

Lawrence Flyn was many things. Served in the army during WW2, he took place in many battles. He wasn't particularly strong or even incredibly skilled with guns. For the longest time he didn't know why he lived, when so many friends of his died. At the Omaha Beach, he saw so many of his fellow soldiers cut down by enemy fire and explosions. During his time out of the army, many of his fellow soldiers had died from their debilitating injuries. He found out though. He survived, not due to his skills or strength, but because of his unstoppable will and madness. He hadn't cared for his life since he was a young boy. Father leaving him with a sick Mother. He took any job a child could do but in the end, his Mother still died. Trying to move on with his life, he fell in love eventually. But she too was killed during their trip to Hawaii when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. He joined the army, not out of patriotism, but hate. His spite for the world grew like a fire from that day on. Hoping for himself to die in the war, he never got his wish. The years went on but still, his spite never left him. It wasn't until the year 2010 at the tender age of 95 that he finally saw his foolishness. All that bitterness and hate he carried made him miserable. Life was unfair, but one should never give up on the smallest chance to be happy. In his retirement home he began to make friends with the other residents. Finding hobbies and talking with them. Eventually, he got into anime. It was introduced by one of his friend's Grandsons when he visited. He used the time he had left to indulge in the shows made by the Country he loathed until just recently. He spent the rest of his days comfortably, waiting to be reunited with his Lover once again when he finally passed on in 2018. That was what Raven Branwen remembered right after killing the Maiden to acquire her powers. She fell to her knees and shivered with tears in her magically blazing eyes. "Wh..What have I.. done..?"

Saeko_Kaburagi · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

Familicide II

"Huh..?" Jackie asked, dumbfounded at the woman's casual dismissal of her wounds and question.

Raven shook her head with a laugh. "So you are. What kind of dumbass sees a fight so intense that it vaporizes part of the fucking ocean and goes 'Yeah bullets will work' on one of the participants in that fight?"

Hearing Raven mock him for stupidly believing bullets would work on her, Jackie snorted. "Well aren't you a fucking catch? Honestly, any other day and I'd probably be ogling you and agreeing. But, thing is.. You're tryin' to kill the only thing I give a fuck about anymore. So forgive me for the shortsidedness"

As he finished talking, armor made of Darkness shaped over his form and transformed his twin pistols into demonic weapons that channeled the powers of the Darkness. Raven grinned and licked her lips as she realized her next target. The Witchblade hungrily gazing at her Father as two serpentine forms sprouted from Jackie's back. Jackie glanced behind at the recovering Angelus and cursed under his breath.

"Why the fuck do I need to get involved in this family shit.." He muttered, firing at Raven to buy Jenny more time to properly recover.

Unfortunately for him, she created a barrier of hard light that stopped the empowered bullets before backhanding him into a ruined building that was recently submerged in water. Raven huffed, walking towards the American man as he pulled himself out of the debris none too worse for wear. Cursing, he stood up yet again and dodged a punch from Raven that started to crack the already weakened building. A serpentine head slammed into her body and smacked her away from him.

"𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊.. 𝖘𝖍𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖌. 𝕱𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖍𝖊𝖗, 𝖓𝖔𝖜! 𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙!" The Darkness raged in his mind, making Jackie shake his head.

"Fuck. You. I'm saving Jenny" Jackie declared before sprouting dark wings and flying after Raven.

He continued to shoot at her as she smirked and maneuvered away from him while on the ground. Seeing as how guns weren't doing much, he summoned short dark beings all around Raven and dived straight down at her while she was busy.

"You know.." Raven started talking casually, splitting a Darkling vertically in half with her arm blade.

"I'm getting bored. The Angelus was a better fight, truly" Raven ducked under Jackie's punch and grabbed him by his face before slamming him head first into the ground.

This seemed to really enrage The Darkness, as it lashed out at Raven with its spiked tendrils as soon as Jackie hit the ground. Raven suffered a few cuts but stood here and severed a black tendril with her arm blade while scoffing at the weak attempt.

"You're limited by your human hosts, is that it? Though I imagine that's how you subvert Divine Laws. Just as the brothers did. If this is all, I'll simply wrap this up and kill the both of you now" Raven started walking towards the recovering Angelus but stopped five seconds in when she felt an intense wrath coming from both Jackie and The Darkness.

