
01x09 Facing Evil

— But what is that? - Amadeus verbalizes what was going on in everyone's mind - did the training start by chance? I thought we were going to save people ...

— Stay back! - Matthew says even more nervous when he feels some of the students leaning forward. He then puts the helmet on his head, knowing exactly what was coming - this is real, those are villains ...

All students are frightened and static, failing to understand how all those villains had managed to get into an M.A facility;

— So these are the scoundrels who used the press to invade the school ... - comments Matt, finally realizing how it all happened

After all the villains had come out of the black haze, for the fact that, for a moment, no one else came out; such fog quickly condenses on a person, or what appeared to be a person. A man with completely red skin, wore a black suit, with a red cloth in the front pocket. He was tall, with a thin face, black hair combed back and with a goatee without a mustache of the same color. It had a thin tail with a triangular tip and two curved swords attached to the waist.

— The only real heroes I see are Daredevil and Danger - comments the red man with a German accent, to his companion - I'm perplexed, according to the itinerary we stole, Iron Man should be here too - he comments scratching his chin

— He is not here? But what a pity, all the work to convince these people to come tsc, tsc, tsc ... - the brunette comments in a slightly indifferent tone - but no problem, just kill some children and he will appear ... - he says smiling and facing the students present at the entrance of the EDR

At the top, near the entrance, with the students, both professional heroes were preparing for the inevitable confrontation; Daredevil removes his stick from the holster and separates the two halves, still connected by the elastic thread, and Danger puts on the face the rest of her helmet, which looked more like an iron mask

"That day, we learned what professional heroes are really up against. The darkness they faced to keep us safe. We looked at those villains, and the pure evil looked back "

— What? Real villains? No way - comments Amadeus, trying to mask fear by denial - how did so many of them manage to get into such a safe M.A installation?

— True ...- Ava, the deputy representative of the room says as she takes a step forward - Danger, why aren't the alarms going off?

— Good question - the heroine's voice was a little muffled by the mask, but her tone of concern was recognized anyway - but I'm not sure ...

— Is the entire campus under attack? Or is that the only target? - young Reyes asks in a strangely calm way - Anyway, if the alarm sensors are not ringing, then one of these villains has a Quirk that is masking their presence here; an attack in a location away from the main campus, at the time that a class would be taking place ... they are stupid for invading, but they thought about this attack. Whatever it is, they must have a concrete goal in mind, the question is; which is?

— Danger, get them out of here and alert the main campus - Daredevil says to his colleague, and referring to his students while taking a step forward towards the stairs, and consequently the villains - if they have the ability to block our alarms, so they're probably interfering with our communications too ...

— What will you do!? - Peter asks his teacher worriedly - you will not be able to face them alone! There are many of them, even though you are very skilled, the environment is not favorable! Your style is to dominate your enemies with high-impact multiple attack techniques, and it works best in stealth mode and indoors ... but we are outdoors ... - Peter finishes describing his teacher's abilities, but soon is impressed to see him looking at you with the red eyes of his helmet

— You don't become a professional by having only one card up your sleeve - he says to his student and then turns to the crowd of villains with their guns drawn - I count on you Danger - he says to the other professional heroine who just nods the head, for having its features hidden by the mask of the uniform

The hero then propels himself, running a few meters, and jumps up the stairs, landing shortly after and running towards the group of villains, while Peter stood at the top of the stairs to observe the confrontation, fearing the worst for his teacher

— Don't worry - he sees Danger looking down too - many don't know the real nature of Murdock's Quirk

— What do you mean? ...

At the foot of the stairs, some villains were already watching the demon-dressed hero running down the stairs towards them, and some were already taking certain steps;

— Artillery squad, ahead! - one of the villains comments observing the approach of the hero and putting his hands forward when preparing his Quirk

— Didn't the folks at intel say it was just going to be Danger and Iron Man? Who is this guy? - comments a woman, also from artillery, who made her hair grow

— I do not recognize - says another - but if he thinks he will be able to face us, he is a dead man!

