
Bottles and Jellies

Sophie Adams is an orphan who works hard to the bones and gives her all to earn money. She's the famous Tobermory's "runner" after all. Her life in the village was so simple, laid back yet fun. She got one goal- to save enough money so she can move to the city and find a rich young man to marry. Everything was falling to its right place until she once found an injured man in the forest and saved him from dying. With just a single but rare heroic decision on a regular summer day and suddenly all hells broke loose. Sophie's simple life turned upside down. Her once happy village life began to change because of a man. He came to her life like a thief in the night and ruined her house, her plans and her life. He even dissipated her entire savings! She kills him in her mind, every single day. Alexander on the other hand, is an arrogant, bossy yet annoyingly handsome stranger. He lost his memories because of an accident. Luckily, Sophie found him and reluctantly took him in as he waits for his family to collect him. He drives her insanely crazy day and night! Sophie is his savior. Alexander is her waterloo. Sophie is his most favorite person-- to annoy. Alexander is her ultimate and worst decision. They started really bad. She suddenly needed money to pay her debts--because of him! He was useless, lazy and stupid. She was desperate to get out there and marry a rich young man. Yes, he was handsome but was poor and has the worst kind of memory loss. Plus, he was a total pain in the ass. Is there a slight chance that love would blossom between them despite the odds of their taste, goals, backgrounds, and fate?

Marylla_Amor · 都市
15 Chs

13 May you choke on your food

It was almost midnight and she was feeling exhausted but contented.

The inn was busy but the pub was busier during the night. She wouldn't even dare to leave if Diarmuid didn't drag her out so she can finally leave for home.

The mixed of locals and tourists flocked the pub celebrating the night after one messy storm brought a great flood of ales and whiskeys for the night. Another reason was the overflowing of fish and sea produce caught by the fishermen of Tobermory.

Now, who did say summer rainstorms are cursed?

It was a tiring yet fulfilling day. She was on the run for the entire afternoon and when she came to the pub at six, she never had a chance to pause, sit down, and take a break.

She was all busy getting orders, cleaning tables, entertaining patrons and collecting tips.

It was an especially busy night.

If Diarmuid didn't stop her, she would still choose to stay and help them out.

She might have felt exhausted but earning extra money is more important for her than taking some sleep.

Sleep can wait. Money can't.

That's how she perceived it.

That's how she wanted to live her life until she finally gets her goals.

Eventually, she got tired of resisting and left.

Anyway, she needed to prepare orders of jellies from Mr. Finn for tomorrow morning.

She reached home ten minutes before 12 and parked her bike on the side of her little terrace.

As she made her way to the door, she felt her lids starting to droop.

She pressed her eyes down and took out her keys.

When she turned the knob, the usual sound of it clicking open was gone.

She put in the keys again.

It still didn't click.


Why is it open?

Did she leave it open this morning?

She turned the knob completely and opened the door. It was dark inside.

As she stepped in, she instantly grabbed the umbrella from the rack beside the sofa and prepared herself to fight off the intruder.

"You're late."

She jumped on her feet as she heard that deep somewhat familiar voice and randomly jolted her umbrella to the shadow on the sofa.

"Not again." As she heard that voice again, she heard a click and the light suddenly spread across the room.

"It's you?" She was stunned to see the "unfamiliar" man holding her wrist, eventually stopping her from hitting his head with the umbrella on her hand.

"Why so surprised?" He snatched the umbrella from her and ditched it somewhere. He let her go, sat back in to the sofa, crossed his legs and glanced at her. "We need to talk."

"Excuse me?"

She looked down at him with so much confusion on her face.

"You're responsible for these, right?" He pointed his forehead, his blackish jaw and the rest of his injured body parts.

She stammered.

"N-No. Why are you still here?"

"I hate repeating myself. We need to talk about something serious here. I'm not going to let you off easily if that's what you think."

"You're crazy." She walked back to the door and opened it. "Leave."

He didn't move an inch.

"Leave. Or do I have to call the police for you to move out of my sofa?"

"Good idea. Then I can tell them that I was assaulted by the person who agreed to take care of me but didn't do as promised."

"Y-You can't do that."

"Oh yes, I can. Call them now. Call Officer Greg if you must and let's tell them our story together."

"It would be my word against yours. Surely, they'll believe me than you."

"Try me. After they see these injuries you incurred upon me. I doubt that."

She gritted her teeth.

"What do you want?"

He tapped the sofa and gestured her to sit with him.

"No, thanks."

He hit it harder before he gave her a cold stare.

She reluctantly sat on the other side but made sure their distance was visible.

She was rather squatting than sitting comfortably on her very own sofa.

The heck!

"What now?" She hissed.

"Are you hungry?"


"Cause I am. Cook something for me first. I'm starving."

She stood up hastily.

"You cannot boss me around my own house!"

"Sure, I can. Now, move."

She eyed him, piercing through his very flesh.

In her mind, she was breaking his neck and biting his head off.

"Should we call Officer Greg, then?"

She glared at him for another second before she stormed to the kitchen and grabbed some random ingredients from the cupboard.

"Don't try to poison me, though."

Alexander whispered behind her. She was startled seeing him standing just right behind her.

How did he end up there in an instant?

"Try me."

He sneered.

"Do you want to add more crimes to the already long list of physical assaults you have caused me?" He leaned against the counter. "By all means, go ahead."

She stared at him angrily.


She repeatedly cursed him in her mind.

He did. She grabbed the tray of eggs behind him.

In a few minutes, she was able to make a decent meal for them.

A couple of leftover rye breads slices she took from the cabinet, some poached eggs, strips of bacon, and the reheated roast pork and baked beans she found on the table completed their impromptu late night dinner. It seemed breakfast, though but heck, she felt so tired her brain's starting not to function properly anymore.

She had a long day outside and when she got home, this man welcomed him with his threats.

Damn him!

As a consolation, she made her favorite black coffee and a separate Earl grey tea for him.

Suddenly, she felt she was starving too.


He started eating.

This man has a big appetite, she noticed.

She watched him eat for a while before she decided to join him.

When she was about to dig in, Alexander suddenly caught her hand holding the spoon.

"Ah-ah-ah! This is my dinner. Who told you that you can eat with me? Don't casually think that you can eat with me just because you cook them. I only told you to prepare them for me." He slapped her arm. "Go! Cook something for yourself if you're hungry."

She was left astounded as he continued eating mindless of her presence before him.

"I'm gonna kill you!" She whispered between her deep breaths.

Calm down Sophie! You don't want to end in jail just because you murder this amnesiac, right?

"Is that another crime I'm hearing from you? Should I list it down too and submit to the police later?"

She clenched her fist.

"May you choke on your food." She yelled and grabbed her cup of black coffee.

Though he was fast to capture her arm. "Leave that. I'd like my coffee black; you know?"

She screamed out of frustration.

"Why?! Why are you doing this? I came home exhausted from working and the least thing I want to see and hear in my house is you and your impossible threats! If only I knew, I shouldn't have saved you last night. I shouldn't have brought you to the hospital. I shouldn't have saved you from that stupid boulder. I shouldn't have gone to the forest so I wouldn't have even met you from the very start! Damn you!"

She furiously roared at her.

He didn't seem affected and kept on gobbling up which made her even angrier.

"Are you just pretending you lost your memories? Is this some kind of a joke to you? Because if it is, then it is not funny at all. I don't want you here in my kitchen. I want you out of my house. I want you out of my life!"