
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · アニメ·コミックス
71 Chs

Chapter 8: Decision

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 8: Decision

Days?: Choices

(Mistral: Mistral City: Kosaka Blacksmith's Building: Armory Room)

"You know...I'm not much of a bladed weapon user." I said to Shigure, as she continues to look through all kinds of bladed weapons for me to use. Some of them I had seen in my family's Armory Room as well.

However, there wasn't a single mecha-shift weapon in sight, but I do see some firearms.

Shigure pause for a moment, then resume looking and in a few seconds later. She found what she was looking for and passes me an exact copy of my [Combat Knife].

I raise an eyebrow at Shigure, but took it out of her hands and found out it look brand new. Not even a single scratch on it compare to my [Combat Knife], with full of scratches.

"Blade...edge...is very...sharp...please be...careful." Shigure warns me not to cut myself, even though my aura would protect me from getting cut in the first place. But, nonetheless, I will heed Shigure's warning.

"Alright." I nod at Shigure, "So, is this is a replacement for my [Combat Knife] or something?" Wondering what the reason for Shigure giving me a new [Combat Knife].

"Yours...gone...a bit...dull...and...need...to get...sharpen...use that...one for...now." Shigure telling me the reason for giving me this new [Combat Knife].

I blink a few times, then take out my own [Combat Knife] and compare it the new one. Shigure mentioning the blade edge going dull was true, causing me to frown. Since I have already taken care of my [Pistol]. So, seeing the current state of my [Combat Knife] sadden me.

"I forgot about that..." I mumble to myself and Shigure let a small smile appear, as I finally realize I should've taken care of all my equipment.

"Shigure. Do you mind teaching me how to do a purpose way to sharpen my [Combat Knife] and anything else I need to know to make sure my [Combat Knife] is in good condition?" I ask Shigure.

However, much to my regret and sadness, Shigure shook her head before she tells me the reason why she rejected on teaching me, "The...[Combat Knife]...you been...using up...to now...is badly...damage...to the...point of...sharpening...it wrong...will...break it."

Shigure gently took my [Combat Knife] out of my right hand and I didn't bother to deny her taking it from me.

As I watch Shigure trace her finger on the flat side of my [Combat Knife], "I...will...do it...for you." Then, Shigure glare at me, "Next time...take care...of...it..." I quickly nod at Shigure, when she let out a small amount of killing intent directly at me.

Shigure let out a sigh, "Use...that...for now..." Then she walks towards a different area to find the equipment she needs to sharpen my [Combat Knife] while leaving me standing here.

Looking down at the new [Combat Knife] for temporarily use for now and did a few twirl it around, then stop at a reverse grip.

I look up and glance around the room, as I try to find Shigure and without any luck since this whole room is at least twice as bigger than my family's Armory Room.

'I should have followed Shigure...' I thought dryly, as I wander around the place. Looking at all difference kinds of weapons and notices most of the swords don't even have a scabbard for them.

I even found a familiar red-colored traditional Japanese chokuto, 'I wonder what kind of metal was used to make this or was this chokuto painted in red?' I continue to look around until I found Shigure.

As of right now, Shigure is wiping the [Combat Knife] with a black towel for some reason. Not that I would know what else Shigure would do to fix my [Combat Knife].

Shigure looks at me, then quickly return to her work in silence.

Knowing that Shigure still not completely used to others watching her working. Will cause her to feel shy and may either end up running away to hide until she doesn't feel shy anymore or knocking the person out.

The first time I saw this side of Shigure, I end up being knocked out for 3 hours and Shigure looked at me with a guilty expression. Which I made sure to tell her I was fine and all, then make her something to eat to cheer her up.

So, I pretty much help Shigure get used to my presence, besides her family, while she is working. All I had to do was keep my distance while every week or month, I would decrease my distance between us to see how Shigure dealt with my presence at the time.

Right now, the distance between Shigure and I is 4 meters apart. At the beginning, it was 20 meters and that was when I discover Shigure's ability to detect anything out of the ordinary in a 20 meter radius.

'Hmm...maybe instead of another [Magic], I should get another [Skill] in detection and stealth.' I started thinking the pros and cons of my next purchases from the [Persona System].

