphne's approach. "Apollyon," she said with a nod of acknowledgment, her tone devoid of the curiosity or wariness that marked some of their peers. Tracy followed close behind, offering a small smile that spoke volumes of their understanding and acceptance.

"We heard about your... adventures," Daphne continued, choosing her words carefully. The rumor mill within Hogwarts was relentless, but Daphne and Tracy had learned to sift through the gossip for the grains of truth.

Apollyon offered a wry smile, appreciating their straightforwardness. "Adventures is one way to put it," she replied. "It's been a complicated summer."

Tracy, ever the more openly friendly of the two, leaned in slightly. "If there's anything we can do to help, or if you just need to talk, we're here," she offered. It was a simple statement, but coming from her housemates in Slytherin, it held significant weight.

Their conversation was a brief respite from the swirling questions and rumors, a moment of normalcy amidst the extraordinary circumstances of Apollyon's life. While they didn't delve into the details of her experiences or her unique status as an Obscurial, the implicit support offered by Daphne and Tracy was a reminder of the nuanced bonds that could form within the house.

As the trio moved to find a quiet corner of the common room, away from prying eyes and ears, Apollyon felt a sense of solidarity. Here, in the heart of Slytherin territory, she found not isolation, but connection—not because of her extraordinary circumstances, but in spite of them. Daphne and Tracy treated her as they always had, as a fellow Slytherin navigating the complex waters of Hogwarts life.

Their conversation turned to more mundane matters—upcoming classes, professor quirks, and the ever-present challenge of balancing schoolwork with the demands of house expectations. For Apollyon, it was a welcome return to the day-to-day realities of being a Hogwarts student, a reminder that life continued amidst the chaos.


The next morning found Hogwarts bathed in the soft, golden light of dawn, the castle awakening to the sounds of students stirring and preparing for the day ahead. For Apollyon, however, this morning was unlike any other. Today, she was to meet with Dumbledore once again, but this time, they would be joined by someone whose expertise was both rare and invaluable—Newt Scamander, a renowned magizoologist with personal experience dealing with Obscurials.

Feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness, Apollyon made her way to Dumbledore's office. The thought of meeting Newt Scamander, whose work she had read about in her Care of Magical Creatures classes, added an extra layer of excitement to the apprehension she felt about discussing her Obscurial nature. Newt's understanding of such beings, derived from compassion and a deep-seated respect for all magical creatures, made him uniquely qualified to offer insights into her condition.

As she approached the gargoyle that guarded the entrance to Dumbledore's office, Apollyon took a deep breath, steadying herself for the conversation ahead. With a muttered password, the gargoyle leaped aside, and she ascended the moving spiral staircase, her heart beating a steady rhythm of anticipation.

Upon entering the office, she found Dumbledore and Newt Scamander already deep in conversation, surrounded by the familiar clutter of Dumbledore's many curiosities. Newt, a man of gentle demeanor and keen intelligence, turned to greet her with a warm, understanding smile.

"Ah, Apollyon, thank you for joining us," Dumbledore said, his voice imbued with the calm authority that always seemed to fill the room with a sense of peace.

"Miss Seraphina, it's a pleasure to meet you," Newt added, extending his hand. "I've heard quite a bit about your remarkable journey, and I'm here to help in any way I can."

Apollyon shook his hand, feeling a surge of gratitude for the support of these two remarkable individuals. The three of them took their seats, and Dumbledore began the meeting with a brief overview of the purpose of their gathering—to explore and better understand the nature of Apollyon's Obscurial identity and to discuss strategies for managing and harnessing her powers.

Newt listened intently as Apollyon shared her experiences, nodding thoughtfully at various points in her narrative. When she finished, he spoke with a kindness that immediately put her at ease.

"Obscurials are profoundly misunderstood beings," Newt began, his voice soft yet firm. "Your survival and the control you've demonstrated over your powers are extraordinary. It's clear that your situation is unique, and it offers us an invaluable opportunity to learn—not just about Obscurials, but about the potential for coexistence and harmony between a wizard and their inner magical essence."

The conversation that followed delved into the depths of magical theory, exploring concepts of self-awareness, emotional regulation, and the bond between a wizard and their magic. Newt shared insights from his own experiences, drawing parallels between caring for magical creatures and understanding the nature of an Obscurial.

Dumbledore, ever the guiding light, outlined a plan for Apollyon's ongoing study and practice, incorporating Newt's suggestions into a tailored program designed to help her not only control her powers but to thrive.

As the meeting concluded, Apollyon felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. The path ahead was daunting, filled with unknowns and challenges, but with the support of Dumbledore and the expertise of Newt Scamander, she felt prepared to embark on this journey of self-discovery and mastery.


