
01x10 In Each Heart

In the collapsing zone, inside one of the half-collapsed buildings, noises of destruction and fighting could be heard on one of the upper floors. Inside, Amadeus and Flash wouldn't stop, knocking out villain after villain, over and over;

— Take that!!! - Shouts Flash as he extends his right arm, covering him with black goo, and thus generating a tentacle that pushes two villains, covering the chest of the two and launching them towards the wall, which they hit, causing structural damage by force and fainting .

Amadeus also fought, being in his greenish form, which was still much smaller than that of the original Hulk, he dodged a villain's sword, and with an opening, he hooks the opponent's chin that throws him towards the ceiling, making him pass out too.

Both boys stop for a moment, panting and watching the various knocked out villains scattered around the room.

— I think those were the last ... - Flash says with his back to his colleague, while retracting the slime from his arms and Amadeus diminished, returning to his normal form - bunch of weaklings ...

— Okay, now we will find the rest - says Amadeus turning to his colleague - if we are still in the SPE, then the rest must also be, and not everyone has the offensive capacities like the two of us - he says, deducing that they were still there but not being sure - we have to help them, we owe it to them, mainly because we were the first to act and ruin Danger's plan, she probably had a strategy to take care of that villain and we got in the way ...

— If you want to meet the others, feel free - Flash says with a contemptuous tone - but I'm going to crush that f*cking devil ...

— Huh? You're kidding right? He escaped our attacks as if it were nothing - Amadeus tries to justify - come on dude, don't be an idiot ...

— Shut up! I will finish him off because he is their entry and exit route! - Flash, even aggressively, tries to explain his reasoning - if we finish with him we will lock them here and they will pay for what they did!

While the discussion was taking place, a villain with a camouflaged Quirk, who had been hiding all this time, began to sneak up on the two boys, taking advantage of the distraction to set up an ambush; descending silently from the ceiling he was attached to, he positioned himself behind Flash, and, removing a blade from the middle of his robes, he advanced towards the boy. But what he did not expect was the boy's perception and reflexes; who quickly covers his arm with black goo, quickly grabbing the villain's head and hitting it on the floor with enormous force, crouching in the process.

— Anyway ... - he says calmly as he looks at the head of the villain, who looked more like a chameleon, overwhelmed by the impact - if all the villains are weak like these, then our colleagues will be fine ...

— Wow ... that reaction time was amazing! - says Amadeus impressed, but it was not the only thing - and ... since when have you been so calm and rational? Isn't your style generally more...aggressive? - Amadeus tries to find an adjective, but this is the best he can think of when he remembers all the outbursts of fury he had already witnessed ... and they only knew each other for a few days ...


— Now it looks more like you! - the boy replies

— Whatever ... - Flash gets up, throwing his passed out opponent in the pile with the others - Go look for the others if you want ...

— Hey, wait a minute - Amadeus stops Flash from walking - I think what you're really saying is that you trust our colleagues, and that's the beginning of being able to work as a team - he says taking on his green form and giving a thumbs up to the other brunette, who was staring at him without showing any expression

Fire zone

The three villains present moved in group among the buildings and fires, looking for the girl in white overalls with the ponytail out. They stop at a crossroads when they realize they've lost sight of her

— Damn she is very fast ... - one of them says and everyone turns to run each one in a different direction to cover more ground

Little did one of them know, that when he passed through an alley, he was hit by a kick in the face that made him stagger backwards; followed by several scratches from sharp claws and another kick that made him fall. Ava then gets up and listens to the other villains identifying her position, she then turns away and runs again

"I have to help others ..." She thinks to herself without stopping running

Storm Zone

While two villains were looking for the students, one of them is surprised by the boy wearing the black cloak, materialized from the air, and delivers a kick with both feet on his back. The kick itself was nothing very powerful, but it was enough to irritate him. The villain together with his colleague, then set out towards the boy who now ran towards an alley, with his cloak protecting him from the rain. But when they see it, they can only see the boy disappearing in a cloud of black smoke and they are both surprised by a shout;

— I am Groot! – the alien teenager then throws his arms on the ground, breaking the concrete and making them grow at an insane speed, rippling across the floor, until they leave and push the two villains towards the wall of a building, and making them pass out on impact

Tyrone then appears beside his colleague;

— These are six. We are reducing their number, but very slowly ... - the boy says staring at the artificial rain clouds - I hope it helps in the long run ...

— I am Groot...

— This ends here! - the villain says appearing on the path of Pietro, with his swords drawn, ready to deliver a fatal blow to the boy.

Pietro had no way of stopping, and the ground was too smooth to make such a sharp turn, he would bump into the villain anyway, his only hope was that a miracle would happen, and it did. A red energy passes under Pietro and catches the villain, causing him to rise a few meters from the ground. The boy is impressed by what happened and then smiles, recognizing that energy;

— Your biggest mistake was taking the attention away from us! - the brunette Wanda says, while she had sweat running down her face while holding a sphere of scarlet energy in her hands, keeping the enemy suspended - go Pietro !!! - She says using her last strength to send the opponent into the air while her brother continued to run

Pietro then manages to reach the door and starts trying to open it by force, he was certainly not the most muscular, but he needed to get it, quickly getting excited by the crack he had managed to produce

— Come back here! - even in the air, the man starts to get involved in the black mist, probably preparing for teleportation

— Not so fast! - Kamala screams when using her Quirk, increasing the length of her arm and the size of her fist, managing to reach him even in the air and grab him completely - Luke, Danny!!! - with a quick movement she throws it towards the two colleagues

Without understanding what was happening, the villain finds himself falling towards the boy in the mask and the tall brunette, who prepare their Quirks, one simply closing his fist, and the other lighting his own, and punch him at the same time, sending him through the air in the opposite direction of Pietro.

The man only has time to register the platinum by being able to open a gap large enough that he could pass, then using it and leaving the place quickly, with the aim of calling for help.

"He will call for reinforcement..." he still thinks in the air "es ist vorbei, it's over"

However, in the middle of the central part of the SPE, things were not very optimistic. The blind hero had been completely immobilized and dominated by the giant creature. It forced the hero's body down while twisting his right arm as if it were a dry branch;

— Agh!!! – Matthew howls in pain as he feels his beign bones shattered and warm blood begins to trickle through his fingers

— You have the ability to confuse the senses of others and sharpen your own, it's irritating for sure, but nothing very impressive - the young villain says, not seeming affected by the grotesque scene in front of him - when face to face with immense raw power, you can easily be considered a Quirkless child ...

Matthew knew he couldn't do anything; he was completely immobilized, bones broken and the creature that attacked him was not alive, there was no way to use his Quirk to confuse a machine. His power was not a destructive sonic cry, that is, useless against non-living things.

— No, no ... - Kei crouched behind the wall, hugging his knees while tears were gathering in his eyes - I can't watch this anymore - he says feeling dizzy and nauseated - we should be leaving here as soon as possible, right? ...

