
Booty Conqueror

{ Part of the Zoniverse: Nova } Waking up in an unfamiliar room, a young man holds his head as he tries to remember what happened to him. He was interrupted when he felt a wave of pain as memories began pouring into his mind. Taking a few minutes to organize these thoughts, he finds out his name is Alex. Although everything is very fuzzy, he understands that he is not in his hometown... and maybe not even his home planet. The words that stood out to him in his memories were "reincarnation" "system" and many more related to novels and fantasy plots. Just as he was wondering what to do next, an attractive young woman appeared on his lap with an audible pop. "Hi there cutie! I'm Aria and I'm the goddess of life and love." Armed with the knowledge given to him by this sexy goddess, Alex must go out on his own journey throughout this new world, Nova, to discover his purpose in this new life. A path that is paved with blood, sex, alcohol, and more sex. - - - This is an R-18 novel so there with be sexual scenes. I will be trying to use a wide range of kinks but I will NOT be labeling my chapters R-18 so you are forewarned hehe. If you do not like a certain kink or preference then tough luck cuz it's my book and I can do what I want. I will leave warnings for chapters that contain more risky topics so be aware of those. Chaps are also about 2k words sometimes more, up to 3k. - - - Don't know who the cover belongs to, I found it on the internet so if it is yours, and you would like me to take it down, please leave a comment or review and I will respond.

QueiterNoises · ファンタジー
117 Chs

Wake Up Soldier!

In a world similar to Earth, in a small city on the border of one of the human kingdoms, an inn sat on its corner of the street that housed numerous travelers hoping to stop and rest for their journeys.


A young man with light brown hair held his head in pain. His vision was blurry and it took him a few minutes to relax and get rid of the headache that plagued him. Sweat lingered on his forehead but he was more concerned about where he was.

He sat up to find himself in a room in what looked like an old-timey inn. He furrowed his brow since he couldn't figure out why he said it was old-timey when he had no memories of anything that might be old-timey to reference.

It concerned him greatly when he realized his head was practically empty! It was a case of serious amnesia that he couldn't explain and he could only hope that his memories would come back soon.

Almost as if the heavens heard his thoughts, another wave of pain, much worse than the first, assaulted him again. He wanted to scream but nothing came out as the air in his lungs escaped him.

He fell back on the creaking wooden bed and writhed in pain for what felt like an eternity. In reality, it was only a few minutes but he was ready for a long winter's nap by the end of it. His chest rose and fell quickly as he tried to catch his breath again, while his whole body was now drenched in sweat.

He was thirsty and hungry after everything that happened, but he ignored it since he now had something filling his once empty brain. Sifting through these jumbled memories for another couple of minutes, he found information that seemed insignificant at first, but was of great help to him.

The first and most important was his name, Alex. He was in his early 20s and knew some information about something called "engineering" but all that information was still too cloudy to make sense of.

He also had a lot of information on things related to "reincarnation," "transmigration," "system," "magic/fantasy novels," and much more. He was unsure why he had so much information about all this stuff but then it hit him.

"Have I been transferred to another world?" Alex muttered to himself.

It was a farfetched idea, but it was either that or a serious case of Dissociative fugue and amnesia. Either way, he was now in an unknown place with very few memories to go off of. He put his hands to his face and wiped his hands down. The skin on his face stretched to a funny face a child might laugh at as he sighed.

He let his arms flop down and chuckled in a self-deprecating manner about how much stress he was going to have to deal with. Just as he was feeling a panic attack coming on, he suddenly felt a bit of weight evenly spread out on top of his waist.

At the same time, he heard an audible pop like someone was blowing bubble gum and widened his eyes at what was on top of him. His jaw went slack and if this was a cartoon, his tongue would have rolled out onto the floor.

In front of him, sitting on his lap, was a gorgeous young woman looking down at him with a smirk on her face. The first thing that immediately drew his attention was her big, round... eyes that seemed to stare into his soul.

The feeling her eyes gave him sent a strange yet pleasant shiver down his spine. The next thing to draw his eyes were her enormous, smooth.... horns that erupted out of her skull. They were a dazzling white like sculpted marble and it almost looked like there was something glittery flowing through it.

Oh, she also had massive tits that looked like they contained all of Alex's hopes and dreams... not that it mattered.

Her golden eyes glowed slightly as she saw where he looked last but her thoughts were unknown.

"Hi cutie, how are you?" Her sweet and seductive voice was music to Alex's ears. It felt like he was in some sort of trance that encouraged him to answer honestly.

"Ummm... a bit stressed and scared I guess? I don't know where I am and I for some reason can't remember much about myself."

Alex let his eyes wander over her body as he realized how amazing she looked after his initial shock. She was like some sort of supermodel but not the plastic surgery kind, the kind where it was just her natural beauty and charming personality that made her attractive.

She had blonde hair and was maybe around 5'7" in height. Rosy cheeks and a small nose and an incredibly seductive body. Her breasts were hardly contained in her white toga robe and her thicc thighs squished nicely against his body.