Getting closer and closer, Matthew then lets out an ultrasonic hiss, like a bat's sonar, quickly having the sound waves surrounding his opponents and returning the image to his mind;

"Three villains at the bottom of the stairs, racing hearts and adrenaline running faster than the others. Certain parts of the body pointed in my direction; they called themselves an artillery squad: long-distance Quirks, they want to kill me, or at least delay, before I get to melee ... " The demon-dressed hero thinks and uses his Quirk in another way; whistling at an ultrasonic frequency that causes the liquid in the semicircular channels in his opponents' inner ear to move, causing dizziness

— Wow, what's going on !? - the first villain wonders when his vision starts to spin and thus losing his balance, unable to focus on the approaching hero anymore

— I'm not feeling very well ... - another one from the squad comments on feeling his stomach churning, but he didn't have to worry about it for a long time;

An extremely fast projectile is launched towards him, it hits his forehead and immediately the villain falls unconscious. The owner of the projectile then uses the momentum to wrap the stick with the string around the villain's neck at his side and with a tug, hits his head with the villain's at his side, making them both pass out. Daredevil then makes the stick return and re-attaches it to his twin while putting himself in a fighting position.

— Idiots! This is the professional Daredevil, he confuses your brain with a whistle, he can also see everything around him - comments another more informed villain

"Matthew Murdock, Quirk; Ultrasonic. He is capable of producing sounds at specific and ultrasonic frequencies. Being able to hear them with their trained hearing, thus being able to perceive everything around them and disorient specific parts of the human brain "

— Confusion? I want to see if he can confuse me after a beating! - a villain who presented a Mutation Quirk, presenting four arms, says when running towards the hero, jump and be about to hit the hero

— You're right - Matt says when he manages to dodge consecutive blows, using ultrasound only to locate himself - but guys like you are only a problem when they beat me, and that never happens!

Daredevil dodges a few blows, and uses a small opening from his opponent to hit his temple with the club, making him stagger slightly backwards, but he quickly spins, throwing the piece of his weapon, tying the villain's neck. He then pulls him close with a tug, and then jumps, turning his torso for a direct kick to the side of his opponent's head, taking him out of the fight.

—Okay, who's going to be next? - Asks the hero in an intimidating air, forcing his voice a little to make himself more hoarse

— And there goes the little devil, with his martial skills and his intimidating air - the young brunette comments when watching the professional fight against his pawns - with this Quirk he is able to observe everything at the same time and confuse the mind, making difficult an initiative of someone or some proactivity ...

While the alleged leader and his two henchmen watched, Daredevil did not stop, making a villain who was about to use her Quirk have a horrible headache, distracting her enough that the hero hit her with another well located kick, while he attached his weapon to another's neck, and using consecutive strokes to make him pass out as well

—...the worst thing about dealing with professionals is when they meet your expectations - the young man responds with a sigh, as if all that is just a nuisance for him

From the top of the stairs, Peter can really recognize the skill of his class teacher, who fought and dodged in an almost superhuman way, he was literally a ninja;

— Wow, he's really distracting them - Peter says with his body turned towards the exit, where the rest of the class was headed, but with his face turned to the confrontation - apparently I shouldn't have underestimated him ...

— Peter! - Danny says to get his friend's attention - come on, this is not the time for analysis! We have to go!

The boy just nods and soon joins the group that ran towards the entrance of the place. But in the middle of the road, the same black and reddish mist that appeared before begins to rise from the ground, like a smoke machine, but without a machine. And that could only mean one thing; the red villain appears, rising from the mist, and placing himself between the group of students and their teacher, and their destiny; the exit.

— There is no escape - he says in a serene and calm voice, as if negotiating something - Guten tag. It is an immense pleasure to meet you, we are the League of Villains. I know that we are being a little impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves to this, paradise of justice, to say hello. And besides, isn't this place perfect for Iron Man, the symbol of peace, to take his last breath? I think he should be here today, but still, I don't see any sign of him, there must have been some kind of change in plans that we couldn't predict, but don't be shy, you still have an important role to play ...

Danger begins to quietly activate her Quirk, extending her mechanical fingers and connecting to EDR through an entrance to the floor; then she starts to see and feel through the room; "They must be just confusing the system" she thinks to herself "but the defense system is still intact ..." but before she could activate any of the defenses, two of her students had already launched themselves at the opponent;

—AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH - Flash and Amadeus scream when they jump towards the villain; the first raising his arms with black goo and the second transforming into his green form, both deliver their strikes of immeasurable strength in the place where the villain was almost at the same time, causing a gust of wind, a tremor and rising from dust.