Neither of the two colleagues had the ability to answer him, both of whom were engrossed in what was happening, thousands of things going through their minds at the same time, but no incentive to be able to stand.

And then, materializing from the air, accompanied by black and red smoke, the devil man appears beside the young villain, moving his jaw while facing the bone-breaking scene.

— Ezekiel Stane... – he says, probably referring to the young brunette, but still not looking at him

— Azazel – he says, slightly turning his head to his companion - did you manage to kill Danger?

— The rescue heroine will no longer be a problem, she is out of action - he then sighs slightly before releasing the bomb - but there were some children that I was unable to transport, and one of them managed to escape from the facility ...

—...- the young man says nothing when he hears this information, but he lowers his head, his fists close and he starts to breathe hard and quickly - Azazel ... you idiot, if you were not a key part of our plan, I would kill you without blink ... - he says, sounding more nervous than at any other moment until now, until he stops, lets out a sigh and starts rubbing his eyes - well, the damage is already done, it's not like we're going to take it against several professionals, back to preparation, and I hope that we could end everything today, shit ... let's go home...

After saying that, and being heard by the three students hiding nearby, Kei couldn't help feeling a rush of relief through his body when he thought that it would all be over in an instant;

— Huh? Did I hear that right? - Kei asks as he turns towards the villains, peering over the wall - will they just leave?

— That's what it looks like ... - Gwen replies in a serious way, without taking her eyes off the scene that was happening in front of her

—... – Kei stops for a moment, his eyes filling with tears of relief and he jumps in the direction of Gwen, with a not too noble goal, to celebrate - how incredible! We are saved and we don't need to fight! - He whispers / screams to the girl, but before he can touch the girl, she extends her arm and stops him in the middle of the trajectory, with his hand on her face, preventing him from speaking and movingr

— I have a bad feeling about this Peter - she says softly, with a slight tremor in her voice, indicating that she was scared, something she had never shown to the brunette

— It is certainly strange that they want to retreat at this moment, even if the heroes are on their way ... - Peter says and starts trying to understand the situation; Iron Man being the fastest teacher, he could certainly get there first, and wasn't their goal to kill him? Wouldn't that be their best chance? What was really going on?

— But before we go, let's leave something that is sure to break the Symbol of Peace: let's destroy his pride - he says turning towards the three hidden children, staring at them for a measly milliseconds with his psychotic gaze behind his fallen bangs , before approaching them at a surreal speed. Somehow Peter's spider sense had not fired, and he could then see the villain already close to them and with one hand on Gwen, his fingertips glowing orange - let's make it hurt!

Peter then sees everything in slow motion; the villain's arm slowly approaching Gwen's face, and all that went through the brunette's head were flashbacks from mr. Murdock, completely raw and his uniform melted and stuck to his skin. What could happen to the girl was something that made the boy nauseous. But just inches from the girl's face, the villain stops, his sadistic smile is automatically transformed into a grimace of pain, and he brings his hand up to hold his head while he trembles;

— Y-you think you're r-really cool d-don't you? Daredevil? - the young man says, trembling and gritting his teeth as he turned to the professional hero who used his last energy to activate his Quirk and bother the villain with a terrible headache. The hero had blood running down his face, his eyes did not focus on anything specific, and he pursed his lips to whistle, the effort was visible beyond the limit he was exerting.

The black robot then seems to obey his master's implicit commands and in a single movement, hits the hero's face on the ground, silencing his Quirk once and for all and preventing him from providing any help to his students.

Taking advantage of the small window of opportunity that his professor's intervention provided him, Peter leaps from behind the short wall towards his opponent, he needed to stop him before he regained full consciousness and decided to kill again. Firing a web at the villain he then pulls it in order to increase his strength and get closer to him;

"Dammit dammit dammit! This guy is clearly different from the others we've faced before! I have to save Gwen and get us out of here! "

— You! Leave her alone! - he says, the distance between the two narrows and strikes him with all his strength.

The boy closes his eyes at the moment of impact, but either way, a huge noise is reverberated from the contact area and a shock wave is dispersed for a few meters around him, raising a little dust in the process.

However, when opening his eyes, Peter is faced with one of the worst possible situations; somehow, the black robot managed to move from where Professor Murdock was there to protect his master in a matter of seconds, not even his spider sense could warn him of this. But to make matters worse, observing the robot, specifically in the area he had hit, he realizes that he had not done any damage to its structure.

"... but if they really prepare so much, it means that they managed to find a way to kill him, right?" Peter remembers Gwen's words as that iron monster stared at him with his expressionless face, only with the two yellow dots that served as his eyes

"No way ..." he thinks, still not believing what he saw, something capable of killing Iron Man

— Well, well, well, you are quite powerful! This attack of yours, are you a disciple of a hero? - the young villain says without looking at Peter, but making faces as if talking to him - well, it doesn't matter, I'm already full of you!

As if it were some kind of command, as soon as he said that, the robot in a quick movement grabs the boy's outstretched arm with his right hand and starts to raise his left, probably to deliver the final blow;

— Peter! – Gwen quickly slaps the arm of the man who was about to melt her face, quickly focusing and starting to create a pink slit in front of the boy to prevent the robot from attacking. But even so, the villain responsible for the attack, now without the effect of Daredevil Quirk, begins to bring his hands together on the faces of Gwen and Kei, ready to turn those kids into warnings for hero number 1...

... until suddenly, a red light beam cuts a hole in the main door. Melting the iron in a matter of seconds, the piece is blown off by an explosion that raises a lot of smoke, drawing the attention of the students nearby, but also of the villains, who interrupt their attacks in the middle of the way when they hear the commotion.

And then, out of the smoke, footsteps are heard, heavy footsteps and mechanical sounds accompanying the movement. A red and gold armor is recognized and out of the dust, more than a hero, a symbol appears, raising the morale of all students near the entrance and bringing hope to their hearts.

"All of us, even our teachers, were afraid. The evil we faced had covered our hearts with fear. But the deeper the darkness around you, the brighter the light shines when a ray of hope appears!"

— I couldn't stop this flea behind my ear, feeling that something was not going well when Danger and Daredevil didn't answer my calls - he says passing by his students as he spoke - so I hurried and flew here, passing by the young man Maximoff on the way, and he told me what was going on!

Tony then reflects on everything that had happened, if he hadn't acted like a hero in the morning, his students wouldn't have gone through this terror and his classmates wouldn't be in bad shape now. But none of that mattered anymore, what he needed now was to reassure them, as the symbol of peace.

— Don't fear students, I'm here! - Iron Man speaks from inside his helmet, but his tone of voice is very different from the usual, more serious than ever heard before.

— W-we're saved !!! - Kei vibrates with happiness to see the hero and almost instantly being forgotten by the villain and the robot

— He's here, Iron Man - Peter says quietly as Gwen helps him to his feet after the robot has released him. Several thoughts prowled his mind, both the relief of seeing his teacher and idol arrive to help, as well as the dark thought that this was the goal of the villains and he may not leave here alive...

