
Bonded To A Witch

[Mature Content] What if she was destined to kill him? What if nothing can stop her from killing him? Not even herself. ______________ Raziel Crayon- a young, lazy, and beautiful witch who is unable to cast spells made tragedy compound upon itself when she experimented with death and unknowingly tried to kill herself, resulting in the downfall of her family and them, sent to the heart of the forest. She was known for her free spirit with modest desires of being a princess and living an easy life, without having to learn how to cast spells as she believes it was a waste of momentum and vigor. Valhoon Cross- The vampire king of Daxtan. He was the cold-hearted king, ruthless, and a monster who lurks in the shadows. A King considered like a ghost by the inhabitants of the country. After getting betrayed by his uncle, and losing half of the country's staff, he resolved in finding the mastermind and getting back the other half. He accidentally met her in an unfortunate incident where she saved his life but ended up in deep trouble herself. In this journey, will he fulfill Raziel's both desires or both would be left unfulfilled? The problem? She was fated to kill him and he was destined to marry her. Will she be able to stop herself from killing him? or would her fate change? ......... "I never knew you read these kinds of books. I only read the middle page and I’m thrilled." "H…how did you get it?" She gulped. He chuckled. "Come and get it, sweet. I don’t bite." Raziel narrowed her eyes. He was trying to trick her into opening the window. "It’s not that hard. Come on, I’ll give you your erotica," he assured, drawing on the last word. "It’s not erotica. You’re horrible at reassuring people." "And you’re a pro at hurting my ego." "Seriously?" "No." She glared at him and he smirked. Seems like she was no longer scared of his blazing golden eyes. Such a huge achievement. "I won’t hurt you, sweet, sweet, Raziel," he spoke out as he used his hands to tell her to come forward. Noticing the reluctance and doubt in her eyes, he shrugged his shoulders. "Fine, I’ll grant your request and leave," he said as he sauntered towards the railing of her balcony. He heard her panicked voice and her loud footsteps as she quickly tossed the blanket off her body and hurried to the window. Just as he saw her opening the balcony window, he smirked at her and leaped off the balcony. She released a horrified shout as expected. It was a five-floor drop after all. "C…come back!" She slightly whispered, dreading to wake her family or alert the guards. He turned a deaf ear to her. A hand was tucked into his pocket as he walked down the mansion with ease. His free hand swung the book as he walked. He kept walking and just as he had predicted, she uttered the word. Raziel panicked. She sprinted out of her bedroom, barefoot and with just her thin nightgown. The book wasn’t hers, it was May’s and she would fight with her if she found out that her book was missing and that she took it. She doesn’t want any quarrel with May and she has to take the book from him to avoid May’s wrath. Raziel ran outside and was welcomed by the chilly cold and the bright light of the moon. She sighted him walking away and she racked her brain for something to say. Yes, she now knew his name. She had seen it at the royal grandmother’s birthday party. She had forgotten his name until it was forced out of her. "Valhoon, please!"

suxyki · ファンタジー
32 Chs

From Decades It will Turn To Centuries

"I see you are enjoying your time with these bones, Selene," Valhoon said, stopping outside of one of the cells and staring at the woman inside. She was chained to the wall with skeletons and bones around her. Her red eyes were blazing as she stared at the king in anger and her hair hung on her head like a bag of garbage.

She was struggling, trying to release herself from the chains holding her down, but she resigned to her fate after coming in contact with the bitter truth that the chains were no ordinary chains and it was made for tough vampires like her. She raised her face to stare at Valhoon only to find him smirking evilly at her.

"No need to struggle with the chains. You didn't think I'll use a mild chain right? This is what happens when someone dares to deceive me, and your punishment hasn't started yet. It's going to be fun," he said, smiling at her pitiful state.

"Just because I'm here doesn't mean it's over, your majesty."

"Now...now, that's why I'm here. If you cooperate with me and tell me the mastermind of your plans or tell me where the other half of the golden staff is, I might just reduce your punishment or even let you go. What do you think?" Valhoon negotiated. Not like he has any plans on letting her leave this place whether she tells him or not, but he just needs to extract some information.

She was going to serve her time here with him just giving her a little amount of blood to keep her alive and make sure she doesn't die yet. This is what happens when someone dares trick him.

Selene chuckled. She knew this brutal king so well and she knows he wouldn't let her go even if she tells him everything and he won't reduce her punishment or her years of service in this cell. Instead, he would increase it and keep her here for decades.

"In your dreams. I know you so well and I know you won't let me go or reduce my punishment even if I tell you everything," she said and he nod his head in agreement.

"You think you know me so well, Selene, but you don't know what I will do to you in this cell. I'll make sure you stay here for decades, from decades it will turn to centuries, and from centuries, millennium," he threatened and she laughed.

"You wish. I won't even stay here for up to a year in this cell of yours. I'll get out very soon and right under your nose."

Valhoon's face darkened. She was so confident that she wouldn't stay up to a year in his cell. He has to find the mastermind very soon.

"You should be careful because someone would finish my incomplete job. You know, a wise old man once said that a job failed by one incompetent hand could be accomplished by another competent hand. You should watch your back, your majesty," she said making him angrier.

"You should stop daydreaming, Selene. I wonder how my father trusted a venomous person like you. I'll definitely find the mastermind soon and the other part of the golden staff. Now, drop that illusion that you are going to get out of here sooner than I want. As I said, you'll spend your time here for decades and centuries," Valhoon spat.

"Gaspher, make sure each of her fingers and nails is cut off every day, and make sure she doesn't die," he ordered the man who has been beside him all this while.

Valhoon gave the girl the last look before walking away with Gaspher behind him. He walked furiously out of the dungeons and threw his hand gloves away. Ugh, he was so angry right now. That girl ended up ruining his mood again. She always does this, there was never a time he wasn't angry with her.

For the past year, he only let her live in his palace because his father thought of her as an ideal wife and queen, whereas she only ends up annoying him and ruining his mood. It was either she cause a ruckus in the media or try to force him to marry her. Other times she would try to get intimate with him knowing full well he wasn't interested in her. Looking back now, he should have known she was of no good.

Valhoon matched through the hallway heading to his bedroom. He felt the urge to break and tear something apart and vent his anger. He stopped to look behind him only to find Gaspher trailing behind him. "What," Valhoon hollered at him.

"You heard it, right? How that brat was so confident she wouldn't stay in the cell for a year and what are you doing following me about?"

"Yes, I heard all Selene said. Now stop yelling at me because I won't be your punching bag this time. We should just murder her instead of keeping her, you never know what that woman is planning, and I was only following you to tell you about your schedule," Gaspher replied, preparing to run if Valhoon try to vent his anger on him and turn him into a punching bag.

He always does this whenever angry. Turning people into his punching bag, not caring if they are hurt or not, and punching the hell out of them. But he wasn't going to let him this time. He should go find something else to vent his anger on or try solving the problem at hand.

"I'm not going to let her die that easily, and I'm not going back on my word. She's going to stay there for years until her bones are weak and crunched. I show no mercy to traitors."

"But your majesty, what if she comes out or the mastermind sneaks into the palace and tries something like this again?"

"You should know what to do to prevent that from happening. Tighten the security in the palace. Make sure all the guards are strictly spied on daily and make sure no one comes in and out of this palace without your notice, understood?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Now stop following me and hand over the paper to me," he ordered, taking the paper from him and walking away.

"Hey guys

I'm so so sorry for not updating for the past few days, but trust me, I will be updating like normal from now. please show some love by sending powerstones and leaving a review.


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