
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · アニメ·コミックス
71 Chs

Chapter 66: So Many Choices To Pick

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 66: So Many Choices To Pick

Days?: The Seventh And Last Day of the Week Time Limit Part 4

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Dorms: Team: RWBY's Room)

"Now, how about the detail on the success of getting Weiss back her heiress status." I give team RWBY and JNPR a smile, but instead of seeing any smiles in return. All I got was pale faces and some even look down in shame. Not wanting to look me in the eyes.

"What? No good news at all?" I continue to ignore the look I'm getting from Yang, whose eyes are red from the rage she aiming at me, but can't do a single thing to release this build up anger.

"Enma. Enough. You don't have to rub it in." Weiss said in a broken voice, showing that her grief over her Mother's death has already shown up even worse for Weiss now. Just by the tone of her voice was easy enough to tell Weiss is depress.

And if the look I'm getting from Izaya, then Weiss is getting worse by the second. Therefore, I decided to stop messing around.

"Uh, hey where Pyrrha?" Jaune looks among us and didn't find Pyrrha and all he sees is another new person. In fact, the new red hair girl is scary looking for him, which Blake would secretly agree with Jaune. As Blake knew who the new person is straight away.

This is why Blake quickly use her semblance to take her previous position and hid under the bed. Hoping the darkness under the bed would hide her from the new girl.

I blink. Pyrrha blink. The invisible Neo blink. Shigure blink.

"Oh, right!" I forgot about Pyrrha's appearance wasn't Pyrrha Nikos and still the Bloody Queen. I pointed at Pyrrha, who is still in her Bloody Queen disguise. "That's Pyrrha."

"Bwuh?!" Jaune, along with the others that don't know about this was dumbfounded at this surprise reveal. In fact, Jaune literally fainted a second after making a surprised sound and fall next to Ruby, who was too surprised to catch her crush and just let him fall on the hard ground.

"THAT'S PYRRHA?!" The one that didn't know shouted at the same time, causing Pyrrha to lean back at the loud voices.

"And you just told the whole campus the whereabouts of Pyr here. Thanks for your help. I'm sure Ozpin and whoever desire to kidnap Pyr for their usage would be thankful for your support." I said with sarcasm, that even the native Ruby could tell.

"Yeah. We need to leave now be-never mind. It's too late." I was about to say we should leave when I deployed [Eagle Vision] right away to find the path with the least amount of people on that route. Sadly, I found out pretty much all the Beacon Academy's staff members are surrounding the Dormitory building.

"Man, these guys are quick to react." I thought out loud, confusing some of the others in this room since it looks like I'm talking to myself while those that know about [Eagle Vision] knew things went south.

"Okay. Shigure and I are going out to face those professors of yours." I said to the Beacon's students. "While the rest gets Pyrrha out of here. Show no mercy if things go bad." I said to my comrades. Then, both Shigure and I jump through the closed windows. Shattering the window glass.

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Dorms: Outside)

"Well, hello Mr. Nikos. Do you mind telling us why you and your fiancee and friends decide to come to my academy at this short notice?" Ozpin didn't look like he was surprised to see me. In fact, he was delighted at my sudden appearance.

The other staffs didn't look like they're in a fight and more like about to have a talk with a student about their bad behavior during class.

"Just visiting a friend of mine." I said casually. Revealing just a little, but not too much. A little truth, but not the full truth.

Ozpin just took a sip from his mug, not bother the reply he got back. All he sees is a potential ally he could gain, maybe something more if things go well for him. He just has to play his cards right or a fight would be the outcome. And that's something he rather not do.

"I see. You won't mind staying behind for a talk, would you?" Ozpin knew the power of Enma Nikos and with his younger sister. Those two could be the hope of mankind against the grimm, if possible, against the Queen as well.

"How about no." I pull out a [Throwing Knife] from behind my back to access the [Inventory], with a flick of the hand, throwing it straight at Ozpin.

Ozpin simply tilts his head to the side, allowing the not so surprised attack to pass by. "Rude." Ozpin drains the whole mug before throwing it at me like a fastball. I dodge the same way Ozpin did for my [Throwing Knife].

"Like I want to be your pawn to control." I said to Ozpin, who narrowed his eyes at me for some reasons. As the other staffs rush in to take me and Shigure down.

Shigure flicks both her wrists, throwing dozens of [Kunai] and [Shurikens] at them, before drawing out her [Nodachi] and start fighting with two professional huntsmen by herself.

All [Kunai] managed to stop all, but the two huntsmen and the [Shurikens] changed their trajectory in midair to come back, forcing the others from coming near her and the two huntsmen she aimed to face.

