
Bride's Grudge

Radella Amadeus Yori was only number two in the family. All the attention was on Jessica Yori-her parents' favorite sister. She became the savior of her parents' pride by replacing her as a replacement bride. Her happiness is again disturbed when her sister reappears and wants to snatch Dominic Toretto from her life. In the end, Radella had to let her marriage fall apart after Jessica claimed to be pregnant with her husband's child. Disappointed, she decided to leave and seek happiness in solitude. Until finally she found peace in a man who was able to make her laugh without a sense of burden. However, another trial came when her sister again wanted to destroy her happiness. Not only did Radella have to lose her happiness just to save the family name. However, she also had to mentally prepare for when her boyfriend eventually found out about the marriage and was hurt. She had to experience all kinds of problems after marrying a man who was supposed to be her brother-in-law. Not to mention, Dominic, who thinks he is being played by Jessica, and thinks Radella's parents actually know the departure of her first child. He takes out his heartache on Radella and makes the girl live like hell. However, in the end he falls in love and doesn't want to lose her. Radella's inner turmoil when Jessica returns and does not accept the marriage between Dominic Toretto and her. She considers Radella a traitor and uses her departure to snatch Dominic. Jessica does everything she can to get him back, including confessing her pregnancy to make Radella and Dominic's marriage run aground. Unfortunately, the older sister who was supposed to defend her wanted her dead. Jessica chooses to collaborate with several people to eliminate her by making her have a single accident until the car she is traveling in goes into a ravine. However, God still protected her. Radella was saved by someone who would eventually help her avenge Jesica's crimes against her. Radella chooses to change her accident-damaged face and starts learning business with a cold and ambitious man. She will reclaim what her sister took from her in her own way. Even though she has to put aside the feelings of longing that are sometimes still present.

Black_Roz · 都市
146 Chs

Why me?


"I hate you, Radella! I should be the one getting the sweet treatment from Dominic and his parents. Not you! Argh! I hate you!"

Jessica broke the glass to vent her anger at what had happened earlier. She was so jealous of how Dominic was treating Radella - the sister who was now married to her ex-fiancé - as lovingly as he had treated her in the past. 

She was angry at herself for being so foolish as to leave Dominic only because of the seduction of an illicit lover who had actually forced her into prostitution and sold her. In fact, she was ready to leave Dominic to become an international model. 

"Jessica, stop it! You're going to destroy everything in this house if you behave like this. Calm down!" Her mother said, already in tears.

"This is all because of you! If you hadn't been so stupid and married Radella to Dominic, none of this would have happened! I hate you!" Jessica shouted at her mother.


There was a moment of silence after Theana Yuri suddenly slapped Jessica's face. The woman looked nervous and tried to approach Jessica and apologise. But her favourite daughter's harsh words hurt her deeply.

"J-Jessica. Please forgive me. I-it's not what you think. I really didn't mean to hit you. I-"

"I hate you, Mummy! You slapped me because of Radella! I really hate you, you bloody woman!" Jessica shouted, running into the room and slamming the door violently.

"Jessica, please forgive me, my love. I promised to bring Dominic to this house and to marry you. But please don't hate me," Theana begged.

Theana ran to the door and tried to open it. But Jessica had locked it so that she could only scream the name of her daughter, who had been hurt by the treatment of Dominic and his family earlier. The eyes of her heart were blind because she loved Jessica so much that she blamed and cursed Radella.

"What an ignorant child! You are no longer my daughter, Radella. You've managed to make Jessica cry and blame me. I really hate you, Radella!" Theana said, overcome with emotion.

I don't know why Theana hated Radella so much. After all, she was her daughter too. But the affection the woman had for Jessica was far greater than for Radella herself. She seemed to be hiding a secret about her two daughters.

Later that evening, as the three family members sat down to dinner, Jessica spoke to Dominic again about Radella's departure from her parents' home. Especially after learning that it was her father who had given the man permission.