— It looks like our little movie is going to have a part 2 ... - comments the villain to himself, with his hair falling over his eyes and facing the hero #1 standing at the top of the main staircase - after all this time, the heroic Man of Can appears...

— Wow bro, it's Iron Man - one of the criminals says terrified when facing the red and gold armor - I never saw him live

— I didn't expect it to be so big ... - another one comments, equally terrified

— This is no time to think about it! - another says trying to get them to focus - if we hit him now he won't be able to ...

But before they could do anything, several explosions occur at their feet, throwing them away as a red figure flew at insane speed in front of them. And when the dust settles, Iron Man is beside his fellow hero, checking his vital signs and with the villains passed out further behind.

— Sorry red, it was all my fault ... - he says when he realizes that his colleague's life was on the line - I should have been here - he says turning to his three students in front of what seemed to be the two of them villains

Without even having to move, he uses pieces of armor that fly at insane speed, shooting from his back and attaching himself to the students' clothes; thereby changing the trajectory and bringing them to his feet. The three then face the surroundings, not having realized what had happened, but that they were now at the feet of Iron Man, with Professor Murdock passed out too.

— Go, he doesn't have much time - the hero says to the children referring to the blind hero

— Yes sir! - Kei and Gwen respond, the girl going to check on the teacher and Kei scribbling his notebook quickly. While Peter just stared at the teacher and hero

— No, no, no, no, no, no ... it was not meant to be that way - the young villain says as he faces the hero, clenching his fists, he quickly takes from his belt a package with something pasty inside, tears it up and he starts to consume what is inside, until he finishes, he then wipes his mouth with his arm and talks to himself, a little calmer - his armor is still fast Doctor, I didn't expect him to be so fast! But he's not as fast as before, so it looks like his theory was right ... Iron Man is really getting weaker ...

Watching the hero walk away, Peter quickly turns away from his colleagues and the passed out hero. He knew that Iron Man was his only hope, but he couldn't send him into danger after seeing what that robot was capable of;

— Mr. Stark, you can't go there! That robot, took the full force of my punch and had no effect on him, he is too strong ... - but before Peter could continue with his monologue, Stark just raises one arm and closes his fist to indicate that the boy be quiet

— Don't worry young Parker - he then says looking at the boy over his shoulder - I take care of that - and then turns to the villains again

Peter then decides to trust his mentor and returns to his colleagues who were trying to find the best way to take Professor Murdock away;

— Qual é o plano? – ele pergunta se virando para Gwen, já que Kei rabiscava seu caderno furiosamente

— Kei will bring one of the monsters to help ... - Gwen replies and then both hear the short boy's voice

— And ready! - he says then pulling the drawn sheet and throwing it on the floor. From where a green flash comes out and a shape appears as if formed from pure air.

A bipedal creature, which resembled a species of insect man; two and a half meters tall, green skin, feet and hands with red claws, wings and big black eyes and small antennae on the insectoid head. But the strangest thing was not himself, but he started to speak, by placing one arm extended and the other covering his eyes;

— Know, O mortal world! Know and regret! Know that the mighty Scragg wishes for a peaceful resolution to this conflict! But unfortunately...

— Scragg! – Kei gives an angry cry - cut the Sheakspeare! I didn't summoned you to fight!

— You didn't? – the creature asks as it bends and comes face to face with its creator

— No, we need you to take us to the exit and we need to take him safely! - Kei says pointing to the teacher

— Well! O mortals, rejoice! Your prayers have been answered! The mighty Scragg will use his presence to help the less fortunate!

— Scragg!

—Okay, okay, I'm going! – he says, immediately lowering himself in the direction of the teacher's body and starting to loosen a web very similar to Peter's by the mouth, and using his hands, he coils the professor in this web, forming a protective cocoon, and holding him firmly, but lightly with the paws and spreading its wings

— All aboard! - Kei says soon climbing on the creature's back and positioning itself behind its head, holding its antennae and Gwen following shortly after. Peter takes a little longer, facing hero number 1 before climbing on the monster, grabbing Gwen's waist and Scragg taking off, flapping his purple wings to fly

Seeing his students move away from immediate danger, Iron Man turns to the one who seemed to be the orchestrator of it all, the young man with brown hair, reddish clothes and a sinister look, he was standing staring at him; he needed to neutralize it as soon as possible!

Activating the thrusters on his feet and activating a blade of energy in each of his arms, the hero advances towards him with the blades crossed in front of his face, and when he was about to make the "X" cut, the villain speaks quietly;

— Sentinel –and in the same second the huge black robot appears in front of him and takes the full force of the blow ... But what should have ended most villains, did not make any scratch on the dark scales of that machine

The creature then stares at Tony with small yellow eyes and in a quick move tries to grab him, but the hero uses his propellers and narrowly escapes the robot's arms.

Resuming his posture, the hero then creates a kind of sledgehammer on his right fist, with a propeller at the elbow and tries to hit the creature in the face, trying some kind of weak point, but nothing different happens.

Flying backwards to keep a little more distance from the opponent, the hero starts to launch his bursts of energy at the creature, aiming at several points, but nothing seems to shake the creature that continues to follow him in an attempt to grab him.

— Apparently it doesn't matter where I hit you, does it? - the hero says, still avoiding the creature's attacks and trying different ways to affect him; flames, laser, blows, but nothing seems to work

— This is why our beloved Sentinel was designed to have energy absorption - the young villain says smiling when he sees the hero and his creation struggling - of course the only way to defeat him would be to reach his source of energy, but it is not as if he was going to wait for you to do that sitting, right? It looks like you finally found your outcast

— Thanks for revealing his weakness! - Iron Man responds in his most presumptuous way of being; then moving further away from the Sentinel and throwing a kind of goo at his feet, which quickly solidifies, preventing him from moving - now I have to weaken him! - the hero says right then making projectiles stand out from his back, and that they launch themselves from the armor towards the robot and explode together on contact.

The joint explosion sends a wave of wind and a gust of heat together with the rising of dust and smoke. Drawing the attention of all students who watched the fight from a distance;

— Yeah! Take that, can brain! - Luke says excitedly watching the fight from a good distance - that's what you villains get for underestimating him!

All students let out sighs of relief, confident that everything would be fine in the end.

— Did you see that !? Those accessories caused a huge explosion! Iron Man is on a completely different level! - says Kei watching the fight from above Scragg, who was gliding towards the exit

— And yet he keeps creating nicknames for all of us ... - comments Gwen remembering the teacher calling Reyes 'Ghost boy' or Hee 'Korean Elsa'

Even with all the wave of optimism that now replaced the anguish in the hearts of his colleagues, Peter couldn't help worrying and wanting to help. However, he knew that if he tried to help, he could be taken hostage and would only end up making the situation worse.

