
Arc 2 - Chapter 4: Remembrance

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.






Arc 2 - Chapter 4: Remembrance

A few hours later*

(Continent: Solitas Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: My Office Room)

Back in my office and with additional people, two more than the usual with just Radix and me.

Sebastian Michaelis, the new butler-in-training, along with his little sister being a maid-in-training as well.

"So, are you two half-sibling or step-sibling or adopted sibling?" I wanted to get this out of the way, seeing how Sebastian's little sister looks different than him. While he is a crow faunus, where Sebastian's little sister is a cat faunus.

"Sorry if this is a rude question. I haven't read much about social life. Trust me, I have read on faunus, not those racist books, but actual facts from the faunus themselves." I quickly follow this up before either two faunus get any bad ideas from me. As there are more racists out in the world than needed, where only a low amount that actually wants to form an equal relationship with the faunus, but the former group continues to make things difficult. And I'm in the latter group, who is willing to do equal relationship with both humans and faunus.

"She is my little sister from the same Mother and Father as me. As to why I'm a crow faunus and my little sister a cat faunus. Is due to our parents being those two different faunus. I barely registered as a crow faunus until I learned from my parents that my eyes are the very same ones as my ancestor that's a crow faunus. While my little sister took after my Mother and I took after my Father." Sebastian explained and didn't seem like he bothered by the rude question as if he used to them by now.

"I see. Well, since you accepted the job, which required you to live here as well, no worry about the fee for the uniforms or food, along with anything else. That's taken care of. What you will have to do. Is be the one that restocks on them when it is needed. We may live in a big mansion, but I'm not going to waste money like it means nothing. So, only stock on them when we have... guests that will stay with us for a night or two." I sneer at the word guest due to the experience I had to deal with those unwanted ones that dare try to pull a fast one on me due to my young age.

Now, I'm really glad to have the [Alpha Stigma] and at least the now dead bastard did something good for once and helped me gain the experience in dealing with fools in business-related things or anything that require wordplays.

Sebastian didn't say anything and continue to listen carefully, along with his little sister trying her best to.

"So, other than restocking. You need to help Radix clean the place and repair anything that needs to be fixed. And make sure to check anything that unusual. As for any other rooms you have found that is locked for some reason, then ask Radix. She will be the one the clean there and later on, depending on if you're still here without causing any problem. Then, you will help Radix in cleaning those rooms later as well. Along with cooking, but you don't need to worry about cooking for a while until Radix deems your cooking skill enough to be served. Not an insult, but a standard." I explained to Sebastian about what his job entails.

"Ah, forgive my rudeness. I'm Merlin Schnee. And I already know your name, Sebastian, but what is your little sister's name, if I may ask? I can't just keep on calling her your little sister. That is unprofessional of me, to not know my own workers' names." I almost forgot that I never did ask Sebastian's little sister's name this entire time.

"Come now, introduce yourself." Instead of introducing his own little sister, Sebastian wanted her to introduce herself to their boss.

"Ni-Nice to meet you. My name is Kali Michaelis. Thank you for hiring us." Kali said in a shy manner before bowing to her boss.

"Nice to meet you, Kali. For your job; well, training, just follow your older brother and Radix. She will teach you what is needed to be done as a maid." I greeted back, then explain what she needs to do while being hired by me.

"Radix." I call out for my [Grimoire].

"Yes, master?" Radix ask me while staring at Sebastian and Kali this entire time.

"Why don't you go give them a tour of the place and help them find their rooms or room. If they desire to share a single room together. Along with helping them bring their things in. After that's done. Start their training. I want to see results by the end of this month." I said to Radix as I calmly stare at the two, causing Kali to hide behind her brother, who seems too used this.

"I'll do as you wish, master." Radix bow to me, then look back at the two siblings with a blank expression. "Come." This wasn't a request, but an order from Radix herself, which the two knew right away and quickly bow at me as well as Radix did before exiting the room.

Leaving me by myself once the door is closed.

"This is going to be a long time before I find a successor of being the Head of the Schnee family." I mumble to myself before taking my afternoon nap. After all, I'm going to need all the rest I could while I can.

The next day*

(Continent: Solitas Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: Garage)

"Okay, do anyone here know how to drive an Airship?" I ask Radix, Sebastian, and Kali, as all of us decided to visit the Garage, which I forgot this mansion had one, to begin with. And because it's going to take more than an entire day to tour the entire mansion. Plus, I wanted to escape the paperwork for a little bit by joining with the others on checking this mansion, not that I needed to.

Thanks to the mental map I have in my head from scanning the entire mansion before with [Ground Scanner]. But, I still want to see the place with my own eyes.

