
Sports festival pt ll



"Now with the first event over everyone who got after 40th place is eliminated please make your exit. While your hearts may be heavy as long as you tried your best then you're a winner in my book."

"The second event of the sports festival will be *spins wheel* capture the flag! Here are the rules. Please pay attention. There will be 10 teams of 4 Everyone will be wearing belts that can easily be pulled off. If you get your belt pulled off, you go to the other team's jail until your teammates can get you one back. The timer will be set to 5 minutes. The top three teams will move on the rest will be eliminated."

Now for the best part, you won't be able to choose your teams. They will be random. And here's the machine to decide now. Team one Katski bakugo, Shoto todoroki, Tenya Lida, and kamina."

'Wtf is this another noncannon event? And my team for said event is completely busted. Whatever it doesn't matter who I win with what matters is I win.' I think to myself as I head toward my teammates.

The other three are already together so I walk to them.

"So I get that we all don't see eye to eye here. As I say this bakugo and todorki are staring daggers at me. But can we at least agree on one thing we want to win...but here's the thing I don't just want to win I want to prove that im the best so I say we completely crush everyone else we get as many of those flags as possible. So no one can question our victory. How's that sound?

"I like the way you think maybe we can be friends after all." bakugo says with an evil smirk.

"I accept," todoroki says with an impassive face.

That doesn't sound very heroic but I have something I need to prove so I'll do it. Lida said with an unsure look.

"Ok in that case here's the plan." I start.

"Oi who made you the leader if anything I should be calling the shots." Bakugo interrupted.

"Hey, I never said I was the leader please just hear my plan out ok," I ask.

"Fine" he replied angrily.

"So we'll focus on one team at a time and systematically take each of their members down. Lida and bakugo will go in first because not including myself they are the tastes here. Then Todoroki and I will see how their teammates respond and go from there. See well start with those guys over there." I point to the team closest to us.

"It's a guy that has a lizard arm, a girl with horns, a hairy kid, and wait a minute does he have swords? How is that allowed? Im, more than sure we got this to be honest I think this is the strongest team that could have been made."

"Sounds good to me just stay out of my way."Bakugo sneered.

"It's a very good plan that makes use of our abilities," Lida says.

"As long as we win I don care." Todoroki once again impressively.

"Ok then let's stretch and warm up."

Eventually, all the teams are made.

And 3...2...1. Begin.

Immediately Lida and Bakugo dash to our left with me todoroki lagging by a bit. bakugo and Lida before they can react grab the girls and the hairy guys' flags. And in their shock, the lizard arm and sword guy don't notice Todoroki and I am already behind them with their flags.

"And your out," I say

Team 10 out! Midnight says over the speakers.

"let's keep it going it hasn't even been a minute yet it's already been 20 seconds and we have eight teams left to go," I say seriously. As I began to run to the next team.

"Oi oi oi didn't I say you're not the leader," Bakugo says enraged as he and Lida blast past me.

In front of us is a girl holding rocks, another with...are her fingers floating around her? A girl with big fists and a girl with a mushroom on her head.

As we head in they notice us and prepared the girl with the rocks throws them and as they leave her hands they grow big. Bakugo effortlessly dodges around them and grabs her flag as he does the girl with the big fist swats at him and hits but as she does her flag gets taken by an unnoticed lida. The girl with the fingers shoots them and is aiming at the flags but they just hit a wall of ice and her flag gets taken by Todoroki. The mushroom girl is looking around and baking up scared. She then bumps into me who was already behind her as I once again say "out."

"Team 9 out! midnight says." And immediately after says "team 2 out!"

"The team's are now all fighting each other I say

8 and 7, 6 and 5, and 4 and 3. Now we could wait for them to all finish fighting. There's 40 minutes and 40 seconds left. But I don't think that's how this team like to do things is it?" I say with a smile.

No, it's not. Bakigo replies.

Well, that's good I just wanted to make sure before we go into this so everyone we are switching things it's you and me now we all gonna take on two teams now. So Todoroki Lida get team 8 and bakugo and I get team 7 break.

We all break a little apart as we rush for our respective teams. 7 contains this in some line I remember brainwashing guy. Guy with wet hands. , a guy that's saying comic book phrases, and a laser belly guy.

we approach while they fight team 8. Bakugo don't respond to the guy with the purple hair his quirk only works if you respond to him.

"Got it. But didn't I tell you to not tell me what to do?" bakugo says again.

Sorry but I want to win so. I say as I shrug my shoulders.

"Let's go in." I say "team 4 eliminated" midnight say over the speakers.

"Crap," we say together.

Bakugo immediately rushes the brainwashing guy and takes a flag but then notices that he has more than one he in fact has three he must have gotten the other team's quick he didn't have those earlier.

"What you can't wait until our fight is over have to come in while we're still at it." Shinso says.

Bakugo doesn't respond as he nimbly grabs another flag while avoiding Shinso.

Team 8 eliminated Lida a todoroki got there last guy.

Well where did all the bark go toy were all loud earlier what doggie get a new owner? He says right before bakugo takes his last flag.

Team 7 was eliminated.

20 seconds earlier with me.

I immediately have to dodge a laser not that's it hard but damn. Let's take care of that as I get in close a wall of glue. Is in front of me and I have to jump over it. "Forget it I don't have time for small fry," I say as I kick off the ground. And in the blink of and eye, their flags are all gone.

Team 7 was eliminated I hear as I look over to bakugo. "Easy right." I say.

The other two come over

Ok guys one last plan so there are three teams left so I say every man for himself we all see who can get the most flags out of all of us. We got four minutes left I think we can each take all the flags left and win this thing.

Now, this is what im talking about bakugo says as he blasts off.

Todoroki says nothing as he starts sliding as fast as he can.

And Lida says what a splinded idea before he jets


On leave me here why don't you? As I start to run I see something my flags start floating. And I turn around and grab an invisible hand as I do I take her flag.

Team 3 is out!

'She was the last one must have been trying to get her teammates back.' I start to run towards the fun.

Bakugo is just going after Midorya which makes sense so I don't interrupt that instead, I go up behind Bakugo and punch something. A shadow to be exact. One that leads me directly to his stand user.

As I run towards the stand user I am Impeded by a guy with a tail. Who tries to stop me but as I like to say.

"You are already out."

As I appear behind him with his flag. He falls over defeated. As that happens team 5 is eliminated.

Damn already my team works fast I look around and see it's only us and the stand user left and instead of going to fight I start to walk away and.

Before I can even get 10 steps I hear team 6 is eliminated.

"Team one wins... This wasn't supposed to happen like this." midnight says. So instead of everyone being eliminated, everyone besides team one will do a redo event. But team one moves on to the tournament. And the top two teams after that will join them.

So team one go to the waiting room.