— Did you really think we would just let you monologize for the next few hours? – asks Amadeus, in a fighting position, prepared for whatever happens. But when the dust settles, everyone is surprised that the villain is completely intact, exactly where he was, just brushing some dust off his shoulders, as if dealing with insects

— Sehr gut! You certainly live up to your school's expectations, but you should be more careful kids, or someone could get hurt... – he says looking at the children even more deeply, more specifically the two ahead

— You two! – Danger catches the attention of her students - Get out of the way immediately!

— I will spread you around this place, where you will meet my colleagues, along with your deaths! - he says opening his arms and a huge amount of mist just appears behind him and engulfs all the students, trapping them in a kind of mist capsule.

— Damn it! What is it!? - Amadeus wonders when he feels the force of it, as if it were a real storm

Pietro, on account of his Quirk, is the only one who can act fast enough, turning around and pushing his sister, who was at his side, and another student out of that dome. The three fall to the ground, Wanda, Pietro and Luke, the third student, and thus they are able to observe the dome of black and red mist that surrounded the group. While everyone inside tried to hold on and protect themselves in the best possible way against the villain's Quirk.

Peter was one of those who tried to protect himself from the torrent of mist, having his arms in front of his face, not knowing exactly what the opponent's Quirk specifications were. Until he feels less and less force being exerted on him, as if the strength and speed of the fog was decreasing, but when he opened his eyes; he found himself in free fall

— AAAAAAAAAAAAAH – quickly taking notice of the environment, Peter fell beside a building, unable to see details due to his speed, but one thing he saw was the villain who was waiting for him at the end of his fall

— Nothing personal boy, but you need to die! - he screams when opening the huge mouth with several very sharp teeth, ready to crush Peter

But the boy was faster, and had the advantage of his Quirk. Observing a window a few meters below him, he throws a web at the top of the opening and holds it tight. At a certain point, the web pulls him and he is thrown at the window, thus escaping certain death by the fall and villain set. He hits the window with all his might, breaking it completely and falling rolling into the building.

— That was close ... - the boy says getting up and taking the dirt out of him while taking a roll of gauze in one of his pockets to bandage his arm. He then looks around and through the broken window he came from; the place was very similar to the locations of the entrance exam and combat training, a gray, concrete building, but this one was much more messy, full of thrown objects. The boy then looks outside and sees the rest of the EDR - I'm still in here, that guy must have some kind of Quirk of creating portals ... - but the boy is interrupted from his thinking when he hears a wood creaking somewhere behind him

Putting himself in a fighting position, with his fists raised, Peter walks slowly towards the noise, trying his best to be silent as he approaches an entrance to another room, when he is surprised by a recognizable blonde wearing a pink bathing suit;

— AAAAAAAH!!! – Gwen screams as she walks towards Peter with the two katanas in hand, brandishing them from side to side

— Gwen!? – Peter exclaims as he dodges the girl's consecutive attacks

— You're not taking me without a fight!!! – she screams louder like she hasn't heard her friend's voice

— Gwen! It's me! Peter! – the boy tries to explain himself while walking backwards narrowly dodging the girl's sharp blades

— You will not be able to deceive me !!! - she exclaims even more frantically; until Peter realizes what's wrong. Gwen's mask is upside down, with the back facing forward, that is, she did not see anything that happened; so she was not trusting Peter's voice and, fortunately, missing the attacks. The boy then in a quick movement approaches the girl and with his arms extended, raises her mask, enough so that the girl can see again - Peter !!! - she exclaims happily when she can see her friend, dropping her swords and giving him a very tight hug

— Yeah, that's what I was trying to say all along ... - he says trying not to pay attention to the girl squeezing himself and giving her some friendly pats on the back - easy, easy ...

— I was so alone, I didn't know if I could handle the loneliness - she says in a tearful voice

— Gwen, we were all together less than a second ago ...

— I don't care ... - she says in a hushed voice as her face is pressed to the boy's chest

— And ... done! - the pair hears a third voice in the room, quickly separating to observe the little perverted artist in the class

— Kei? – Peter asks watching his colleague sitting in a box, with his legs crossed and his sketchbook on top of his legs - how long have you been here?

— Enough time! - he says while rubbing lightly on one of the pages, and after removing the remains with a breath he shows his work to the duo - what do you think? Isn't that a work of art?

