
Bondrewd, a new beginning

What we know about Bondrewd from the epic "Created in the Abyss" - scientist, genius, "father of the year" and a lot of positive and not so positive qualities. Making this character extremely curious against the background of crowds of schoolchildren and other characters as bland as cardboard. After another "successful" experiment "Lord of Dawn" died, this time finally, and got into a new world, with a clear goal - to save the world, Will Bondrewd be able to save the world, will his attitude to life change, will he get a harem... maybe yes, maybe no. Read it and give me feedback. Postscriptum: this is the author's first work, so don't hit me, at least not hard.

DaoDasin · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Shit, it's about time.

Audita was hit with cold water, the girl instantly perked up and took on a proud posture and spoke.

"Hehehehe, you... you have to go to the world of Hortus and solve some problems there." The girl said it in one breath as if she was afraid that Bondrewd would get into a philosophical polemic with her again.... 

"I'd still like to know the details, and the alternative of course." "Lord of Dawn" was as focused as possible, for perhaps his life was at stake, and more importantly his scientific endeavours.

"You will have several tasks:"

Firstly, a new warrior of madness has appeared on Hortus, and with the support of the local dark deities, is gathering an army for a devastating campaign into the civilised nations. You must kill him, if the leader falls the others will simply scatter, or kill each other to claim his place. 

Secondly, the necromancers from the old capital have raised a rebellion in the Baharut Empire, and it has already spread to several neighbouring states. The situation is completely out of control. You'll have to destroy them all, at least most of them. They are smart and independent enough to organise themselves after losing their leader.

I can't tell you about the third task yet, you should also help the local light pantheon of gods and their followers if possible. - Audita was silent, the girl might have wanted to watch the reaction of the man in black, but to her regret, or maybe fortunately, she did not know, Bondrewd's face was covered by a helmet, and he stood as still as a statue.

After a moment or two of thought, the man answered, "You didn't tell me about the alternative. - The judge hesitated, dimming her eyes to the floor as if she were a little girl who had done something wrong, and shuffling from foot to foot, answered in a whisper.

"In that case, you Bondrewd, as pure evil in the flesh will be destroyed, your body and soul will be erased from the universe."

"Marvellous, an offer that cannot be refused." Bandrude did not openly show his aggression, but the man was ready for the the use of force, so to speak, to improve the terms of the contract. Audita hastened to continue.

"If you complete all the tasks, you will be reborn in a random world, and if you show intentions to correct your behaviour, I think we can resurrect you in your world."

There was an awkward silence, Bondrewd was thinking over what the strange girl had said. Auditha's last words inspired the man and he was more inclined to a positive answer, after all, that failed experiment, which had occurred for Bondrewd just 10 minutes ago, was festering the "Lord of Dawn". He had so much to do, so many discoveries to make, so many places to explore, that the urge to say yes without hesitation took hold of the man for a moment. But he would not have reached such heights if he had relied on emotion. In any case, the choice had been made, the only thing left was to specify the details.

"How do you intend to observe my "correction"? - Bondrewd pronounced the last word deliberately loudly, for the effect on his interlocutor."

The girl shuddered, either from the man's sudden voice or from his elevated tone, but collected herself and continued.

"In your soul will be integrated "Supervision System" it will count your good and evil deeds, for which it will award points. If the amount of evil you have done exceeds a certain limit you will die, if you finish the mission with a "positive score", we will resurrect you in your world, also in the credit will go recommendations from the local gods, so I do not recommend ignoring their requests." 

"Also, good points neutralize evil points on a 1 to 1 basis. So I don't think you should have any problems. The system will also provide reference and other information you need to complete your task." The girl finished speaking, her attention was fixed on the "Lord of Dawn", since his appearance here the girl had not left the silent horror, the aura, his aura was simply terrible, she was a guardian and could clearly see it. 

A normal person wouldn't have noticed anything, but she... She saw everything, there was literally hell going on behind the man's back, hundreds of echoes of the souls of his victims were circling over their tormentor, screaming curses and insults, the air around the man was refracted and gave off a disgusting smell of death and fear in the middle of this horror was a flame, a huge purple flame of power, his power. Whoever he was, this creature was extremely powerful.

'Why is it that such power always goes to stupidly coked-up scumbags?' - Questioned the girl to herself. Her mental stream of indignation was interrupted by Bondrudd's voice.

"I agree." The man said briefly.

