go check out my other Borderlands Fanfic. "Borderlands: Multiverse of Madness"
A/n I have returned!!! Sorry for the wait, but now I'm back. One chapter today cause i am very tired and have a headache, but multiple tomorrow. Hopefully two or three. One thing, i will never drop this fic. This willbe finsishd and that is a promise cause I love borderlands.
Ps, i was in a rush and couldnt correct the mistakes. I will do it later today when i am free.
A very loud and high pitched scream rang in my ears as i had teleported to a large arena surrounded by a barrier made from scrap metal.
The scream was naturally from Laura who i had suddenly snatxhed her away while she was sleeping.
She fell face first into the dirt while i landed in my feet.
Laura: "Asshole! What was that for?! Just tell me when your going to do that!!!"
Raime: "Rude, also language. But i guess everyone needs a cuss word at some point *it's kinda inevitable for Humans* buuuut...i have a bug puppy to give you as a gift!"
Her eyes literally twinkled with hearts, i shit you not!
I swear that i actually saw multiple chibi dogs run curcles around her head.
Laura: "WHERE IS IT!"
I poined behind her to Skagzilla's cave, I waved my hnad and the "Skagzilla bait" was dropped at Laura's feet.
Raime: "Well go on, you have to feed it! Make sure to say hello to it, or it wonn't behave."
Laura became a bit suspicious of me,but dod as i said.
She still was a young girl and ignorant if the world outside of her village.
Whileshewas aproaching the cave entrance, I decided to check a fature if the System Store.
The Gacha...
The bane of all beings,be they Gods or Mortal...
To aquire a spin, i had to give something if equal value.
I decided to exchange one of my Leviathan Tongues I had received from the Horsemen Death.
I had received 3 spins.
I rolled my first spin and...
But depite how much I pleaded I was ignored by the system.
I cried internally but I just accepted it. Probebly my ridiculous Luck on my first spin getting the Heart of Lorkhan will reward me with good stuff from these 7 spins.
I used them all. Afte many "CONGRATULATIONS!" prompts, this was what i had received.
One Sacred Gear - Random (DXD)
Holy Water
Blood Fruit (Devil May Cry 5)
Ascended Form (Devil May Cry)
(A/n Ascended Form is the Angel version of a Devil Trigger from Devil May Cry (Lucifer used this in his battle vs Dante and Vergil, or so i've heard (BTW Dante has a illegitimate daughter called Beatrice and Vergil has a unnamed Daughter mentioned in the books))
Griffith {Devil May Cry 5 version (not DMC 1}
Djiin Sword (+Razia) {Prince of Persia: The Forgitten Sands}
(A/n Razia is a Myrine Djiin that helps the Prince to defeat the Ifrit Djiin called Ratash using the Djiin Sword.)
Shurrikan {Eragon}
(A/n Listen here, they are not OP compared to what i got originally. Yes, i did get Heart of Lorkhan from rolling kn my first try, but that would kill the story so i removed it.)
Raime: 'What the actual Fuck?!'
Most of this stuff i can't even use.
Can't use the Ascended Form since i need to be an literal member if the Angel race to use it.
The Blood Fruit is too dangerous to use for now. I am still Human, if i used something like the Blood Fruit whuch is super condensed Blood from hundreds of thousands of people I will definitely suffer tge consequences.
Griffith, okay. Good birdy.
Holy Water, yep i can use, but on what?
Sacred Gear, great!
Shurrikan! He is a freaking 300 metre Dragon! What the hell am i goung to do with it! I can't take care of him yet! Besides, I dint know if guns can hurt him since Dragon Scales from Eragon are oretty weak. I mean Saphira got injured very easily. But if i can buy a Dragon Scale upgrade from the System Store, i can give it to him and he'll be stronger and more protected.
The Djiin Sword with Razia is an amzaing reward!
Hopefully Razia is loyal to me, if so I can get alot of nice powers and abilities from her. Eapecially how to control Time, and she can help teach me in learning my PhaseTime power.
I looked back to Laura and saw that she was currently inside of Skagzilla's mouth.
She was using her recently aquired Nephlim strength to prevent herself from being devoured by the very big doggi i wnated ger to tame.
Raime: "Laura! Dont be mean to Zilla Jr!"
I watched as Laura was able to kick a tooth out if the weirdly shapped mouth of Skagzilla, like all Skags have.
Sh leapt out of the mouth as ut was distracted by the sudden pain.
Skagzilla slammed its fromt leg at Laura and she was sent flying until she crashed into the metal walls of the arena.
The outline of her body was left impronted into the wall as she pushed herself out of it.
Raime: 'Her Durability is working quite well. Even if it didn't i had already confirmed that she can regenerate from anything that isn't complete Brain or Heart Destruction, she also cant fell pain unless it was from magical means.'
Laura knew i would teleport her back to the arena if she ran so she charged at Skagzilla.
When she reached in close, she leapt 10 metres into the air and brought her fists down on its head.
Skagzilla crashed to the ground and a lage crater was formed from where its head had impacted with the ground.
Laura navelt made he mistake of letting her guard down at having thought she had defeated it so easily.
When she landed, Skagzilla had already recoved and slammed ints front legs down and crushed her underneath it.
When it moved its hand, she was lying on her back and looked dazed at having been pressed on with such force.
Skagzilla then proceeded to crush her again and again into the earth repeatedly, causing her body to sink further and further into the ground.
Now that i think about it, it really is a good thing she has a Nephilim body now, she would definitely have died in this world even if i was with her. I could not stay by her side forever and protect her. But now she can protect herself.
I dont need an idvincibke body, i just need unstoppable power.
As soon as i learn how to maintain Vector Manipulation constantly, then nothing can stop me, only age, but i'll take care of that at some point.
Just then, Laura had clumsly jumped out of the pit that was shaped like her body.
An aura of pure rage and bloodlust was radiating from her.
Her Nephilim bloodline is a battle driven and emotion based race.
I wonder what her Nephilim Form is?
Death had his Reaper form, and is the only one of the Hirsemen to have completely mastered it, being able to transform at will between his base and Reaper form at any time.
War had his Chaos Form.
Fury is a larger version of herself, i don't think the name of ger Form was actually given.
(A/n I dont know if it has a name, and so that means MC doesnt know either.)
Strife just looked awsome with the tail and the gattling gun arm.
Laura had rushed at Skagzilla and if ut wasn't for my spatial awareness i swear she had just go FTL and straight up teleported with pure running speed to Skagzilla's rear legs.
She grabbed one of them with both her hands and she straight up lifted Skagzilla that must have weighed at least the average whale!
She spun Skagzilla round and round and slammed it into the cliff face of the cave it had came from.
Skagzilla was dead.
I approached Laura as i saw that she was heavily panting.
Raime: "Congratulations Yo-"
My congratulatry words were cut short as I was left with little choice on what to do, as I was almos dealt a lethal blow to my heart.
Damn! Thank every God i was not an idiot and had wishf for space manipulation via my PhaseSpace ability and the spatial awareness it gives me.
Not only that, but my Metal Gear Rising Raiden cybernetic suit enhanced me to ensane levels of physical prowess, allowing me to move out of the way of said attack before I died.
But that wasnt what i was concerned about.
What was, was the fact that my attacker was non other than Laura herself, as she stood where i once was, and her eyes glowed a vibrant Silver colour, as she just stood there completely lifeless like a zombie.