— Take him down! Kick right in the balls !!! - Kei screams excitedly, turning one fist and using the other to increase the range of his voice

— Do we worry for nothing? Iron Man is unstoppable! - Gwen also says on Kei's animation wave

But Peter knew the truth. He had read on the way to school about all the actions the teacher had done in the morning in the newspapers. And he had also identified that the initial conversation between Danger and Daredevil must be something related to the limit he had reached, hence his absence. The boy was the only one who knew of Iron Man's real condition; the boy knew that he could not be wearing his armor and that he used the mask to hide his fear, but that he still remained the symbol of peace.

"He's saving us ... but at what price? Everyone is rooting for him, but they don't know the real danger he's going through "

However, when the dust of the explosion settles, the terror returns. The robot remained with its feet in place, without having left, but now there was a red portal at its waist, which opened behind the number 1 hero, from where the creature's upper part came out and which held the hero, crumpling the armor where were the fingers of the robot;

— Arg! Come on, this must be cheating! - the hero says observing his situation

— Impressive - the young man says watching the hero as he scratches his chin - you were trying to restrict the Sentinel and then try to get to its core. But I'm sorry to ruin the party, but he's too tough, it wouldn't work anyway. - he then turns to his companion - very well Azazel, now we have him exactly where we want

Tony then feels his enemy's fingers start to rotate at high speed, functioning as a drill to try to penetrate his armor, he was able to reconstruct it automatically, but there was a limit. Unable to let go, he moves to plan B; labia.

— Do you swear that this is the best you know how to do? You guys got the wrong guy! Better get away now before things get complicated for you ...

— Azazel – the villain says, looking nothing shaken by the hero's words

— Usually I would not like to have blood inside my portals - the red man says in his German accent - aber ich werde eine Ausnahme machen, but I will make an exception for a hero as big as you ...

"... as you are too fast, Sentinel had to restrain you. And after he puts you through one of the portals, I'll squeeze you until I split in half! " the villain says enjoying himself with the fantasy

— I will really appreciate breaking you up!

— Gwen, make sure Mr. Murdock is going to be fine! - says Peter looking at the situation that his mentor was at the moment

—Oh, okay, but what are you going to do? - she asks staring at her friend

— Probably something stupid... – he says, and then jumps off Scragg's back, attaching a web to the creature's paw to cushion his fall, and as soon as he reaches the ground, he shoots towards hero number one

— I understood that reference! - she yells at Peter as she gets away

—Are you crazy !? - Kei shouts as he realizes the commotion behind him

"Iron Man, I will not let you be killed ... There is still so much I want you to teach me; it can't be how it all ends, it can't! I'm coming !!! " He thinks and then jumps in the direction of the confrontation

Tony notices his pupil's approach and tries to say something, but before his thoughts can become phrases, the red villain teleports in the blink of an eye and stands in front of the boy, preventing him from accessing the confrontation and with a sword in hand pointing at the boy - wie dumm, how stupid ...

But before any contact could be made between the blade and the boy, a third figure comes into play. Jumping on top of the villain, grabbing him with a giant black hand and pulling him away from Peter. Bearing an animalistic expression, none other than Flash;

— Parker, get out of my way !!! - he says to Peter as he lands and holds the villain's neck and forces him to the ground

But before Peter could really understand what was going on, a blast of ice passes by him and reaches the Sentinel's feet, rising and freezing him until he stops on his forearms, preventing him from moving. And along with that, two chains emerge from behind the number one hero and wrap around his hands, between the robot's fingers, preventing him from piercing the hero's armor further.

"Ice and chains ..." thinks the hero "... it means that Reyes and Hee are here too"

And they were; a few meters from the confrontation was the duo. The girl had her hands on the ground when using her power, but soon she stood up and wiped her hands. While the boy stood firm, with both chains stretched and wrapped in his hand, keeping the enemy at bay with his own strength;

— One of your poorly trained henchmen told me that you are here because you think you can kill Iron Man ... - he says in his monotonous and serious form

— Right after a slight interrogation - the girl says sending a wink to Reyes, who just snorts in irritation

Using the momentary weakness of the monster imposed by his students, Tony then manages to free the fingers of the villain from his armor, using his propellants to escape his reach and regroup. Fortunately the damage hadn't been too severe, so he quickly regenerates the damage, but that had consumed a good amount of energy ...

Using the distraction caused by his colleagues, Amadeus tries to crush the villain who seemed to coordinate all that. In his green form, he tries to use both arms together to crush the opponent, but he perceives his movement and moves away before impact;

— Damn, that would have been really cool - the boy says to himself and walks away from his colleagues, since he had already wasted the surprise effect.

— Now I got you, you goddamn devil - Flash says with a psychotic look at the villain trapped beneath him

— The peace symbol will not perish for criminals like you - Reyes says dryly to the villains, while holding the robot's hands

— Flash ... everyone ... - Peter says in awe as he watches his colleagues coming to the rescue of Iron Man, and can't help a few tears of relief that accumulate in his eyes, but he quickly wipes them with the sleeve of his uniform and puts himself in a fighting position; with everyone facing the remaining villain

He looked back with a neutral expression as he scanned all the nosy children who had ruined his moment.

— Azazel, how did you let this kid catch you? - he says looking more uncomfortable than anything else - you put us in a very complicated situation

— He! You were careless, you dumb villain - scoffs Flash - it wasn't that hard to decipher you; while you have the portals to move other things, your way of fast individual teleportation is different, it's like you as a whole disappeared, so all I have to do is molecularly connect you and you won't go anywhere without me going along - Flash says, showing his intellect and probably getting it right, as the villain moves a little, showing how frustrated he was, but then stops when he feels the grip of Flash's hand on his neck - Don't move! Or I break your neck and turn your brains into pudding!

— Hey Hey hey! This is not something very heroic! - Amadeus comments to his colleague

—These children - the young brunette starts to speak - escaped unscathed and managed to capture my two strongest men, they are really incredible; make the League of Villains look like an amateur club ... - the boy says in a slightly irritated tone. But it soon collapses - Sentinel ...

In the same instant, the huge humanoid machine comes into play. Clenching his fists, he breaks Reyes' chains that left him trapped, which makes the boy stagger back slightly. And then, his entire body starts to emit an orange glow and the ice around him starts to steam and melt. Finally, he gets up from the portal where he was with his arms, popping the locks on his feet in the process, and standing up, brand new, in front of the hero and his students.

— Back everyone! - says Iron Man, watching the villain demonstrating another power - What is it? I thought you said that his power is energy absorption

— It's not like I should have told you the truth - says the boy, seeming to enjoy it - but I also didn't say that that was his only power, he also has energy release in the form of heat. The Sentinel was programmed to defeat you even with 100% of its power. It's basically a special punching bag that hits back

The four students standing quickly put themselves in a fighting position, waiting for the right moment or for any movement of the metal monster; they needed to be ready for everything

— First, we have to free our escape route ... - he says referring to the red villain, who at the moment was being arrested by Flash - catches him Sentinel

In the same second, the huge machine fires in the direction of Flash, in order to release Azazel. He moves so fast that no one can really see him moving. And when the monster gets close enough to Flash, it hits him with an extremely strong punch, which causes another cloud of dust to rise and a huge gust of wind throws the other students back. And the hit body, which they thought was Flash, crashes into a nearby wall.