While I take on the rest myself. Slamming my right palm against the ground as I use [Gravity Magic] to switch the [Gravitational Force] in the opposite direction, causing everything to float to the night sky. Much to almost everyone's surprise at the sudden loss of gravity.

Not letting the enemy regain back their balance. I cast [Gravity Magic] onto myself and Shigure to anchor myself to the ground, with Shigure having complete control over her gravity. Switching out [Kiri Nanaya] with [Accelerator], manipulating the vectors around the area to cause Ozpin and his lackeys to spin in a circle.

Which I took the time to pull out the [Barrett Custom], where I cast another [Gravity Magic], but onto the [Barrett Custom] to make it so it won't be affected by the first [Gravity Magic].

I eject the magazine with the [Aura Shield Canceler Rounds]; handcrafted by me and took years to perfect all the right [Runes] onto regular [Bullets] in order to create the [Aura Shield Canceler Bullet]. Where any aura user getting hit by these would drop their aura shield temporary, depending on the [Aura Unit Rank] of the target. Would have their aura shield back on. If the target has a high [Aura Unit Rank], then it's going to take a while for them to regain back their aura shield while its opposite for lower [Aura Unit Rank].

Of course, the aura user can still use their aura and semblance. It just that the target's aura shield is the only thing not working. Which led to the name of the handcrafted [Rune Bullet: Aura Shield Canceler].

Took less than a few seconds to empty the whole round of [Aura Shield Canceler] and hit all the targets, with a few extra for those with lower aura reserve. Before switching [Accelerator] for [Edea Florence] over to gain access to the [Mana Bullet: Knockout Bullet].

Hitting the ones with lower aura reserve before going for the rest. All it took for me a less than a minute to take down Ozpin and almost all his staffs. With Shigure beat the living shit out of the other two while they couldn't even fight back due to the unfair battlefield.

To make sure none of these Beacon Academy's staff members are not faking it. I dismiss my first [Gravity Magic], sending everything falling while Shigure wasn't really affected by the sudden return of gravity due to the effect of [Gravity Magic] I cast on her beforehand.

Shigure took this chance to knock out the two huntsmen in front of her, with her finishing attack. A powerful downward slash that can literally peel the thin side of a leaf into two halves. But, for Shigure to use against these two huntsmen, she aimed for their clothes and weapons, causing the two huntsmen's clothes to be destroyed along with their weapons beyond repairs, leaving them with only their underwears.

"You good over there, Shigure?" I didn't put away my [Mana Gun]. In fact, I kept it aimed at the unconscious body of Ozpin. Who knows what kind of tricks he would use to capture us or some brainwashing method to bring us over his side, where he could control us like a pawn on a chessboard.

"I'm fine." Shigure said to me before she quickly rushes around the area to collect her used [Kunai] and [Shurikens]. Then, picked up my [Throwing Knife] and pocketing it. Since right now my hands are full with my focus solely onto Ozpin. Afterward, Shigure put her [Nodachi] away.

"Shigure. Call the other. Check on how they're doing." I said to Shigure while I continue to deploy [Eagle Vision] in case there any hidden enemy ready to attack us when our guards are down.

Shigure takes out her scroll and dial Pyrrha's scroll numbers and it only took a few seconds before Pyrrha picked up.

"Shigure!" Pyrrha's voice contains the feeling of relief and happy to see Shigure's face, meaning there wasn't any problem taking on Ozpin and his staffs.

"Are you and Em, okay?" Pyrrha asks Shigure about their health, showing how worry she is. "Because I heard lots of gun noises before everything went silent."

Instead of replying with words, Shigure just hit the camera icon to switch the scroll's front camera to the back. This way Shigure could still see Pyrrha while with the back scroll's back camera would allow Pyrrha to see what Shigure is pointing her scroll at.

"That answered my question, I guess. Anyway, the others and I are still inside the Dormitory. We're planning to use the Bullheads belong to the staffs of the Beacon Academy. So make sure to back us up in the shadow." Pyrrha said to Shigure and me before she ends the call.

Putting away her scroll back where it was, Shigure pulls out her [Sleeping Powder] and scatter it around Ozpin and his staff members. Just to be on the safe side, Shigure tosses in another bag of [Sleeping Powder].

Once I saw this, I finally lower my [Mana Gun] and just hang it over my left shoulder, seeing that I would need it in just a few minutes later. I won't need to put it in my [Inventory] right now.

"You ready, Shigure?" I ask my fiancee, who nod back at me. Both of us use our own [Stealth Skills] to disappear from the area and wait for the others to leave the building and head for the Docking Area.

