
book of transmigration: fairytale's of silver Star

Ren liked this novel named "Fairytales of Silver Star," by some fate he finds himself transmigrated into its world. However, to his destiny, this world is a fusion of both the game and novel versions, with a different plot and cast. Ren, now became a spoiled young master of the Valencrusin family, he realised he became sidecharecter from game. now his advantage of knowing about plot and story progression of novel is gone. Now this new merged world of silver Star contains diverse characters both game and novel. it has both protagonists and antagonist from game and novel. it Aldo has both heroines from both novel's. some characters may be inspired from fairytale and author sama changed their stories little or major and give them extra personality traits making new character for example story main heroine is snow white. what can i say this world is fairy tale world with modern fantasy and game like elements. which fairy tail character do you wanto see? main story will start in magic academy and their will join our fairytale heroine now she is heroine of my novel. plot became really unpredictable. Ren has illness it makes him forgot some part of memory he remembers it in rediculus situation and second he is**** go read the novel if you want to know? ******* stay connected to author sama here instagram loneystar_12 **** English in this book may not be good . Mr author sama is not writing his novel in his mother tongue and sometimes author sama will do spelling mistake.plase understand him. he will improve himself if you give him review and fidback . stay tuned and please make author sama winner it's just his fantasy . he just writing book for fun though he doesn't have any expectations from himself lastly thank you. author sama will write 3 to 6 chapters per week give him fidbacks. additional tags #noharem #multiplelead #fairy #demons #angels #gods #otherworlders #elf #mergedworld #summoning #demonking #outergods #dragons #multyverse

Loneystar · ファンタジー
10 Chs

New beginning

Ren's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. The room was strange, not mine, and Celes was gone. I took a deep breath to calm down and think. The book had said I'd be sent to a world that mixed a novel and a game together. Now I was here, in that world, as a character.

I had to save Celes; that was my mission. But there would be more missions, more challenges. This world was new and different, full of things from the game and the novel. I couldn't just use what I knew before; I had to be smart and figure things out as I went.

I lay on the bed, which was big and fancy, with dark wood and heavy curtains. The sheets were cool and smooth. The room had a big desk, a soft rug, and cream walls. There was a dresser with small, pretty things on it and a big mirror. The windows were large, with thick curtains that let in a bit of the morning light. It was quiet, just the sound of the curtains moving in the breeze

As I pieced together the reality of this fantasy world, it struck me that it was a blend of both the game and the novel. This meant double the protagonists, a larger cast, and even the antagonists had their counterparts. It seemed I had become a side character, but it was unclear whether I was from the game or the novel. I needed to find out.

In the game, the protagonist is a typical isekai hero, summoned from another world along with his six classmates, much like in a Japanese manga. Meanwhile, the novel's protagonist is the chosen successor of the legendary hero Arthur. The thought of both protagonists attending the same academy was thrilling. How would the chosen one and the summoned hero interact?

I wasn't particularly drawn to any of the heroines, but there was one villainous character from the novel who captivated me. I wanted to rewrite her fate, to transform her into an antiheroine. It was an exciting prospect, reshaping her story and seeing how she would evolve in this merged world.

I thought to myself, If this fantasy world from the game and novel has become real, then I should try something.So I said quietly, "Open status." And just like that, a screen popped up in front of me with all sorts of information about who I am in this world. It was like a profile for a character in a game


NAME: Tyson Valencrusine

AGE: 14

Race: Human

Level: 5 (G rank)

Strength: 5 (G rank)

Speed: 5 (G rank)

Mana: (No contracted medium)

Charm: C

Luck: C

Intelligence: SSS+

Affinity: Fire (Inherited genetically), Lightning (Natural talent), Ice (Bonus for not having mana)

Blessing: None

Skills: None

Inventory: (1/100)


In the world of Silver Star, there are three

stages of awakening that one experiences:

First Awakening: This occurs between the ages of 8 and 10. To awaken mana, an individual must form a contract with a magical beast. The beast must choose and accept the person as their partner, granting them access to mana. To find a magical beast, people venture into a mana-rich forest and perform a special ceremony to form this bond.

Second Awakening: It occurs between age 11 to 13.This is the awakening of elemental affinity. Most people awaken to one element, which is their natural talent. Some inherit their parents' affinity, known as genetic affinity. Occasionally, individuals receive a third element as a bonus, either from the system or bestowed by higher beings.

