
Bounded by fate

Yvonne is a 22-year-old young lady that faces the ups and downs of life. she is left to pay up her father's debt and works her ass off. she is stuck in a love triangle between two brothers, what happens when the fate she soo despised brings her to the one she is fated to be with

Okorie_Abigail · 都市
1 Chs

chapter 1

"You can't be serious!", Yvonne said not believing what she had just heard from the manager.

"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do anymore. I already warned you the last time not to show up late, it's against company policy and besides, it was starting to seem like I was being partial to you. I've heard the other workers talk."

She just couldn't believe that she just got fired because of a jerk she came across on her way to work.


Yvonne was walking as fast as her small legs could carry her, glancing at her watch from time to time and muttering incoherent words to herself.

She was going to be late again, she couldn't afford to lose this job

She was distracted with plenty of thoughts running through her mind when she took a big step and tripped spilling the coffee on someone

I am so sorry, Yvonne said bowing down her head repeatedly.

Were you blind that you couldn't see me standing here, the handsome stranger said raising his voice slightly

I'm sorry sir, I was in a haste, I didn't mean to do it on purpose, she said looking down and not making eye contact because he looked intimidating

He scoffed and looked at her with a disgusting look.

Do you know how much this tuxedo cost, he asked her

Yvonne looked up gently and examined his outfit, gosh...what was wrong with her.

The tuxedo he was putting on was the latest edition that was just released, it costs a fortune, and only the elites could wear something like this.

This tux was made of quality materials and was screaming luxury at whoever looked at it.

She wouldn't be able to afford something like this even in the next ten years with all her part-time jobs salary put together.

Her eyes came in contact with the mess that the coffee she was going to deliver made. She was still lost in her thoughts when she heard him speak.

I'm sure you are one of those girls that stalk rich men and fake an accident so that you can be able to get into the man's life, right? he asked.

What he said disgusted Yvonne. She didn't know him personally but she could tell that he was one of those rich proud jerks that thought that they had it all and could even buy the whole world and the people in it.

She was just being polite and was only tolerating his harsh words cause she knew that she was at fault here.

Yvonne looked around and saw that it was attracting quite some attention. She could already hear them murmuring among themselves and staring at her with disgust.

She clicked her tongue and swore within herself that if he said any more offensive words toward her, she was going to retaliate and forget that she was the one at fault.

Cat got your tongue, he asked. He paused and nodded his head, I knew it, you are one of them. Tell me how much you want, who sent you, he asked her.

That was it, she was hearing what people were whispering among themselves calling her a whore and other types of indecent names.

This was the last straw, excuse me, mister, she began, I already apologized to you, no need to call me a stalker, it was purely a mistake and I didn't do it on purpose, I already explained that to you but seems you are just so hellbent on making me look like a prostitute who just follows rich men for their money.

I admit that I was oblivious to my surroundings and I ruined your clothes even if I were asked to compensate for the damage that made I know I wouldn't be able to afford it in this lifetime.

Everyone makes mistakes you know, but you calling me names, don't you think it's uncalled for? she asked glaring at him intently.

This thing.....did she just yell at him, did she even know who she was talking to, he owned the company and she just lectured him in front of his employees at that.

He scoffed at the event playing out, never in his life had he been insulted by a low scum like her even the influential and business world bows to the mercy of his feet.

He grabbed her hands and was about to walk when she yanked her hand away forcefully from his.

What do you think you are doing, she asked him.

He reached into his pockets and took out a signed check. There fill in any amount you want, I'm paying you handsomely to stay away from me and everyone here is my witness. I'm sure this is more than enough than what whoever sent you promised to pay you.

Yvonne's mouth was hanging open, she couldn't believe this stranger.

He smirked when she collected the check from him. He knew it, she was after his money but he wasn't expecting what she did next.

Yvonne could see him smirking when she collected the check from him, his joy was going to be short-lived anyway

She tore the check into pieces and sprayed it on him, she won't let him get away with what he said, this was enough to put him in his place for now.

She walked out on him, not waiting for another drama to unfold, and left the company.

Yvonne let out a deep breath immediately after she stepped out of the building, what she did was a bit extra but he deserved it.

He wasn't the only one at a loss here, she just lost her job at the coffee shop delivering people's beverages. She looked at her wristwatch and cursed out loudly, she was late for the other part-time restaurant job, this was the reason why she was in haste in the first place

She flagged down a cab and headed to her workplace silently praying that the manager hadn't noticed that she was yet to resume work for the day.