30 minutes later*

"What's taking so long?" I ask my little sister over the scroll as both Shigure and I've waited for the past half an hour. Waiting on for Pyrrha and the others to exit the Dormitory building already. Hell, I even use [Eagle Vision] to check what's taking so long and found them packing things up, then even went to some room on the first-floor level.

"We're getting anything we could use for our usage later. And the first-floor level is where some staffs stayed here overnight to watch over the students. There should be something worth taking." Pyrrha said to me, as the noise of people going through some people rooms.

"Uh, Em. I think we found something. Look like some hidden pathway towards somewhere. Huh. I never knew we had something this under the Dormitory." Pyrrha continues off before I could say anything, causing me to zone for just a split second as [Eagle Vision] finally see what the hidden pathway is, where there is another underground chamber.

"Hey. Pyr." I said to my sister, who could see my right twitching a little. Showing that I may be a bit annoyed right now. "I think you may want to go down there and grab that [Relic of Choice]." I completely sure the chamber down there should lead to the [Relic of Choice], one of the four gifts to humanity as bestowed by the Deity Brothers.

Pyrrha blankly stares at her brother before her eyes widen in surprise at this and ignore everyone else, as she rushes straight towards the underground chamber, where it should contain the [Relic of Choice], which is sealed away in a chamber that only a maiden could open.

With the [Relic of Choice] fall under the Fall Maiden, which Pyrrha is half of the Fall Maiden. Making things way easier for her and the others to gain the [Relic of Choice]. It's no wonder Ozpin wanted to get her back under his control. After all, you need the right maiden to open the secret chamber to get the relics. And Pyrrha is the right maiden to open this secret chamber of the Beacon Academy.

Pyrrha did wonder where the secret chamber that held the relics was in Beacon, but who knew it was underneath her this entire time she stayed in this campus for months now. All those times, secretly searching the whereabouts of the chamber containing the [Relic of Choice] and came up empty-handed. Sadly, she just never thought of checking the place she sleeps in.

15 minutes later*

"I got it!" Pyrrha said to her brother, as she rushes back up and sends a photo of the [Relic of Choice], that took on the appearance of a small cube that fit her hand, that contain unknown liquid inside the cube. Glowing in different colors, and some of those colors would stay the same for a few seconds before changing and sometime it would go back to the same colors. There were no patterns in the colors changing.

"Good job, Pyr. Now, head back up. We got more company." I said to my little sister, as I shoot down another soldier before they could come near the other pile of knocked out of people while waiting on Pyrrha to grab the [Relic of Choice].

None have escaped my range of detection thanks to [Ecological Derivation System]. The moment someone enters the [Ecological Derivation System]'s range. I would shoot them down, then use [Earth Magic] to bring them over to the pile of the others, that are also knocked out.

I didn't need to worry about some of them waking up due to Shigure always scattering new [Sleeping Powders] often to keep them asleep. To help me out from having to change my focus on the pile of unconscious bodies and new incoming enemy.

In fact, I even slap a [Sliencer Talisman] on my [Barrett Custom]. Unlike back in my previous world, where silencer as an attachment for firearms to muffle the gun's shooting noise. Mine literally silences the target itself completely.

[Item Type]: [Talisman/Paper]

[Name]: Silencer Talisman

Durability: 59%/100% (1% per 10 minutes usage time)

Quality: Epic

Grade: C-

Value: 50000 System Point

Description: A [Talisman] that contain magical properties within, where the possessor only require to place this [Talisman] onto any surface of a target to activate it and everything related to the target won't make a single sound. Also, just by taking the [Talisman] off the target that was placed on. Will deactivate the [Talisman]'s effect and could be reused later if possible.

Yup, this is one of my proudest works in the countless [Talismans] I created myself. It could even work on a living being too, which made the value of this [Silencer Talisman] soar through the roof.

Goes great with firearms, in fact, all the [Bullets] fired from said firearms would fall under the [Silencer Talisman]'s effect still, even after leaving the firearms and flying towards the target. The [Bullet] will lose the [Silencer Talisman]'s effect after it makes contact with something. And so far, I'm happy to make this [Talisman].

Once Pyrrha rushes out of the hidden pathway, to meet up with her friends and teammates. She found some of them are missing, where she found them just a few seconds of searching and discover they are staring out the windows with a terrifying expression on their faces at the sight of the unconscious bodies being a pile up next to the Dormitory building.

"Pyr. You may want to take your friends and the others out of here. More enemy is coming in fast than I could handle with just a single [Mana Gun]." I said to my little sister, but really, I could take all of them out by using [Multiple Gun Control] to levitate multiple [Mana Guns] at the same time around, to fire down the countless enemies rushing over this location.