"Sorry, I don't know how to master. But, I could learn to if you wish me to." Kali looked at me with a hint of eagers of driving these Airships and Cars. Mostly Cars than the Airships.

"Kind of hard to learn to if there no one to teach you." I said dryly, as I continue to look around the place of all the highly advanced vehicles ready to be used.

"Kali. You're not even old enough or tall enough to drive these vehicles." Sebastian said to his little sister, who pouts at him, but knew it is true.

"How about you, Sebastian. You know how to drive?" I ask my butler, because I had no idea how and didn't check the Schnee's main library to see if there is a book on how to drive these vehicles.

"I'm not old enough to drive one. But, in another year I will be legal to take the driving test and earn my driving license." Sebastian replied.

"Radix?" I ask my [Grimoire], but found her missing, causing me to look around until I heard the sound of a Car's engine turn on.

This made the three of us look in the direction, where it's coming from and see a white Car turned on, with Radix in the driver seat.

"Well, it looks like Radix knows how to turn the Car on at least." I mumble to myself.

For the rest of the day, Radix took everyone for a drive around the area before returning back home a few hours later, after getting bored of seeing the same thing and not being able to do anything else inside the car while it's moving.

6 years later*

(Continent: Solitas Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: My Office Room)

"Radix. Please make sure Mr. Neat here leave out of the mansion." I said to Radix, who hasn't changed over the past 6 years. Still the same, while I on the other hand, have grown up over the years, but I kept my hairstyle the same since I was 15.

Another change is that I'm now always in [Magus Mode] all the time, where I gained the ability to use [Sorcerer Mode] 2 years ago.

[Sorcerer Mode] is a form closely attributed to a Magus who place importance in fighting. They release and manage their own [Magic] at all times. Thus, these Magus are in [Magus Mode] all the time. It is referred to as the opposite of [Magus Mode] which brings the body much closer to [Magic].

It suggests that [Sorcerer Mode] involves storing up their power for release when needed in offense or dense.

Which is true for me in a way, since my [Reduce Magic] have fully merged into my fighting style, that uses [Exploding Gale Fist], [Flame of the Sky], and finished creating the spear arts: [Imperial Spear Art] that has been created by modifying other [Weapon Techniques] into a [Spear Technique].

Furthermore, I have finally mastered the [Exploding Gale Fist] and reach the same level as Fon Schnee. Able to fight at incredible speeds and is able to react and move in microseconds. Along with mastering the [Flame of the Sky] to the point of using them unconscious after setting them up beforehand and able to switch or overlay them near under a second, depending on how many overlays/multiple [Flame Glyphs] I create.

All done three years ago. Which give me the time to focus more on my [Magic], but daily training with my [Exploding Gale Fist], [Flame of the Sky], and the [Imperial Spear Art] just so I don't end up getting rusty.

"As you wish, master." Radix bow to me, then stare at the person across from me, who was trying to do a business deal with me, but failing at the end and now has to leave much to his frustration.

Watching the two leave, I look out the window and wonder how Brise is doing. After all, it has been a few months since we last saw each other. At least, Brise no longer has any desire to take my position as the Head of the Schnee family and finally started to do other things. Like taking up singing, much to my confusion at the time. But, I allowed her by giving her the funds to take singing lessons.

However, to my disappointment. Brise no longer see me as someone she could rely on. Not that I could blame her since it took years for me to rescue her from being brainwashed by our Father, dead Father that is. I never did tell her how he died or the fact that I killed him myself personally.

"Master, I have return." Radix's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I look back at Radix, who bring in my afternoon snack, which was just a bacon sandwich and a cup of green tea to wash it down afterward.

"Thanks, Radix. So how Kali's training. She's doing fine?" I ask Radix after taking a sip of my green tea.

"Kali has been doing an excellent job so far. But, still not the same like her older brother." Radix reported me of Kali's progress over the years, with Sebastian has already mastered the way of being a butler of the Schnee family. This includes being able to fight, so technically Sebastian can be considered a Combat Butler and finished training under Radix's teaching in 2 years. While Kali is still in training and close to finishing by the end of this year, maybe.

"That's good." I nod my head, then take a bite of my sandwich.

"Master, if I may ask, did you decide what your second [Archive] would be, after mastering all the four [Themas] under the [Archive: Luxuria]?" Radix ask me with curiosity in her voice and pride due to the fact that upon mastering 4 [Themas], mean I have surpassed the level of a normal Magic King and gain access to the [Trinity Form].