The meeting in Dumbledore's office took a turn towards the practical application of the theoretical knowledge that had been shared. Dumbledore and Newt Scamander, each a master in his respective field, proposed a daring but potentially enlightening exercise for Apollyon: to enter her mindscape under their guidance and protection, and confront the inner Obscurial that dwelled within.

The very idea was daunting. Entering one's mindscape—a deeply intimate and often unpredictable realm of magic—required not just skill but immense courage. The prospect of facing the Obscurial, a manifestation of her darkest fears and most tumultuous emotions, added a layer of complexity and danger to the task. Yet, Apollyon understood the necessity of this journey. To gain control and perhaps even harmony with the Obscurial, she needed to confront it directly.

Dumbledore prepared the room for the procedure, drawing protective runes on the floor around the chair where Apollyon would sit. He explained that these runes would safeguard her physical form while her consciousness navigated the depths of her mind. Newt, meanwhile, prepared a series of potions designed to ease the transition into and out of the mindscape, as well as to provide a tether back to the physical world.

"Remember, Apollyon," Dumbledore said, his voice both reassuring and serious, "you are not alone in this. Newt and I will be here, monitoring your progress and ready to intervene should you require assistance. The connection between a wizard and their magic is profound; it is the core of your being. But it can also be understood, negotiated with. You have shown remarkable strength in facing what many could not. This is but another step in your journey."

Newt offered a supportive smile, his eyes conveying a confidence in her that bolstered her own. "And remember," he added, "the creatures I study, no matter how fearsome they might appear, are often simply misunderstood. Approach your Obscurial with the same openness, and you may find more common ground than you expect."

With their words echoing in her mind, Apollyon took her place in the center of the runes and drank the potion Newt had prepared. As the potion took effect, she felt her consciousness slip from the confines of the physical room, guided by the practiced incantations of Dumbledore and the gentle encouragement of Newt.

Entering her mindscape was like stepping into a world made of memories, fears, and desires—a realm where the boundaries of reality blurred, and the subconscious held sway. Apollyon moved through this landscape with purpose, seeking the part of her that housed the Obscurial. The world around her shifted, responding to her thoughts and emotions, until she found herself facing a dark, swirling mass of energy that pulsed with a life of its own.

In the depths of her mindscape, Apollyon stood before the dark, swirling mass of energy that represented her Obscurial. This manifestation of her deepest fears, suppressed emotions, and raw magical power was both intimidating and mesmerizing. It seemed to exist in a state of constant flux, its shadows ebbing and flowing like the tide, pulsating with an almost hypnotic rhythm. Despite the inherent danger it represented, Apollyon couldn't help but feel a connection to it, an acknowledgment that it was a part of her, however tumultuous.

From a safe distance, she observed it, her heart beating steadily as she took in the sight. The Obscurial's presence was overwhelming, a physical representation of the turmoil that had existed within her for so long. Yet, standing here in the mindscape, she felt a sense of detachment that allowed her to view it without the usual fear or desperation. This was her opportunity to understand it, to learn its nature and, perhaps, to find a way to coexist with it.

The air around the Obscurial seemed to crackle with dark energy, yet Apollyon remained protected by the safeguards Dumbledore had put in place. She could feel the silent support of both Dumbledore and Newt, their magic and presence a comforting reminder that she was not alone in this endeavor. Their guidance had led her here, to this confrontation with her inner darkness, but it was up to her to take the next step.

Apollyon took a deep breath, steadying herself. She reached out with her mind, tentatively at first, trying to establish a connection with the Obscurial. She approached it not as an enemy but as a part of herself that had been misunderstood and feared for too long. In her heart, she carried the hope that understanding and acceptance could lead to a transformation, not just for the Obscurial but for herself as well.

As she focused her thoughts on communication and empathy, Apollyon sensed a shift in the Obscurial's energy. It was subtle at first, a slight lessening of the tension that had seemed an inherent part of its nature. Encouraged, she continued to project feelings of acceptance and a desire to understand, to find a path forward where they could coexist in harmony.

The Obscurial, for so long isolated and combative, seemed to respond to Apollyon's overtures. The swirling darkness began to slow, its chaotic movements becoming more deliberate, as if it were trying to communicate in turn. Apollyon could sense the confusion, the pain, and the power within it, aspects of herself that she had struggled to accept.

As Apollyon's connection with the Obscurial deepened, a delicate dance of understanding and caution unfolded between them. The swirling mass of dark energy, once erratic and threatening, moved with a newfound purpose, as if mirroring Apollyon's cautious curiosity. It was a tentative interaction, each wary of the other's reaction, yet driven by an underlying desire for reconciliation and understanding.

