
Bright Academy

School for gifted students is an understatement. Bright Academy was a school on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean. Felix Oppong was one of the over thirty students in the forty square kilometer sized college, for good reason...

Felix_Kunjan · SF
285 Chs


Alex hydroteleported onto his bed with all his feelings aroused, that woman was irresistible, both in bed and on the lips.

He turned to his side then yelled when he saw me there.

He then stuttered,"Wh...how? How did you sneak up on me?"

"Fourth dimension, you don't have control over that yet."I said.

He groaned then said,"You really have to teach me everything you know but, what can I do you for?"

I looked at him with a deadly serious expression on my face then asked,"So how was your night?"

"Oh it was amazing! Did you know Priscilla is fluent in twelve different local and continental languages? She graduated high school three years early and has a PhD in Psychology, without a light! That woman is amazing."He said, his eyes fluttering like butterflies.

"Don't you think all these skills could be used to seduce men to get what she wants?"I asked.

"Well, yeah, I guess, but I don't think she will do something like that to me."

"Why? Because you are Africa's most eligible bachelor? Dude, she's a gold digger and I don't want you to get hurt, her plan may not be to dump you now but who knows, maybe after you get a child who has your features, she'll dump you like a rotten bottle gourd."I said.

He was silent and I hated hurting him, especially when I didn't want her to do it, but I needed to tell him the truth, or maybe show him, so I said,"Fine, I'll conduct a test on her, read her mind and any thoughts she could have or even had in the past, but if I find even one bad thought against you, I will not spare her."

"Okay bro, calm down, it was supposed to be me doing the worrying but fine, I...she, accepts your challenge."He said, shaking my hand then pulling me in for a hug.


Alexa looked at Drake, shocked as he smiled at her then said,"No, no, no, no, you can't do this, I can't take it."

"Please Mrs Carter, you are the heiress to the camp and it is your right and responsibility to take custody of it when you are able to, I'll be glad to be the back up."Drake said.

"But you've worked so hard being the principal."She said.

"Not as hard as you've worked during that time, I know all you've been through, all the stress, the secrets, betrayal and everything, I will be honoured if you were to take back the camp we all will."He said,"Madam, is something wrong?"

"Alexa?"Curtis called.

"What?"Alexa asked as she snapped back into reality.

She had been daydreaming about the camp being returned to her as that was her dream but the thing was... everything she said, he

had worked so hard for it and she couldn't just snatch it from him and drop him like that.

Drake then asked,"Madam, what do you need to say to me?"

Curtis was also waiting as she smiled then said with a wink and a double thumbs up,"I just wanted to say you've done a wonderful job with the camp keep it up."

"Thank you madam, this means so much coming from you."He said.

Alexa left with Curtis, who was shocked.

Curtis then asked,"I thought you wanted to take back the camp."

Alexa smiled then said,"It's a long story but he deserves it more than I do and, my children are the only inheritance I need, and you are the only heir."

He smiled as she kissed his lips then the children stampeded over them, knocking them down like a group of rugby players.

They hugged their parents till Alexa gasped as she saw Catherine walking with Titus holding her hand.

Alexa smiled as she saw him wearing the emblem as a necklace...which was glowing gold, she figured he made it do that.

He then greeted Alexa and Curtis, who were still on the floor, in a more polite way than usual.

Curtis stood up quickly but Titus helped Alexa to her feet then Catherine said,"Mom, dad, Titus has something important to tell you."

They looked at him as he said,"The reason I had abused your daughter, whom I loved so much so, and why I was so rude to you all when we first met, was of an event that happened in my past, a great genocide happened before my very eyes where my entire tribe was wiped out by the Wathamban army, the last words my mother said to me, before she was killed before my very eyes were the same ones Catherine said to me, in my mother tongue, Mr and Mrs Carter, I am ready to move on from my past and show Catherine the love she deserves, and, have joined the camp as a boarding student."

Alexa hugged him then said,"We are nothing like those people, and never will be and, thank you for your decision, on all our behalf."

Curtis, with his arms folded, said,"But if you do hurt my daughter again, you will have to answer to me."

Alexa stomped on his foot hard but Titus said,"Mrs Carter, don't worry, I actually deserved that and Mr Carter, you don't have to worry because I will never hurt her again."

Curtis smirked and said,"That's good enough for me."