
Born From Ashes

The pain she was having now is unbearable, & she deserved it for trusting the wrong person. Her Sister cheated on her with her husband, whom she loved from her childhood. She was the reason for the downfall of her family, their business, and her best friend's demise. All because was that she wanted her husband to be happy and successful. Now, the gods gave her another choice to set things right with a gift. Can she make things right? Will she get her revenge? "Credit (The image on the cover) goes to the creator of the image used herein, though their identity remains unknown. We acknowledge their contribution"

Harmika_Bharathi · ファンタジー
24 Chs

To a Better Future (1)

The morning was busy with people rushing, breakfast vendors shouting their menus, and horns from vehicles, which may seem hectic but it was the usual scene of a working day in City A. 

Jordan was looking at the busy road from a tall building in the city center, the meeting was about to be held in 10 minutes, and though it seemed that he was confident on the outside he was a little nervous. when he was in the middle of encouraging himself, his phone dinged indicating a message notification.

He was smiling seeing his mobile when Father Hayes joined in "What is so funny Jordan?" Mathews asked, he was wondering since it was his son's first time attending a meeting like this. He was worried that Jordan would be nervous and quickly finished the quickly greeting everyone there with a mild conversion. They may be competitors but they had business dealings with each other, it would be rude if he kept to himself even when after seeing them.

"It's Dove Dad, She sent me a message," Jordan said as he gave his mobile for his father to see, it was a GIF message with a cute anime version of her wishing him all the best with a serious expression.

"Ha Ha Ha" Father Hayes started laughing he found this quite funny no wonder Jordan was smiling. Dove is as cute as always his precious daughter. His eyes were gleaming with love.

"What's so funny, Mr. Hayes?" asked a man while entering the waiting area from the lift. his words were friendly but his eyes were filled with hatred like an evil villain who hate seeing people happy.

"Ah! Mr. Fox, It's nothing just a conversion between the father and son." Father Hayes said. This man is like his name a cunning fox that looks for his benefits in everything he does.

"Jordan meets Mr. Travis Fox owner of Bright Bridge Constructions" Father Hayes introduced his son to him he didn't want to be and get on his wrong side this man was a freak who would give trouble in all possible ways. 

"Hello, Mr. Fox" Jordan greeted while shaking hands. The other man had a tight grip, he was trying to break Jordan's hands, But for Jordan, it was like a child trying to pinch hard. Jordan is a man who is very keen on his fitness and has taken martial arts classes from young. He can easily fight this bald fatso. He gave a tight squeeze back almost breaking his hand.

His demeanor changed and had a grim look on his, he didn't show the pain on his face. "All right then, See you inside" he walked away.

"Be wary of him Jordan, He is cunning and selfish and goes to any extent to get what he wants" Mathew advised him.


 "A Fox indeed" Jordan replied.

The meeting started at sharp 10 am. Mr. Stanley greeted everyone and gave a brief on his project. The conference hall was filled with people, there were seven companies. They had lots to decide the order. Mr. Stanley's secretary gave the order of people who will present. 

Hayes Construction was last to perform so they were listening to other companies' ideas for this competition. Mr. Fox had a strange-looking smile on his face. Everything was going according to his plan, he had a surprise for Mathew Hayes so he arranged for someone to let Mathew deliberately take the last number.

 Mr.Stanley had a very grim expression, one presentation was better than the other but it was not the standard he has been looking for. He wanted something that looked out of the world. It has to have a unique majestic feel to it but so far every design was ordinary.

It was Mr. Fox's turn to present his presentation. Just as he displayed his building plan, he loved the shocking look on Mathew and Jordan's faces. 'How could they not be shocked, it was their project after all.'

No wonder Dove asked him to send the finished file. If he has given it to the designer this cunning fatso would have got it through by any means. Mathew thought while keeping a hand on Jordan's shoulder to console him, he looked like he was going hit this cunning fox into a pulp.

Mr.Stanley liked Mr. Fox's presentation though it was not up to his expectations, but it was a good project. This architecture would attract many people. 

Father Hayes maintained a poker face he didn't show any emotion. But Jorden was looking at him with the killing intention. If looks could kill and bury he would have died now. Mr. Fox was unfaced, he had a smug expression on him.