

My y name is Isuke Tachinaro I was born on 2150 July 23rd. my parents weren't the rich type, they were like umm... poor. So that was just basic information. Like I said before I'm starting from the beginning.

Human technology became advanced and no one needs to leave their house for anything. But before now the world was invaded by aliens and monsters from different universes, which later led to the mating of humans and monsters resulting in what we call crossbreed. But there are a lot of people who aren't close by in this world, take my parents and me for example. But there were monsters and the establishment of dungeons so the world decided that they should establish a guild that helps in the clearing of Dungeons and defeating monsters. They are called the GUN association which stands for

G - Guardians


U - United

N - Nations

Unfortunately, neither my father nor my mother was a crossbreed. Bummer isn't it, just wait till you hear the worst part everyone in my school was a crossbreed. I was always picked on in both elementary school and middle school, and when it was time for high school my parents didn't have enough money so I had to move to the city to learn a trade so I could start high school and the worst part was I had to go alone and eventually finish high school and yes I was bullied again. And now it is time for university.