
Arc 2 - Chapter 2: My Regret

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.






Arc 2 - Chapter 2: My Regret

A few weeks later*

(Continent: Solitas Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Mansion)

So far, I have been observing the people inside the Schnee's Mansion for a couple of weeks. Where I continue to gather and building up a few data on who is who. And what I need to expect.

Furthermore, I made sure to modify the [Scroll] I got my hands on, to remove all traceable methods to track it down and improve it for my personal usage.

Hey, I may not be able to build my own [Scroll] from scratch, but I got the knowledge on how to edit the programs inside one to suit my usage.

Just removing the tracking chip inside along with a few tracking programs I found on the [Scroll] was all I could do with my current knowledge.

Nonetheless, this is already helping me a lot and I don't have to worry about having to charge the [Scroll], thanks to using the [Lightning Flame Glyph] to recharge it back to a full battery.

And made sure to place a virus that will destroy this [Scroll] if someone ever tries to hack it.

Anyway, over the past few weeks. I continue to observe everyone that comes in and out of the mansion, then I would search them up on the internet before tracking them down to ask them a few questions under the effect of the [Mist Flame Glyph], to make them see, hear, and feel differently. In order to get my answers.

Sadly, I had to use my [Alpha Stigma] most of those times as I haven't reached the level of mastery to do this just yet without it.

On the bright side; I had made many improvements with my [Dust Gauntlet] after a couple of mistakes I have done in a trial run in the snowy forest.

One of them I had to work on was the loading process. As the [Dust Gauntlet] actual jam the moment I need it the most, and almost all the time, leading to me having to use the Schnee's Mansion's Armory Room once more, to fix this problem.

Afterward, I got more problems popping up.

Like the [Dust Gauntlet] started breaking down after a couple of usage with [Dust]. It's mostly the [Fire Dust] and [Lightning Dust] that breaking the [Dust Gauntlet] down faster than the other [Dust].

Then the next problem came up, that I take too long to switch out the current [Dust] inside the [Dust Gauntlet] for a different [Dust] and sometime it won't even eject correctly with some leftover [Dust] still inside].

So yeah, I had lots of work out for me while working on the [Dust Gauntlet].

The only thing that made me not quit on this little weapon project of mine. Well, I need all the power I can get my hands on before I can truly travel all across the world to search for the hidden history of this world.

After rescuing Brise first, then find her a safe spot, and then, I will go on a journey to seek the truth of this world. Like why the [Four Maidens] hunted down the hosts of the [Four Curses] until I'm the very last one. Well, I hope I could. No clues about what the future has in store for me.

Either way, I'm a bit surprised how dark this world truly is. Like the people coming in and go from my family's mansion.

I really need to change lots of things after making sure Brise is old enough to watch over the mansion without me there helping out or find trustworthy people to look over her.

Because most of these people are actual corrupted council members and any other powerful politic people belong to a high-class family.

Greedy bastards, they are.

Seriously, they really are. One of them actually wanted a book from the Schnee's Main Library as the person is some sort of book collector and for free, due to the fact the person is part of the group that funding the project of recreating the [Eyes of Knowledge].

So the guy thought they could get something from the Schnee family.

Too bad for the guy and anyone else; only a true Schnee could even enter the place in the first place.

Can't even burn the door down or wall, even the floor to make the books fall down to the lower floor.

Yeah, the previous generations of Schnee thoughts of everything. And I mean everything, to make sure no one could steal from us. Not even if a member of the Schnee family that betray the family could do take a single book away to be sold to the enemies.

Anyway, many people that have greedy intention toward the Schnee's main library of countless years of knowledge. Would never be able to get their hands on them.

This was why I didn't be in a hurry to bring all those books with me. After all, the Schnee's main library is the best safe place to protect these valuable books.

Also, I did visit the place multiple times while spying on people inside and outside the Schnee's Mansion. To search for a Schnee that use a spear as a weapon. Seeing how I got the [Spear of Lightning] and need to figure out how to use it besides just using it like a javelin.

However, to my disappointment, not many use a spear as their main weapon, but as something used in a group for battle together. Not a solo spear wielder. Much to my frustration at the time.

Which lead to me only using the [Spear of Lightning] to thrust at my foes or just shoot it at them from the [Lightning Flame Glyph] itself. Since I have no idea how to use a spear beside thrusting it at the enemy.

So it looks like I have a few options, one of them is searching for a teacher, which I honestly don't know when I got the chance to or switch for a different weapon style.

