
Born as Gojo Satoru Cousin

Author: Andi Candra Synopsis: A mysterious entity, feeling bored, decides to transmigrate a Chinese youth into the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, equipped with a golden finger for the Transmigrator. However, the mysterious entity miscalculates, and it's the power of the Six Eyes (Rikugan)! What will happen to the unfortunate Transmigrator? Note: The main character will embark on adventures across various anime.

Takamiya_Shin · アニメ·コミックス
237 Chs

Arrival in the New World

Considering the previous precautions, Eiji sighed wearily.

"Hopefully, this time is different. If I end up in a zombie world again..."

He didn't finish the sentence, but his eyes emitted a cold light.

Eiji may seem emotionless, but that's not true. He experiences emotions like anger, sadness, happiness, and more. It's just challenging to trigger emotional changes in him.

However, it's impossible for him not to feel anything entering another world with a zombie theme for the fourth time.

Eiji himself doesn't know what he'll do if he gets angry.

"Let's get started."

Teleporting to an empty building, Cursed Energy overflowed in his body, visible to the naked eye.

Eiji raised two fingers, forming a blue imaginary substance composed of Cursed Energy.

The surrounding space fluctuated, and cracks spread like a spider's web.

"Cursed Technique Lapse – Maximum Output: Azure."

Under Eiji's control, the blue material flew a few meters in front of him. The next moment, the space itself shattered, forming a portal.

"No matter how many times I do this, it's exhausting."

Adjusting his unstable breath due to consuming a large amount of Cursed Energy at once, especially after using Maximum Technique.

What is Maximum Technique?

Maximum Technique is the highest achievement of Cursed Techniques commonly used by Jujutsu Sorcerers. It's the ultimate and most perfect technique a Jujutsu Sorcerer can perform besides using Domain Expansion. Maximum Technique can be considered the trump card for Jujutsu Sorcerers.

"The portal is more stable than the last time. I'm getting better at using Azure."

Eiji regards Azure as his greatest masterpiece.

He has developed three new skills from the Limitless Technique. In other words, his achievements surpass the ancestors of the Gojo Family.

Azure was developed based on wormhole theory.

A wormhole consists of two mouths connected by an extremely narrow tunnel. The two mouths of the wormhole can be in different places in the universe or even at different times.

To keep a wormhole open, a type of substance with negative mass is needed. Negative matter is a hypothetical form of matter with negative mass. Negative matter has never been found, and its existence is still debated by scientists.

Coincidentally, Cursed Energy meets the criteria for negative matter.

Eiji deepened his research on the Limitless Technique, Blue.

After years of hard work, he succeeded in developing Azure with Blue as its basic form.


Without any hesitation, Eiji walked into the portal. After that, the portal disappeared, and the space began to repair itself.


*Gulp Gulp Glup*

"Haaa... Where am I, actually?"

Tossing an empty water bottle, Eiji looked up, seeing the glaring sun, the wind carrying sand, and nothing but sand as far as the eye could see.

Currently, he's in a desert, and it's been three hours since he arrived in this world.

Eiji even surveyed the surroundings from the air, but he couldn't see the end of the desert.

Because he doesn't know what kind of world this is, he conserves his Cursed Energy and walks through the desert relying only on his stamina. Moreover, he just used Azure, and his Cursed Energy is only half left.

Considering this world might have something threatening, Eiji is extremely cautious.

He doesn't even activate Unlimited to save Cursed Energy.

Since his Six Eyes haven't awakened, he can only maintain Infinity for one day, and even then, he'll experience a headache.

Eiji always considers the worst-case scenario; that's why he doesn't casually use the Limitless Technique, given the unknown vastness of this desert.

"The desert temperature is hotter than summer temperatures." Eiji mumbled, feeling his clothes wet with sweat.

Without any clues, he walked straight until the sun began to set.

"It's almost night, time to rest."

Looking ahead, Eiji still saw heaps of sand. Even after walking dozens of kilometers, he still hadn't managed to leave the desert.

"Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue."

A small blue spherical material appeared on his index finger. Then, the ball pulled sand around Eiji.

Eiji has perfect control, calculating the pulling force.

A hole ten meters deep and five meters wide appeared.

After that, he entered the hole and landed softly.

"From the books I read, desert nights can be very cold. Fortunately, it doesn't matter to me." Eiji said calmly.

The desert is one of the most extreme biomes on Earth. Desert temperatures can vary greatly, with a stark daily difference between day and night. During the day, desert temperatures can reach 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) or even higher. Meanwhile, at night, temperatures can drop below 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) or even colder.

"Let's set a three-day time limit. If I haven't left the desert by then, I'll return first, then open a portal to the next world." Eiji made a decision.

The reason he has to return to the Jujutsu Kaisen world instead of directly opening a portal to another world is that if he goes straight to the next world, his connection with the Jujutsu Kaisen world will weaken, and it will be challenging to return.

"Hopefully, this world has a power system."

Hoping this journey isn't in vain, Eiji takes many items from the Storage Ring.

Setting up a portable tent, folding bed, pillow, plain dakimakura, folding chair, blanket, electric stove, kettle, bottled water, and cup noodles.

He boils water, sits in the chair while cleaning sand from his shoes and clothes.

After the water boils, he pours it into the cup noodles.

A few minutes later, the cup noodles are ready to be served, and he starts eating.

*Slurp Slurp Slurp*

The slurping sound echoes in the silent desert.

Finishing his dinner, Eiji takes a book and reads to dispel boredom.

He is very focused on reading and doesn't notice how much time has passed. When he finishes reading a 200-page book, he realizes the sky has darkened.

"There's only one moon. Seems like this world isn't too different from Earth." Eiji says.

Earlier, he expected the moon to be of a strange color or to have more than one.

"Well, this is truly a different world, huh."

Looking at the stars in the sky, Eiji doesn't see any constellations he recognizes.

After observing the stars, he decides to enter the tent to sleep.

He needs rest and to replenish his Cursed Energy, lest he encounters a strong opponent while not in prime condition.

"Good night, oh world."

Eiji mumbles softly, closing his eyes; he falls asleep quickly.

Today has been truly exhausting for him.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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