
Boring Psychopath

(Hello, I'm translating my novel, I hope you like it) Still unable to open his eyes, Simon died of boredom for hundreds of years until he felt great pain and an endless source of light and darkness... is a novel about a hypocritical psychopath who will do anything to get rid of the feeling of boredom (NOHAREM(NORAMANCE)

Agony_ · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Reflections in the Abyss

Simon cautiously raised his head beyond the half-open door, the closest exit to the outside. Taking a deep breath, he re-entered his home, finally becoming aware of the stench and stickiness that clung to him. The flood of recent memories rushed back, overwhelming him, and he couldn't contain the surge of nausea that gripped him. Vomiting uncontrollably, he expelled copious amounts of a strange, translucent liquid onto the floor.

Shaking off the unsettling experience, Simon wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and quickly made his way to the lake. Along the journey, a realization dawned on him—every memory of the naive Simon had seamlessly merged with his own. It was as if the two versions of himself had become indistinguishable, entwining into a singular, twisted entity. As he walked, the cacophony of disjointed recollections played like a haunting melody in his mind.

The path to the lake was accompanied by the crowing of roosters, indicating that it was around 6 a.m. However, the concept of time had become elusive, as the encounter with Anna had taken place in what seemed like perpetual daylight. Simon, grappling with the blurred boundaries between his own experiences and those of the naive counterpart, couldn't ascertain how long he had slept. The world around him remained eerily bright, adding another layer of disorientation to his already fractured reality.

Arriving at the lake, Simon gazed upon its tranquil surface, reflecting the distorted image of his own existence. The memories of love and innocence mingled with the darkness within him, creating a turbulent sea of emotions. Despite the tumultuous amalgamation of feelings, one thing became clear—Simon was determined to resist the encroaching boredom that loomed like a specter over his existence.

The first rays of dawn painted the landscape with hues of pink and gold, casting an ethereal glow upon the lake. Simon, standing at the water's edge, made a silent vow to himself. He would never succumb to the soul-crushing monotony that had haunted him for eons. The fear of an endless void of boredom compelled him to confront the twisted realities of his existence.

The lake, a reflective canvas mirroring the conflict within Simon's soul, seemed to hold the secrets of his tortured psyche. The distorted reflections danced on the water's surface, a testament to the fractured nature of his being. As the dawn unfolded, Simon felt the weight of his own complexities, a burden he carried with a stoic determination.

The world around him held both the remnants of innocence and the scars of malevolence. Simon, now standing at the precipice of his own abyss, resolved to navigate the treacherous terrain of his mind. The lake, a symbol of reflection, bore witness to the inner turmoil that raged within him.

As the sun continued its ascent, Simon steeled himself for the journey ahead. The twisted echoes of his memories and the surreal encounters with shadows and demons were mere preludes to the enigma that lay ahead. The battle against the ever-encroaching boredom had taken on a new dimension, and Simon, a volatile fusion of his own darkness and the naive innocence he once detested, embraced the uncertainty that awaited him in the depths of his fractured consciousness.

To be continued...