I start searching for anything that may catch my interest in the Schnee's main library. And boy did I found something I didn't think I would find; well, more like it found me.

And I was not amused one bit that I found out I may end up as mankind's number one enemy. Unless the Grimm themselves had a ruler among them, then I could be considered the enemy of all mankind. Towards humans and faunus.

Due to the fact that I've found out, I'm a Magic King, which I learned it is a title known to people who possess a [Magic King Element], or what I found out is another name for the being one of the [Four Curses]'s host.

A Magic King is a being with the sole destiny of destroying the world. And there is more than one. Along with countless different worlds than the one I'm in.

Countless worlds exist, each being created, destroyed, and replaced, the Magic King is as such an existence born to carry out this process.

A Magic King is born human/faunus, but requires possessing one of the [Four Curses] and regardless of what life they live, their powers shall begin to emerge in time and they will be discovered as a Magic King.

So yeah, I guess I found out why I'm the last of my kind. Because if what I was told is true. Then my fate is to destroy the world and many in the past that discovered to contain the [Four Curses] are killed outright. Either by the [Four Maidens] or someone else.

The only reason I'm alive is that it has been a long time since someone seen a person with one of the [Four Curses].

Otherwise, I would be dead before I reach the age of 10 if this was in the past.

However, there was more bad news. I think.

As a Magic King, it seems all the Magic King has a second identity, who exist to embody the being they will become in time, essentially, this second self is implied to eventually overtake the original's identity and carry out its purpose of destruction.

If this was true, then the unknown being inside me is my future self or something, that will destroy the world.

No wonder the [Alpha Stigma] gave me the knowledge of this madness status, which literally just another word of my second identity taking over the past/current me?

And I finally found out the reasons why the hosts of the [Four Curses] are hunted down; well, this is just one of the many reasons. So, I didn't get the full picture just yet. Much to my frustration.

As to who told me this. Well, a book, but not just a normal book. But a [Grimoire] that called out for me after my last visit to the main library.

A [Grimoire] refers to devices, usually in the form of books, containing knowledge about [Magic]. And the one I found was a small book bound in chains.

Well, it was a book at the time until the said book turned into a mature woman with long gray-white hair and large breasts with a large black bow tied on her head.

Her attire consists of dark corset fastened to a choker and a long skirt, along with arm sleeves and black loafers.

If I didn't see it with my own eyes. I wouldn't have believed that a book, sorry a [Grimoire] turn into a human adult female.

Her name is Radix Astil or the Astil Manuscript and she is a legendary [Grimorie] of the Magic King of Madness. That contains information about another world; well, worlds after Radix told me she used to contain information about another world, as in a single world, but later on, she contains more than one world now.

Yeah, I learned each of the [Four Curses] has a name for themselves. The [Alpha Stigma] gives their hosts the title of the Magic King of Madness. Fitting title if I must say so myself.

What made sense is that the [Alpha Stigma] analyze many things and replicate, along with other things.

While Radix does the same, but with [Magic] only, where I learned from Radix herself, that if I were to face a Mage, or someone that can use [Magic]. Like the [Four Maidens].

Then it almost impossible to copy with the [Alpha Stigma] due to not possessing the ability to use [Magic] at the time. But, with Radix, she can replicate another Mages' [Magic] by analyzing and modifying the [Magic] for me to use.

What made me so shocked is that this [Magic] wasn't some kind of thing mention in a fairy tale. But, the very power that people possess to stay in existence.

And that the [Magic] is the primary source of power for these Mages, kind of like Huntsmen with [Aura], and these Mages research and exercise this power that is deviated from the laws of the world.

Which means, if one does not possess the power to stay in existence in that world or place, he or she may die, disappear, or lose control of themselves. Such Mages become Demons.

Sadly, Radix did not have any knowledge of the three out of the other [Four Curses] and only on the [Alpha Stigma], which wasn't needed to explain so much as I gain the knowledge each time I sleep.

Anyway, Radix continued to explain at the time, about the reason why she didn't call out to me at the beginning when I first came to the Schnee's main library was that it wasn't the right time until now that is.

Another thing Radix told me is that I'm her master and unlock the hidden ability inside me to use [Magic]. But, I need to pick an [Archives], which are the core of [Magic].

Well, that was how it goes by what Radix told me and no longer applies to this world of mine. So no need to be worried about the people in this world of mine possessing the [Magic] from a world called the [Trinity Seven], where Radix gained the knowledge from her previous lives or something. Before becoming a [Grimoire] of today.