Essentially meaning that to a Magic King this stage is the milestone of their development where someone would become a true Magic Kings, without submitting to the 'True' Magic King within them. In my case, the second identity inside me appears the moment I activate the madness of the [Alpha Stigma].

To go into further details.

Upon mastering three different [Themas]. A Magus earns the title of a 'Trinity'. It also is known that others could achieve the rank of Trinity by owning three magical armaments, which are available only to those who've mastered a [Thema].

However, mastering four different [Themas] had, accidentally, which I found out later on, that I devour the second identity inside me and make it increase my own [Magic]. Removing my previous destiny of destroying the world.

Also, for a normal Magus, this title: Trinity appears to come with some form of power-up as well.

It should be noted that while a Mage can have multiple [Thema], rarely do they change the [Magic] they use, implying that they simply broaden the capabilities of their [Magic], or use additional [Thema] to strength their main one.

Which I did already.

With the [Thema: Abies (Creation)] to my [Reduce Magic] to give it a form. [Thema: Everlasting] to allow my [Reduce Magic] make its effect almost impossible to dispel or stop from affecting the target.

As for the last [Thema: Terminus (Terminal)]. Which is a very dangerous and ancient [Lost Thema]. And something I used to give me the instant result of my [Reduce Magic]. As in upon hitting the target with [Reduce Magic]. I could use the [Thema: Termius] to get the desired result instantly.

So yeah, mastered the [Archive: Luxuria] and planning to learn another [Archive] since from what Radix told me. It's possible to learn another [Archive], but is dangerous doing so because one hasn't mastered their first [Archive]. And could lead to a [Breakdown Phenonmenon] early on.

And seeing how I have mastered my first one. I can learn a second one due to the fact, that my [Magic] continues to grow each day; well, seconds, if I use the same method I increase my [Aura Reserve], which has long surpassed the range of mortal. Quality and quantity in [Aura Regeneration], [Aura Reserve], and [Aura Shield].

I'm not surprised that I could take on a bomb and not have a scratch or a dent in my [Aura Reserve]. Hell, I accidentally discovered I'm lava proof upon dropping into a lava pit Radix created as part of my training and didn't think I would fall into one, causing her to panic for a change, even if it just for a few seconds.

Either way, I'm now at the point of doing something no other has done. Well, maybe they have, but haven't mastered their first [Archive] beforehand, but either way, I'm going to be even more powerful than ever.

"Ow." I got smacked in the back of my head by Radix, who blankly stare at me like she could hear my inner monologue about how I became so powerful, that I could rule this planet with an iron fist.

And I got another smack to the head, causing me to glare at Radix, who didn't seem to be phased by this when countless people would coward before my glare, and once again, I got smacked in the head.

"Okay, I got it." I grumble and starting to think maybe devouring the second identity inside me has caused my ego to increase. Also, the fact, that I just remember that, yes, Radix can read my thoughts.

And because of this, I can't pick the [Archive: Superbia] and would be the last [Archive] to learn if I get to that point due to the big ego I developed over the years and from what Radix told me. I would have a massive ego if she wasn't there to pull me back down to Remnant if she wasn't with me all the time.

"So, did you decide what your second [Archive], master?" Radix ask me once more, eager to learn what I would pick.

"Well, the [Archive: Superbia] is out." I said to Radix, who nodded at this. As the [Superbia] would be the hardest one for me to learn out of the seven [Archive].

"The [Archive: Ira] is also out." I actually wanted to use this, but my rage would make it harder. Even Radix understands I have an anger issue and only thanks to the [Rain Flame Glyph] that solve this problem, no matter how forceful it is.

"Honestly, I would pick the [Archive: Avaritia (Greed)] from what you told me it could do, but I rather leave that alone for now. Pretty sure I'm not ready for that type of [Magic] just yet. Maybe my fourth or fifth [Archive] to pick, but for now. I will leave it alone." I may have a big ego, but I know my limit or in this case, Radix beat it into me to learn my limit before it is too late.

Radix nods her head and understands what I'm trying to say about why I didn't pick this as my second [Archive].

"Now, I have the [Archive: Acedia (Sloth), Gula (Gluttony), and Invidia (Envy)] to pick from." These are the three [Archives] I could pick as my second to learn.

"The [Archive: Acedia] seems good to use due to the fact one could manipulate space-time. Mostly space than time." I mumble to myself, as this [Archive] has the potential to make one a godlike being if they master all four [Themas] under it and their opponents would have a hard time even hitting them, let alone having the chance of beating them.

"Hmm. I will skip on this one as well. Because I got the feeling you would be on my case even more if I pick this one." I said to Radix with narrow eyes.

