
Branded - (RWBY)

An arctic fox Faunus tries to make her way in a hard life of an international terrorist after being liberated from a mining camp by the same group. (This synopsis needs to be redone will hapen sometime soon.) This is the first fic I’ve ever written so please give any insight you have into making this better because i mainly wrote this to get better so i aim to increase the quality and length in each chapter:) This will be a yuri fic if you don’t like that its ok just know you probably wont like this. And i have a friend who I would like to shout out for helping with editing this but he refuses to give me his account name to do so but if i can coax it out of him i will put it here. Haha i got something out of him i would like to shout out my friend Mr.TheBaker on fanfiction.net his fic language of letters is really good you should check it out. (I do not own rwby or any of its characters and world i only own my original characters) Thx:) Btw sorry if the uploads are sporadic I’m kinda useless at being consistent This is also posted on fanfiction.net under the same name

Angel_1860 · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

Ch:19 Corridor

Thalia didn't know what to make of Maru taking off to slaughter the company executives and leaving a fuming Atlas specialist behind for the two of them, but she did know one thing - a fuming Atlas specialist was trying to catch up to her fox-eared temporary teammate, and she had been tasked in helping to stall her.

Aurora attempted to turn around only for her entire perspective to be filled with a large purple disc; now standing before her was Thalia, wielding a giant axe, her hat nowhere in sight.

Aurora growled, "Get out of my way."

Thalia smirked with complete false bravado, she then threw her axe up as it started to transform, landing in her hand in the form of her hat flew off and landed at her feet. She picked it up and put it back on, bowing. "Sorry, can't do that. Because frankly, the fox scares me more than you."

The sound of a chain unfurling sounded behind Aurora as Sienna pulled out her Cerberus whip and stood in a ready stance. "Today is the day you will pay for your crimes, Frost."

Aurora's eyes flickered with a mix of frustration and anger as she faced the duo blocking her way. Thalia maintained her defiant smirk while Sienna cracked her whip, the chains hissing through the air with a menacing sound.

"You think you can stop me?" Aurora sneered, her icy aura intensifying. "I'll crush anyone who gets in my way, even you two."

Thalia chuckled, twirling her transformed axe with a surprising level of dexterity. "You're welcome to try, but good luck."

Sienna cracked the whip again. "We're not here to trade words, Frost. Your reign of terror ends now."

Thalia lunged forward, swinging her massive axe at Aurora, who swiftly conjured a barrier of frost to deflect the attack. The clash between Thalia's brute force and Aurora's ice manipulation created a chaotic spectacle in the corridor.

Sienna, ever agile, moved around the skirmish, her whip snapping with precision. She aimed to entangle Aurora, limiting her mobility. However, Aurora's control over ice allowed her to evade the strikes and create icy constructs to fend off Sienna's relentless assault.

Aurora unleashed a freezing blast that forced Thalia to backpedal, giving her a moment to regroup. Sienna seized this opportunity, her whip whirring faster as she aimed to ensnare Aurora once more.

Moments before it reached Aurora, the end of the whip was covered in a thick layer of ice, stopping its momentum. Sienna disconnected the end and activated the fire dust inside, sending a burst towards Aurora.

The fire had been muted only by the ice, forcing Aurora to retreat; she was then forced to block a heavy slash from Thalia.

Aurora let off a large icy blast, forcing the two Faunus to retreat slightly, allowing her to regroup herself.

Aurora took advantage of the momentary reprieve, her breath visible in the frigid air as she recalibrated her strategy. Thalia and Sienna maintained their defensive stances, eyeing the determined specialist.

Aurora remarked, a cold smirk playing on her lips. "You're more resilient than I expected. But resilience won't save you from the inevitable."

Thalia scoffed, her axe gleaming with a faint aura. "We're not afraid of your threats, Frost. You're the one who's about to learn the true meaning of defeat."

Undeterred, Sienna cracked her whip again; the chainheads sizzled with restrained energy. "Your time of reckoning has come."

With a swift motion, Aurora created a swirling vortex of ice around her, preparing for a powerful offensive. The temperature in the corridor dropped rapidly, and frost coated the walls, creating an otherworldly spectacle.

As the icy storm intensified, Thalia and Sienna exchanged a quick glance, silently reaffirming their resolve. Thalia charged forward, her axe raised high, while Sienna unleashed a barrage of fire-dust powered projectiles from her whip.

The clash between ice and fire painted a vivid picture in the narrow corridor. Thalia's strikes were met with intricate ice formations or blocks from her stave, each swing countered with calculated precision. Sienna's fiery assault, on the other hand, managed to pierce through the icy defenses, creating steamy explosions upon contact.

Aurora, however, remained composed amidst the chaos. She redirected Thalia's attacks with fluid movements, her control over frost proving to be a formidable defense. Sienna's fiery onslaught, while effective, only seemed to fuel Aurora's determination.

The battle raged on as the trio was locked in a dance of elements. Thalia's brute force clashed with Aurora's calculated ice manipulation, while Sienna's fiery whip sought to unravel the frosty defenses.

As the standoff continued, annoyance flickered across the faces of both parties. Thalia noticed her direct approach wasn't working, so she decided to try something else. Calling out to Sienna, she lifted her axe and twirled it back into its hat form.

Thalia held her hat out in front of her, smiling toward Aurora as she asked. "You wanna see a magic trick?"

The question confused both older women. Aurora narrowed her eyes, not expecting a theatrical display in the midst of their clash. Sienna, intrigued by the unexpected turn, stepped back as Thalia continued to hold her hat.

With a dramatic flourish, Thalia turned her hat upside down and reached inside. As if defying the laws of physics, she began pulling out an array of objects - flowers, colorful scarves, and even a rubber chicken. The incongruity of the situation momentarily left both Aurora and Sienna bewildered.

Aurora's icy vortex wavered as she tried to comprehend the surreal spectacle unfolding before her. Thalia, with a sly grin, pulled out one last item from her hat – a bouquet of vividly glowing flowers.

"Ta-da!" Thalia exclaimed, holding the radiant bouquet aloft. The sudden shift from intense combat to whimsical entertainment left Aurora momentarily stunned.

Sienna stood dumbfounded by the turn of events. Thalia, seemingly pleased with the reaction, took a theatrical bow while still holding the glowing bouquet.

Aurora, however, quickly regained her composure, her frustration turning into determination. The icy storm around her intensified once more as she prepared to resume the battle.

Thalia smirked, then threw the bouquet and dropped to the ground, yelling, "Hit the deck!" as she did.

The bouquet flew through the air towards Aurora's location. Sienna's eyes widened in realization as she reacted quickly, kicking a door open and jumping inside.

Aurora didn't have time to react as she watched the bouquet get closer to her; it was hit by what seemed to be a flaming arrow, which glowed slightly brighter before the entire corridor was engulfed in a blazing inferno.


A/N: Sorry this is a couple of days late I haven't been feeling to well over this week and my dog being the dumbass that he is cut his paw causing him to need stitches so had to deal with at, so sorry for being a bit late.

Word Count: 1097


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