The third awakening in the world of Silver Star is a significant event that occurs between the ages of 14 and 16. During this awakening, individuals gain access to a game-like status system that displays their level, rank, and elemental affinity. Additionally, this awakening bestows upon them a unique ability tailored to each individual, known as a blessing.

to gain access to mana, different races have their own unique methods of forming contracts with magical entities:

Humans: They form contracts with magical beasts. The process requires a mutual acceptance between the human and the beast, signifying a partnership that allows the human to access mana.

Elves: Elves contracts with spirits. Their connection with these ethereal beings grants them their magical powers.

In Silver Star, anyone can try to make a contract with a fairy instead of a magic beast or spirit. But fairies are rare and making a contract with them is really hard. You need to be very compatible with the fairy to make it work. So, while it's an option, it's not common because it's tough to do.

Dwarves have a special relationship with the Earth or Fire Dragon. They don't need to make contracts with anyone else because this powerful dragon gives them access to mana and acts as their protector and king.

Curiosity piqued, I uttered the command, "Open inventory." A list materialized before me, revealing a solitary entry in an otherwise empty space:


Items (1/100)

1. Book of Transmigration


The Book of Transmigration. The name alone hinted at its significance, likely tied to my arrival in this world. It was the only item I had, which meant it was important. I wondered what secrets it held and how it would help me on my journey.

I cautiously reached into my inventory and pulled out the book. My heart raced as I recognized it—the Book of Transmigration. The same one I had discarded. How could I understand its language, a language unknown to me on Earth?

Suddenly, the book glowed a brilliant blue and levitated before me. In an irritated voice, it exclaimed, "Damn it! You idiotic fool! Why do you throw me that hard every time?"

Fear gripped me, and I hastily began to plead . I didn't want any curse or punishment. "I am sorry, oh great Book of Transmigration. Please forgive this innocent fool, oh almighty, omnipotent book."

The book seemed to calm down, and looking at it, I could swear it appeared embarrassed by my over-the-top apology. Clearing its 'throat,' it said, "Cough cough, okay, stop, you fool. I will forgive you this time."

I hesitated for a moment before addressing the book with a feigned sense of dread. "Book-san, can you tell me where Celes is?" The book floated above me, then settled on my head, opening itself. Its voice caused a tingling sensation as it vibrated through my mind. "I will tell you later. First, it's time for your bonus."

The book glowed, and a translucent screen appeared with a series of numbers that looked like a lottery. "What is this?" I asked, puzzled. The book, now introducing itself , responded while taking a yawn, "First, you may call me Mili. I am the bookkeeper trapped in this book, its guardian. Second, choose a number, and it will grant you any one blessing that exists in this world."

Realizing the opportunity before me, I quickly chose the numbers 9, 5, 23, 74, filling them into the slots. The book glowed in response, and a name appeared on the screen: 'Dark World.' I racked my brain, but I couldn't recall ever hearing about such a blessing in the novel or game. It was an entirely new and mysterious power.

With a sense of anticipation, I spoke the words, "Open status." The familiar translucent screen appeared, now updated with the new and enigmatic blessing:


NAME: Tyson Valencrusine

AGE: 14

Race: Human

Level: 5 (G rank)

Strength: 5(G rank)

Speed: 5 ( G rank)

Mana: (No contracted medium)

Charm: C

Luck: C

Intelligence: SSS+

Affinity: Fire (Inherited genetically), Lightning (Natural talent), Ice (Bonus for not having mana)

Blessing: Dark World

Skills: None

Inventory: (0/100)


The 'Dark World' blessing was now a part of my status.

Intrigued by the new addition to my status, I tapped on the 'Blessing' section, and a description appeared.

It read


Blessing Level 1:

Dark Energy.


NAME: Tyson Valencrusine

AGE: 14

Race: Human

Level: 5 (G rank)

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Mana: (No contracted medium)

Dark Energy: 20

Charm: C

Luck: C

Intelligence: SSS+

Affinity: Fire (Inherited genetically), Lightning (Natural talent), Ice (Bonus for not having mana)

Blessing: Dark World

Skills: None

Inventory: (0/100)


i will take two days off

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