Radix didn't say anything or show any sign of body language that will tell me what I said was right or not. But, Radix has been with me for years now and I could get my answer from her without the needs of those things. Just based on instinct alone.

"I could use [Archive: Gula] since this one looks like it centered around one's emotion, and primarily focused them into manifesting external entities or empowering one's physical body. This would strengthen my fighting style, even further. But, then again, I'm mostly forcing myself to be calm most of the time. So it may not be the best choice for me to pick as my second [Archive] right now." I continue to think out loud, so Radix may give some input if needed.

"Then, there the [Archive: Invidia]. One of the [Thema] could be another factor in strengthening my fighting style as well. Since, from what you told me before. Most of the users of this [Archive] tend to specialize in combat [Magic]." I said to Radix, who nods that I was right about this.

"Alright. I have decided." I finally picked my second [Archive]."My second [Archive] will be [Invidia]."

Radix bow to me, then change back to her [Grimorie] form and connect me to the [Archive: Invidia]. Which only took a few seconds before Radix back to her human form.

"Congratulations, master, for learning a second [Archive]." Radix bow once more, then take away my empty plate and teacup.

"Thanks." I feel my [Magic Reserve] increased one more and I've already picked the first [Thema] under the [Archive: Invidia] already. It would be the [Thema: Expecto (Expect)].

After all, my strong point is acting independently without having any expectations of others as well.

Plus, I already have an idea what type of [Magic] for this [Archive].

I let out a tired sigh once Radix brings in another batch of documents I have to read and maybe sign.

"Ugh, time like this. I hate being the Head of the Schnee family." I thought out loud with annoyance, but Radix didn't seem to care and place the first stack of documents for me to do.

The next day*

(Continent: Solitas Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: Training Room)

"So, how you want to do this?" I ask Sebastian, who is my daily sparring partner. While Radix could be a good sparring partner if she didn't continue throwing who know what [Magic] at me and objects.

Sebastian, on the other hand, actually uses his body as a weapon as well after learning he knows how to fight and have been refined over the years by facing me, who could attack at high speed and possess abnormal abilities.

Plus, the fact, that I could help Sebastian fix his flaws with the help of the [Alpha Stigma]. Something Sebastian found out the hard way of what it does, where I show what the [Alphs Stigma] could do, but not everything about it. Just some part of it.

"Please try not to dislocate my joints, if you can master." Sebastian said dryly, not a fan of having his joints dislocate each time he faces his master in a spar.

"Hey, you learned how to do the same thanks to me. I don't see why you hate it." I smirk at this, knowing that Sebastian panic during the first time having his joints being attacked.

"Fine. I won't aim for your joints. However, you really need to learn how to protect them after all the years we been together now. I can still remember the first year when I hired you and your little sister. Ah, the memories." I grin at the thought of the satisfaction of teaching others, but at the same time hurting them. I'm such a sadist.

"Yeah, some memories." Sebastian said dryly, not changing his tone, and could feel the phantom pain of having his joints attacked too many than what he wanted to experience. If it wasn't for his [Aura] healing him after getting his joints put back in their places and being healed by his master's [Semblance]. Such a thing was totally unfair in his opinion. Then, at this point, he would be a cripple and be very limited to what he can and can't do.

"Hey, I'm not the one who uses silverware as literally projectile weapons." I said to Sebastian, who just took a few silver knives, ready to be used as a combat knife or a throwing knife. Along with a fork used the same as the knives.

"If I recall correctly, it was because you won't let me build my own weapon or buy one. Leaving me with the only choice of using anything that could be used as a weapon and something I could easily get my hands on." Sebastian narrowed his eyes at me, pointing out that it was my fault for him to use silverware as weapons.

"Hey, I said you can work on making your weapon anytime when you're not working. In fact, I even said that you could use the Schnee's Armory Room to make it. There's a lot of materials there for you to use." I counter Sebastian's comment.

"Yeah, but do you see the size of this mansion?" Sebastian point behind him, where the Schnee's main mansion is, which is pretty big and only four people living in it. Kind of waste in some people's opinion.

"It literally takes us an entire week just to have a tour of the place. If it wasn't for [Aura] and the head maid. Neither Kali or I would be able to do our duty in a single day." Sebastian looked like he about to throw his silver knives and forks at me, with how much time he needed to clean the mansion and doing other things as well, blaming me for all this, and in a way, it's my fault.

"As a butler of the Schnee family. It should be easy to do, which you have absolutely done an excellent job at so far." I smile at Sebastian, who started to twitch a little.

"Easy my foot." Sebastian growl, "It took me at least 5 years to finally get to the point of doing all these jobs in a single day and the next day without me almost dying from exhaustion more than once over those 5 years."