'Then again, I will need an extra [3000 System Points] to buy the [Basic Detection Mastery] alone. If I want the [Basic presence Concealment Mastery] as well, then I will need [1500 System Points] more than. Meaning, I need a total of [3500 System Points] more to buy both of these [Skill].' I continue to look around, but kept my distance at 4 meters away from Shigure for today.

'Maybe I should focus more on my current [Skill]. I'm almost finished with all the [Training Methods] and I could finally take the [Mastery Rank Test].' I frown a little, 'I wonder if it actually cost me some [System Point] to even take the [Mastery Rank Test] and what would happen if I fail them. So many questions...'

"I'm almost...finish...then...we can...leave..." Shigure said to me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Alright. Do we need anything else from here before we leave?" I ask Shigure and decided that I will continue to focus on finishing the [Training Methods] while at the same time. If there is a chance of getting more [Crystalline Dust] then I will take them and buy one of two [Skill] I want. Also, if I do happen to get more [Crystalline Dust], I will go with [Magic] next.

"Do you...need...more...[Dust Round]?" Shigure place my [Combat Knife] on the side, showing that she would continue working on it later after we finish everything else.

"Well, not really. But, I am running low on [Bullet]." I checked my [Inventory] of the different types of [Dust Round] and I have a decent amount of [Dust Round]. However, I am low on [Bullet] from using against Shigure for our sparring matches.

"For...regular...[Bullet]...there's...a bunch...of...magazine...in...the...crates..." Shigure point at the crate behind me. I rub the back of my head, with a sheepish smile on my face from forgetting about the crate behind me filled with different types of [Bullet].

There is also another crate filled with [Dust Round], but I could only take a few magazines since there are a limited amount of them until Shigure's Father decides to make more.

Plus, at the moment, I only have a [Pistol] as my only firearm and limited to a selected [Bullet] and [Dust Round]. Most of the stronger and destructive versions, I don't have the correct kind of firearms to use them.

Grabbing a dozen magazines of [Bullet] for my [Pistol], then toss them in my [Inventory].

I stop for a moment to see if there any other firearm I should take with me or something I could use in the future.

But, I changed my mind and walk out of the Armory Room with Shigure as it isn't the right time for me to use another firearm just yet.

(Mistral: Mistral City: Kosaka Blacksmith's Building: Backyard)

"I...will...have...your...[Combat Knife]...finish...by...tomorrow." Shigure informs me, as we continue walking back into Shigure's House.

"Alright. I'm in no hurry, but I will need you to teach me later on how to perform a maintenance for the [Combat Knife] or do it for me until I get the [Basic Knife Mastery] later to do it myself." I look at Shigure, as she thought about it and see which options are better.

A minute later, as Shigure finish thinking which options she picks, "I will...continue to...do it...for you...until...you...get...the...[Skill]." I nod at Shigure, and feel a little relief from not having to add another thing to my busy schedule.

After all, it has already been a whole year and I still haven't gone pass the [Basic Rank] into the [Trainee Rank]. Also, the fact that Shigure even gets some training out of these [Training Methods] as well. Actually, more towards the one she likes to go through.

(Mistral: Mistral City: Kosaka's Building: Living Room)

"Well, seeing how Pyrrha is gone with her training trip. Should we go on a training trip of our own?" I ask Shigure, as we enter Shigure's House and walk into the Living Room.

"Maybe..." Shigure looks like she may consider it, but not completely sure yet and may need another reason to be sure of her choice.

I notice Shigure's Grandfather is sitting on one of the black leather chairs in the room, sleeping in it.

"Oh? What's this about training trip?" Shigure's Grandfather ask in a curious tone, causing both Shigure and I to look at her Grandfather in surprise when he just wakes up all of sudden and neither Shigure or myself talked that loud to wake him up from his nap.

"To get some experience in fighting?" I replied back with a question of my own, causing Shigure's Grandfather to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Well, seeing how you two been training for a year so far right now. I guess it's time for you two to gain some experience in fighting." Shigure's Grandfather looks at between Shigure and I a few times while he thinking about something.

