
49. Calm before the Storm

For Apollyon's first mission with the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore and the senior members decided on a task that, while relatively safe, was crucial to the Order's efforts against Voldemort. The mission involved the surveillance and magical mapping of suspected Death Eater activity in a small, wizarding village on the outskirts of Hogsmeade. This village had recently seen a spate of unexplained magical disturbances that the Order suspected might be tied to the Dark Lord's supporters gathering or using it as a pass-through point for their operations.

Apollyon was to accompany Tonks and Remus Lupin on this mission, both of whom had extensive experience in covert operations and could provide her with the guidance and protection needed for her first foray into the field. The objective was clear: observe and gather information without being detected, and, if possible, identify any known Death Eaters or suspicious activity.

Before departing, Lupin briefed Apollyon on the importance of stealth and vigilance. "We need to move quietly and keep our magical signatures to a minimum. The goal is to see without being seen. If we do this right, they'll never know we were there," he explained, emphasizing the need for caution and precision.

Tonks added, "And we'll be using Disillusionment Charms to blend in. Keep close and follow our lead. Any sign of trouble, we pull out immediately. Your safety is our priority on this mission."

Under the cloak of night, the trio set off, their forms blurred by the Disillusionment Charms, making them nearly invisible to the naked eye. Upon arriving at the village, they split up to cover more ground, with Remus taking the north side, Tonks the south, and Apollyon assigned to the central area, where she could be quickly reached by either.

Moving silently through the shadows, Apollyon focused on detecting any unusual magical signatures or gatherings. Her training with the Order had sharpened her senses, allowing her to pick up on subtleties she might have missed before. The village was quiet, too quiet for a typical evening, which in itself was suspicious.

After an hour of surveillance, Apollyon noticed a faint, but distinctly dark, magical residue near one of the houses—an indicator of recent spellwork that bore the hallmarks of dark magic. Using a spell she had learned from her time with the Order, she carefully collected a sample of the residue for analysis, ensuring not to disturb anything that could alert potential watchers.

Apollyon, mindful of Lupin's earlier briefing, approached the task with a blend of curiosity and caution. The faint but distinct magical residue she discovered was a crucial piece of evidence, potentially providing insights into the nature of the activities carried out by the Death Eaters in the village.

Understanding the importance of the find, she first ensured the area was secure, casting a subtle detection spell that Master Eldrin had taught her over the summer. This spell was designed to reveal any nearby magical observers or alarms that might have been placed around the location. Confirming that she was alone and unwatched, Apollyon proceeded with the next steps.

Utilizing a delicate containment charm, she encapsulated the magical residue, preventing it from dissipating or being altered before analysis. The charm created a small, glowing orb around the residue, sealing it within an invisible magical barrier. She carefully stored the orb in a specially prepared vial, which was designed to preserve magical samples. This vial was one of many she carried in her pouch, a precaution for the collection of potential evidence during missions.

Once the sample was secured, Apollyon documented the exact location using a miniature magical mapping device. The device, another tool from her training with the Order, allowed her to mark the spot on a detailed map of the village, noting the time and nature of the residue found. This meticulous documentation was essential for the Order's strategists and researchers, who would later analyze the data to identify patterns or specific threats.

With the sample collected and the location documented, Apollyon used a subtle erasure spell to remove any signs of her presence. She blended back into the shadows, her Disillusionment Charm still in effect, and made her way towards the rendezvous point with Tonks and Lupin.

As they reconvened, Apollyon shared her findings, presenting the vial with the contained magical residue. Lupin and Tonks examined the sample with keen interest, recognizing the significance of her discovery. "Well done, Apollyon," Lupin praised, his voice low but impressed. "This could give us valuable insights into their operations here."

Tonks nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a mix of satisfaction and concern. "We'll need to analyze this back at headquarters. Good work keeping a low profile. This is exactly the kind of intelligence we need."

