
Book Of Evil's Curse

There are seven Prince of Underworld. Lucifer, the Prince of Pride. Belphegor, Prince of Sloth. Mammon, Prince of Greed. Beelzebub, Prince of Gluttony. Satan, Prince of Wrath. Leviathan, Prince of Envy and Asmodeus, Prince of Lust. They have their own districts that they rules but all of them is under Hades一God of Underworld and known to be their King. One day, Hades himself announced that he have a long-lost daughter and before the another mating season ends, they need to find her. Also the one who will found Hades' daughter will be given privilege to mate with her and spur seeds to give birth in the new King of Underworld. The seven of them have only seven-hundred-thirty days to find the Princess of Underworld but they don't have any clue of who could be her or where would she be at. And based on the reports by their each sources, the Princess is in Earthland. Where the foolish and coward humans live.

sflvmikee · ファンタジー
2 Chs

History: Creator's Creations

Earth is created 4.6 billion years ago but the Creator live for more than quadrillion years ago and in that time, the other supernatural creatures is also created by the Creator himself.

Creator also created the world where bad things is all around and it's called Underworld for some reasons that the Heaven一where all pure, holy and good are at the top and those tainted, evil and bad is sent in the under. He did also created Hades一the God of Underworld who live as much as the Creator did. He also did create so many things including our universe and planets.

But the Creator is still not satisfied with it to the point that he created the Angels and Demons who keep the balance of the living. But as much as he wants to call his Angels as pure and holy warriors of him, there will be some who is not really pure and holy一some who develops tainted, evil and bad from Underworld. This is where fallen Angels started to be sent in Earthland and in the Underworld.

Those who falls in the Earthland, they are those creatures who create the supernatural events and for those who falls in Underworld remain in Underworld with only few times to go in Earth. Lucifer is one of the strongest Angel who is sent in the Underworld as a fallen Angel same as the other Princes of Underworld.

Because of their strengths and ranking in their lives in Heaven, they are given the tittle of being the Seven Princes of Underworld by Hades. Each one of them is skilled and dark but despite of that, the Creator decided to create a curse in evils that will be only broken if true love has been found.

In this time, much of us thinks that evil isn't able to feel love but it wasn't true. The Book of Evil's Curse contents says that true love does exist and even those Evil ones can have that true love. Hades tried to seek for that true love and he found it with Persephone a young goddess daughter of the Archangel Michael and Demeter.

Hades and Persephone fell in love with each other but by the law of Heaven, it's forbidden for a Goddess一pure, holy and good to be with tainted, evil and bad like Hades so he decided to throw Persephone as a fallen goddess in Earthland but Hades saves her using a sacred ancient spell. But in cause, Persephone will lose her memories, goddess power and she will live as a normal human being一a mortal who is pregnant by Hades' child...

From afar, Hades kept on watching them but it's too dangerous so he decided to be far away from Persephone their child. He loves Persephone she doesn't remember him. He loves their child even the child doesn't know him as a father.