The students then recover and get up. Impressed by the strength of that robot;

— Agh, so much strength ... - Peter says and then remembers his colleague, quickly looking at where he was previously and watching the red villain still on the ground and the metallic monster crouched beside him, with no sign of ... - Flash! !!

— I'm here you damn nerd - Peter looks to the side and watches his colleague, looking astonished by something, but not leaving his anger out

"At that speed, I couldn't even see him approaching ..." the brunette thinks irritably

— How did you get here so fast? - asks Amadeus impressed

—... – Robbie quickly turns his head towards the body that hit the wall - isn't it obvious? - he asks angrily

— Look! –Seol says pointing to the place Reyes observed

When the dust settled, the five were able to observe who had actually taken the impact;

— Iron Man! - shouts Peter verbalizing the concern of everyone present

The hero was in a kind of vertical crater on the wall, he had his arms in front of his body, to better withstand the impact. His armor was now all scratched and dirty, and her movements accompanied the hero's panting; he was in bad shape. He had probably switched places with Flash to save the brunette.

— They are just children ... - the hero says angrily - not for that reason you held back

— It's not like I have much of a choice ... - the dark-haired villain answers him - he was threatening my partner, besides, the last thing these children are are angels; a psychopath, a monster, a demon, an ice girl and a kid who has no sense of his own strength; that almost killed me with a punch in full force, what kind of hero is being taught here? You heroes, hiding who you really are, using gratuitous violence in the name of justice or any similar crap. And you are even worse, the Symbol of Peace, after generating so much war with Stark armaments, has turned itself into a weapon; yet another doll of government violence and American supremacy! But don't worry, when I make you obsolete, no one will need guns anymore ...

— OK! I'm already full of litany! You talk like you're doing something good, but seriously, you can admit that you only do it because you like it! - says Iron Man putting himself in a fighting position

—For leisure it certainly is not ... - the villain says removing the fringe from his face and facing the hero - but I admit that I like it ...

— We have the largest number ... - says Robbie as he watches the teacher getting ready

— We can defeat them - Seol comments agreeing with her colleague

— And now that Flash has found a way to defeat the teleportation villain, we have a chance - says Peter analyzing the advantages they had

— And with the help of Iron Man it will be a piece of cake - says Amadeus activating his Quirk and increasing in size - let's go!

— Back! - the professional hero says taking a few steps forward and extending his arm as if to prevent the children from moving - get out of here!

— Do you remember that you wouldn't be here if it weren't for mine ... - Reyes begins

— Our! – says Seol, quickly interrupting the boy

— Wow - the boy says gritting his teeth - if it weren't for our help, you need us - he points to the girl with his head, and she gives a satisfied smile

— I appreciate the support, but I take care of it! - he says not turning to his students

— But you can't, your time is running out ... - Peter manages to stop himself from saying more and is silent in the middle of the sentence, but luckily his teacher just raises his thumb from his closed fist, indicating that it would be okay

— Sentinel, Azazel, kill him, I take care of these kids, the young man - Stane, says to his companions

­— Friday, analysis - Tony says low for the armor intelligence

"I'm afraid we have about a minute of the armor still Mr. Stark"

— It'll have to do ... - he says to himself as he closed his fist and activated the "Iron Might" mode of the armor, increasing the size of the arms and chest and decreasing the energy of the thrusters and other devices - because I am ; the Symbol of World Peace!

Before Stane could approach the teenagers, both Iron Man and Sentinel fire from where they were to meet each other. Connecting the fists in two devastating punches, which collide and create an air wave that keeps anyone away. And these punches are followed by yet another, and another, each as strong as the first, and launching gusts of air each time.

Some might find Iron Man's strategy strange, since he was not a hand-to-hand hero; but he had a plan. Iron Might, inspired by Captain America himself, specialized in reading combat and proximity fighting, he had identified the Sentinel's fighting pattern and now acted accordingly, punching exactly where the robot would hit, not letting it get close of the Arc reactor, which was charging slowly.

— Will he fight the robot directly? - Peter asks Flash as they both try not to be carried away by the blast of air, which fortunately also kept the other two villains at bay.

—They are fast! - Amadeus says back to his normal form, also trying not to be thrown, with Robbie and Seol at his side, and with the girl grabbing his colleague's arm so as not to be taken

Using propellants on his elbows and forearms, Tony continued to deliver precise and calculated blows, exactly where the monstrous machine aimed, all to protect his cortex;

— Heroes will always find a way to kick these villainous asses - the hero says quickly grabbing the creature and activating the thrusters at its feet, just to give it a strong enough boost to launch the Sentinel upward, and with a quick movement, the launch down again, opening a crater in the ground on impact.

Descending and landing close to the robot shortly thereafter, with all the students impressed by the fight, he activates the final blow;

— Now a life lesson, maybe you've heard that word before, but I'll teach you what it means - he says staring at the rising artificial monster, quickly changing his raised fists to energy cannons, and with four energy plates auxiliaries leaving his back, all starting to release energy, concentrating it in front of him - Go beyond !!! EXCELSIOR !!!

Using the cannons in his hands, he fires that massive amount of energy, using the reactor energy in his chest together, creating a bundle of light and blinding energy, which is fired into the Sentinel's chest, and which, after seconds, is launched to the top, reaching the ceiling of the SPE, creating a hole through which the robot passes, shaking the entire building, after sending the villain into the air, probably miles away.

All students are impressed in different ways; Tyrone, Groot and Ava, who only feel the tremor, are ecstatic that they don't know what was going on. Students near the entrance; Luke, Danny, Tandy, Kamala, Wanda, and now with Kei and Gwen who had arrived, are impressed to see the black shape being hurled across the ceiling after a flash. While those who saw the confrontation head on, were in shock by the amount of power that hero number 1 had, unable to believe what they had seen. Not even Peter, who was facing his Mentor, who collected the equipment and returned the armor to its usual way.

— I'm too old for that ... - the hero says staring at the remaining villains - if it had been a few years ago, I would have kicked that robot's butt with a hand on the wheel, but this time I had to be a little more creative - the hero then sees the energy loss warning on his display and notices the armor starting to smoke; time was up, he needed to end this once and for all - well, you can surrender now, we all want to end this quickly ...

— No no no and no! - the young villain says shaking and messing his hair, scratching his head over and over - Weaker is a roe! Look what he did to the Sentinel! He cheated, as he always does ...