Of course, if I do that, then I'm going to need to get [Edea Florence] to remove the limiter placed on me to use [Multiple Gun Control] as the [Mana] I possess won't be enough to support more than two [Mana Guns] at the same time.

Pyrrha didn't say anything to brother and instead, she started shouting at her teams and friends, to hurry to the Docking Area or else everyone would be surrounded in all directions.

This was enough to shock the others out of their shocked minds and quickly catch up with Pyrrha, who is still in her Bloody Queen disguise. All of them rush towards the Docking Area, where Pyrrha's brother and Shigure are covering them from a distance.

1 hour later*

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Sky Territory)

Well, we managed to get a Bullhead, but the fuel wasn't full and we may or may not drop to the ocean, where sea types grimm are down there. So, to help solve this problem. I use both [Wind Magic] and [Gravity Magic]. [Wind Magic]: To decrease the air resistance to allow the Bullhead to fly faster. [Gravity Magic]: To make the Bullhead's weight to become less, making it go even faster again.

Sadly, I couldn't keep this up and I rather not waste anymore [System Points] to refill up my aura reserve. At 20 minutes into the flight, we only made it across from the Beacon Academy to the City of Vale a third of the flight travel. Saving us on fuel barely enough to make it to the City of Vale in less than 2 hours. An hour from now, we should make it.

Then, we have to ditch the Bullhead to find another one to get us out of the Vale Kingdom. Seeing that I'm forced to take along team RWBY and JNPR with us to either Mistral or Vacuo. But, now, we're aiming for Mistral since getting Weiss' inheritance back in public views was a bust. As this was to stop the faunus from joining the White Fang, but now that's useless as it looks like a whole week and they couldn't do it.

Either way, Weiss still got her heiress status back after we get Whitley to sign all the documents. Once we get someone important to be the witness of this or else someone would just make an excuse that we forge the signature.

"You know. Maybe we should head to Menagerie instead." I thought out loud, causing Blake to jump from her seat.

"WHAT?!" Blake cried out in shock, who could blame her when the leader of a well world known criminal organization decides to visit the only known as a "safe haven" for faunus.

"Yeah. I mean, there should be a White Fang's branch operating in Menagerie. We may as well take care of them there before they get the chance to recruit all the faunus living there. Could save us lots of bloodsheds if just make sure those innocent faunus decide on not wanting to join the White Fang due to the Second Great War." I didn't mind Blake shouting all of sudden since it's her birthplace.

"Uh." Blake didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. But, all she knows is that this won't end well. "Do you mind if we go somewhere else? In fact, I know many White Fang's bases are. We could go there instead." Blake easily would sell out her former White Fang's comrades out if it means saving her homeland.

"We could go there later, you know." Pyrrha chip in, causing Blake to look at Pyrrha, with teary eyes like why she was doing this to her, which Pyrrha find a little cute in her opinion. As Blake looks like a sad kitten.

"Something wrong, Blake?" Ruby look at her teammate with concern. At the way, Blake is acting and this worries her for her friend. "Do you not want us to go there or something?" Ruby didn't see any problem heading to a new place that she never visited before.

"You don't understand, Ruby. I don't mind you guys visiting my home place, but it mainly for faunus and others won't react well if humans appear on the island known for only faunus living there." Blake quickly explains to her leader on why she thinks this is a bad idea while making a few excuses to not go there. "Plus, I don't think the faunus living there would react well if they see the Bloody Queen appearing there out of nowhere. It would cause a panic throughout the whole island just due to her presence alone."

Also, this was one of the reasons for Blake to visit Menagerie. After all, with the known facts about the Bloody Queen for her cruel methods. She is very well known, even on Menagerie. Also, she almost had a heart attack back at Beacon at the sight of her, and to find out it was Pyrrha Nikos, who is so polite and nice.

Blake starts becoming a bit paranoia of others nearby here. As if the nice ones are actually the cruelest one. Look at Pyrrha! Blake didn't think someone that nice was actually a cruel person, that make a river of blood from all the people she killed in such a cruel way.

In fact, Blake's mind is so unstable right now that her own animal instinct couldn't help her at this point and couldn't even understand that another person literally a few feet away from her could possibly kill her if she so much as does something wrong to them.

Blake quickly came to realize that after leaving the White Fang and entering Beacon Academy had dull down her instinct she developed over the years of being a member of the White Fang and just starting to regain back her edge.

"I'm a little confused here. So, you're Pyrrha?" Nora finally spoke out the question she had on her mind this entire time, causing some of us to sigh at Nora for asking this so late.

