
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · ファンタジー
64 Chs

Endless Pain

Chapter 53

Placing both knees parallel to the surface, a meaningless word then comes out quite loudly from the other person's tongue.

I admit that I hated both the way he spoke and acted, but when I saw him suffer such a fate....

… How come you feel sorry, huh? After all, he is human too. Rill, believe me, fellow races must complement each other.


Actually, I don't know why you did something like that. However, when asked about the response article, it feels like his soul is about to enter the revocation process unilaterally. Yup, this is just an opinion, you don't need to take what I say as carefully as scientists. Understandable? I'm grateful.

Dead crazy, your actions are now beyond reason, brother. Really, why would you do such a despicable thing? Please first.

Positioning the forehead against the fighting arena, prostrating for no reason for a moment by the person speaking.

Yo bro, I know that all humans have their own sins. But I wonder, what is the reason why you carried out this action? Maybe it's for safety? Or is it just an act of sycophancy? Fuuuh, my brain is confused.


Wow bro, can you lower your voice, can't you? The audience feels uncomfortable, okay? Please keep your head up, we're watching your show, okay?

Remaining in the prostrate position, a pile of words containing a loud sound for a moment was painted badly on the two leaves of the voice recorder.

I swear, for whatever reason I won't lie. Rill, I'm not joking, fuuuh-



So bro, don't you feel lazy when you hear that child's voice? Suwer, never mind readers, feelings of irritation without my asking can appear in an instant. So annoying, ah!

Hearing a quite loud scream, a slight murmur along with a momentary change in body position from front to back was carried out by none other than the teenager. Well, a guy around 20 years old, really unpredictable, right?



"Sayonara, idiot creature!"

Bro, you're kidding, right? My eyes are looking at an optical illusion, right? It's not a sad phenomenon after a funeral procession, right? Anyone, please give me an explanation.

After uttering a sentence without feeling at all, the body of none other than the young man's opponent was now gone, gone without giving any news, disappeared without leaving any traces other than black fireflies of darkness.

Suwer, even though he was just thrown a move, you know. But how come it can result in death, huh? It's hard to understand using reason, really.

Huuuh, considering that the other person is gone from the fighting area, I hereby declare that you are a winner! Even though the final battle felt very scary, at least each side had tried to show off their abilities, right?


Congratulations friend, thanks to your efforts it was successfully erased without leaving a penny behind. Rather than fighting until the entire universe is torn apart, it would be better if you used the tactics just now. Thank goodness, fortunately your brain is wise enough.


"Honestly, I don't want to do this, but what can I do? I guarantee that a child's cry won't be heard a second time!"

Humu, if you pay attention to your tone of voice and facial expressions, it seems like you are trying not to repeat fatal mistakes in the future. Seriously, the way he talks sounds so heavy, rill dah.

Standing up while clenching his fists as hard as he could, a sentence containing regrets about his life for a moment came to his opponent's senses.

Honestly, I don't want to say much. Mocking other people's way of life is not a commendable act. Understandable, reader? Don't just judge, remember!

( Humu, one disappeared, huh? Naruhodo, good, Dissident. This way I don't have to go through the trouble of eliminating this ridiculous disaster.)

While the young man was trying to celebrate his victory over his success in killing someone, an angel in a room covered in quite bright light was seen floating casually in the middle of the dimension.

Instead of relaxing or doing a quick task according to the Creator's orders, his eyes staring at a sheet is an accurate reflection of the behavior he is carrying out. Yup, a few moments after the world and everything in it was created without the slightest shortage, one of the 13 Archangels throughout the sky, Azriel Nostradamust was born. The purpose of why it was created was for the task of monitoring the performance of all celestial bodies, whether in the form of material or a symbiotic source.

Pretty hard work, huh? Moreover, this time you witnessed an unusual incident.

( Huufh, without being asked they destroy each other. Curse you, Dissidents! Even if you are just sitting around, the universe feels like it is being destroyed because it was hit by an unconventional existence.)

Floating while looking at a ruffled sheet of paper, a few meaningful words were thrown out for a moment around where Azriel lived.

Honestly, I agree with what Azriel said. An unusual existence standing on the path where the Book of Fate was formed was certainly no small matter, right? A life that can destroy the whole world, right? Unbelievable, genuine.

( If I can speak frankly, Dissenters only end up in misery. Every Dissident on the face of the earth has their own path. That means they will not be bound, let alone be regulated by the beautiful verses created by My Master alone.)

Moving his hand to stroke the surface of the paper, the movement of his wings up and down is nothing but a typical sight for Azriel's actions.

Well, it's natural for him to do something like that, considering that angels fly with wings, right?


( Every path chosen by Dissidents is wrong, and if that path leads to misery and death, then we will not care about the fate of these people, let alone care. The reason is very clear, isn't it? We only want to give life to those who obey, not those who make troublemakers like them!)

Hoooh, expressing annoyance, very brilliant, lah. It's rare for you to act like this, Azriel. I should be careful, it's genuine.

Staring at the page of paper with eyes so sharp, thousands of lines of writing went off track and created a separate group spontaneously depicted in the sense of sight.

Well, just paying attention to a small child's messy writing is no problem, but not this time, boy. The verse written by Azriel just now is nothing more than a collection of the Dissident's way of life who chose to leave and live on his own without wanting to be regulated and ordered by hierarchical beings.

Honestly, your thoughts are very strange. For whatever reason, the habits of the Dissidents will no longer be affected if the law, destiny or blueprint ideas are destroyed by their fellows. It's natural, after all, they have different lifelines, aka they have created their own life systems.

Huuuh, you have to watch with your own eyes and take action if one of them dares to try to destroy the environment. You can't imagine how terrifying their abilities are, really.