Back in the mountainous area, the two girls were in no easy situation. In front of them, the almost unconscious and exhausted Azari was held by the collar of his uniform by a villain who had not appeared until that moment. A man not too tall, but who was bigger than the two girls, had white skin, was bald and with a protruding nose, but what was striking was the scar that covered his face, especially his eyes, was the same shade of the skin, but it was like a star-shaped welt. In addition, he wore jeans and a yellow T-shirt under a leather jacket, and had a kind of vest that probably aided his powers.

—Alright girls, standing there - he says mockingly while holding the boy - powerless, understand? I just want to get out of here, one more step and I fry your friend.

— Azari is certainly out of combat - comments Nico worried

— Maldito villano, he certainly caught us off guard - says Laura angrily, letting her Hispanic side slip a little - we should have expected this ...

— I feel a kind of camaraderie with other users of electric Quirks, so I don't want to kill him - he then extends his free hand, which is then covered by yellow rays and sparks - but I will, if necessary! - he says a little more firmly, which makes the girls raise their arms to show that they pose no danger

— Electric type, so you're the bastard who's blocking the signal, aren't you? - Laura asks gritting her teeth

—Wow, does the hot head have a brain too? I thought that the Asian girl who passed you the answers of the tests...

—...- Laura was reaching her limit, unintentionally, the bone claws were beginning to sprout between her fingers; and she wondered if she could be fast enough

— Don't even think about that! – the villain says, realizing what was happening and again activating his Quirk - you may be tough, but your friend here is not. So retract the claws kitty, nobody wants to scratch themselves today ... - he says still smiling, and the girl obeys, retracting the claws

Nico then tries to use the villain's distraction with her mate to try to think of something. She starts to slowly lower her arms, if she could just touch her staff, which was attached to her back, and whisper a spell, she would be able to get them out of there. But again, the villain's perception threw the plan down.

— Okay, I'm tired of playing games! - he says pointing to Nico, who gets scared and raises her arms again - do you think I'm an idiot? You know what? New plan! - he says placing his hand next to Azari's face, ready to electrocute him - two options! You either die, or your little friend dies! So, what will it be?

— Damn, how can this happen! - complains young Stane, scratching his scalp and making several strands of hair fall to the floor - were we tricked by any chance? He doesn't look weakened at all!

—Ah, come on! Is it over? Didn't you say something about killing me or something? I'm feeling pretty alive ... - Tony says trying his best to stay in armor; leaving energy just to keep it upright. The villain grunts angrily at hearing the hero's words

— Wow, this is intense ... - says Flash impressed with the size of the pressure of that situation, even for him

— He seems to have the situation under control ... - Reys comments neutrally and unabated

— Better then go back with the others, maybe they need help ... - comments the Korean when thinking about the rest of her colleagues

— Well remembered - says Amadeus, who soon turns to the last member of the group - hey, Parker, will you come with us? We better let Iron Man take care of the rest, the last thing we want is to be taken hostage and make the situation worse

But Peter heard nothing of what his colleague was saying; his mind focused on hero number 1. Even though hidden by dust and smoke, the thin, white smoke could be seen coming out of the armor, which indicated that his time was up, he would no longer be able to use the armor for combat, so neither he moved, probably focusing his last energies on standing and talking, trying to defeat the villains with his tongue ...

... and the boy's concern is not just his

— What's up? How will it be? Do you want to be beaten like your monster? - continuing with the words, Tony was increasingly worried about the delay of the villains leaving and his colleagues arriving; he knew his limit, knew that at any moment the armor would collapse for lack of energy and then he would be killed

—Grrr – the young villain, still noticing anything strange with the hero, keeps scratching his scalp quickly, with more and more hair falling out - if the Sentinel was here, he would break you in the middle and ...

— Ezekiel Stane – Azazel catches his attention next to him, which makes the young man stop to pay attention - aussehen, look, he's not moving that much anymore, Sentinel probably did a good deal of damage to his armor, and our henchmen are recovering, we can defeat him if we attack him together before the other heroes arrive

— We have a chance ... - Stane comments lowering his arms and starting to face the hero under the fringe that falls in front of his face

And it was true; the criminals who had been knocked out by Daredevil earlier, slowly stood up, still a little stunned, but far from immobilized or useless. Realizing this, the students realize that their escape route was blocked, and that now they had no choice but to use force.

— Apparently we will have to fight after all - announces Amadeus to his friends when he takes on his green form, and with Flash by his side activating the black goo in his arms

— Parker! - Seol tries to call the boy to help them, but the boy was too focused on the hero in front of him to notice anything else

Seeing the villains regaining the courage to advance against the hero, Peter is static, but his mind is racing; he needed to help in some way, he knew that any movement or activation and that was it, Iron Man would be killed, along with the peace that reigned in the western world because of him. But unfortunately, the villains acted before the boy did.

Young Stane begins a new assault on the hero, just as he had done with Daredevil, but now with Azazel right behind him, swords drawn, using his agility to also quickly approach the parked hero.

The boy had his instincts acting faster than his own brain; just as it had happened with Flash and Carnage, with Wanda and the giant robot, now it happened with Iron Man and those two villains, whose aim was to kill the hero. The boy then shoots two webs at the two villains, delaying them to watch what happened, and with all the strength of his legs and arms, he launches himself in the direction of the villains. With his arms dripping blood through his wounds, piercing his own bands, he prepares for the blow of his life; if he managed to end the red villain, or at least delay him, they would have a chance, a single chance.

... great powers ...

— Leave him alone !!! - the boy screams as he approaches, ready for the punch

... great responsibilities ...

But in the middle of his trajectory, when he was about to hit the villain; a portal opens on its side, and a thin, pale hand with small tubes at the fingertips, and each with an orange glow inside appears. Memories of the damage the villain had done in Daredevil flood Peter's mind; he was so close, and now, everything seemed lost.

— Did you think I would fall for the same trick twice !? - asks the angry red villain

Peter sees time passing slowly, every second an eternity of what seemed like an immutable destiny, so he wouldn't be able to be the number one hero after all ...

... until an arrow sticks at Stane's feet, and in the same second, it explodes. Causing an explosion, both of strength and blinding, which causes the two villains to be thrown back, away from the hero and the boy.

— They are here! - says Tony as he turns his head towards the entrance; the cavalry had arrived

At the top of the stairs, a particular hero was kneeling, with a bow in hand and a new arrow in the other. He wore a black and purple sleeveless vest, with a quiver stuffed with arrows on his back and a glove in his hand with arrows that only covered two fingers. The man had short blond hair in a tuft, with fair skin, a square chin and glasses with purple lenses as well. Right after firing the first arrow, he turns to the left, and after aiming for a measly second, he fires the second.

The arrow travels perfectly through the artificial mountains until it reaches its target; the arrow sticks exactly to the side of the villain's body that held Azari hostage, and when it hits him, he releases the boy and is then electrocuted with a much greater energy charge than he himself could handle, making him pass out.

