
Bound To The Ice Dragon King

"I was once killed by my previous lover." "Huh, then how are you still alive?" "I'm still alive because I'm destined to meet you." ----- Rheanna Villden finds herself thrust into a marriage that was never meant for her but her stepsister. Forced to wed a man with a reputation for hideousness, she desperately tries to break free from the chains of her predetermined destiny. But fate has a cruel sense of humor, and Rhea soon discovers that her escape only leads her right back into the hands of the very man she was running from. As the forceful wedding unfolds, Rhea unearths a stunning truth - the man she is being forced to marry is an imposter! ------- Excerpt "If I were the one you met then, our life would have been a happy one now. There wouldn't be betrayal nor revange, because I would only shower you with love and a blissful life along with children born from the fruit of our love. You wouldn't have anything to worry about except who is courting your daughter in secret." A smile threatened to break apart Draven's lips at her words but he didn't smile and stared at her in silence. Rhea waited to hear him say something, but even after minutes passed, he continued to stare at her with a blank unreadable expression. Rhea's patience ran thin, she took off her shoes and stepped into the pool. Without hesitation, she hooked her arms around his neck, she leaned forward and gently bit down on his lower lip. She stuck his lip in between her teeth playfully, then she used her tongue to seductively lick the lips, "You want me, don't you?" She whispered against his mouth and deliberately pressed her body against his naked body underwater. Draven muffled a groan as he felt her body pressed against his aroused body. And without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her and crushed his lips on hers in a hungry demanding kiss. Before Rhea could lose control of herself in the kiss, she quickly pulled away before he deepened the kiss. "Stop," she said breathlessly, "You have kissed me many times, you have seen my naked body underwater, you have held me to sleep on your bed. You have to take responsibility. Will you marry me?" She asked as she glanced up at his desire filled blue eyes. --- Welcome! I'd like to thank my old and new readers for dropping by. By the way, if you haven't checked out my other book, please do. Title: Wife Of The Demon Prince. Title: Loving The Temperamental Adonis Note: this book is a slow burn romance. Happy reading!

Ash20 · ファンタジー
229 Chs

Wedding ceremony

Rhea stayed in the horse stable for one more day. When evening came, she was taken to a room and was dressed in a simple plain wedding dress. However she was still tied up with the ropes.

The general's courtyard suddenly became lively. Actually when looking at it, it wasn't very lively like that of a wedding ceremony should be. She listened to the voices, she could tell there were no more than twenty people there.

If she still had the abilities she possessed before, she would've easily dealt with them and escaped, but...

Rhea tried to make her ice spikes appear, she focused inwardly, still as before, her internal snow flurry was completely gone. The serpent venom was actually stronger than she'd thought.

'Damn that serpent!'

Thinking of this, Rhea once again switched her train of thought to that mysterious man, Jurian. All the citizens of Birhhan thought he had a disfugured face, and assumed he was like that since he was little. But no matter how Rhea looked at it, she couldn't see him as disfigured nor ugly.

All she could see was a man with a sinister and calculating look.

As for what could suddenly make a disfugured man handsome. Rhea thought about it for awhile. All the townfolks couldn't see through him, all they could see was a disfugured face. This would probably only happen if a demon was possessing a body...

Nonetheless, she couldn't think of any demon who could manipulate ones sight. However, thinking about it now, there was one, she'd seen and even beaten, thinking about what it did to her Rhea wanted more than anything to beat it even more.

The only kind of creature that could possess or manipulate other beings was the damned serpent she'd stabbed back at the forest!

Rhea's eyes widened in suspicion, finding her train of thought the most plausible explanation there could be, she almost gasped at the sudden realization that dawned on her.

The hideous general had been possessed by the demon serpent while manipulating everyone, but not her!

That had to be it!!! So that damned serpent had followed her all the way to the hideous general's mansion to get back at her.

It wasn't a surprise though, she had heard that serpents were incredibly vengeful and prideful creatures, after all she had defeated it in a fight, and with the level of pride demon serpent's had, no wonder it had come into the general's mansion.

If this was the case, then she had to deal with it before things go wrong, she was the only one who could see through his disguise, while everyone would see him as their general.

What was she going to do now?

While Rhea was thinking about how to deal with the demon serpent without her ice spikes, the room's door creaked open. It was the human trafficker from yesterday, Mrs. Sabina, who entered the room.