Apollyon extended her consciousness further, wrapping it gently around the edges of the Obscurial, careful not to intrude too forcefully. She conveyed a sense of empathy, acknowledging the Obscurial's pain and fear as her own. She felt the Obscurial quiver under her mental touch, its dark energy pulsating with what could only be described as surprise and confusion. For so long, it had been met with rejection and fear, never compassion and a willingness to understand.

In this mindscape, where thoughts and emotions manifested with tangible intensity, Apollyon sensed the barriers between her and the Obscurial beginning to blur. The dark energy that had once seemed so alien now echoed her deepest insecurities and traumas, reflections of the very struggles that had shaped her. It was a revelation, understanding that the Obscurial's fury and pain were born from years of suppression and misunderstanding.

Gradually, the space between them filled with a silent exchange of memories and emotions. Apollyon shared her experiences, the moments of fear and isolation that had marked her journey, but also her moments of triumph and connection. In return, the Obscurial revealed glimpses of its own existence—bursts of raw, uncontrolled magic born from desperation, but also a profound sense of loneliness and a longing for acceptance.

This exchange, though wordless, fostered a fragile bond between Apollyon and her inner darkness. She began to understand that the Obscurial was not just a manifestation of her magic gone awry but a part of her that needed healing and integration. It was a daunting realization, but also a liberating one. The path to harmony lay not in suppression or eradication but in acceptance and understanding.

As their interaction continued, Apollyon felt the Obscurial's resistance wane, its movements becoming less guarded and more fluid. It was as if the Obscurial itself was learning to trust, to believe in the possibility of a coexistence free from the constant turmoil that had defined their relationship.

In this moment, suspended in the ethereal landscape of her mindscape, Apollyon made a silent vow to the Obscurial—to no longer view it as an adversary but as an integral part of her being that deserved compassion and a chance to thrive. This commitment marked the first step in a journey of mutual healing and discovery, one that would require patience, bravery, and an unwavering belief in the possibility of change.

As the connection between Apollyon and the Obscurial gently disentangled, signaling the end of their encounter, she felt a profound sense of peace. For the first time, she looked towards the future with hope, not just for herself but for the misunderstood part of her that had found a voice in the darkness.


Emerging from the depths of her mindscape felt like surfacing from a deep, immersive dive into an ocean of her own psyche. Apollyon's transition back to the physical realm was gradual, the layers of her consciousness peeling back slowly until the familiar contours of Dumbledore's office materialized around her. The entire day had passed in what seemed like moments within her mind, yet the profound experiences she had undergone would leave an indelible mark on her soul.

As her senses reacclimated to her surroundings, Apollyon became aware of Newt Scamander standing before her, his expression a blend of curiosity and concern. Dumbledore was nearby, observing quietly, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the monumental journey Apollyon had just undertaken.

"Welcome back, Apollyon," Newt said, his voice gentle, breaking the silence that had enveloped the room. "How do you feel?"

Apollyon took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. The encounter with her Obscurial had been unlike anything she had ever experienced—a journey fraught with vulnerability and discovery, but also with a budding sense of hope. "It was... enlightening," she began, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions she was still processing. "I didn't confront it directly, not in the way you might expect. It was more about... presence. Letting it know I'm here, that I want to understand and help. And it seemed to want the same."

Newt nodded, a flicker of satisfaction in his eyes. "That's a significant first step," he acknowledged. "Obscurials are often driven by fear and a sense of isolation. By reaching out, by offering a sense of connection, you're laying the groundwork for a relationship based on mutual understanding rather than conflict."

Dumbledore stepped forward, his presence commanding yet comforting. "Your approach, Apollyon, is testament to your strength and compassion. You've shown remarkable resilience and an inherent desire to seek harmony within yourself. This journey is far from over, but today, you've made crucial progress."

Apollyon absorbed their words, the weight of the day's achievements settling in. Her interaction with the Obscurial, tentative though it had been, marked a turning point in her understanding of herself and the power she wielded. It was a delicate balance, one that would require continuous effort and introspection, but for the first time, Apollyon felt a tangible sense of optimism about the path ahead.

Newt, sensing the profound impact of their conversation, offered a supportive smile. "Your journey with your Obscurial is unique, Apollyon. And while there's much we can learn from books and research, your personal experiences are invaluable. You're charting a new course, not just for yourself but potentially for others like you."

The realization that her experiences might someday help others facing similar struggles brought a new level of purpose to Apollyon's quest. Armed with the knowledge that she was not alone, that she had the support of Dumbledore, Newt, and the broader wizarding community, Apollyon felt ready to continue her journey of self-discovery and mastery.

As the meeting concluded, Apollyon left Dumbledore's office with a renewed sense of determination. But for now, she was hungry. Having gone all day without eating, as she headed for dinner.