
Bonfire Shelter Company

As the catastrophe approaches, a special containment facility called the "Bonfire Shelter Company" wakes up from its slumber and sends out invitations to people to join the city— "When night comes, someone should light a fire and shine it in all directions. ”

Threedar · SF
31 Chs

the Gates of War and Rust

The chest is still rising and falling...

Not dead.

But the state is not optimistic.

Liu Dun's body was red, and his abdomen was pierced by a rusty spike and nailed to the table full of blood, compared to the one in the salt cage, his face was already serene.

Although this person's limbs are still there, the muscles under the skin are lumps one by one...

The monster severed all the tendons in his body.

In addition to him, Colin was also on a shelf in the room and saw five "brave men" hanging in the air like market pork.

The hook runs through their collarbones, hanging them in mid-air.

Luckily, they were still alive, their limbs were still there, and they were just in a coma, but for them at the moment, Colin felt that the coma was a blessing.

Unfortunately, their muscles were also lumpy, apparently processed, and the residual pain on their faces meant that even a coma was not very comfortable.

Seeing the miserable fate of these people, Colin was silent for a while, ripped off the torn clothes on his body, and covered Liu Dun on the board.

Then, he went again, took the other five people off the shelf, and placed them side by side on the table.

Colin hadn't taken off the hook of their collarbone, and he couldn't do such a delicate maneuver as he was now.

Then he cut off some long blood-colored hairs from himself and covered them.

There's not much practical use for that.

It's just that some last dignity can be reserved for them.

"One salt cage, one chopping board, five on the shelf, there are only seven people here... And what about one more person? Who's missing, that yellow hair? Belch. "

Before Colin could finish speaking, he saw a torn scalp at his feet, and the hair rooted on it was yellow, and a little blood clotted between the hairs.

Of the eight people just now, only one was dyed yellow.


There is indeed a lack of this person.

Colin silently gave him a moment of silence.

Originally, he wanted to find a chance to clean up his body, but now it seems that there is no such opportunity.

Unless you resurrect someone, you will have a chance to punch him.

However, the dead are already dead, and what to do with the rest is a problem.

"There seems to be a special smell in these people's bodies."

After thinking about it, Colin took out the "analysis lens" from the space he carried and took a look between the two blood-stained sharp claws.

[They have a special set of organs implanted in their bodies, which are dormant at the moment, which greatly activates their life force, and they will not die for thirty days, and there will be no serious infection, but at the same time, it also greatly shortens their life expectancy. ]"I just said that it didn't feel right, it was originally transformed, but, thirty days, it's still a lot of time, go back to the company and see, are there any special props that can save these people, but I'm not sure, the next time I come in, it's here, or that church."

Colin thought, if there is a chance, if you can save it, you can save it, and if you can't save it, use "time stop" to give them a painless death.

Of course, if they can't come here next time, then they can only pray that they don't wake up before they die.

Otherwise, looking at the scene, it is better to sleep until death.

"However, what kind of special organ is implanted by this monster, and it has this means, isn't it good to do something serious..."

Colin remembered that the monster itself also had all kinds of bizarre and strange methods, which were outrageous in flesh and blood.

Don't worry about the plug and pull of rejection, as well as flesh and blood modification, and what special organs are there.

If this is a formal way to connect with the earth, maybe the two sides can achieve mutual success.

But now, I am afraid that the first moment the two sides meet, there will be a war.

"It's a pity."

Colin shook his head, glanced at the gore in the kitchen again, thinking about this experience, I feel that it can be summed up in one sentence - I once dreamed of going to the end of the world with a sword, but before the entrance of the village came out, there were no eight...

There are two more that are thoroughly cool.

There are risks in crossing, and you need to be vigilant against new types of brave scams...

Colin thought, always feeling that this incident might not be over.

The biggest problem with this is that, according to his guess, this is probably not the first time this kind of thing has happened.

But now there are only eight people in the area.

I haven't seen any other secret doors or anything so far.

However, without waiting to think about it, a ten-second countdown appeared.

