

Author: Paul W. Feenstra is a historical fiction novelist. Meticulously researched and detailed, his character driven novels create a dramatic window into our chronicled and complex past. Born in Wellington, New Zealand, in 1959, to Dutch immigrants, Paul still commutes to Los Angeles, California, where he worked as a multiple ‘Emmy’ nominated entertainment industry professional. Will justice prevail over greed and ruthless ambition? July 1839, without the permission of the English Government, the New Zealand Company ship, Tory, quietly departed England, anxious to reach New Zealand with the utmost speed. Expedition leader, Colonel William Wakefield’s objective is clear – acquire millions of acres of valuable land from the natives at the lowest possible price. On board the Tory, Andrew and Eleanor Stewart, young Scottish emigrants indentured to the New Zealand Company, are excited at the prospect of beginning a new life in a perfect town called Britannia. It’s the Utopia the company promised. Boundary highlights adversity as settlers struggle to survive the hardships of a new colony. Where mounting claims of illegally obtained lands and deception force local Maori chiefs to resist. How much more can they endure before they finally take action and revolt? Caught between the loyalty to their employer, and helping Maori, Andrew and Eleanor encounter schemers and murderers as they challenge the powerful New Zealand Company and the men who govern. Meticulously researched, Boundary is a story of greed and injustice, and draws attention to an often-misunderstood dark passage in New Zealand’s early colonial history.

Paul W. Feenstra · 歴史
108 Chs

Chapter 79

"Mr. Spain, I have reason to believe that the Prince Rupert was intentionally sabotaged in some way, I can't prove it, but I have my suspicions," began Andrew.

Spain remained quiet, thinking about how Andrew's revelation supported Hobson's claim. "That is quite an accusation," he said after a momentary pause. "Please tell me all you know. I do appreciate your coming forward to share with me your knowledge and I can promise you that your name will not be disclosed should anything eventuate. You have my solemn word on this."

Andrew told William Spain about what he had overheard in Wakefield's office between Barrett and the colonel. He then extracted from his pocket the original invoice issued by Barrett that had alerted him to his involvement. He handed it to Spain.

"The date has been written by someone else, as has the words Prince Rupert, which has been written again by another hand," stated Spain.