
Born of the Crimson Moon

"All I wanted was for you to love me," Karme de Serin was used to being ignored, especially next to a perfect twin sister. They looked exactly alike, but Krianna was the rose of the de Serin clan, while Karme was a thorn in her father's side. As Karme lost hope of gaining her father's love, she was thrust into an arranged marriage. Would she be able to find the love she seeks in a man she had never seen before? Or is Karme fated to be alone forever? ~Joining WN's Romance Carnival. All reviews, comments, and powerstones are greatly love!~ Author's note: Slowing down updates to maintain my sanity. Not dropping. New Note: Reediting because I'm not satisfied with it.

nKaneis · ファンタジー
30 Chs



"She passed away three months after you had left," a voice suddenly spoke behind Lucian.

He steeled his expression but did not rise to his feet nor look at the new arrival. He had continued to stare at his wife's name–engraved in a stone which he could do nothing about. He had gone through dozens of hunts, killed hundreds of monsters, and participated in wars. But he had never felt as powerless as he did at the moment.

"Three months after I had left," Lucian repeated bitterly. "Then why pray tell, your highness, was I not informed of my wife passing away?"

"I have sent a carrier mail," the duke answered. "I must apologize. Perhaps with you traveling overseas, it got lost," his tone was anything but sorry.

"For three years, your highness?" Lucian asked, incredulous at what he was hearing. "Forgive me for having trouble believing it. Have you not doubted when you did not receive a reply from me?" Lucian inquired, still not looking up at his father-in-law.

"Should I have doubted?" the duke asked, pacing behind the knight. "The vows between you and my daughter are because of a marriage arrangement. You had been wedded not even a full day when you had to leave. I was so sure you've found it as… your way out of it,"

Lucian had heard enough. His ears rang at the words that had left the duke's mouth. He rose to his feet and turned to face his father-in-law. His expression was no longer blank. His anger at what the duke had insinuated was evident on his face.

"I had made my vow, your highness," he explained indignantly. "There. Is. No. Way. Out,"

The knight clipped each word he spoke, closing the distance between him and the duke. But Arsene de Serin remained unfazed. He stared up at the knight's eyes in front of him. His lips held a slight smirk that taunted Lucian.

But the commander knew, no matter how angry he was at not being told of his wife's passing, the duke was somebody he could not touch. Nor could he go against him.

The two of them spent a few minutes trying to see which of them would be the first to give up. But none of them did.

Another maid simply stumbled upon the scene and squeaked in fear at the mere tension between the two men. Lucian spared her a glance, then took a step back–somehow calming down at her interruption.

"Forgive me for my impertinence, your highness," Lucian apologized with a bow of his head. "But surely you understand where my anger is coming from,"

"Of course," the duke answered with a smirk. "All is forgiven. After all, we both lost her,"

Lucian stood up straight and stared at the man in front of him. The duke barely looked saddened for someone who had lost his supposedly most treasured daughter. In fact, he seemed to be rejoicing.

The knight's eyes furrowed, but he chose to remain quiet. His wife was already gone. Going against the duke for not informing him would do no good for the Sagma knights. So, he gulped down the words he so wanted to say and chose to just nod.

"Why not stay the night, Lucian?" the duke offered, but Lucian knew it was against his wishes. "I will hear your reports of the war in the morning. You will be awaiting the arrival of your men. So, let us just take our time. For now, rest,"

"Of course, your highness. I thank you for your hospitality,"

The duke signaled for a maid to escort Lucian toward a room. With barely a word of goodbye, Arsene left. The knight followed suit with the attendant tasked to him.

The hallway he was led to was familiar. He quickly realized he was being directed toward the bedchamber he had shared with his wife. As they reached their destination, the woman stepped aside and bowed down before leaving.

Lucian closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. Once calm, he opened his eyes again and pushed the door open.

His eyes quickly scan the room for anything that might be out of place. But it was clean. And the room looked exactly like how he'd last seen it. It was as if…

No one had used it after the night of his marriage.

Karme died three months after he had left. The room should have looked lived in. It should have been after, even if it was not her bedchambers before they married. But there was nothing in it that told Lucian she had used it.

He sat down on the edge of the bed with a long sigh. He rested his head in his hands.

Did he hate the duke so much he was starting to be paranoid? With another sigh, he raised his head only to fall back on the bed. The ceiling was a pristine white and not a speck of dust. The room was highly cleaned. But there were no signs that someone had used the space.

But Lucian could not ignore the nagging voice he kept hearing in the back of his mind. Something was indeed bothering him. He just could not find out what and why. But he was far too tired. So he closed his eyes, and he fell into slumber.

A sound had awoken Lucian from his sleep. He stirred, fully awake with the reflex of a man still in a war. He was up on his feet as his eyes scanned his dark surroundings. But there was nothing amiss aside from the figure sitting on the bed beside him.

He stared at the soft orbs of his wife. Her hair was like a fiery waterfall behind her. A smile was gracing her luscious lips.

"Karme?" he asked, unsure if what he saw was true. His hand quickly went to his sword, ready to draw his weapon at the slightest hint of danger.

She stood as gracefully as he remembered. He watched, mesmerized, as she walked toward him. Her eyes searched his as if she also could not believe it.

When she was directly in front of him, she stopped. She gently raised a hand and cupped his cheek. She effortlessly guided his face lower, closer to hers, with her hand.

"Welcome home, Lucian," she whispered, her voice slightly breaking, as she leaned in her forehead in his.

"I am home, Karme," he replied, closing his eyes as he put a hand on top of his wife's.

But Karme pulled away from him. Shocked, Lucian stared at her with questioning eyes. The smile was gone from his wife's lips. And what replaced it was solemnity.

"Do not stay here, Lucian. Leave as soon as you can,"

And with those apprehensive, parting words from his wife, Lucian bolted out of bed, realizing it was all a dream.

It was a warning; he knew Karme was looking out for him wherever she was.