However, I wasn't in a hurry to pick one at the time since I got my [Semblance] and the [Exploding Gale Fist] to work on already.

Picking up another would throw me off balance if what Radix told me, then using this [Magic] would likely take me years to work on and would likely overtake my time in working on what I have now.

Nonetheless, I had to pick one if I wanted to make a contract with Radix, and I was pressing on time.

Picking one of the seven [Archives], yeah, there are seven of them and each has four [Thema] in them. [Thema] is a theme, topic, subject, or matter.

And Radix explained how picking an [Archive] and [Thema] that is the opposite of what my personality is, as that appears to be the easiest for me to use. Since [Magic] is irrational by nature, in other words, they must think in a way contrary to themselves.

For me, I picked [Archive: Luxuria], centered around life and souls, specifically, [Alchemy], the rules of equivalent exchange, and powers that consume everything in their path without relent are covered.

And for [Thema: Vanitas], otherwise as 'Nothingness'. A [Thema] which symbolizes darkness and nothingness, able to consume and return all of creation to nothing. The essence of [Magic], as well as all seven [Archives], can be utterly erased by this power.

Yeah, out of all the seven [Archives]. The [Luxuria] is the best of the opposite of myself. Really wished I had less pride to pick the [Archive: Superbia], but yeah, that wasn't the opposite and would have made things harder for me.

So, leaving me with the [Luxuria], which is lust.

The look on Radix's face at the time when I picked the [Archive] and [Thema] wasn't something I want to remember when Radix's face is mostly stoic than anything.

Also, on the bright side to this, I get this new ability to go along with [Magic], which is [Magus Mode]. Refers to the form a Mage assumes upon activating his/her [Thema] and powers, in this form, they are equipped with a type magical uniform, which acts as a manifestation of their powers.


Small Author Note: The [Magus Mode]'s magical uniform is the one you see on the profile. Can't really figure out the right words to describe it.


But, for now, I'm not looking too forward in becoming a Magic King anytime soon.

Plus, the moment I 'poke' the [Magic]. I swear it actually purr at me. Yeah, rather leave that for now.

If I had a choice, I would have picked the [Archive: Superbia] and [Thema: Imperium]. To be able to have the rule upon my own fate and not having to follow being the Magic King to destroy the world.

Now, that I think about it. Destroying the world would bring more hate on all sides.

"Master. There no need to worry about these lower beings. All you need to do is continue researching your [Magic]." Radix said to me from her small book form, with the chains wrapped around my left wrist.

"Right." I said dully, as I'm going to have to deal with another voice in my head sometime. As one of the many abilities Radix posses. One of them is [Telepathy], allowing Radix to communicate telepathically with those around her openly or privately, which she did in the latter.

"Master, not to be so disrespectful to you, but you have only created a single [Magic] for your [Magic]. Of course, this [Magic] is very powerful. Please don't be disappointed." Radix continues to rant off about how I should continue my study in [Magic] instead of working on my [Semblance] and [Dust Glyphs], along with my [Exploding Gale Fist].

Also, I had another reason why I didn't feel like continue my study in [Magic], besides the whole becoming a Magic King. And that is the [Breakdown Phenonmenon] informed the day after I got her.

The [Breakdown Phenomenon] is what occurs when a particularly powerful, someone at the level of a Magic King, loses control over his/her [Magic], where the Mage's [Thema] has influence over how the phenomenon affects its surroundings, but regardless, the phenomenon caused by their loss of control is always volatile and extremely dangerous.

Other than killing the offending Mage outright, no other methods are known to stopping it.

Which is pretty bad for me, because I'm the only Mage, and I'm just a novice, but still a Magic King, and this looks like a backup in case I lose control over my [Magic], then I will destroy the world, either way, be in control or not.

So if I can just limit myself from using [Magic] until I figure out a way to control it without risking destroying whatever is around me. That would be great in my opinion.

"Master, your [Reduce Magic] is simple, but it's very powerful due to being in its original form and actually affect everything! So, I can guess why you didn't make another [Magic], but could you at least create a spell for your [Reduce Magic]? Because just using the [Reduce Magic] in its raw form would likely cause a [Breakdown Phenomenon] sooner or later." Radix continues ranting, adding a few warnings.

"I guess, but I'm a little busy trying to find out who is involved in this project created by that bastard and searching for my little sister at the moment." I replied to Radix while going through my [Scroll] to see if the new information I added would give me some kind of hints of anything important.

So far, nothing out of the ordinary besides the urge to kill these bastards. Including the person running this entire thing.