The trio made their way back to the Order's safe house, their mission accomplished without alerting the Death Eaters to their presence. Having gained a lot of data, even a small amount from Apollyon herself.

The successful return to the Order's safe house with valuable intelligence in hand marked a significant achievement for Apollyon. Her first mission, albeit seemingly modest in scope, had demonstrated her capability to contribute meaningfully to the Order's efforts against Voldemort. The collection of the magical residue, along with the precise documentation of its location, provided the Order with critical data that could potentially uncover new insights into Death Eater activities.

As they gathered in the safe house's debriefing room, the atmosphere was one of quiet intensity. Members of the Order, including some who had not been part of the mission, listened intently as Apollyon, Tonks, and Lupin recounted their findings. The vial containing the magical residue was passed around, each member examining it with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"This sort of residue isn't common. It suggests a level of dark magic that we need to be particularly wary of," one of the Order's researchers commented, peering closely at the glowing orb within the vial. "I'll need to conduct a thorough analysis, but this could indeed point us towards their next potential target or reveal more about the spells they're favoring."

Dumbledore, present for the debriefing, nodded his approval at the team's work. "Every piece of information brings us closer to understanding our enemy's intentions. Apollyon, your contributions today have been invaluable. You've shown great promise and a commendable dedication to our cause."

Apollyon felt a swell of pride at Dumbledore's words, tempered by the gravity of the situation. The mission had not only been a test of her skills but a stark reminder of the dangers they all faced. It had solidified her resolve to stand against the darkness, to learn and grow stronger.

The discussion turned to strategies and countermeasures, with the team brainstorming ways to use the newly acquired intelligence to disrupt Death Eater operations. Apollyon listened, absorbing the wealth of experience and knowledge shared by the Order's members. She offered her own insights where she could, feeling more and more like an integral part of the team.

As the meeting concluded, Lupin and Tonks offered Apollyon words of encouragement and advice for her next steps. "You did well today, but always remember, constant vigilance," Lupin said, echoing Mad-Eye Moody's oft-repeated mantra. "The path ahead will be fraught with challenges, but you're proving yourself more than capable."

Tonks, with a grin, added, "And keep that curiosity and quick thinking of yours sharp. It's going to serve you well."

Walking away from the debriefing, Apollyon felt a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration.

With the successful completion of her first mission, Apollyon's role within the Order of the Phoenix began to evolve. She was no longer seen simply as a young member under training but as a valuable asset capable of contributing meaningfully to their efforts. This shift in perception among the Order's members opened up new opportunities for Apollyon, granting her access to more complex operations and deeper involvement in strategic planning.

In the weeks that followed, Apollyon found herself increasingly called upon to participate in a variety of missions. Some involved reconnaissance, similar to her first, where stealth and observation were key. Others required more direct engagement, such as disrupting Death Eater communications or safeguarding important magical artifacts from falling into the wrong hands. Each mission tested her abilities, pushed her to new limits, and deepened her understanding of the intricate dance between light and darkness.

Amidst these responsibilities, Apollyon continued her magical education with the same fervor. Her evenings were often spent in study or practice sessions with members of the Order, each willing to share their expertise and experiences. From Kingsley, she learned advanced defensive spells and how to maintain focus under duress. Remus further honed her dueling skills, teaching her to anticipate her opponent's moves and counter them effectively. Tonks, with her Auror training, offered lessons in disguise and infiltration techniques, invaluable skills for covert operations.

The Order's safe house became a second home to Apollyon, a place where she felt both challenged and supported. The camaraderie and shared purpose among its members provided her with a sense of belonging that she had not fully experienced before. Yet, the gravity of their situation was never far from her mind. The news from the wider wizarding world spoke of increasing attacks, of fear and division sown by Voldemort and his followers. Each report served as a grim reminder of what was at stake and the reason behind their relentless fight.

As Apollyon's skills and confidence grew, so too did her resolve to stand against the darkness.