She bit her lip as she enjoyed his eyes trying to undress her.

"That's normal after what you have been through but your memories will slowly come back to you. Just be patient."

Her words brought him back to reality and the situation he was in, so he asked one of the many questions he had.

"Wait, do you know what happened to me?"

"Of course sweetie, I was the one who made you this way, after all~" Her words became more sensual as she gently laid down on top of Alex fully to prevent him from getting up.

There was a lot of stimulation going through his body right now and it was hard to focus but he kept asking questions.

"What do you mean? Did you steal my memories?" He wanted to sound angry but it came out as more of a struggle given his situation. Her breast squished against his chest and he swore he could feel 2 hard somethings poking his chest.

His own hard something had long risen and if she couldn't feel it already, then she wasn't letting her thoughts show. She had long felt his soldier wake up and press against her but she didn't act on it. Instead, she wrapped her delicate arms around his neck to give him a better view before answering his question.

"Technically I didn't steal your memories, but you did offer them up as payment." She said.

Although Alex had another question, she put a finger to his lips and continued, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions but let me explain since I can't stay here for long. I am Aria, the Goddess of life and love, and I have helped you move from your homeworld, Earth, to this world, Nova. Although you may call it transmigration or reincarnation, that is not completely true. In reality, I just used my power to prevent your soul from breaking down before binding you to a suitable body in this world. It's as simple as that."

'Simple? That is very NOT simple?!' Alex wanted to retort but her finger felt like a mountain on his lips and he couldn't speak his mind. Aria smiled almost as if she could read his thoughts and continued.

"To answer one of your possible questions, yes you died on Earth. Well... technically you hadn't died, or your soul would have dispersed into the universe, but it would have been impossible for you to recover and continue living on Earth. That's where I come in!

"As a Goddess, it is my job to help keep balance in the universe so I used you as a means to finish my work. Of course, I didn't take advantage of you and allowed you to live again in this world full of magic and monsters.

"When we spoke you seemed very excited about it and even gave up your memories if it meant getting 'cheat powers,' whatever that means, and I agreed despite telling you all the backlashes it may cause.

"Anyways, I used your soul to help connect your world to this one. As this world is governed by Universal Law, I cannot directly interfere in it, but it is a different case when a 'rouge world' like Earth is involved."

Alex managed to finally move her finger out of the way so he could speak and decided to put his own finger to her lips to get her to be quiet. Her lips were very soft and he craved to kiss them but held back.

"T-Thank you for telling me all this but I feel it might be a little faster if I just ask the necessary questions right now. The ones that will at least let me live peacefully until my memories come back. Is that okay?"

He felt he needed to be polite with her if she really was a goddess, but anyone who could use that magic-like appearing act was worthy of praise in his mind.

She smiled against his finger before gently opening her mouth and biting it. She nibbled on him but felt no pain, only pleasure and he felt he could orgasm any second if he wasn't careful.

She let his finger drag her lower lip down a bit to reveal her pearly whites, "Okay~"

She continued making eye contact with him which made it much more difficult to focus, but he pressed on.

"You mentioned a Universal Law, is this like a system from video games on Earth?" "Yes"

Alex asked and Aria immediately answered without hesitation. She kept playing with his finger like it was his little buddy, running her lips up and down it and even letting her little tongue lick the tip. Alex was honestly very confused about how he could feel so much pleasure just from his finger, it was almost like it was his actual dick being touched.

"Do I have any of these 'cheat powers' you mentioned me trying to get? And how do I use the system?"

"I don't know what those 'cheat powers' are but you probably didn't, I don't have the power to grant you anything, just life as in my title. Just think about the system and a screen should appear before you."

She answered quickly again and Alex realized she was speeding up her movements. Her breathing also became heavier and he felt the room heat up a bit. He wasn't sure what was going on but he was getting nervous being around this goddess.

His worry was well-founded since she suddenly pushed him back on the squeaking bed. Alex was terrified about what was about to happen, but he felt that Aria suddenly looked much more beautiful.

"You know~" Her melodic voice broke his stupor, "A mortal has never touched me ever since I became a goddess however long ago that was. Do you know how frustrating it is, as the Goddess of Love, to not have physical contact with someone for that long?"

Alex slowly shook his head side to side to answer no. He just couldn't find the words to speak.

'Wait what abou-'

"NO! I wasn't touching you then. There was a thin barrier that separated us because of this exact reason." Aria interrupted his thoughts and he widened his eyes as he was sure she was reading his thoughts. She also put her finger back on his lips to shut him up.

"And no I'm not reading your thoughts, your face is very easy to read." She glared at him.


That was all Alex could mumble between her finger after having realized how stupid he was being.

"Now I wonder..." Aria's words brought him back to reality again and his jaw went slack as he realized what she was doing.

"Can you survive a night with the Goddess of Love?"

Look forward to the hot chapters cumming soon!

QueiterNoisescreators' thoughts