
Bonfire Shelter Company

As the catastrophe approaches, a special containment facility called the "Bonfire Shelter Company" wakes up from its slumber and sends out invitations to people to join the city— "When night comes, someone should light a fire and shine it in all directions. ”

Threedar · SF
31 Chs

Damn, it's so insidious and cunning

The walls on the outskirts of the town have long since collapsed, and behind the collapsed walls is a lifeless complex of black and gray buildings...

Colin was standing two or three hundred meters away from the town...

He was sure that the creatures in the town were as dead as they were outside.

The sense of invisible terror emanating from it is also far stronger than that outside.

If there was a choice, Colin would definitely choose to avoid entering this kind of place that is not easy to mess with at first glance.


The location of the signal of the former colleague can be determined to be in this town.

"Alas, it's all coming..."

Colin shook his long hair, it took eight or nine hours to get here, and it was too late to retreat.

He could clearly feel that his mind was a little muddy...

Not as sober as last night.

Time is running out.

If you continue to hesitate, what awaits him is really "covered in red hair, and your old age is unknown".

Colin blinked his bloodshot eyes, carried the stone pillar torch, and stepped forward.

Half climbing, half walking over the ruins of the city walls and into the town.

As he moved forward vigilantly, he looked around - the houses in this town were basically made of stones of various sizes mixed with gray clay, and the architectural form was similar, and some faded signs could be seen.

However, to Colin's surprise, he thought that there would be a large number of corpses in the town, but when he came in, he didn't see a single corpse.

All the houses were open and empty.


"It seems like everyone fled before the disaster came?"

Colin's gaze swept thoughtfully from house to room.

It's a pity that I don't know what happened to cause this area to be unusually withered and weird.

Not long after, after passing through the dead alleyways, Colin's footsteps stopped again, and not far from his vision, stood a very ecclesiastical building.

This church building is also relatively conspicuous in the town, it is white all over, the style is simple, and the main entrance is inscribed with a solid circle, surrounded by straight lines of different lengths - the sun.

At the same time, Colin was able to determine that the signal was coming from inside the church.

After a little hesitation, Colin came to the three-meter-high main entrance of the church, stretched out his big hand that could pinch people and knocked on the door...

"Colleague, are you in there?"

Colin leaned close to the gate and shouted, "I've been sent by the Campfire Company to pick you up...

"I just arrived, it's safe outside, I can come out..."

After saying that, Colin waited for a response, but waited patiently for several minutes, but there was no response from the church.

Could it be... Afraid of him?

Colin glanced down at himself, looking like a red man-wolf monster who spoke human words, and did not look very safe.

However, he felt that with effective communication, the matter should be resolved.

Try it in another language before that...

What if the colleague is a foreigner?





Colin just wanted to turn around, but his body suddenly froze.

In the next second, a line of scarlet blood suddenly appeared on his neck, and the blood line was quickly torn, followed by the beast-like head slamming on the ground, and a large amount of blood splattered from the broken neck, like a fountain.

The head that fell to the ground blinked, looking behind it suspiciously...


Where is the enemy?

It's just that before he could come up with something, a pair of erected pupils quickly dilated and dilated, and his vision went dark.

Before his consciousness fell into complete darkness, three last thoughts flashed through Colin's mind:

"Damn, you're so insidious and cunning."

"This blood is really high..."

"It's over, before I came, the pornographic materials in the computer and mobile phone haven't been deleted..."



Colin consciously looked back, and opened his eyes suddenly, seeing that he was standing in front of the church gate at the moment.

What I just experienced seems to be a hallucination...


Not an illusion!

This is the ability that comes with "transfur" after it has progressed to a certain level, and Colin experienced it once in the previous dungeon, and only appears before he is seriously damaged...

Only this time it's clearer!

It was so clear that he felt as if he had really experienced death himself!

Other words...

This time the enemy is far stronger than the warden!

Don't try to fight back!

Colin's heart throbbed, and he couldn't think about what was going on, and the whole person slammed into the crack in the door, and at the same time slammed the door open, and squeezed into the church together.

Immediately afterward, he turned and closed the door.


A secret, shrill voice flickered by.

It seems that someone is wielding a long sword...

The height of the position is exactly where his neck is just now.


Colin couldn't smell the slightest enemy, and he didn't even see the enemy outside before closing the door.

"What's that, the enemy is stealth? Hidden along with the scent?"

Colin's heart was beating violently, and his heart was palpitating, causing his body to tremble slightly.

He can be sure...

There was a "man" standing right outside the door.

However, he couldn't detect even the slightest breath of the other party.

Can't see, can't smell, can't hear...

What kind of monster is this?

It's like a ghost!

For a while...

Colin didn't dare to move, just stood uneasy, staring nervously at the door.

However, nearly ten minutes passed, and the attack did not occur again.

It can't get into the church?

The thought of Colin came to him, and he wanted to turn around to look at the church, but suddenly thought of another possibility that he had not been attacked.

"Could it be that there is a pattern to its attack, for example, I am standing still now, so it will not strike? It's not impossible, no, if I can't be sure, I don't dare to move at all now... By the way, how did I forget, I still have a 'Book of Numerology' that I didn't use. "

After thinking of this thing, Colin didn't hesitate to use it directly.