In the midst of her evolving role within the Order of the Phoenix, Apollyon found herself on a quiet walk with Tonks, discussing the nuances of a recent mission and the potential strategies for their next operations. The air around them was filled with the tranquility of the evening, a stark contrast to the turmoil that lay just beneath the surface of their daily lives. It was a rare moment of peace, one that Apollyon cherished, especially in the company of Tonks, whose spirit and resilience inspired her.

Their conversation, rich with shared experiences and mutual respect, was suddenly interrupted by the urgent arrival of a Patronus. The silvery form of a wolf, unmistakably Lupin's Patronus, appeared before them, its message clear and dire: "Lupin has been injured—stabbed by a bewitched Muggle. He's being treated at the Potter house. Immediate assistance required."

The tranquility of the moment shattered, replaced by a surge of adrenaline and concern. Without a word, Apollyon and Tonks exchanged a look of understanding, their training kicking in as they hurried back to the Potter house. The news of Lupin's injury was a stark reminder of the dangers they all faced, not just from the Death Eaters but from the unpredictability of their enchanted surroundings.

As they arrived at the Potter residence, they found the house transformed into a makeshift medical ward. Members of the Order, faces etched with concern, moved about with purpose. Lily Potter, skilled in healing magic, was tending to Lupin, her concentration intense as she worked to stabilize his condition.

Apollyon's heart clenched at the sight of Lupin, pale and weakened, lying on a makeshift bed. Despite the gravity of the situation, his eyes met hers, a flicker of his usual resilience shining through. "I'll be alright," he managed to say, his voice a mere whisper.

Tonks was immediately at his side, her usual vibrant demeanor replaced by one of deep concern. "What happened, Remus?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lupin's response was halting, as he recounted the encounter with the bewitched Muggle—a seemingly random attack that had caught him off guard. The Muggle, manipulated by dark magic, had wielded a knife with unnatural precision, catching Lupin unprepared and inflicting a serious wound.

As Lily continued her healing spells, Dumbledore coordinated with other members of the Order to ensure the safety of their location and to investigate the source of the bewitched Muggle. The incident was a chilling reminder of the lengths to which their enemies would go, using innocent people as weapons against them.

Throughout the night, Apollyon remained at the Potter house, offering her support wherever needed. The attack on Lupin had reinforced her understanding of the stakes involved in their fight against Voldemort. It wasn't just the battles against the Death Eaters; it was also protecting their own from the insidious reach of dark magic.

Lupin's condition stabilized, thanks to Lily's expertise and the collective efforts of the Order. The incident, while deeply unsettling, served to strengthen the bonds among them. For Apollyon, it underscored the importance of her commitment to the Order and the fight against the darkness.

In the days that followed, Apollyon's resolve hardened. The attack on Lupin was a grim reminder of the reality they faced, but it also served as a catalyst for her determination. She continued her training and her missions with renewed vigor, each day growing stronger and more adept.


As the summer neared its end, and with the Hogwarts term fast approaching, the Order of the Phoenix planned one final mission for Apollyon—a mission that would utilize her growing expertise and mark a significant step in her involvement with the Order's activities. This mission was not only a test of her abilities but also a crucial effort in the ongoing struggle against Voldemort's forces.

The briefing took place in the dimly lit study of the Potter house, with several key members of the Order gathered around an ancient wooden table. Maps and various documents were spread out before them, illuminated by the flickering light of candles. Dumbledore presided over the meeting, his presence both commanding and reassuring.

"Apollyon," Dumbledore began, his voice steady, "your progress over the summer has been remarkable. You've shown great dedication and skill, qualities that make you well-suited for the task at hand."

He gestured towards a map of a coastal area, its cliffs and coves marked with meticulous detail. "We have received intelligence that a small group of Death Eaters plans to smuggle a cache of dark artifacts into the country, using one of the secluded coves along this stretch of coastline as their landing point. These artifacts are of considerable dark power and could prove disastrous in the wrong hands."