"Ahhh, good." Audita snapped her fingers and a portal opened in front of the man, it was slightly larger than a man and the multi-coloured waves of its energy swirled like water in a whirlpool. Bondrewd took a few steps and stopped at the very edge of the portal, turned his head to his interlocutor and with a force worthy of a better application struck the floor with his sole. The floor, clearly not designed for such stresses, cracked.

"If any of what you told me was a lie, the consequences will be very sad, sad for you." With a final threat, and without waiting for a reply, the man stepped into the portal and disappeared from the space. Leaving a frightened Audita alone.

The portal closed, and the girl exhaled quietly.

"You did a great job," an unknown but very beautiful female voice seemed to be broadcasting from everywhere. A couple of moments later, in a flash of light, another woman appeared in front of Auditha. She was dressed in a modest purple dress, which only emphasised her lush forms and voluminous breasts, her red hair hanging down from her shoulders, complemented by two huge white wings and a bright golden halo, shimmering with all kinds of colours.

Audita didn't wait for the girl to approach her and threw herself into her arms.

"It was just a horror, where do you find them, it was a real monster." Tears were pouring from Audita's eyes and her body was trembling. 

The arriving beauty pressed the poor girl to her chest and began to stroke her head like a small child. "Don't be so worried, you did a great job."

"That's easy for you to say, you're not going to get your head blown off by that monster with a sharp eyebrow movement, when he threatened me before he entered the portal I almost made a mess in my dress, take me back to my world, aaah!"

"You agreed to the promotion, you should have known it would be harder." Audita continued to be hysterical and smeared snot all over her friend's dress as she continued to wail.

"Mina, this isn't the world, it's just fucked up, the local gods are either sitting around doing nothing or secretly thinking of ways to destroy one another, and the mortals are not far behind them."

"The dark pantheon is stronger than ever and there's no way to negotiate with them at all. I tried, they wouldn't even talk to me, they called me a little cunt bitch and kicked me out of their domain, aahhoo." 

Mina continued to comfort the girl by stroking her head, she really sympathised with the girl, this world had been going through some bad times lately. She tried to cheer up her friend but for some reason nothing came to her mind.

"Don't be so sad, I think this man will be able to fulfil his task, and by the way why didn't you inform him about the third task?"

Audita, seemingly barely calmed down, became hysterical again. "I should have told him that the first hero died like the last fucker, the second deserted to the enemy's camp, and the third went have fun and hasn't been out of the pubs and brothels for almost a year."

"And after the third failure, we started sending villains, creepy and dangerous bastards, just like you are a creepy man in a creepy helmet and it got, it only got worse, "shmyk... shmyk..."."

"They not only haven't even started the mission even a little bit, the first one found a loophole in the system and is doing worse than the local deities, the rest I can't find at all, I know they're alive but nothing more, I tried to ask for help from the local light pantheon but they sent me away, again, aaaaah..." 

"Take me back to my world, there was no such thing, there everything was simple and clear, the light pantheon always helped me, and from the dark there was only one god, and that one was purely nominal, and from his desert in half a continent did not come out for centuries."

Mina continued to listen to the girl's lamentations. 'Maybe things are so bad in this world that... No, it's not a solution, there's only one option left, we have to expose this, what's his umm... - Bordure as much as possible, and personally, as much as possible to keep an eye on him. And that fool too.'

Audita slowly started to pull away and released her friend from her embrace, Mina let her go, though in another situation she would have loved to pet her some more.

Mina snapped her fingers and a new portal, transparent as ice, appeared in front of the girls.

"I'll set it up," I'll set it up for 20 minutes, Horus's condition really left much to be desired, especially his magic chains, but a little more time later the ice mirror, blurred and before the ladies' eyes appeared, the edge of the forest, as if painted on a picture, green grass swayed in the breeze, the crowns of majestic trees cast the same impressive shadows, protecting everything around from the sultry sun, only two things actively attracted attention and broke out of the picture.

It was a man in dark attire with a dull helmet and a bear, quite large, by the way, with brown fur and fangs with a human finger, the couple was not in a hurry to clarify relations and just stared at each other. 

"Run, bitch, run." Suddenly began to yell, Audita directly into the screen, as if hoping that someone would hear her.

"I think he should be able to handle the bear," Mina said, not fully understanding why her friend was so worried, but Audita continued.

"Teddy bear run, run, he'll kill you for sure!" The direction of Audita's thoughts became clear to Mina, and her hand involuntarily reached for her face.