Not a second later, Shigure's Mother walk in the room, "What's going on here?" She looks at everyone with a confused expression.

"The kids wanted to go on a training trip. So they could get some experience, which I agree they will need them. But, I haven't figure out what kind types of training trip is best for them right now." Shigure's Grandfather answer Shigure's Mother's question.

"You know if it was any other kids. I would ask if you lost your mind, but with Shigure and Enma. I think it's a good time for them to begin gaining experience in real life battles." Shigure's Mother said truthfully, as she looks at us with a thoughtful look.

"Why not send them to the lower section of Mistral? I'm sure there are plenty of people they could fight with." Shigure's Grandfather said to his daughter-in-law.

"Are you crazy, you old coot? There's a reason why some of us don't go down there." Shigure's Mother scowl at her father-in-law.

"Wimp! The lots of ya are wimp! Only going through the battle with your life on the line can you go beyond the limit your potential can take ya!" Shigure's Grandfather started ranting, as his face's color becoming red with rage.

"Father. Not everyone is a Grand Master of Weapons and gone through a war without ending up having a disability or being dead." Shigure's Mother let out a sigh while we continue listening Shigure's Grandfather continue to shouting about the old days.

"I'm pretty sure I suck at using any complex mecha-shift weapons." I spoke out loud, stopping Shigure's Grandfather ranting for a moment.

"Who said anything about mecha-shift weapons? Those breaks easily if you hit them at their weak points. I only use non-mecha-shift weapons and not crazy enough to rely on those mecha-shift weapons. I swear! Kids these days going around making mecha-shift weapons when in the old days. People would use a gun or a melee weapons single handed or dual wield. In my days, I could kill all these so call 'Hunters' with just a knife." Shigure's Grandfather scowl at me for thinking that he used mecha-shift weapons, but actually with simple weapons.

"And he in his own little world again." Shigure's Mother roll her eyes, "Well, even if he is a crazy old coot, but it doesn't mean he wrong at some parts. I will talk to your Father before we decide what kind of training trip for you two." Shigure looks at Shigure first then at me and back at Shigure.

"Alright, but do you know how long it will take for you guys to decide on what our training trip be. Since I don't mind going down the lower section of Mistral." I said to Shigure's Mother.

Shigure's Mother just shrugged at my questions, "I would say maybe tonight, but this is a big step in your life. So, I would say at least tonight to a week before we finish discussing about this."

"Well, I guess Shigure and I will continue our training session until it's dinner time." I glance at Shigure, then back at Shigure's Mother.

"Make sure to put everything back in place after you use them." Shigure's Mother walks back into the Dining Room while Shigure's Grandfather continues going on about other stuff he did in his days.

next week*

Days?: [Mastery Rank Test]

(Mistral: Mistral City: Kosaka's Building: Temporarily Bedroom)

[Basic Pistol Mastery]:

Training Methods:

Dismantle a [Pistol]: (100/100)

Assemble a [Pistol]: (100/100)

Reload a [Pistol]: (20/20)

Hit a target with a [Pistol]: (100/100)

Perform a proper maintenance on a [Pistol]: (30/30)

'Finally, all those days and I finally finished all my [Basic Pistol Mastery]'s [Training Methods].' I sigh in relief while looking up my [Basic Pistol Mastery], 'Now...how do I take the [Mastery Rank Test] and does it cost me anything at all?'

I frown a little from not seeing anything that allows me to take the [Mastery Rank Test]. I have already checked the [Skill] in the [Persona System] and it doesn't give any options to take the [Mastery Rank Test].

Suddenly it hit me, as I snap my fingers from remembering something a while back.

Getting off my bed and walk over to the wall of my room, then place my right hand against the surface of the wall and a blue door appears.

Opening the blue door, which leads to my [Pocket Dimensional Training Room]. I walk through the blue door, as the door close itself once I completely walk across the borderline.

(Pocket Dimensional Training Room)

Looking around the empty room, well, there the monitor on the wall. But, not something I was looking for right now.

Walking to the opposite wall of the monitor and find a blue touchscreen on the middle of the wall.

'I always wonder what it's for, but neither Shigure or I could find out what it do and we tried everything.' I carefully look at the blue touchscreen, which is the same size as my scroll in the deactivated mode.