"Why did Dad ask Dominic to take Radella out of our house? After all, we only met today after I left a few years ago," Jessica asked, glancing at her father, who was still concentrating on his food.

"You should know. Radella is married and it's only natural for her to do what her husband says. Have you forgotten that, Jessica? Oh, I forgot, you're not married. So you don't know the rules," the man replied, as if satirising his own daughter.

"Hans! You shouldn't say that to your daughter. She is …"

"Why? Is there something wrong with my explanation? Or are you deliberately changing the rules that have been in place for a long time? Aren't you a wife? Didn't I take you away from your parents' house after we got married?" asked Hans Yori to his wife, who bowed with emotion.

"I understand that. But ..."

"I'm done. If you still want to talk about Radella, you and Jessica should ask Dominic yourself. If his husband allows it, then Radella will stay here. But if not ... you both already know the answer," Hans Yori said, ending the unfinished meal because he was too lazy to argue with his wife and daughter.

The silence returned. Jessica decided to continue the meal, feeling a little out of sorts. This time she was annoyed and angry with Radella. In her mind, her little sister had successfully incited everyone to hate her. Even though her biological mother did not share her hatred, she still felt upset.

"Jessica dear. Why are you stirring your food? Finish it quickly and you can rest," Theana said quietly.


"I'm not a child anymore, Mummy! There is no need to boss me around. I can decide for myself. You'd better grant my wish quickly. Or I will leave this house and never come back," she threatened.


Theana could only let out a long sigh as her daughter walked away without saying anything. Even if it was just to say good night. Once again, she blamed Radella for what had happened in her home.

"You're too much, Radella!" She said emotionally.

Meanwhile, the subject of the conversation was laughing happily with her in-laws and husband during dinner. She didn't feel awkward at all and was actually able to balance her conversation well. Of course, this was a plus for Dominic, who had never experienced this when he was dating Jessica.

"I never thought you could break the ice, Radella. Really, I never expected you to be my wife. But now. I'll never let you go," Dominic said silently, looking at his wife who was smiling sweetly.

"So when are you going to give us grandchildren? Don't wait too long. Remember, Mum and Dad are old," his father asked Dominic.

"None of us are delaying, Dad. Maybe God wants us to get to know each other a little longer. After all, Mum and Dad are not old," Dominic replied jokingly.

"This is the second year of your marriage, Dominic. How can you be so casual about it?" His dad said again.

"Honey, don't push her too hard. Don't you see how Radella looks now?" Dominic's real mum said more sensibly.

"I-I-It's ok,, Mum. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you the good news. But we're both still trying," Radella said, feeling bad.

"I'm sorry too, Radella. I'm just afraid that something might happen to your marriage. Besides, your older sister, who is Dominic's ex-fiancée, is back. It is possible that she will take the lead as our son's fiancée," the father-in-law said, explaining his worries.

"Mum and Dad, just relax. I assure you that Jessica will never be able to interfere with our domestic bliss. If she dares to interfere, I will report her to the authorities," said Dominic with emphasis.

Both Dominic and Radella were not without problems that would disturb their peace and happiness. However, they both chose to hold back and be patient when dealing with Jessica. Because the woman will definitely do everything in her power to destroy them both.

"I hope Kak Jessica and Mama will not create problems that will destroy my household. I must be more careful," Radella said to herself.

"Radella, for the time being it's better if you don't go to your parents first. Hans - your father - won't let you come without Dominic or Kaki," her father-in-law said, passing on his message.

There was a feeling of sadness that she wouldn't be able to see her parents, especially her father, for a while. But she chose to heed her father's message rather than let anything happen to her and her household. 

"Mum's had enough of me being Jessica's shadow. Now I have Dominic. He will definitely protect me from any danger," Radella said, looking at Dominic, wh

o smiled and held her fingers.

"I love you, Radella."

"I love you too, Dominic."