
Bound Passions: Her BDSM Billionaire

It all began when a military operative and spy Mrs. Paraluman Buenaventura infiltrated a rebel camp up in the mountains. When her husband was able to raid the said camp, he was able to save two boys, whom he would eventually treat like his own sons. His only daughter, Estelle, was attracted to her new adoptive brother, Victor. However, he felt that loving him and being with him would endanger Estelle, so he kept his true feelings for her in the dark. Soon enough, their Secret Militia group, codenamed Trinity, has expanded to add more agents and fighters to their cause. Their arch-enemy, The Tribunal, will make themselves known, and it will cost Trinity several lives, including his surrogate mother Paraluman, whom Victor promises to avenge. Unknown to him, Estelle, as soon as she hit adulthood, had already started putting together a plan to have Victor accept her unrequited feelings. But would Victor ever do so and put his beloved Estelle in danger? What about his promise to avenge Paraluman?

Myra_Agpalza_Butac · 都市
6 Chs


Zoe was struck dumb with fury at his reply. Meanwhile, Victor took this opportunity to turn around, face his 'nemesis' with a cold smirk, and then reach for the handles of the double doors to pull them shut.

No one was able to speak even when his footsteps had already faded out into the distance.

It was the "princess" who finally growled out a cry of anger and frustration, along with a few choice cuss words at how she was currently feeling towards Victor, her personal nemesis and aggressor. Although, to be honest, it wasn't really necessary, since everyone in the room was already aware of her very livid mood…

"FUCKING arrogant, overconfident, uncaring, insensitive, rude and totally inappropriate stick in the mud who is so, SO FULL of himself… who the DAMN HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS!"

"HE knows exactly what he is and who he is, daughter dear. I believe you tend to forget though…"

At her father's words, Zoe turned around to meet his amused eyes with her furious gaze and unleashed her fury on her weak and undeserving father without thought or control, "I can't believe you're taking his side even if you heard what he said to me!"

"There was nothing wrong with what he said, Estelle, my dear."

The name her father just called her hit a raw spot in Zoe, which further boosted the wrath that was starting to burn within her. It didn't help either that Roman sounded condescending even if he was just trying to comfort her.

And she felt herself losing it…

"That's what you always say, Dad! You always tell me that there is NOTHING WRONG with what HE SAID, no matter how hurtful he is towards me. It gives me the feeling that you think I'M THE ONE WHO'S ALWAYS WRONG!"

"I never said that, my dear. All I'm saying is he has a point…"

"But what about my point? MY FEELINGS? What about me? I get that feeling that you will ALWAYS TAKE HIS SIDE, whatever kind of fight we might have! Whatever he says will always be MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU than what I have to say!"

"That's not true, Zoe. You're my daughter…"

"Yeah, and he's MORE THAN A SON to you, right? Your business partner, your protégé, your FUCKING FORMER MILITARY RIGHT-HAND MAN! I can never compete with him when it comes TO YOU!"

"Estelle… please… calm down daughter…"

"Why should I ALWAYS be the one to CALM DOWN? He's the one who has a FUCKING ATTITUDE PROBLEM towards me? Why the hell should I be the one to CALM DOWN?"

At this point Zoe was already aware of the voice in her head, telling her to stop. She knew she should, considering her father was not well, since their doctor had already told her a little about it. But this just happens to be the biggest problem of Zoe Estelle Buenaventura…

When she's beast-mode angry, all of her reasoning…

All of her logic…

And all of her care, concern and compassion.

They all fly out the window.

Finally, in utter frustration, she mentions the one woman who is still both their weakness despite her being dead for more than two decades and instantly regrets it before she blurts her last few words," I WISH MOM NEVER DIED! IF SHE WAS STILL ALIVE, SHE WOULD TAKE MY SIDE! I know she will love me right and care for me… EVEN IF SHE TREATED HIM LIKE A SON, SHE TREATED ME LIKE HER ONLY PRECIOUS CHILD! ALTHOUGH I'M NOT AND WILL NEVER BE THE SON YOU ORIGINALLY WANTED!"


Too bad, she couldn't take back the things she would say when she was angry. At the sight of the sickly and elderly Roman's hurt look and watery eyes, she wished with all her might that she could take back the painful words that she just yelled in her father's face a few seconds ago.

But she knew she couldn't. Even if she tried so hard, she knew that she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried, like all regret goes, and the pain felt like a forty-foot tidal wave crashing on top of her, along with the sad smile she saw on her father's face made it worse.

"I… see," Roman softly and slowly said. "Well, I too am sorry she died. Even more now, since I made you feel that way, Estelle. I'm truly sorry she's gone. I'm very sorry for not being the parent you wish you had."

Zoe sharply inhaled, feeling her wrath disappearing like steam being blown by the winds due to her father's warm voice and assuring apology. She knew she had gone too far…

"No, I'm… the one… that… I should be sorry… for… I mean… I…"

She gulped back her pain and tears and forced herself to speak before her father said anything else.

"I'll just go get myself… something to eat… I'll be… right back… don't worry."

Zoe ran towards the door, her purse still slung on her shoulder, blocking out the voice of her father, who called out for her to come back.

No, I'm the one who … should be sorry for not being the daughter you want and deserve, Dad…

"Why do you have to keep hurting the people you love, Zoe? You're so angry at Victor when it's you who keeps doing whatever it is you think he's doing to you. Why the hell do you keep at this? Why…" she mumbled as she opened one of the office's double doors and sped out the hall.

Zoe knew that her father's personal staff and bodyguards would be all over the hallway and receiving area by now, so she swallowed her grief and her tears. She ignored the puzzled looks and concerned stares that she felt as she hurriedly passed by everyone in her way.

However, what she could not ignore were the whispers she heard as she brisk-walked through the office's morning crowd…

"They fought again, huh?"

"Well, did you see Victor's face when he…"

"But she's upset about something…"

"Maybe she found out about the event…"

"She should be given a chance…"

A few seconds later, she opened a door on the same floor randomly and slammed it behind her, in an effort to drown out the voices. Looking around, she realized it was her compact and not-so-glamorous office since she was only a business protégé under the President's tutelage.

It didn't matter the size or looks though.

To her, it was perfect because she was alone. Also, there was a soft, velvety white couch near the doorway, where she could lie down and cry her heart out.

And so, she did…

The good thing was that she was unaware of the silent individual who could hear her from his own office. After all, it's right beside hers.

Yes, it truly was a very good thing for both of them.

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