Jackie stood up as the sky became overcast. It was now evening and the power emanating from Jackie increased over five times and was still rising. On his armor formed blades akin to the Witchblade's and claws at the ends of his fingers. He stepped back into a shadow and instantly disappeared. Raven felt danger immediately and raised her armblade to block Jackie's as he appeared behind her, only to rocket back from the unexpected super strength he displayed. She dug her heels into the ground and stopped after a kilometer of sliding.

"Darkness.. I propose a temporary truce. Until we deal with our unruly child and this interloper" The Angelus stood back up, completely healed and radiating an equally intense power as she stood beside Jackie.

"Psh.. He agrees. Then you and I are gonna talk about Jenny" Jackie responded with a sneer.

Raven's previous expression changed into a grin as she watched the two forces of Light and Dark team up against her. The Witchblade seemed extra excited as it empowered her with its Light powers it plundered back from her Mother. A desire to be complete was transmitted over to Raven, who licked her lips as the armor shifted on her body, creating extra plates and snugly fitting to her form.

"Haah.. I'm going to have to grab Salem after this fight.." Raven muttered with a sadistic grin.

~"Hoho.. Our Lust authority is quite strong right now. Show them just how much"~ Pride cooed.

A scarlet vapor seeped off Raven's body, working in conjuction as more crimson markings appeared on her skin. Raven took a running stance and launched herself as soon as she saw two enormous arrows of Light and Dark fly at her from The Darkness and Angelus' positions. Her wings tucked themselves in as she leapt in between the two arrows, grasping them both despite being energy constructs and flew into the two Gods at breakneck speed. Striking the Angelus with the Dark arrow and the Darkness with the Light arrow, she was pleasantly surprised when they managed to block without expending much effort.

"Where was this a few minutes ago!? I'm insulted you'd disrespect me like that by holding.. 𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞!" Raven shouted as she broke through their blocks and kicked Jackie through an apartment.

The Angelus stabbed Raven in the stomach while she focused on Jackie and channeled her power through her blade. The light glowed intensely and burned Raven again, though far from the severe burns she suffered earlier. She saw Raven's crooked grin as the glow died down before a swift roundhouse rocked her jaw and nearly broke her neck. Raven felt danger once again, swiftly moving her body back and avoided a decapitation from Jackie, who teleported into her shadow behind her.

"Useful trick" Jackie heard her say before she brought fortg an ultra bright flash of light from her hand that she shoved in Jackie's face.

This had the effect of burning away his serpentine heads temporarily. Which Raven capitalized on by digging her claws into his ribs and picking him up. Black blood began to pour down her arms and started dripping on her face and chest as the Witchblade greedily devoured it. Raven clenched her fingers, drawing more blood and a pained yell from Jackie, who summoned a Darkness channeled pistol and shot Raven in the head, making her drop him.

"Fuck..!" Jackie coughed as he started healing.

The Angelus flew back to support him as he kept shooting Raven's body with his Darkness channeled pistol. The Angelus paled as she saw the Witchblade start to change once more. As it had when she absorbed her golden blood. She could tell, the Witchblade was close to evolving.

"Kill her from afar!! It must not get our blood!" The Angelus screamed at Jackie before raining down hundreds of Light spears on Raven.

"𝕾𝖍𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙. 𝕳𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗!!" The Darkness screamed, panic evident in its voice as well.

Jackie summoned countless demons that began to swarm Raven while she was busy doing her best to dodge the spears. Seeing as how they were going all out to kill her from afar, she cracked a smile and unleashed her Lust authority in its fullest. Bloodlust. Her muscles gained clearer definition and the Witchblade itself glowed a soft scarlet color as she ran into the horde of demons without a care. The armblades cut, stabbed and ripped them to pieces. The blades on her legs and heels crushed and smashed aside the raining spears as she moved at incredible speed. The blades attached to her hair gored demons and used them as unwilling bullet shields.

Both the Darkness and the Angelus both realized their strategy wasn't going to work. No, not only that but it was making her stronger.

Seeing as how the situation was becoming far worse than they could anticipate, they both gathered a monstrous amount of their energy and unleashed it upon Raven. Raven looked up at the two and realized it was too late to avoid it.