— But what the hell was that? - Laura asks when she sees the villain passing out, and then taking her claws out

— Is it them? ... - says Nico hopefully when she understood who had arrived, while helping Azari to get up

— A thousand pardons for the delay * quack *, but I brought the teachers here as fast as I could - says the school principal to his students

All the students at the top of the stairs face that scene with tears of relief in their eyes; when they saw a certain fellow classmate with the cavalry

— Pietro! – the boy's sister says happy to see the brother smiling at his friends

— Well done guys! I did my duty, and I brought reinforcements! - he says, extending his arms towards the entire teaching staff that was at his side; no less than eight of today's most famous professional heroes

But the criminals who stood up either didn't know that information or didn't care. With some of them running towards the stairs, and others firing the various types of artillery that their Quirks produced; Deadpool takes a step forward.

Opening his pouch, he takes out a megaphone, too big to fit inside the small leather bag, but nobody bothered to comment on that fact, or at least, most didn't care ...

— Is it time? – asks Gwen smiling, anxious to see her favourite hero in action up-close

—Course it is - he says giving the girl a wink and then turning to the villains with the megaphone, turning it own and shouting – TIME TO MAKE THE CHIMI-FUCKING-CHANGAS!

A huge sound wave is dispersed from the megaphone, which means that the long-distance attacks do not reach where they were, and all the other villains start to cover their ears in an attempt to stop that incessant and infernal headache; some even pass out.

Taking advantage of the distraction created by his colleague, the android hero Vision goes into combat. Flying from where he was, he goes into direct combat with the villains still conscious, but recovering from the damage to their ears, delivering blows with his cybernetic strength, and activating his Quirk to become intangible in opportune moments.

— Our priority is to guarantee the safety of our students * quack * - Principal Howard says on the shoulder of one of the teachers, pointing and commanding the actions of his subordinates

— Yes sir! – they answer

A little further away, still recovering from the explosion, Stane observes the various explosions and noises coming from the area near the stairs. Understanding exactly what was happening; the heroes had arrived, and without the Sentinel, they were no match for that number of professionals.

—Damn, we don't seem to have a chance anymore - he says approaching Azazel who was also cleaning up the explosion - let's go, survive to fight another day ...

He is then interrupted by an arrow that approaches and explodes, launching a rope net at the young villain who ties him up and knocks him down. His companion quickly uses one of his swords and cuts it, also using his quick reaction time to form a portal, which protects them from the other arrows that followed soon after.

— Lass uns gehen, let's go! - the red villain says covering them with a portal in order to leave

— I may have missed it today, but mark my words, your days are numbered! Iron Man, Symbol of Peace I WILL kill you! - Stane says in a psychotic voice to the armored hero before being completely covered by the portal and transported away

"That day, we understood what professional heroes go through to protect us, make us safe. It was a revelation for which we were not prepared, but somehow, we managed to survive ... "

As the various heroes spread around the facility, looking for other students who might be in trouble. Peter gets up slowly, his body still shaking from the adrenaline; he observes the dried blood of the youngest wounds that appeared, he felt imposing ...

— I couldn't, I couldn't save you again ... - it might seem that the boy was talking to and about the hero, but the memory of a relative in eternity was who really occupied his thoughts; for the boy, his uncle had died again at that moment ...

— That's not true ... - he hears the hero's voice, lifting his head to look at Tony Stark, sitting on the floor, his armor fully retracted, breathing hard and with a few small wounds to his face - you gave me a few precious seconds , if it weren't for you, the jackets I imported yesterday would have to be returned - he says giving the boy a tired smile - you saved me again Parker, good job

—... – the boy doesn't answer, just smiles, drying his tears and nodding, happy that Mr. Stark was fine

Back with the other four who had accompanied the final fight; Reyes watched professional heroes spread around the place;

— If all the teachers are here then it means that the rest of the school is safe ...

— So this was the only place they attacked ... - Seol completes and receives a simple nod from her colleague

— Parker, are you okay !? - Amadeus asks his colleague as he approaches him, who was getting up slowly

— I'm fine and ... - the boy then turns to hero number 1, realizing that he was staring furiously but without making any noise; he was in his lean form, Amadeus could not know his secret! - Ah, ah! Eh ... don't come near!

— What? - Amadeus asks confused for the reason, until he bumps into something, then taking a few steps back and being able to observe the literature teacher and hero Colossus in front of him, in his chrome form, blocking the passage

— Please, young man, for your safety, stay away and go to your colleagues, we will take care of the injured - the teacher tells the student when imposing himself between him and the two injured

— Ah understood. Yes ... yes sir! - the boy says and then turns to his colleagues, indicating the recommendation of the teacher to meet with the rest of the class at the entrance

— Phew ... - both Tony and Peter release the air they were holding, as Amadeus walks away and Colossus turns to both

— Thanks big guy, I'll buy you a drink next time - Tony tells his colleague

— Starrrk, that was very dangerous. Something could have gone terribly wrong ... - the hero speaks showing his concern - we have to sneak you out of here to the infirmary

—I know, I know, I'm already going to get a big lecture when I get home - Tony replies, just thinking about the scolding he would get - but it really shows how strong those villains were - he says in a more serious tone, making a shiver run down Peter's spine

In a location not far from the school; in a secluded and closed bar in Chinatown; the same portal of black and red smoke appears in the middle of the room, and from it comes a furious Ezekiel Stane and Azazel, who leaves standing, and with a more peaceful look. With his arms and legs on the floor, the young man clenches his fists, leaving his joints almost white;

— With an arrow blown in my face, all those incompetent prisoners, even Sentinel having been defeated - he says - and the Peace Symbol is not at all weak, you were wrong! - he says to the screen that was on a wall of the place.

— No, I wasn't ... - a calm voice says from the monitor, but with no image to identify him - we were just less prepared than necessary ...

— I agree ... - a second voice, also without a picture, answers - we underestimate them, luckily we were defeated under the name of the weak "League of Villains", and not our own. But what about the wonder that the master and I created? Where's the Sentinel?

— True ... why isn't he with you? - the "master" asks

—He was thrown away - says Azazel, the person in charge of transport - because of Iron Man, without his exact coordinates I couldn't teleport him back! Besides, we didn't have time to look for him

—This is a tragedy! And after so long to get him to face the armor! - the second voice says

— Well, I suppose that nothing can be done now, unfortunately ... - replies the master

— Now that I remember ... - Stane says again - there was a boy protecting Iron Man, very powerful, if it weren't for him, we would definitely have killed the Peace Symbol. That prickly kid!

— Of course you are upset - says the master - but this mission was by no means futile; we learned a lot. Join the elite of villains, do it in the time you think is necessary. I need to keep myself hidden in the shadows for now, that's why I need you to represent me, your own symbol; Ezekiel Stane, next time, we will complete our plans

Even with a bored look, Stane deep inside could not wait for his plan to be implemented.

