
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · アニメ·コミックス
71 Chs

Chapter 21: Not It!

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 21: Not It!

Days?: Pyrrha's Fame Rising! Part 3

(Mistral: Mistral City: 75th Floor Area: Unknown Hotel: Unknown Floor: Unknown Room Numbers)

"So what you're saying is that we already lost the chance to recover Pyrrha's Tournament's prize money before we could even have the time to find the guy?" I ask Izaya in a tired tone, since this been a long day.

"Being truthful. Yes." Izaya knew the kind of person I am and didn't bother to sugar coat the answer and just outright say it.

"I thought so." I mumble to myself and didn't feel like it worth the effort to hunt down the Lien, even if it's a large of Lien. But then again, I could easily get that amount in a few days with the methods I have done over the years to earn Lien.

So, I rather not take out my frustration on my friends and little sister, when we had to help Pyrrha escape the media.

Shigure and Pyrrha rub my back in comfort; knowing how much I could have created with that amount of Lien and double it afterward once I sell my product through Izaya or Momoyo's connections.

Yup, Momoyo help Izaya out once she realized she could get some really good benefit from working with Izaya and one of them involves her seeing strong opponent once a while to fight. That's good enough reason for her to make a partnership with Izaya instantly once Izaya offers her this deal.

"Forget it. It's a small loss, but nothing to be placed as our top priorities." I give a smile to both Pyrrha and Shigure for helping me calm down about the loss of the suitcase that could be empty of Lien by now.

"Huh?" Izaya looks at me with a confused look on his face, "I never said it was all gone though. I meant the guy could just spend some of it already, not all of it."

I turn my head towards Izaya that almost broke my neck with the speed I turned my head toward Izaya's direction once he finishes speaking.

Just as I was about to ask Izaya if he could find the location of the guy currently at right now, but remember about Pyrrha's today experience and rethought about it and decided which is more important. The mental state of my sweet, lovely Pyrrha or the Lien that I could get just a few days without the risk of anyone's lives.

The choices for me to pick wasn't that hard to choose, "Forget about it." This caused everyone to look at me with a surprised look; well, Shigure and Izaya didn't look like they're surprised about this once they saw me glance at Pyrrha for a second.

"Really, Enma? That's not like you at all." Momoyo said in a shocked voice, since she met me on the first day of the enrollment testing phase. Not once did she see me give up the chance of earning more Lien in [Item] to [Sell] or Lien itself.

"Yeah. It's okay. Not like we really in a desperately in the need of Lien at the moment." I answer Momoyo's question, along with Pyrrha's unspoken question that is the same as Momoyo.

"Also, I don't feel like having Pyrrha's manager try to find us, and afterward lecture us on the topic of safety and all those stuff." I gave another reason why I gave up on finding the guy that's been given tons of Lien by Momoyo.

Momoyo let her head fall back to the couch, knowing that I speak the truth and she is pretty much mentally tired from having to deal with the stuff we have done today.

"Oh! Ms. Mapiya is on her way now." Pyrrha said to everyone, once her scroll notified her a text message and found out it from her manager, to let her and everyone nearby her that she is on her way to our hotel right now.

"That's good. Did she tell you where we're going next after tonight staying in this hotel?" Izaya asks Pyrrha while gathering more information on this hotel we're currently staying, for the night and would leave a review for other to read; maybe even letting one of his contacts know about this hotel as a decent place to stay, depending on how well he liked it here.

This way he could make even more connection by providing the hotel more customers while at the same time making a new connection with the people of this hotel in order to spy on the customers for any useful information that he could use some time in the future.

"No. But, Ms. Mapiya said she will explain our plans once she gets here, though." Pyrrha answer Izaya's question, then let out a yawn, which let everyone know she needs her sleep right about now, but can't just yet. As we have to wait for Pyrrha's manager to arrive first before everybody could call it a night.

I felt happy that Pyrrha already forgot about her experience with the reporters a few hours ago or she just too mentally and physically tired from finishing the Mistral Region Tournament, then have to deal with the media.

"Well, what should we do while we wait?" Momoyo asks everyone if any of us have something all of us could do to waste time until Pyrrha's manager arrive.

"I...know...what...we...could...do." Shigure was the one to answer Momoyo's question before anyone else could.

few minutes later*

Knock* Knock*

Someone knocked on the door, "Ms. Nikos? Are you in?" As we heard a familiar female voice that belongs to Pyrrha's manager.