I place my right hand on the blue touchscreen once more to see if it does anything.

"Welcome, Enma Nikos. You have a [Skill] with all of its [Training Methods] completed and is allowed to take the [Mastery Rank Test] of that chosen [Skill]." A genderless and in a monotone voice appear within the room, almost causing me to have a heart attack.

Then, without warning the blue touchscreen expand to the same size as the wall, covering the whole wall itself.

[Mastery Rank Test]


"Please choose the [Skill] you would like to take for your [Mastery Rank Test]." The voice informs me while I continue looking around the room in the hope to find where the voice coming from.

"Who are you? And why do I hear your voice now?" I ask the voice, but it didn't response back.

As I wait for a whole minute, but the voice didn't speak again.

'Man, this is getting weirder and weirder.' I let out a sigh, 'Well, at least I made a long term goal to find out who the creator of this [Persona System] and why me of all people have it, besides the whole reincarnation thing.'

Looking back at the blue wall, to see a single option. Where the title is [Mastery Rank Test] and under it is [Skill].

I touch the [Mastery Rank Test] on the blue wall first, to see what would happen, but nothing change.

So, I touch [Skill] next and the [Mastery Rank Test] disappear along with [Skill], as they been replaced with new one.

[Mastery Rank Test: Available Skill]

[Basic Pistol Mastery]: 0 Fail

Touching the [Basic Pistol Mastery], and once again being replaced with a new one.

[Basic Pistol Mastery]

Would you like to take the [Mastery Rank Test] for [Basic Pistol Mastery]?

[Yes] or [No]?

Picking [Yes] and the whole blue wall started expanding across the whole [Pocket Dimensional Training Room]. And soon, the whole room expand until I can't even see the monitor or the walls of the room.

(Mastery Rank Testing Area)

"Welcome to the [Mastery Rank Testing Area], where you will take the [Mastery Rank Test] for [Basic Pistol Mastery] in order to rank up to [Trainee Pistol Mastery]." The voice welcomes me to the Testing Area and I notice the monitor is floating in midair above me.

"Well...now I know where I can take my [Mastery Rank Test] from now on." I said dryly, as I continue looking around and just noticed what I'm standing on. Which happen to be a white field that stretches along with the blue walls, or any wall in my sight, which is none.

"Your task is to shoot all the targets around you within 10 minutes." No sooner after the voice spoke out, at least 2 dozen of bullseye targets appear around me.

"Hitting the first bullseye will start the [Mastery Rank Test]. Please begin whenever you are ready." And the voice no longer spoke further until I either finish my [Mastery Rank Test] successful or fail it.

"Does that mean this Testing Area don't provide me any handgun to use for my [Mastery Rank Test]?" I thought out loud, as I stand there dumbfounded.

"Another thing to note about [Mastery Rank Test]. Always make sure I got the right equipment with me before I take the [Mastery Rank Test]." I mumble to myself, "At least I got my [Colt M1911A1 Pistol] with me."

Taking out my [Pistol] out of my [Inventory], then take out the magazine from the [Pistol] to check on how much [Bullet] is left.

Much to my surprise, I only had a single [Bullet] left in the magazine. So I reload a new magazine and carefully look around me. As I figure out which bullseye is closer to each other.

Adjusting my stance and position myself towards a group of 5 bullseye targets just 10 meters away from each other.

I fire my first shot, then look up at the monitor to see the time limit begin.

Not wasting any time, I begin to shoot down all 5 bullseye targets, then go for the next target while holding another magazine in my right hand, ready to be load into my [Pistol] once I empty the whole magazine.

6 minutes later*

"Enma Nikos, you have successfully finished the [Mastery Rank Test] for the [Skill]: [Basic Pistol Mastery] and now ranked up to [Trainee Pistol Mastery]." The voice informs me once I just finished my last shot against the bullseye target.

(Pocket Dimensional Training Room)

Then, without warning, the Testing Area change back to the [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] in a single second.

Now, I'm standing in front of the blue touchscreen like I haven't moved from my spot, which is kind of true. Since I only have to turn around a few times to look for the bullseye targets. Bringing up my newly ranked up [Skill], to see what I get from ranking it up.