A fake smile was plastered on her face, "Congratulations, you made it to the wedding day alive!"

Rhea looked at her in askance. Mrs. Sabina supported Rhea up and with a practiced motion, she tied another loop around Rhea's wrist. Then like she was walking a dog, Mrs. Sabina held a long length of rope in hand, she immediately cut the bonds tying Rhea's legs together.

"Come with me, I will take you to your wedding ceremony."

Mrs. Sabina tugged on the rope to pull Rhea out, but Rhea stood in the doorway, holding tightly to the door. She wasn't going to get married to that damned demon serpent possessing someone else's body.

But what about her money...?

Mrs. Sabina's smile slightly hardened as she tugged the rope, but Rhea still wouldn't budge.

"Young lady, don't think about playing any dirty tricks, I've handled stubborn girls like you for many years, I know how your minds work. Once you entered the general house, there is no way out unless death. Know your place and obediently come out and get on with the wedding ceremony. Otherwise, I won't be as nice as elder Qieldan. Whatever thought you're having, I know them clearly!"

"You know what I'm thinking?" Rhea shot her a side glance, "If you know, then why aren't you getting me a cloth to cover my head like any other bride?"

Mrs. Sabina stared blankly, her hard smile didn't go away. Astonishment filled her face, it was a comical sight, "What cloth are you speaking of?" She asked slightly bemused.

"The white cloth, Veil! Being led out like this, it's too embarrassing!"

Mrs. Sabina clearly didn't think that under these circumstances Rhea would care about that matter, she stared blankly for a long time, then impatiently forced on the rope, it made Rhea stumble to the floor,

"Listen clearly, after this wedding, the entire town will know you as the general's wife, and will keep an eye on your every move. We'll see how far you can run then. Move it now!"

Damn it! This entire house and town was filled with bandits!

Rhea felt extremely angry in a moment of impulsiveness, she lifted a leg and precisely kicked Mrs. Sabina in the butt. She ruthlessly kicked her out of the room and onto the ground outside,

"Ahh! Ahh! My butt, it hurts!" Mrs. Sabina laid on the ground and screeched from the pain. When she screamed, everyone in the courtyard looked and started to walk over.

Rhea stepped out of the doorway and flipped her hair, which had turned from silver to black because she'd lost her internal snow flurry, she still cut a sorry figure due to the wounds on her that were yet to heal, but her back was as proud as ever. She looked at everyone one by one.

They were only few nobles while the rest were common townfolks. The general's house wasn't as grand as that of a noble, because he lived among the commoners in the border town.

Everyone was clearly shocked by her appearance and stood paralyzed in place. Even Mrs. Sabina's burly thugs had no reaction as they stared at her.

Rhea's gaze finally landed on the imposter, Jurian, who stood behind everyone, he wasn't dressed like the groom, but instead wore a causal black attire that rested firmly on his solid figure. He seemed to notice her gaze and looked towards her, he stared fixedly back at her. His pale blue eyes slightly narrowed and had a calculating gleam.

Rhea coldly snorted, "I can walk by myself, who gave you the permission to tug me out!"

Rhea looked back at the imposter. The demon serpent had entered the general's body. So were they thinking she'd try to escape again after knowing this? Humph! Nothing would make her leave this town now.

This general's body possessed the chest of gold that could make her become rich!

Rhea, neither humbly nor haughtily looked fixedly past the small crowd of guests who were still frozen in shock, she walked directly towards the imposter.

When the guest's gaze followed Rhea's line of sight, it landed on Jurian, their hideous general whose face was badly burned on one side. Some of them couldn't hide their cringing reaction as they looked at his unpleasant face. They couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't covering it like he used to before. He was even attending the wedding today. So the guests concluded that it must be because he liked the girl he was getting married to this time.

As if sensing the guests gaze on him, he blinked, in a split second, the calculative look dissipated without a trace, putting on his blank expression.

He really could act. Rhea thought as she approached him. She would make sure he regretted bitting her yesterday!

She raised her two hands and the rope connected to her hands was flung up, it hit the imposter right on his handsome face. He frowned, but before he could open his mouth to speak, she said,

"Here, lead me." She ordered.

He stared at the rope for some moment, then reached out and grabbed it while he glared at her.

All the guests just watched the pair with their jaw slacked as the young lady ordered their ruthless general and he did as she said without a word. It looked like she was the master of him.

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