Back to school, this time outside the SPE; while the handcuffed criminals were separated on buses to be taken to the penitentiary, the detective in charge counted the students involved

—16, 17, 18 and 19 ... - the man himself was of African descent, of medium height, few wrinkles of his age, wearing a white shirt, a blue tie and a beige overcoat, and his NYPD badge hung at the front, he exchanged his gaze between the clipboard with the list of students and the ones who were waiting to return to campus - aside from the boy who went to the infirmary with Iron Man, it doesn't seem like anyone else has a serious injury ...

— Hey guys, is anyone interested in knowing where I was? - Sam asks if turning to his colleagues, but everyone was in conversation circles without paying attention to him; he then turns to Gwen who was passing by to talk to the detective, putting his hand on her shoulder and asking her - and you baby girl, are you interested in knowing ...

— I do not care! - she says without bothering to turn around and then addresses the detective, who was talking to another police officer about sending them back to campus, without questioning, with Kei beside her - detective, what about Mr. Murdock? - she asks

— Red is hard to chew; he had shattered arm bones and a fractured face, fortunately he doesn't seem to have any serious brain damage; but we don't know how he's going to get out of it all - the sergeant says remembering the paramedic's words

— What about Danger? - Kamala asks

— She had some damage, but luckily it was all from the cyber part, she will come out of this brand new one - he assures the girl and the other colleagues - Iron Man is also without major injuries, he is in the infirmary now. Night Nurse's powers must be enough for his situation.

— But what about Peter? - Wanda asks distressed, for not having seen the boy during the entire attack

— How's Parker? - Danny asks also showing a little more concern to have his mask up and his hair messed up; Gwen also turns around to get the information from the detective

— Parker? Ah... Night Nurse is taking care of him too, he is fine

— Ah... – Wanda sighs with relief, with a lighter heart - thank God ...

— Now we are going to take you back to school - the detective says to the students, who soon agree and get on the bus, then turning to one of his policemen - Frank, I have some things to do in the infirmary, I leave everything here with you

— Yes sir! - the young policeman salutes and goes to the other policemen

Flash was the only one who had stayed behind, reviewing events as he stared at the SPE, especially remembering Peter, jumping with insane strength and speed to help Iron Man; what he was hiding ...

— Hey man, come on, we're going back to class! - Amadeus calls his colleague

— Yeah, I heard it idiot ... - he says right after following the rest of the class to the bus

—Sergeant Mahoney! - one of the officers approaches the detective before he gets into the vehicle to head towards the infirmary - we found something that seems to be related to the attack!

—Ah ... report - he says paying attention now

—A kind of robot, quite large, is currently disabled, and the devices were unable to open it, we are taking it by truck to the laboratory.

—Hmmm – the detective then sees the director leaving the SPE with two of the teachers and then addresses him - Director! I would like to investigate every corner of the school to ensure safety

—Hmmm, of course, of course, I would appreciate it even in this case, you will have full access to the campus, we need help, we are a little bit in the dark at the moment - he says with conviction facing the detective

— Thank you - he says turning to his officers and proceeding with the investigation

Back in the main building, with the school empty, since it was already late afternoon, the nineteen students from 1-A headed for their classroom. On the way through the infirmary, Wanda looks a little wistfully at the sign, wishing Peter was really well, her heart skips a beat at the thought of the boy, but she takes that thought away and keeps going ...

— And the worst of all is that I cannot blame you for being here Stark, since it was not your fault ... - says the nurse to the two patients who lay in the two beds; the hero with a tube attached to the Arc Reactor and with IV in his arm and the boy also with IV, and with his forearms bandaged

— Always very welcoming Claire ... - the hero says seeing some analysis of the armor in his glasses; realizing that the worst had happened - apparently after so much effort, the armor limit was for just one hour ...

— I'm sorry - says Peter, even though he didn't do anything, he just showed his condolences to the hero

— Well, now is not the time to cry the spilled milk, we have nothing to do now - the hero says sitting down and Peter can see the gray veins coming out of the reactor, now they had the tips on his shoulders and the side of his body

— Excuse me - the investigative detective says entering the infirmary - what's up, Stark? Has anyone finally managed to beat you up?

— It's not what we're going to show in the movie, we're going to cut that part, so no - the man says in a funny way to the newcomer

— Mr. Stark, is it okay for him to see you in that form? - asks Peter alarmed

— Oh? Oh sure! - he says turning to the boy - Brett Mahoney, sergeant and NYPD detective, he is a longtime friend of the red and the reason the police are not corrupt

— Wow, that way I even get emotional - says the detective sarcastically

— Okay, before you ruin the moment with questions, I just wanted to know, what about the kids? And the red and the tin woman?

— Except for this boy, the maximum amount of injury to the students was some scratches - says the detective referring to Peter - and both of your colleagues are in stable condition, you can rest assured

—... – Tony says nothing, but the relief he felt with this news was explicit, Peter was also calmer, letting out the air he didn't even realize he was holding

—They fought hard today to protect those children ... - says the detective

—In fact, they also deserve part of the spoils - says the hero, thinking of the class - these students risked their lives, fought as much as we did ...

"I think there was never a group of freshmen who experienced a real confrontation so early in their training. And they not only survived, they learned what it means to be a professional hero. Those villains made a mistake by attacking them. This class is strong, they are filled with courage and determination. You can write my words; they will become great heroes. "

Wanda Maximoff

Amadeus Cho

Eugene Thompson

Gwendolyn Pool

Daniel Rand

Kei Kawade

Laura Kinney

Pietro Maximoff

Seol Hee

Azari T'challa

Tyrone Johnson

Sam Alexander

Ava Ayala

Kamala Khan

Luke Cage

Tandy Bowen


Nico Minoru

Robbie Reyes

Tony then looks at Peter, opening a smile and sending a "thumbs up" and the boy also smiles and nods. This had been the first chapter of a great journey.

— Good night and thanks for the help! - Peter says back to his standard uniform, outside the infirmary

— It was nothing, and be careful on the way home - says nurse Claire

— Yes ma'am!

Running down the corridors that were only lit by the full moon that dominated the dark sky, Peter had the day playing like a movie in his head, just wanting to get home and sleep

"We had no way of knowing, but the League of Villains attack on SPE was just the beginning, an even bigger incident was on the horizon ..."

The boy then stops at the entrance of the building, and is faced with three figures who eagerly awaited his return;

—Peter! - Wanda says with joy to see her friend returning safe and sound, and beside her, Gwen and Danny also showed smiles of relief when they saw the brunette

The quartet then starts walking towards the bus stop, each sharing a little bit about the day, and looking forward to what comes next.

"... we were happy to be alive, to have shown that we had the potential to become real heroes, but the worst was yet to come."

At the top of a building, watching the bright and bustling city of New York, a hooded figure with various pieces of equipment attached to his body was trying to find his next prey. Putting his skull mask on his face, he prepares ...