Taking a gamble, she let the demons swarm her. She was quickly piled upon by hundreds, if not a thousand demons. She suffered slashes and bites but held on until a massive combined energy of both Gods came down upon her.

A strange sight was seen all over Tokyo. A pillar of half white and black had descended from the sky and destroyed the ruined area of inner Tokyo.


"Oh my god... what on Earth could have even done that..?" Reina asked, staring wide eyed out the window with Yang.

"I.. I think it was that lady" Yang bit her lip and answered.

"Oh.. I'm so sorry, little one" Reina tried to console her, thinking Raven had to have been killed from such an attack.

Yang shook her head and looked up at the doctor.

"No. Mom's alive. And I think she's..." Yang hummed as she thought of the correct words.

"Hurt?" Reina asked, still watching the pillar as it shrunk until it disappeared.

"Nope. I think the word is 'pissed off'" Yang laughed with a pitying shake of her head.

-Tokyo crater-

Nothing was left in the center of Tokyo but a smoking crater and a huge hole bored into the earth's crust. The two hosts flew down to the ground cautiously. Though they relaxed, seeing Raven in the center with bloody wounds and the Witchblade cracked in several places. The Darkness stepped forward and created a sword out of the Darkness. The Angelus did the same with her Light. Both looked to the other and nodded, stabbing Raven's chest without any fanfare or posturing.

"It's done.. The host is dead" The Angelus sighed in relief, seeing the rising of Raven's chest stop.

"There, I helped your fucking family drama. Now return Jen-" As they both looked away, their throats were grabbed by Raven, who stood up quickly.

The blades in her chest rapidly being absorbed by the Witchblade along with her wounds. Though she looked annoyed as she watched the flailing hosts she had in her grasp. Her claws sunk into their neck flesh and their blood was sucked into the armor.

"N...N.." The Angelus sputtered in terror.

"𝕮...𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖙... 𝖒𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖓𝖔𝖙..!" The Darkness spoke, trying its best to escape.

"You know.. That was an effective strategy. Long range.. Keep me from flying.. Keep me from simply running. Not a bad idea. But I personally hate it. Too scared to fight me face to face, so you send waves of underlings and attacks from afar. Cowardice.." Raven spat out, hearing them choking on their blood as the two gods were slowly pulled into her hands.

The Witchblade hummed in bliss as the armor gained a black color. Now, it was a mux of black, gold and red. Now, it was fully restored to its full power. Raven's annoyance was mitigated by the sheer elation the Witchblade was transmitting through her mind. She snorted as both the entities of Light and Dark manifested in her hands. She dropped Jackie and Jenny unceremoniously and stared at the swirling, yet contained primordial beings.

"...Wh... What did.." Jackie coughed, looking up at Raven on his knees.

"I took them. The Darkness and The Angelus both. You? I don't care about you. You did all that for your lover. So take her and piss off" Raven turned away, walking away from the smoking crater center.

Jackie looked over to his lover and saw her unconscious but breathing, if a bit injured. He covered his mouth and brought her into his embrace as tears fell down his eyes. A feeling of gratitude washed over him as he watched Raven walk away.

"Thank you.." He muttered, running his hand through the unconscious Jenny's hair.

~"Crush them.. Kill them both... take their cores.. I am grateful, Raven"~ The Witchblade spoke clearer now, having been fully awakened.

"Gladly" Raven smirked and crushed the essences in her hands, savoring the screams as the Primordials perished.

All that remained were two spheres containing their residual powers. One a white light, the other a black abyss. Raven hummed and kept them for later. The Witchblade sighed in satisfaction and attempted to hug Raven, despite being worn by her.

The armor tightly clung to her form, though it was far more comfortable than metal constricting her. Raven felt it press into all of her erogenous areas and gasped as she was 'hugged' by her new companion.

"I'm grabbing Salem... haa... as soon... as I return.." Raven covered her reddened face and muttered, hearing a laugh from Pride.

~"Wear the Witchblade while you do. I'm sure there are certain.. applications you can use"~ Hearing that, Raven's smirk grew.

-Garden of Corrupted Sin-

Salem was shopping for lingerie when she suddenly shivered in excitement.

"Hmmn.. Is Raven thinking about me?" She licked her lips in anticipation.

[Sorry about my posting frequency. Work is.. well, work. Been doing more stuff. Anyway, thanks for reading!]