
Two Brothers (1)

The next morning, someone knocks on my door. Today is the day of the royal ball, I think I will pass there a little bit maybe just to see the king or at least participate in an event held for rich people, it could bring up my reputation though I don't really need it.

I open gently the door of my room and find a new person... wait... no, he's not new...

"Oi, Reyn ! We're going to the ball, make sure to be there as well !"

Lark left the room as soon as he told me that. He was wearing different clothes from the usual ones, they were probably new or worn once in a while. It's clothes resembling to mine, though a little less expensive to create and brown in color.

{So, Xaros... Can you take a human and physical form ?}

{It would be difficult but with your power, it should be fine. Why ?}

{Then take your human form, without horns of course, we're going to a ball brother'o mine.}

{Excuse me... What ?}

In the streets, a lot of carriages and people were walking, there were even more than usual buying stuff at shops. I think the royal ball would be a sort of really important event ? They seem to celebrate it even if they can't go there.

I walk towards the castle while attracting many attention to me. A man, white in hair and eyes walks beside me, he's wearing a white suit similar to one on Earth or the ones butlers could wear but this one is really a beautiful one, a butler could be ashamed of its beauty and the person wearing it.

Of course, this person is Xaros. Xaros is already a beautiful man, but when he is accompanied by me, we could pass for a duo of Angels born of a miracle. I am also wearing the same suit as him, but instead, mine is black. We form quite a colorful duo.

Since Xaros is in a human form, he will be my brother, Xaros Kirae.

He already told me it was fine to be called 'Xaros' since it's apparently not uncommon to name someone, especially a noble, after a God. Also, Xaros's name is almost forgotten, so it's not that big of a deal.

I already saw the castle in the distance or when I was in the upper-class at the inn so I am not really surprised by its outer appearance, instead, I just casually walk and go to a little queue of people passing at the gate by a guard who took either gold coins or nothing.

"Good morning. Name please ?"

"Reyn Kirae and he is my brother Xaros Kirae."

The guard stared at us for a few seconds. A royal guard should know all the noble or a big part of them, we obviously don't figure on that list in his head.

"Oh, so you are both nobles then. Family Kirae was it ?

The entry fee will be reduced for nobles coming from other countries, it will be 2 gold coins per person please."


I handed him the coins and walked through the gate. Still, 2 gold coins for a reduced price ? My room was 10 gold coins and was apparently really expensive even for nobles, how can merchants pay a sum higher than nobles from unknow countries ?

When we entered the hall of the castle, a lot of people was already there. All wearing beautiful dresses or noble's clothes. The moment we entered, a lot of gazes were turned to us, a lot more than what a newcomer should deserve, our amazing duo caught a lot of attention here too.

The ball is just like what Lark said, people are drinking, eating, dancing and talking while the room is... blinding.

Apparently made of mythril and gold, chandeliers were hanging on the wide roof. A gold and red carpet was across all the main area and all the furnitures, as well as glasses and plates are made of silver, gold or both.

The only things made of wood like tables and benches were covered by various sheets. A sheet would probably cost an entire peasant's life just to rent it.

"Oh, Reyn, you came !"

The annoying man, AKA Lark, noticed us. He was already talking with both males and females, he seems to be appreciated by a lot of people.

"Yeah, I came, but I'll have you know, I'm not here for the princess."

"And, do you mind to introduce the handsome boy beside you to me ?"

Xaros at this moment had disappointed look. I think he now understands the term 'annoying' describing this man.

"Ah, yes. He is my brother, Xaros Kirae."

"Nice to meet you."

Lark showed a bit of surprise at the word 'brother' since I never talked about him.

"Ah, yes, nice to meet you. I am Lark Sinis, this is my sister, Laura Sinis and her is Alia."

His sister, as always, well, as long as I had known her, was still next to her brother while Alia was dancing with some man farther away. So, I never knew it but he is a noble. Family Sinis huh ?

In this world, though it's a bit sad, most of the common persons don't even have a family name, the most probable for one to have it is by being a reknown family of merchant or to be a noble.

"So, do you want to dance with someone ?"

The man says while pointing at his sister as he winks at me.

"I am sorry, I won't dance today. But maybe Xaros will ?"

Yeah, I felt it. The murdery intent that leaked out of Xaros as I said that.

As Xaros was about to decline this proposition as well, Lark already handed him Laura who seemed quite happy as well. No one can flee against women. Not even Gods apparently.