"Yeah! I'll be right there!" Pyrrha called out to her manager as she walks over to the door to open it to let her manager in while stopping our little game of Remnant: The Game, which is kind of a fun board game I played with Pyrrha and the rest of my friends throughout the school years whenever I couldn't train, and needed something to waste time like right now, where we have to wait for Pyrrha's manager.

"Enma. I still find it irritating on how you keep winning most of the games, when even most of us would try to gang up on you." Izaya tosses his cards onto the table, which shows how his kingdom is almost overrun with grimm while the other kingdoms are still pretty good for a few turns until they lose too.

"He could be cheating." Momoyo glare at me, as she looks at me to see if I would reveal that I'm in fact cheating this whole time.

Shigure just looks at everyone with a blank expression, but I could see that small smile she sent to me every few minutes to show that she knows I'm using my [Persona] to help out, or what I think is letting them play for me, but I guess it could still be counted as cheating since my friends are facing my [Persona] that high experience compared to them.

"Hi, Ms. Mapiya. I'm glad you could finally make it. I'm sorry we left you behind with the media." Pyrrha looks down at the ground in shame when she thought about she could have brought along her manager in our getaway.

"Think nothing of it, Ms. Nikos. I understand how troublesome the media are and you're lucky you have good friends, along with a loving older brother to watch over you. In my honest opinion; I'm glad they took you away while you had the chance, because right after 10 minutes when you guys left. The other reporters from the smaller companies came straight towards the building in order to get the chance of meeting you, Pyrrha. In a way, this could have lasted the whole night if you had stayed." Pyrrha's manager replied in a truthful manner while pushing her glasses back up her nose by their bridge, using two of her right fingers as the lens reflects the light of the room to make it shine a little.

Pyrrha blink a few times at her manager's responses and pale a little from having to remember about where one of the reporters almost grabbed her arm, if it weren't for Shigure next to her to help, then imagine what could have happened if she did, in fact, stayed behind for more than 10 minutes and felt relief of dodging an army of reporters.

"Huh, so that's why I couldn't get a hold of my people inside the building." Izaya thought out loud; bringing everyone's attention to him for a second, then return back to Pyrrha's manager.

Pyrrha's manager happens to be from the Mapiya family, which is the same family that Ziarre was born into and joined Izaya's little group during the training trip.

The difference between this female Mapiya and Ziarre is that she is older by a few years, but like Ziarre's alter ego during a sales meeting and don't have an alter ego as the whole Ice Queen personality is actually her real self.

Luna Mapiya, who is one of the Mapiya that go in the career of business and management. Thanks to knowing Ziarre; both Izaya and I were able to get Luna to become Pyrrha's manager and to our surprise that she is Ziarre's older sister that was looking for the right client to be hired.

Lucky for us, Ziarre managed to put in a good word for us to get Luna to become Pyrrha's manager right after Pyrrha chose the Mistral Region Tournament as her extended time before coming back to the academy for the final year.

"Anyway. The rental car I saw in the parking lot. You don't have to worry about, as I called someone to bring it back to the owner. But, I must give everyone the bad news that the driver of that rental car is no longer in the area for us to track down, along with the money." Luna continues to report what she did while coming to this hotel's room and near the end, she was looking at Izaya to let him know that her people are no longer any help. Not like Luna put that much effort into the search in the first place.

"Forget about that. Now, we wanted to know what we're going to do in the morning?" I ask Luna while ignoring the fact we dodged something that would have ruined Pyrrha's future by a long shot.

Luna paused for a moment in her thoughts, then take out her scroll to bring up something that could be Pyrrha's schedule for the week, maybe.

"Pyrrha, you have an appointment with a company to be their Cereal Mascot for the first trail with them." Luna said to Pyrrha, once she finds the right spot; being tomorrow's morning for Pyrrha, but not the rest of us.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me." Momoyo said out loud, drawing attention to herself, "I have to meet up with Grandpa in the morning to learn a new [Technique]."

Momoyo looks excited; this shows everyone that this [Technique] is something she eager to learn from the look of it.

"Anything you need to do that require your presence to be somewhere else?" I ask Izaya, to see if he has anything to do in morning like Pyrrha and Momoyo.

With Shigure, there was no need for me to ask her when this week is her break time and decided to hang out with me and maybe with the others.

"Let me get back to you on that." Izaya checks his schedule on his scroll for a few minutes, "Yup. Got to meet up with the people." Izaya didn't continue answering who he going to meet with and letting everyone know to mind their own business.

Shigure and I share a look, then glance at Izaya, causing him to scowl at us once he realizes why we're looking in his direction instead of asking Pyrrha and Luna if they could come with them to the company for the try out for being a cereal mascot.