The remainder of this event is coming up.

Bell - bell - bell - bell -

The familiar chime rang again, bringing the signal to go home.

The surrounding scene becomes blurry.

Quickly transforms into a mist-shrouded area.

Just when Colin thought he would return to reality in the blink of an eye, just as before.

The accident seems to have happened.

Even though the ancient bells had stopped, he remained in the space where the gray mist surged, not seeing what was going on.

At this moment, Colin looked up and saw that the light spots floating in the gray fog outlined the pattern of a door like a paintbrush.

In the blink of an eye, it quickly transforms from a simple drawing into reality, an ancient and heavy door.

The gate is covered in mottled red rust, as well as many signs of destruction and mutilation that seem to have been left by the war.

In Colin's astonished gaze.

The door slowly opened, and a thick gray mist continued to flow out of the widening cracks.

Behind the door, the picture that gradually unfolds is shrouded in a layer of gray fog that wriggles like a curtain, making it impossible to get to the bottom of it...

The doors on both sides are like arms that open out in the shape of a hug.

Inviting invitees to enter.

It is also at this moment.

Except for Colin, in the real world, all employees suddenly heard an alarm-like "flute" in their heads.

At the first moment, everyone realized that this movement came from the "bonfire company"!

What happened?Everyone was stunned, and those who could take out the parchment took out the parchment on the spot, and if they couldn't take it out, they also found an excuse as soon as possible to retreat into the bathroom and other scenes, sat on the toilet, and took out the parchment.

"What happened? Why is there a sudden sound of a horn in my head? I just thought Lao Mi had dropped the nuclear bomb..."

"I don't know, did you come out and talk about it?"

"Could it be that the world is about to end, and the aura is finally going to be revived?"


One by one, the bonfire employees don't think it's a big deal to send messages.

The inaudible "whistle" sound in my brain lasted for a full thirty seconds before it stopped, and at this moment, a line of striking red letters appeared on the parchment.

[After testing, it has been confirmed that an "Advent faction" has invaded the company, please employees of all levels to prepare for protection and not be deceived by the order. ]

[Mission "Indomitable Guardian" has been issued to all employees.] ]

[If you complete or assist the company in completing this task and obtain major merit in it, you will receive an additional million points, and you can be exempted from the test to guarantee B-level permission or choose an A-level super rare item as a reward.] ]

"1 7":, I took a look at the specifics of the task, once the task is completed, even if it is just to provide some clues or something, the minimum is 10,000 points!

"Anonymous 1994": B-class clearance, ultra-rare items, rather a kind?

"The Last Child": Laughing to death, the newcomer is still thinking about which reward to choose, only the old employees know this thing and take a look, and they have chosen to lie down.

"Bai Zhu is so cute": Wori, as soon as I came in, I saw that the company was invaded again, senior brother and master, should we run away? @annoyaaaa@nobody@...

"Unnamed 114514": @Bai Zhu is so cute, I think you can run away, take me with you, and propose that you meet privately first and talk carefully...

"莣孒嫒1勼勼7": What's the situation, why can't you say that it can't be completed, you are really not impressed by such a high reward? And why is it said that it has been invaded "again"?

"Son of the Last Born": Where do you think the mission for the "Interactive Lobby" called "Expulsion of the Intruders" came from? Do you see who's done it now?

"Life coach is much cuter": Don't panic, if the company doesn't fall, we will continue to mix, the sky is falling and there is a tall one, and there are ABC on the head, compared to this, I feel that the biggest problem is that this recent incident seems to be becoming more and more frequent.

"Brother Xun of the Bard": Indeed, in the past, there were stable missions once a week, but in the past year, there may be two or even three missions a week, although the rewards are more, but the difficulty is also increasing.... Is this world finally going to be filthy?

"Coin collector": It doesn't matter if he will be the end of the world, 1 to 300 US dollars, daily collection of points...

"The One Who Never Gives In": Who will save you, I've been trapped for two months, and I knelt down for the big brothers, as long as you save me, except for my life's safety, everything in me is yours...