Ren has already been through this scenario more than once, making it's his job to help answer all Nora's questions without losing his patience.

Jaune still out of it a little and decide to listen with Nora, maybe this would help him a little. In fact, Jaune should have seen the clues before him all these months. The first thing was the [Training Methods], but then again, he was trying to survive at the time to think about other things but surviving.

Yang and Ruby wanted to know who this Bloody Queen is from Pyrrha herself instead of listening to Ren's explanation. After all, it's better to learn from the person themselves, but if Yang and Ruby couldn't comprehend what Pyrrha would say, then they would go to Ren. Since he's better at explaining things.

The still invisible Neo look at Pyrrha in a new light, causing her to feel like this could be the reason why she got along with Pyrrha so easy. Maybe.

"Yes. Nora. I'm Pyrrha." Pyrrha said dryly, as she glances over to Ren, who got up from his seat and drag Nora over to a corner to explain this to her, with Jaune tagging along.

"Can we please go somewhere else?" Blake pleads to me, as she rather not cause her homeland to become a battlefield due to the presence of the Arcana's core members and one of them being the Bloody Queen, to visit Menagerie.

"Why?" I look at Blake with a calm look, showing that I wanted to see what she could offer to change my mind while ignoring the pleading tone in Blake's voice.

"You know why!" Blake already on her knees at this point, tears going down her face. Wanting nothing more than to lead this monster away from her home if it means selling her own soul to this monster before her eyes.

"Come on, Blake. You don't need to panic. I mean, all we're doing is to make sure the White Fang doesn't recruit the other faunus living in Menagerie." Pyrrha places a hand on Blake's left shoulder, causing the cat faunus to stiff up on the skin contact.

"Pyrrha. Enma. Enough teasing the poor girl. Just ask whatever you want from her. So we can pick somewhere to go." Weiss said to us Nikos twin, seeing how Blake looks like she would about to do something she would regret later on. Maybe, depending on that something.

Izaya didn't say anything to us, and just continue to speak with Ziarre over the scroll on advice on how to comfort Weiss before she goes into a deep depression. To the point of killing herself just to reunite with her dead Mother in the afterlife. And this was no joking manner, as this happens more than once in this dark world.

So far, Izaya typed down over 20 advice from Ziarre on what to do to help Weiss out. It's a good thing Izaya already considered close to Weiss due to the arranged marriage between the two, or this situation would be completely different and Izaya wouldn't be this much caring for someone like Weiss.

"Fine. Ask Pyrrha what she wants and if she agrees to it. We will change direction. So, you got some time before we reach the city." I said to Blake, causing the poor cat faunus to find the light in this dark tunnel. Hope. Hope that she could get her homeland to live through this Second Great War without having it get destroyed due to the Arcana decided on visiting the place because of the chance of the White Fang to recruit the faunus living there.

Blake spins around and grabs hold of Pyrrha's arms, causing Pyrrha to raise an eyebrow at this and look in my direction with eyes of confusion before looking down at Blake, who is looking back with teary eyes.

"We're fri-friend, right Pyrrha?" Blake asks Pyrrha, who still in her Bloody Queen appearance, which made Blake feel very nervous still and end up stuttering her question.

"Of course." Pyrrha crouch down so Blake wouldn't have to keep on looking up to her, which made her feel weird because she doesn't want to be looked up by her friends and loved ones. But, towards enemies, she loves to look down on them before killing them.

"Just tell me what you want from me. Anything. Anything to get your brother to change his mind. I'm even willing to offer my body if you desire it." Blake knew this was a bit shameful of her, but she will do anything to save her family and the faunus back at Menagerie.

Pyrrha was about to say something to comfort Blake before she heard what Blake just said and pause for a moment to look down at Blake's body, causing Blake to blush that Pyrrha would actually consider the offer of her body like that. Maybe Pyrrha is bisexual, causing her blush to go a darker shade of red since there are some yuri scenes in one of the Ninjas of Love series.

If Blake didn't blush, then Pyrrha wouldn't have some a few ideas popping in her head, which included Shigure and her brother, with an addition of some S&M plays with a cat faunus girl.

Pyrrha a cough in her left hand, as even in her disguise, Pyrrha could still blush and right now, her cheeks are the same shade of red as Blake. Since from Blake's point of view, it looks like Pyrrha is really considering about taking her for her body and the way Pyrrha looked at her brother.

Blake knew this would mean there would be a foursome later, including Shigure, who currently piloting the Bullhead. Blake doesn't know if she should really do this or not, but that didn't stop her mind becoming very naughty right now at the imagination, she comes up with the Nikos twin and a fellow ninja.