"Well, why not just ask the very person that runs this project?" Radix asked as she wonders why her master doing so many complex things when he could do something simple and easy.

"I would, but the bastard continues to disappear the very moment I planned to kidnap him. So for now, I'm just collecting all the information on anyone coming in and out of the Schnee's Mansion. Better this way than face the unknown." I replied after going through all the files in my [Scroll].

"Then, why not just camp inside a room he mostly stay in and waits for him?" Radix asked.

"Tried that a week ago before we met and did it thrice before I give up when I was close to being caught. I may try again later since I got a lead on the movement of that bastard coming to the Schnee's Main Mansion soon." I explained to Radix about how I almost got caught by staying too long and many people almost surrounded me with no escape.

But, I will try again, but this will be my last try until something may help me later on to do it again.

"By the way, you never did mention how you came to be and how you came to this world?" I ask Radix while getting in a comfortable position, as I'm sleeping in one of the many hidden bedrooms in the Schnee's Mansion, where it used many times in the past by previous generations to hide allies during the Great War.

"I'm sorry, master, but I can't seem to remember how I was made as it looks like someone wipe that part of memory from me. As for how I came to this world, one of your ancestors met an old man, who was my previous master and also a host of the [Alpha Stigma]. However, no one knew this due to my former master lost his eyes in a certain event. And pass me along to your ancestors, hoping I would find a new master among the Schnee. Which I did, thankfully enough." Radix explained.

"Huh." I did not think that was how Radix came into my family's library. "You still haven't told me how you came into this world." I remind Radix about this.

"Well, all I know is that there are other versions of myself and I somehow enter this world with unknown methods, where my previous master who found me and managed to make a contract with me, but temporary as at the time, as my previous master was already at the brink of his lifespan and only with me for a couple of months before I was sealed away inside your family's library for years due to no one meeting my requirements." Radix finished off explaining.

"I see. Well, Radix mind keeping watch of anyone that notice us while I'm asleep?" I ask the sentient [Grimoire].

"I will do my best, master. Sleep well." Radix didn't even bother to think about it and agreed right away.

Of course, I made sure to place a few [Glyphs] around me, one of them is my [Mist Flame Glyph] and another is the [Cloud Flame Glyph].

But, these are only meant towards non-[Magic] users. So, having Radix watching over me would be great since I never knew that [Magic] is real in the first place. So who knows if there are other Mages in this world.

A few weeks later*

(Continent: Solitas Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion)

I was not one bit amused at all right now.


I got lucky again, after gaining Radix, and manage to catch my bastard of a Father, who I dearly want to kill right away if it didn't lead to many countless problems.

Problems that could destroy the Schnee family, even if there are not many of us right now. And by many, I literally mean that other than Brise and me, there are a few other long distant cousins.

Meaning that most of the main branches of the Schnee family are dying out while the side branch is close to becoming the new main branch.

Anyway, back to the point of the reason why I'm so pissed right now.

Was because the bastard has been forcing countless lessons onto Brise and if she fails, then she gets hit, not to the point of physical abuse, much to my relief, but more of an emotional trauma developing.

All these years, that bastard had been trying to force Brise to be like him in the shadow without Brise knowing it and even go as far that I was killed for protecting her and I would blame her for my death.

Forcing Brise to learn lots of things in so little time without much rest. Heck, they even unlocked Brise's [Aura] to make sure don't end up dead from the lack of breaks she isn't getting, while only getting a few hours of sleep than a good full 8 hours or so.

But, that just not all Brise went through.

The bastard continues to draw blood from Brise for future experiments. I'm just glad the bastard was smart and didn't get Brise pregnant right away, even if he wanted to, she is too young to even get pregnant, to begin with.

And made it known that Brise already has an arranged marriage with someone called Jacques Gele. Someone belongs to the high-class family, and have many allies and that is very troublesome to have to deal with.

Because unlike Jacques, Brise's future husband, the word husband just want me to kill the bastard already for making an arranged marriage for Brise already.

Not to mention that I can't do a single thing to break this fixed loveless marriage. Due to many laws and the contracts, that is pretty much iron-clad. Preventing me from breaking this contract as the laws are against me.

I have no allies, besides maybe Glynda, but she just a little girl, not much help I could get from her. No matter how mean that is when it is true.

To make it worse, I can't even get back my status as the Schnee's heir when I was deemed dead by that bastard.

Well, at least the look on the bastard's face was worth it when he saw me in his office.