Izaya knew both of us enough up to now, because he knows any time there a meeting with his people. We would want to come with to see if anything interesting happens and because it also his fault for telling us to take a break once a while. This lead to this countless time of us following him to meet up with his people or someone to make a connection.

Pyrrha notices this happening behind her back and didn't bother to say anything, because even though she loves her older brother dearly. Doesn't mean she stupid to not know what kind of things her brother and his fiancee would do in their free time. One where she experiences it herself and one time was enough for her to not to get involved with the trouble they bring.

Momoyo also saw this and let out a sigh of relief that tomorrow's morning is her time to spend with her Grandpa and not with Pyrrha's brother and Shigure by herself whenever we have free time together. Plus, having her Grandpa asking for either two to come visit without the others isn't something she wanted to do. Because instead of some amazing happening like a battle royalty or something.

Instead, either of the two would just talk with her Grandpa on a topic that sometimes unrelated to fighting, which could go on for hours and she would miss out her training. So in a way, having these two by themselves go with someone else is something she would be grateful for.

Both Pyrrha and Momoyo look at Izaya, then at the exact same time closed their eyes in silent to give a prayer to Izaya's health and hope to come back alive. As Izaya's situation would always end up with countless problems compared to their time alone with the two training manics.

Izaya glare at both Pyrrha and Momoyo, when he saw that they're throwing him under the bus once they realize that both of them are busy as well; making it only Shigure and her fiance are the ones that free, which that trouble is coming towards anyone they got their sight on and that anyone is him.

"Now, I have finished reporting to Ms. Nikos. I shall be going now." Luna breaks the tension in the room without a care, then look down at Pyrrha, "I'll be picking you up after breakfast. So do finish your breakfast before I come pick you up." Once Luna finishes speaking to Pyrrha. She closes the door and left to do any other business she needed to be done before she goes to sleep.

"I despite everyone." Izaya growl at all of us, but mostly at Pyrrha and Momoyo when it should be their turn to deal with the two training manics, since he already dealt his time with them during the training trip.

I didn't say anything and just continue to smile at him, bring his mood further down by this and want nothing more than wipe that smile off my face, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't take me on by himself.

Momoyo didn't have a single word to say to defend herself, but felt it worth it to sacrifice him when she wanted to learn the [Technique] for a while now and didn't want to delay it any longer than it should.

"I'm sorry." Pyrrha look at Izaya with an apologize face and look a little guilty, but didn't want to cause any more stress to her manager. Plus, she wanted to relax as well and the stuff Shigure and I do with her before still causing her nightmare sometimes. If she has a chance to escape from that fate, then she would do it in a heartbeat.

For the whole night, we could hear Izaya mumble to himself once a while and knew that there no way to change Shigure and my target onto his meeting with his so called people, to either Pyrrha or Momoyo instead.

next day*

Days?: Big Surprise!

(Mistral: Mistral City: 75th Floor Area: Orihara's Hotel: Special Party Room)

After a good night's rest; Pyrrha was picked up by Luna right at 9:00 AM and Momoyo left right after Pyrrha to make it to the Bullhead, to meet up with her Grandpa.

As for the rest of us; being Shigure, Izaya and myself, we had to wait for half an hour before Izaya's ride came to pick us up. Which is enough time for us to change our clothes into formal outfits, then again, out of all of us.

I'm the one who decided to make formal wear as my default outfit for almost every day. So it was only Shigure and Izaya, who are required to change their clothes.

Shigure chose to wear a purple one piece dress, along with a purple choker around her neck and tied her hair back in a high ponytail, with a purple ribbon. And I find myself staring at Shigure more than I should. Once again, puberty hit hard for Shigure at the age of 14.

Izaya decided to follow my default outfit, but changed the red dress shirt to white instead and actually wear the black suit jacket. The black pair of gloves, he didn't want to wear one in the first place and wonder why I always wore one, even when it's hot outside sometime.

Afterward, we got into the car that arrived and both Shigure and me; well, me who kept on getting Izaya to spill on who are we meeting up with. After a long, but short, asking/annoying Izaya for a while. Izaya finally reveals who we're meeting up with and much to our surprise and amusement.

Well, more of my amusement than Shigure, as Izaya finally reveal why he meeting some of his people and by people.

Izaya meant his family having a party, where they invited another family over to the party as a meeting between the family. What made this amusing to me is that Izaya is meeting his own fiancee, which Shigure gave her congrats to Izaya, who just mumble a thank.

