
Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Have you ever felt like you wanted to live a new life as someone else? Have you ever desired to experience a new life without the limits that our daily lives always put us through? Have you ever had the crave for adventure and to soar across endless horizons? Brand New Life Online, a new Full Dive VRMMO promised to make all these dreams come true. Said to be a brand-new experience at life, an incredibly realistic game and acclaimed to be fantastically complex yet simplistic enough for just anybody to understand and enjoy, this virtual reality game quickly took over the entire world of video games, with new players soaring the tens of millions in its first year of launch! Elayne, a young mother, is suddenly thrown into this game because she wanted to reconnect with her daughter, but she’ll quickly find herself delving into endless conflicts, fights, action, and a world filled with history and mysteries… Will our protagonist be able to progress through these challenges all while taking care of her farm, protecting the forest, and also seeking her daughter? Who knows? Maybe she’ll even end up defeating a World Boss! Over 100000 Words available for FREE! Daily Chapters Note : Vote for the Novel for extra weekly chapters. 100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week 200 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week 500 Power Stones = 3 Extra chapters per week 10 Golden Tickets = 1 Extra chapters per week 20 Golden Tickets = 2 Extra chapters per week 50 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra chapters per week

PancakesWitch · ファンタジー
1154 Chs



(Elayne's POV)

Just as we were enjoying a meal, suddenly someone just ran down the stairs at fast speed!


But at the end, it resulted to be a… person? No, a wooden golem thing… Wait, that's not it either.

What's this? I checked the status of it and… Huh?


[Player Name]: [Titan8]

[Gender]: [Male]

[Title]: [Ent Forest Savior]

[Fame]: [1]

[Race]: [Ancient Ent: Lv17/20]

[Job Class]: [Druid: Lv17/20]


Oooh?! It's a player! I never thought I would find a player out of nowhere like this! A-Amazing and he's an Ent! Aren't they the opposite of Dryads? To think I would finally find another player other than Rita who we arranged a meeting with!

"You're a player! Nice to meet you, Titan!" I said, quickly standing up. Acorn flew to my side and jumped over me, hugging my chest.

"Lady Planta, I was looking for you! Why didn't you come to the village?" Cried Acorn, as I smiled gently and petted his head.

"I am sorry dear, I was busy with my friend, this is Rit- Achlys!" I said, showing Rita to Acorn. "She's a good friend of mine… in the realm of the gods out there."

"Oooh! Y-You're also a messenger of the gods, lady Achlys?!" Asked Acorn, jumping around towards Rita, as she giggled a bit by how playful and fluffy Acorn was.

"Hahaha, maybe? I guess!" Laughed Rita. "So you're the famous Acorn! El- I mean, Planta has told me a lot about you!" Said Rita happily, as she caressed the very soft Acorn.

"Really? Did she told you I am an amazing alchemist? I can make tons of potions if you bring me materials!" Said Acorn, waving his tail around. "Sniff… Oh? What is this?!"

Acorn immediately jumped off Rita's grasp, he was a little creature that was always doing something, so he immediately escaped Rita's hands to go towards what surprised him.

"T-This is a hot spring! And this water has strong medicinal properties as well!" Said Acorn, touching the water and taking a sip. "Its warm and consumable as well… We could even make tea out of it…"

"Yep, we found this hot spring while we were exploring this temporary dungeon…" I sighed. "Achlys found a key dropped from a mushroom, and we got in here. I was chosen as a Quest Helper or something, so I am accompanying her into completing this quest in this dungeon we found."

"Q-Quest Helper?! So you're Planta, right?" Asked Titan, quickly walking to my side.

"Y-Yeah! You're very tall…" I said.

"Haha, sorry if I look too scary… It is part of my racial trait to be this big." Sighed Titan, he was actually very shy, apologizing right away and acting very politely. "I was told by my beginner quest helper about a Spirit of Nature in here that could help me find my next quest… This is the first time I find a Quest Helper, players chosen by the game's system are incredibly rare!"

"I-Is that so? Haha." I giggled. "I am glad you don't know… about my controversy." I sighed.

"Oh, should I… know you from somewhere?" He wondered.

"No, no, it's nothing!" I sighed.

"EH?!" Titan suddenly gasped as he looked into my profile. "L-Legendary… Warrior!?"

"Oh yeah, I one-shotted a small boss one time… I don't know why that's so much of a big deal." I sighed.

"O-One-shotted it?!" Asked Titan, falling to his knees. "A-Amazing! Just how did you do that?! I've tried to do it many times but my magic nor my physical strength can one-shot bosses… and it doesn't count with bosses below your level, so its even harder as we continue to level up to be able to one-shot bosses…"

"It is? W-Well, I think the one I one-shotted was below Level 10, I used a lot of mana and Spirit Magic." I said.

"S-Spirit Magic? The Dragon Vein one?" He asked.

"Yep! I got that one, it's pretty strong." I said.

"T-The forums always say that Spirit Magic is incredible… bad… It is way too situational, as its power depends in the environment… To think you used it to slay a boss with a single hit!" He said. "Planta, can you give me a quest? A-Also, could you add me to your friends? I am a new plater here as well and I am getting used to everything in the game…"

"Oof, already making friends here, huh? Am I being forgotten or what?" Rita walked behind me as she looked at the big Titan. "You're a big guy, huh? Maybe we could use your body as a tank of sorts."

"A-Ah, sorry for not greeting you well, nice to meet you, Achlys." Said Titan.

"Yeah, yeah, no need to greet me formally, boy." Said Rita. "I can tell by your young voice that you're not an old lady like the two of us, fufu."

"A-Ah… well, I am over my twenties so I am not exactly a boy… I am a young adult…" Sighed Titan. "A-And anyways, are you two here completing a quest, right? Can I join you? I promise I won't bother you! I am good at Druid Magic that summons Beast Spirits and my physical defense and offense is also high, I am a slow tank and mixed attacker." Said Titan.

"Hmm… Wouldn't be so bad?" Wondered Rita. "But disable PvP mode though."

"I-I have already done it; I dislike killing other players… I think a game is meant to be played with everyone, not about killing other people that are just enjoying their game on their own." Said Titan.

"You're right! I think we'll get together just fine, Titan, sure thing, let's become friends!" I said. I had to be friendly with new players to find new friends that could help me level up quickly, and Titan was just someone I needed. He's also very polite, so he's not a gross guy at all.

"Thank you very much!" Titan lowered his head while taking us, as a sudden quest window showed up in front of me.

[Player Titan] has been added into the main questline that includes [Player Achlys]

"Oh! You were added into the quest!" I said.

"Oh, nice! Thanks a lot!" Titan seemed happy.

I guess this is the begging of our adventures as a party.