I did enjoy the expression on his face when I ripped his left arm from his body and burn it into ashes.

So no chance of him reattaching it back on.

But, I did do something to my benefit. I made the bastard give me all access to the Schnee's resources even if my status is dead. I can still have access to it.

Not like another Schnee haven't done the same before in the past, where I learned in the library of learning how a Schnee went into almost the same situation as me, but with limited access, while I have full access.

To make sure the bastard doesn't try to revoke this special permission.

I even went as far as making myself the Head of the Schnee while the bastard is now considered retired and no longer have any access to the Schnee's resources after I made a big effort to prove that I'm alive and the true heir to the Schnee family first before becoming the Head of the Schnee family.

Man, that felt great when I finally got my kind of revenge against the bastard.

Sadly, I have lost the war when I reunite with Brise, who clearly hates me to the core and rather have me go away, never have a single thing in her life, causing me a heartache of my little sister hating me.

Nonetheless, I promise that as long I'm alive. No one will have full access to the Schnee's resources and I gave Brise limited access.

The Kingdom of Atlas's Atlesian Council may have some problem with a 'dead' Schnee and a young one at that, to gain control over the entire Schnee fortune.

But, the Schnee family, before becoming known as the Schnee Dust Company. Was and still consider a royalty, thanks to the actions of the previous Schnee. And in the past where each kingdom had a King and the Schnee family is one of the many families that was given a Noble status, which will follow down the line of the family, to the last member.

So technically, Brise and I are nobles. And we have special rights. So I have no worry about the Atlesian Council trying to take my title as the Head of the Schnee Family away.

Because I have already met the requirements to become the Head.

One: Born in the main branch of the Schnee family.

Two: Is a warrior, having already killed another being already.

Three: Manage to enter the Schnee's Main Library.

Four: Have to be at the minimum age of 15.

These four conditions I have already fulfilled and the only reason the sperm donor was the Head of the Schnee family, was in name only and no one outside a selected few people know about this.

Outside the family; all will know that the Head of the Schnee family has access to the complete fortune while those named as head in name only will only have limited access.

Which I found out the bastard had a bit more access than he should. I figure my deceased Mother was tricked into giving more access to the bastard or my grandparents was too old in ages and got tricked by the outsider.

And no one stopped him until now, by his own son nonetheless.

Anyway, I became the Head of the Schnee family and the first thing I did was kick the bastard out of the family, along with other uninvited guests to leave.

And I had the right to kick them out of my mansion with or without physical mean.

Much to my regret, I had to send Brise to another location when Brise demanded me to hand over the title as Head of the Schnee family to her. When I have no right after abandoning the Schnee family.

I didn't have the heart to explain how wrong she was and had to send her away and made sure to place a [Save Point Marker] on her without her notice. And made sure to get someone to watch over her. As in good people who are good in nature and not corrupted like the bastard and those worked along with him. After going through background check first.

Well, actually, I just send Brise to another Schnee's Mansion and the people that work there are nice people. After I made sure to watch over them for a couple of days without their knowing that I was watching them.

Nonetheless, I was happy to get Brise away from all the lessons being forced onto her and having to get her blood drawn out of her.

The only thing I regretted was how Brise was somewhat influenced by that bastard, but not to the point of becoming a puppet.

That was the only bright side, I could see and is happy enough for that.

I just wished I could have done this earlier, but I got the feeling I may have faced more problems than what I could handle.

So either way, I can't change the past and just hope Brise live a good life. With whatever left it is after she is married to her fiance.

I snort at the thought of Brise being married into a loveless marriage. But, my hands are tied. And to make it worse, I'm being forced to give certain rights over to this Jacques Gele like giving him the ownership of the Schnee Dust Company.

Other than that, he gets nothing.

But, having someone owning the Schnee Dust Company leave a bad taste in my mouth. I just hope Brise's kids will come to me, for help. So I can get them to gain back the Schnee Dust Company from the outsider, no matter how an outsider started the Dust Company business.

It was thanks to me, and the [Alphs Stigma] that made the Schnee Dust Company big as it is today.

So having my work, even if it is against my will, stolen from me will leave me in a pissed off mood for a while.

Therefore, I will continue to watch over Brise and mostly at Jacques, waiting for my chance to get back the Schnee Dust Company and kick Jacques out of the Schnee family as I did with the bastard, who I'm already coming up with a plan to get rid of him for good.


Current Age:

Merlin Schnee: 15

Brise Schnee: 7

Glynda Goodwitch: 7