It took around an hour or two for us to arrive at a different hotel that belongs to the Orihara family. It's no wonder Izaya kept on making reviews for every hotel he stays at, since his family owns multiple hotels as a family business, along with other different fields of business.

Once we arrive in the room, where the gathering is taking place as a party for both family members talk among themselves about any topic related to their business from what I could hear from around me.

If it weren't the countless time both Shigure and I joined Izaya in all the meetings he went to, then I would be a nervous wreck right about now, with so many high-class people inside the room staring at us when we enter the place.

Shigure on the hand, has the nerve of steel or something, because not once had I seen Shigure be nervous in a spot light. But then again, anything that looks like it's about to threaten her. Shigure would pretty much attack in response.

'And now I have the sudden urge to punch the living shit out of someone.' I thought to myself, with a confused look. But, then I realize why I had the sudden urge to punch someone once I see someone very familiar and that happens to be Weiss' Father talking to one of Izaya's family members.

'Wait...does that mean Izaya's fiancee is someone from the Schnee family?' I was dumbfounded at this sudden thought.

"It's good to see you Mr. Orihara and you brought along your friends." I heard a female voice, which broke my trace of thoughts. I blink once and realize I just zone out once again, and notice a younger Winter Schnee and her little sister, Weiss Schnee is standing next to Winter with a barely expressionless face to keep her nervous hidden behind a cold mask.

"I'm glad to be here and who is this behind you, Ms. Schnee?" Izaya asks in a polite tone of voice while giving Weiss a gentle smile, causing me to shiver a little at this display before my very eyes.

After all, I'm not used to seeing a polite and gentleman like Izaya at all. Compared to his usual outgoing in everyday life.

"This is my little sister. Weiss come and greet your fiance." Winter introduces her little sister, as she called out to Weiss to greet Izaya personally.

"It's nice to meet you Izaya Orihara." Weiss said in a polite and calm voice while giving Izaya a small glare, as if she is blaming him for making this marriage contract between the two families.

Weiss only glances at Shigure and I once only, then keep her eyes on Izaya only to study more of her fiance.

No sooner than a few seconds, someone else walks towards us and around my group and Weiss' age than Winter's. Another person I find myself familiar with once again. Also, the fact that the person is wearing the same outfits as Izaya and I, but with Izaya's color patterns and with a pair of gloves like me; however, it's a half fingers version instead and my sleeves are roll up to the elbows compared to the person and Izaya.

"I have brought the [Strawberry Cake] you have asked for, Ms. Weiss." The person carry a plate of a slice [Strawberry Cake] while looking at my group with a hint of disdain.

"Thank you, Walter." Weiss calmly takes the slice of [Strawberry Cake] from what looks like her butler. And someone I knew clearly with their appearance. Also, Weiss pretty much confirms the person's origin. Walter C. Dornez from Hellsing in the flesh.

"So one of these two gentlemen must be your fiance. I do hope it's the red one as the other one look a bit, if I am a little rude, someone who couldn't even hold a decent conversation with the way he positions himself compared to the red one." Walter said in a calm, but a hint of scorn that anyone could tell from listening to him.

Izaya's gentle smile was forced already in the first place, but now after listening to Walter's mocked at him. His forced gentle smile became a bit strained and just a split second of his killing intent was released, then hides it right away.

However, both Winter and Walter felt his killing intent instantly while Weiss was the only one who just shivers a little and didn't know what caused it, by the way she glancing around to see if someone open a window.

I look at Izaya a little surprise for getting angry with what Walter said a moment ago, since I said worst things before to annoy Izaya just for amusement to relieve me of boredom.

But, I made it up for Izaya by providing the funding for the group and only annoy him only once a while, like from a week to a 3 months or so. So in a way, Izaya tolerate this because he knew all the stuff I said to him. I didn't really mean and just wanted him to react; however, Walter isn't me and Izaya does not have much patience to others compared to his group, that he made a bond with.

"Walter!" Winter quietly growls at him for disrespecting Izaya, even if she thought the same once she laid her eyes on Izaya the first time she met him in the previous parties.

Walter gave Izaya a fake apologized look, "I'm sorry for being rude to you, when I should speak in a better manner that is suited to people of your status." Walter's expression couldn't stay hold for another second before it switches to a smirk.

I look at Weiss to see what she thinks of all this and much to my confusion; Weiss' face is a little red and looks like she about to explode from holding back either a laugh or shouting at Walter for disrespecting her fiance.