"Hey, at least, by now you won't have to be lectured by Radix." I shrugged my shoulders wondering when the sparring would begin, and by that, I mean when Sebastian's rage would get the better of him and attack me right away.

"I wouldn't have to be lectured by if I wasn't the only doing almost everything around here." Sebastian looked like he at his breaking point.

"Yeah, not everything. It's Radix who does everything around here before you and your little sister show up. You don't see Radix complaining." I smirk at the way Sebastian already has the eyes of a berserker ready to release his rage onto his enemy.

"She can't be human or faunus, whatever she is. She neither of those. No human or faunus would be able to take care of this entire mansion by themselves and done with everything in a single day." Sebastian already took his fighting stance, which was just holding his silver knives and forks between his fingers, crossing arms in front of him, with his knees bend a little.

"Heh." I snort at Sebastian, which was the signal for Sebastian to charge right at me.

'Oh, how long it has been.' I thought to myself as I use the bare minimum of movements to dodge all the knives thrown at me. While I recall what happened in those 6 years.


1st Month: 5 years and 11 months ago

"Damn it! I thought this was over, but they are still sending assassins at me?!" I curse at the person that continues on sending these weak ass assassins. Furthermore, this time they double their numbers.

On a side note, I started copying the assassins' techniques and realize why they so weak, to begin with.

It's not because they are weak in frontline attacks, but they rely more on a single hit kills, be it sneak attack or not. And with the double in numbers. I started having to push myself a bit harder when I notice one of the assassins almost got behind me to stab me in the back.

Seeing how these are assassins. I rather not rely solely on my [Aura Shield]. Who knows if they have an [Anti-Aura Weapon] that bypass my [Aura Shield]. So yeah, not tanking those attacks if I can help it.

On another note: Sebastian and Kali now can get some life experience that neither could get most of the time.

And by that, Radix is currently teaching the two how to fight, either develop their own fighting styles, which I discovered later on that they already know how, Sebastian knows how to fight at least and figure the best way to detect people, even if they hostile or not.

While I took this as a training experience to hone my fighting skills. After all, it's better to fight with your life on the line than trains by yourself all day long is what one of my ancestors quote in one of the history/guide books.

So after killing these assassins. I have made it a rule for all employees to use these assassins as a training tool.

Treating life as an object? Cruel. Would it help increase our fighting abilities? Yes. Will I force Sebastian and Kali from doing this? No. They can either quit or kill. After all, these assassins show no remorse for killing them. So why are they afraid of killing these assassins in return?

This is the same question I had Radix repeatedly said to both Sebastian and Kali.

And I could have sworn that Radix must have said something that's related to me. Because they no longer hesitance after a week later.

2nd Year: 4 years ago

"I must say, Sebastian. You've learned everything from Radix on how to be a butler. If not, the best butler to be." I nod in approval, with both Radix and Sebastian bowing to me.

"It's my honor to learn under Miss Radix's teaching." Sebastian said in a calm and polite voice. "Master, if I may request something."

"Sure, go ahead." I replied.

"May Kali and I return back to Menagerie? Both of us wish to visit our birthplace for a couple of days, weeks if possible." Sebastian looks with a calm expression, but I could tell easily enough that he and maybe Kali was homesick and wanted to visit their homeland.

"Alright. You have a month off." I answered without caring if I'm short on workers for a month. After all, Radix could do both Sebastian and Kali's work with ease. Plus, I could use this chance to visit Glynda again. Maybe get Brise to stop being mad at me.

"Thank you." Sebastian tried his best not to jump in joy, but that joy was cut off not a second later.

"Remember, after you return. Radix won't be helping you much. So if you fail in some of your duties. I'll have to cut down some of your salaries." I smirk at Sebastian when he pales at this. I may be cruel and abusing my status as Sebastian's employer, but I wanted all my staff members to be able to do the impossible by themselves first before I recruit new workers.

"I understand." Sebastian replied weakly, then waited for me to dismiss him. Since he was taught by Radix, that only after his master, me, dismiss him, then he can leave.

I wave at Sebastian for him to leave, where he bows to me again before leaving my Office Room.

"Radix. Send them off and once you return. It's time for us to travel as well." I smile at the thought of being able to leave the mansion after so long and itching to leave, but had to wait until both Sebastian and Kali leave, then Radix could use her [Warding Magic] to lock the place down, preventing others from entering.


Current Age:

Merlin Schnee: 21

Brise Schnee: 13

Glynda Goodwitch: 13

Sebastian Michaelis: 21

Kali Michaelis: 16 (Will be kali Belladonna later on)