[Trainee Pistol Mastery] - Passive - AP cost: None

Description: Giving the user the knowledge about how to use [Pistol] type firearms and an average instinct for the user to adapt to any [Pistol] type firearms. Also, giving the user the instinct to adapt to a better timing with a [Pistol] for better aim.

The requirement to take the [Mastery Rank Test] to advance from [Trainee Pistol Mastery] to [Official Pistol Mastery] is to finish the [Training Methods].

Training Methods:

Dismantle a [Pistol] within 20 minutes: (0/200)

Assemble a [Pistol] within 20 minutes: (0/200)

Reload a [Pistol] within 5 seconds: (0/200)

Hit 5 targets in a row within 5 seconds: (0/200)

Perform a proper maintenance on a [Pistol] under 1 hour: (0/20)

Once I brought up the [Trainee Pistol Mastery], I started getting new knowledge on how to correct my stance and how to hold my [Pistol] with a single hand, either with my right or left hand.

Much to my disappointment, there wasn't any knowledge from [Trainee Pistol Mastery] on how to dual wield two [Pistol].

"Welp, at least I got [Trainee Pistol Mastery] now." I mumble to myself, as I exit the [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] and return back to my Bedroom.

(Mistral: Mistral City: Kosaka's Building: Temporarily Bedroom)

Falling from the ceiling and land on my feet, 'I still need to figure out why the exit door appears from the ceiling. Well, it's a good thing I didn't try to use the [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] in a big building with the room's ceiling being very high above me.'

Putting my [Pistol] back in my [Inventory], then reach into my left pocket and pull out my scroll to check the time. I found out I only been gone for 20 minutes.

'Well, I better go get Shigure.' I send a text message to Shigure, then return the scroll back into my pocket.

few minutes later*

(Mistral: Mistral City: Kosaka's Building: Shigure Bedroom: Front Door)

After walking for a few minutes, I arrive at the front door belong to Shigure's Bedroom. I knock on the door once, then wait for a response.

Not a second later, the door open and Shigure look at me in silence, then pass me my [Combat Knife].

"I...just...finish...repairing...it." Shigure informs me, as I take my old [Combat Knife] from her.

"Thanks, Shigure. Also, I just finished my [Mastery Rank Test] for the [Basic Pistol Mastery]. Now, it's [Trainee Pistol Mastery] and I found out, that I would need to be in my [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] in order to take the test itself." I explain to Shigure about what's happen during my [Mastery Rank Test] while I took out my notebook to add this in.

"So...I...shouldn't...go in...with you...while...you're...taking...the...test?" Shigure tilts her head to the side, as she looks at me with her usual blank face.

"Honestly, I don't know. But, I rather we don't risk it and see what happen." I have already decided to never bring Shigure or anyone I care about into my [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] when I take the [Mastery Rank Test].

Shigure slowly nods, but frown a little from not being able to see what the Testing Area look like. However, I pointed out to her that there nothing much in the Testing Area beside the materials required in the [Mastery Rank Test], along with the monitor.

"You know, now I think about it. If we haven't got the monitor, along with the [Pocket Dimensional Training Room]. I'm pretty sure I would be stuck on the [Basic Rank] for all my [Skill] until I got them." I thought out loud while relief that I got both monitor and [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] early on.

Shigure just shrugs at my thoughts, then close her Bedroom's door behind her and took the role to lead us towards the Dining Room. After all, it's time for dinner.

next day*

Days?: The Starting Line

(Mistral: Mistral City: Kosaka's Building: Living Room)

After having a family dinner time, the adults finally finish with discussing with each other about what kind of training trip both Shigure and I will take for the rest of our time until we enroll into the academy.

So the adults told us kids during dinner, that they will tell us about what they decided on our training trip tomorrow in the morning. This way, we'll be well rested and think clearly during the talks about the training trip.

As of right now, everyone is in the Living Room while Shigure's Father chose to stand. Both Shigure's Mother and Grandfather are sitting on one of the 4 black leather chairs in the room.

While Shigure and I are sitting on the same black leather couch, with Shigure on the left and myself on the right side of the couch.

