
Breaking the boundaries

What will you do if you were chosen to protect everyone?, Will you run away or you will Fight until the end? This is the story of the Man who were once the weakest and became the ultimate killing machine.

Divine333999 · SF
9 Chs

Starting Point

"Nice to meet you Zen Ainsley, I will be your driver and I will be the one who's going to take you to Gaia University"

"Umm... Hi, nice to meet you too"

I replied nervously

"Have you already prepared all of your things or stuff so that we now go?"

"I still haven't pack my Clothes and Stuff yet"

"Here's your Bag Zen"

My Mom walks towards me and she was carrying all of my bags.

"Ohh.. Never mind my Mom already prepared it all"

"Be careful ok"

She asked me with a very sad look on her face.

"I'm not a kid anymore Mom, I'm already 15 Years old"

"And yet your still very irresponsible"

Irresponsible?,the word that I always hated, hearing it always makes me angry, it's just like an insult.

"Geez, Alright I have to go now"

"I putted your phone inside your bag so Call me when you get there? Okay"

"Yeah don't worry Mom, your the one who's so excited and now you're being paranoid?"

Seeing her being paranoid is just a fact that she really loves me and cared about me,but sometimes seeing her like that scares me.

"Of course I'm worried because we won't be able to see each other for a long time"

My mother hugged me so tight and it felt so warm and as she let me go, I saw her tearing up a little bit.

"I love you Mom, you should also take care and Goodbye"

Those were my last words before leaving and finally breaking out of my daily morning cycle.

"Ok son I will"

I know that my Mom will be just fine but something scares me, I don't what it was but I'am sure that something bad will happen.

I tried to ignored it and I opened the car's door and sat down and closed it, but that unusual feeling is still bothering me.

"Are you ready to go now?"

Lance asked.


Lance started the Car and we drove away and as I looked back I saw my Mother waving her hand and crying while smiling and It felt so sad seeing her cry and saying Goodbye and I'm also so glad that I know how proud my Mom really is to me and how caring and loving mother she is.

And after driving for a minute, Lance ask me a question.

"Tell me Zen, do you actually know why the Gaia University is a very prestigious school?"

"Ummm... The only thing that I know is that, the Gaia University is only for the people who are Talented,Smart and Rich and powerful"

"Well you aren't wrong but the reason why it is so Prestigious was because they will teach you different things that is beyond what you can imagine and beyond what you can comprehend"

I really doesn't get what he meant but I'm still worrying for something, something bad and it's probably just because I accidentally passed the exam, we'll sort of and I'am not really that smart so probably they might kick me out, well even though I'm not that smart, the only thing that I need in this world to survive is Common sense,Plans and Patience.

"Gulp*, Ummm..Is it true that there's only 100 Students studying at Gaia?"

I asked nervously.

"Well Yeah but currently there's only 75 student because the last batch already Graduated, So basically you are one of the next batch and there can only be a total of 100 students and that's because that's the only total of students what the University can teach"

"Ohhhh and I also forgot, There's actually only a 3 year Level"

"Ummm.. What are they?"

"1st Years are called as Beginners, 2nd Years are Experts and 3rd years are Masters"

And after Lance explaining those things to me, I asked him a question and I asked.

"So there's only only 33 students each Year?"

"Yup, Wow you are actually smarter than you look, no wonder you were able to pass the test"

Well I didn't exactly passed the exam and that's just basic Common knowledge and logic but whatever.

"I thought there's a 100 students, So what happens to the other 1 student?"

"The other 1 student would be in a special class because there's also Class or Rankings depending on your Performance"

I'm screwed if they found out that I lied, I'm dead for sure,Not exactly dead but I'am pretty sure I might get a punishment.

I always hated rankings especially if it's base on your performance but that's the point, Rankings serves as a Goal for students, they are studying for a better grade,fame, and to not to disappoint their own parents, I always hated people who are trying their best just to please others but the thing is, I'am also the same.

"Ummm..Can I ask what are the Ranks?"

"It's better if you will going to know it yourself"

"You should sleep or take some rest because it's going to be a long ride"

"Yeah Sure, don't worry I will"

4 hours later...

Ahhhhh.... Fuck it, it's been 4 hours and we aren't even there yet, and I'm already so tiered and sleepy, maybe I should just take a little nap.

A couple of hours later...

"Wake up Zen,We're here,"


"We are finally here at Gaia University"


I opened the door and stepped out, I looked at my around and the only thing that I can see are tress, it's just like where on a middle of nowhere and there's a Gigantic gate Infront of me.

And I asked Lance where we are.

"What is this place?, I thought we're supposed to go to Gaia University and Why I'm only seeing a Huge Gate?"

"This is The Gaia University, You just have to open the gate and see it for yourself"

Lance was acting really suspicious but I still opened the gate and after I opened it, I saw nothing but a bright white Light, a light that is so bright that it can blind anyones eyes miles away and after that Lance pushed me towards the gate.

"Hey, What the hell are you doing?"

"It's time for you to enter"

Lance smiled at me and his smile totally creeps me out and can bring chills through my spine

"Wait wha...."

And after that the only thing that I know is that I was getting consumed inside the gate and as I was getting consumed inside the gate,my body felt an incredible sensational pleasure.

"What is this place?"

I woke up and I saw a people, people that looks like my age and an Old Man sitting on a Throne.

at that time I was scared but excited at the same time.