I could tell if Weiss was going to laugh or shout in rage, but with the way, she kept on moving her mouth in different patterns for me to tell if she going to do either of the two.

Winter lets out a sigh, but didn't bother to say anything else to Walter and felt that at the moment. Isn't possible with all the people nearby her, that could cause some unwanted rumors.

Of course, Izaya couldn't do anything to Walter without causing others to see that Walter is the victim and he was the one who attacked first; leading to more problems he already have at the moment and one of those problems is standing in front of him, with that disgusting smirk.

Shigure didn't look like she cared about other's opinions at all and it was only thanks to me standing next to her to stop her from throwing one of her hidden [Kunai] at Walter for badmouthing her friend.

The only ones who noticed that Shigure almost implanted Walter with one of her [Kunai] are Walter himself being the target, Winter being near him and just barely saw the [Kunai] before Shigure put them away, then myself who is standing next to Shigure and know her for many years wasn't that hard to notice.

Izaya didn't need to know, since he knows how Shigure is like and Weiss was still inexperience compared to the rest of us to even see the tip of Shigure's [Kunai] and would only realize what happened after she got implanted with one.

This lead to 3 things to happen in a manner of seconds; one: Winter is now standing in front of Weiss while looking at Shigure with her guard up. Two: Walter looks excited a little at this display in front of him. Three: I had to stop Shigure by tapping the back of her right hand to let her know what she about to do and could lead to some consequences from her action.

"What? You got something to say, little gi-" Walter was about to taunt Shigure, but suddenly stop in the middle of his speech to take a few steps back away from his previous spot, with a pale face as if he was close to death while shaking his head with a confused look on his pale face.

Walter slowly looks at me as the cause of this shameful display of his and look a little murderous for shaming him in front of Winter and Weiss, along with anyone looking at their directions.

What I did was switching to [Accelerator] for the 30% vector control and cause a small air burst next to Walter's head, which leads to a low air pressure and causes Walter to be a bit dizzy for a few seconds until he got his wit back together.

Only Walter knew it was my fault, but couldn't say it out loud without proof. Just saying it's a semblance doesn't make it a true evidence in the first place, because this could end up backfiring him if it wasn't the case.

"Walter, enough." Winter looks like she won't tolerate this shameful display in front of her any longer and narrow her eyes at Walter to show how displease she is right now.

Weiss looks really confused right now, but look at her butler with a little concern at the sudden display of moving back for some reason.

Izaya is similar to Weiss in being confused, since he didn't know what caused Walter to take a few steps back away from and wanted to know what just happen.

Of course, Izaya wouldn't think it would his friends, as he knew their semblance in the first place and nothing happens around him to show that resembles the semblance belong to his friends.

"Well, since this is a party and all. How about we enjoy ourselves?" I ask everyone with an innocent smile on my face while ignoring Walter's murderous glare aiming at me.

Shigure let a small smile appear on her face and nod in agreement with me, as she held onto my left hand and eager to taste those fancy foods near us and compare it to her fiance's food.

I could tell Weiss wanted to ask a few questions about what's going on, but kept her mouth shut with her older sister next to her, who would be the one to speak for her at the moment.

"Yes." Winter said slowly while looking at my group with a critical eye, to see who is the one responsible for causing Walter's shameful display a moment ago.

"I'm going to grab something to eat with Shigure. Do you want anything Izaya?" I ask Izaya, who was confused a few seconds, go back to glaring at Walter, but with a smirk on his face to show how he enjoy Walter being scolded by Winter in public.

"Nah, you guys could go ahead. I think I'll talk more with Ms. Winter and Ms. Weiss more in a few things." Izaya didn't look at our directions and just let us go enjoy ourselves at this party once he notices how both Shigure and I didn't try to annoy him at the moment, but actually look like we're trying to help him out.

Which, of course, he figure that out instantly once he recall how Walter look like he about to taunt Shigure next until he stops midway, but couldn't find out how his friends did it; however, it isn't the right time to ask his friends about at the moment and let them leave, for now, so he could speak with his fiancee and future sister-in-law.

Shigure didn't need to be told twice and pull me to the side, where the table filled with all kinds of fancy dishes for anyone want to eat. I heard Winter telling Walter to stay with Weiss, as she walks towards us and letting me know that Winter is letting Weiss speak with Izaya while she wanted to speak with either Shigure or me.

Where Izaya, Weiss, and Walter are; I could see Izaya look like he very angry and the way he glares at Walter. I got the feeling he didn't care that Winter left to talk with Shigure and me or just one of us.