The seriousness of the mission was not lost on Apollyon. The smuggling of dark artifacts was a direct threat, one that could bolster Voldemort's forces and undermine the safety of the wizarding world.

"Your mission," Dumbledore continued, "will be to intercept these Death Eaters before they can complete their transaction. You will be accompanied by Tonks and Kingsley, both of whom have extensive experience with this type of operation."

Tonks, sitting across from Apollyon, offered a reassuring smile, her demeanor confident yet focused. Kingsley, ever the stoic Auror, nodded his agreement, his gaze meeting Apollyon's with an unspoken promise of support.

Dumbledore's eyes met Apollyon's, conveying a depth of trust. "Discretion is paramount. The success of this mission depends on your ability to act swiftly and silently. We must prevent these artifacts from reaching Voldemort's hands without alerting the Death Eaters to our knowledge of their plans."

Apollyon absorbed the details of the mission, the weight of responsibility pressing upon her. Yet, within her, a fire of determination burned. The training and challenges of the summer had prepared her for this moment, and she was ready to stand in defense of the wizarding world.

As the briefing concluded, and the members of the Order rose from the table, Apollyon felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning, she found Lupin, recovered from his injury and standing beside her. "Be careful, Apollyon," he said, his voice imbued with a warmth that belied his concern. "Remember, the strength of the Order lies not just in our magic, but in our unity and our resolve."

Apollyon's response to Lupin's cautionary words was tinged with her characteristic mix of seriousness and light-hearted resolve. "I'll be careful, Remus," she said, a determined glint in her eye. "After all, I've got two of the best with me. How could we possibly go wrong?" Her attempt at humor in the face of danger was a testament to her courage and the strong bonds she had formed with the Order members.

With a final nod to Lupin and a deep breath to steady herself, Apollyon turned to join Tonks and Kingsley. The trio stepped outside into the cool night air, the stars overhead a silent witness to the gravity of their mission. With precise coordination, they focused on their destination and, in the next moment, Apparated away, leaving behind the safety of the Potter house for the uncertainty of the coastal mission.

The immediate sensation of the cold sea breeze and the distinct smell of salt filled Apollyon's senses as they arrived at the shore. The moonlight danced across the waves, providing a natural, albeit faint, illumination of the secluded cove. It was a picturesque scene, marred only by the sinister purpose that brought them there.

Tonks and Kingsley wasted no time in setting up their positions, their wands at the ready as they surveyed the area for any signs of the Death Eaters' arrival. The plan was simple: hide, wait, and observe until the smugglers made their drop, then apprehend the Death Eaters when they came to collect the dark artifacts.

Apollyon found herself taking a deep breath, trying to calm the adrenaline that surged through her. Despite the tension, she felt a sense of clarity. Her training, both from the summer and the guidance she had received from the Order, had prepared her for this. She was ready to face whatever the night would bring.

The waiting was the hardest part, each passing minute stretching on as they kept their eyes peeled for any movement or magical signature that might indicate the smugglers' or Death Eaters' approach. Apollyon used the time to recall the strategies and spells she might need to deploy, running through various scenarios in her mind.

Finally, after what seemed like hours but was likely much less, there was a faint popping sound in the distance, followed by hushed voices. The Death Eaters had arrived. From their hidden vantage point, Apollyon, Tonks, and Kingsley could see a small group of cloaked figures making their way towards the cove.

This was it—the moment of action they had been waiting for. Apollyon felt a surge of focus as she gripped her wand tighter, ready to spring into action on Kingsley's signal. The mission was about to shift from a silent vigil to a direct confrontation, and every lesson, every piece of advice, every moment of training she had undergone flashed through her mind. She was no longer just a student or a novice; she was an active participant in the fight against darkness, standing shoulder to shoulder with some of the bravest witches and wizards of her time.

The calm before the storm was over. It was time to act.