"Okay, seeing how the two of you want to go on a training trip, which I understand and at the same time worry." Shigure's Mother begins while letting out a sigh of sadness.

"Why that?" I question and curious about why she worry, besides the whole being in dangerous during our training trip.

"I don't know if you read it in a book or not, but the place we letting you two go to is dangerous, but will help you kids gain as much experience you kids could get before enrolling into the academy. Also, the fact that little Pyrrha is out in her training trip with your parents, Enma. With you kids being 7 years old right now. You have 3 to 6 before it's time to enroll." Shigure's Mother looks at us with sad eyes.

"Knowing those Nikos, little Pyrrha would take less than 6 years." Shigure's Grandfather made a side comment and scowl at the thoughts of something, but kept his mouth shut afterward.

"Also, with the Nikos' Family Traditional in bringing up the new generation. I would say this would be true." Shigure's Mother looks at my direction, with eyes of pity and sadness, along with anger.

"Nikos' Family Traditional?" I look at Shigure's Mother, with confusion and even Shigure was confused as well at this.

"Sorry, Enma. But, you would require being at least 20 to know about your own family's rules. Plus, with the arranged marriage contract between you and my loving Shigure. We're bound to the contract, where we can't inform you about it and what else your family does for Mistral." Shigure's Mother close her eyes, as she lowers her head just barely at me, to show how she is sorry about this.

"It's okay. Not like I would need to know about it now. After all, I'm having a fun time spending with Shigure." I put up a smile, to show that I don't mind being left out about not knowing about my own family's rules.

'Of course, the family's Library doesn't include this so call family's rules.' I keep my smile up as Shigure's Mother return with her own smile, 'Already checked Shigure's family's Library a few months back and still nothing. This just mean, I have to look at somewhere us then.'

"I'm happy to hear that and don't worry, we will let you see the contract once your training trip is over." Shigure's Mother made a promise with me.

"Now, back to what I was saying a few minutes ago about the place we sending you kids to. Is very dangerous depending on where you are." Shigure's Mother looks at us with a serious expression, along with Shigure's Father and Grandfather also look at us with the same expression. Showing both Shigure and I how seriously this place is.

"If you had read about the lower section of Mistral, then you should know about how the place is infamous for being the home of thieves, criminals, and assassins from all across Remnant, who have come to Mistral to remain undetected. Also, having the largest black market in Remnant, where the services of assassins and even corrupt Hunters can be bought in the Kingdom if one has the funds to do so." Shigure's Mother continue explain to us about how dangerous it is and even living in the same Kingdom.

"And the lower you go down the lower section of Mistral. It will get even more dangerous, to the point of finding people who are strong enough to take on an army with ease." Shigure's Mother stands up from her seat, then slowly walk over us.

Once Shigure's Mother stands right in front us and kneels to our eye level and stares at us with cold eyes, causing us to shiver at this.

"I want you two to promise me to only stay in the 50th Floor Area. Which is just filled with amateur and is the first Floor Area into the lower section of Mistral. Promise me you two won't go below the 50th Floor Area. Promise me." Shigure's Mother narrow her eyes at us.

Neither Shigure and I could even talk with the way Shigure's Mother giving us a cold glare. So we just nod at the same time in silence. Which is enough for Shigure's Mother to stop glaring at us and return back to the innocent caring Mother she is.

'Man, I hate this second personality of hers. No wonder Shigure would shake in terror at this. Heck, I'm shaking already and from the look of it. So is Shigure.' I thought in fright, as Shigure held my hand in hopes it would comfort her. I gently squeeze Shigure's hand to see if it would help.

"Good. Now, we have already packed everything you two need to be ready and enough Lien to help you get to start with. Also, if you need us, just contact us through your scroll. But, only for an emergency. Do you two still want to do this? We can just help you train ourselves like we do now." Shigure's Mother looks at us in hope we wouldn't go through this training trip of ours.

Both Shigure and I look at each other in a silence conversation between us to decide what would make a huge impact on our lives at this very moment.

Finally, after a whole minute, Shigure and I have decided which options to go with. Shigure and I look back at the adults, as I open my mouth to answer.