Peter, looking at the drawing, quickly looks away with his face completely red. Certainly the drawing was very well done even if it was only with graphite, the different shades of gray, the proportions and the shading were professional work. The spider boy's problem was the drawing itself; what, in reality, was a friendly hug between Peter and Gwen, in Kei's eyes was something completely different; the scene was almost the same, if it weren't for Peter's arms around the girl's waist, and her arms around his neck, with their uniforms open and falling, revealing the blonde's shoulders and the brunette's chest. And both with open mouths connected by a thread of saliva, with hungry looks at each other; indicating a little what had happened before and what would happen now in the reality of the illustration.

— Can you make my thighs a little thicker? - asks Gwen in such an innocent way as if she hadn't really seen the drawing

— I'm an artist - the boy replies - I capture reality, I don't do miracles, well, not in most of ...

— OK! Enough! - Peter says with his face still hot and reddish when interrupting the boy, closing his notebook, getting up and taking a deep breath, trying to put his thoughts in order - I think we have more important things to worry about, no?

— Like what? – asks Gwen

— The self-titled "League of Villains" that invaded our school and aims to kill Iron Man? - says Peter sarcastically trying to put common sense in the minds of his colleagues

— Okay boring - she says sitting on the floor and looking at Peter with a sullen face - know that I will not kiss you anymore ...

— What!? We did not ...! We didn't ...! - Peter says sweating and blushing more than before, until he stops and rubs his face with his hands, and walking to the window to see how the situation was down there, watching at least twenty villains, all watching the window that Peter had entered, as if they were waiting for them to leave there too - ok, at least a couple dozen villains ... it will be difficult to get out of here ...

— Why do we have to leave? Can't we just wait for the professionals to arrive? - asks Kei to Peter - classes have just started, I don't think we will be any match ...

— Maybe, but I think there's something more to it than just the invasion - Peter says putting his hand on his chin while thinking - but I keep thinking about what the red villain said; they knew our schedule and who would be here. They must have gotten the school files while we were all stuck outside the cafeteria; the teachers were busy trying to get the media out of the school grounds. Which means they were waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack ... Like Reyes said they would ...

— Ah, come on, it's Iron Man we're talking about! - Kei says getting up from the box where he was - when he appears he will show these villains who is the boss! - he says starting to choreograph karate blows

— Definitely, but ... - Gwen starts to speak, starting to look up and putting her hand on her chin - but if they really prepared so much, it means that they managed to find a way to kill him, right? And from what the devil said, I think we should worry more about not being captured and tortured to death ... - she says as if she doesn't know the weight of her words for little Kei

— Hahaha, for sure, this is crazy ...- he says approaching Peter and passing by pulling his shirt - saysthisiscrazysaysthisiscrazysaysthisiscrazy ...

While Gwen kept trying to reason and Kei freaked out to some degree, Peter thought to himself about the whole situation;

"Gwen may be right, if they are here for Iron Man, they must have a way to defeat him. They would not have planned this attack if they had not. But why him? Because his very existence discourage villains and evil? Because he is the first and only symbol of hope and justice? Actually, it doesn't matter "Peter then remembers all the times the hero had encouraged him, all the times he had helped him, believed in him… and the image of Uncle Ben comes to mind" I don't care about what are their motivations, I have to focus! I have to face this evil ... head on! Just like Uncle Ben taught me ... "

—... with great powers, comes great responsibilities - he says to the two colleagues who face him - if they can defeat him, then we have to stop whatever these villains are up to. We have to work together and save him. Nobody in M.A knows what's going on here. It's with us now! Let's be heroes!

Landslide Zone

In the landslide area, which consisted of several buildings and other things buried in dirt in a ravine, one villain after another was quickly rolled up and restrained by iron chains. The boy Reyes, responsible for them, had not moved a muscle and had already disabled half a dozen of the alleged villains, and now looked at them with contempt and irritation;

— For God's sake, you are adults! - he says nervously, watching the alleged villains while feeling the evil in their hearts with his Quirk - if you are going to invade my school then put up a real fight!

Collapse Zone

— AAAAAAAH !!! - Flash screams while knocking out another villain with his black claws on his raised arm

Inside one of the collapsed buildings in the collapse zone, Flash and Amadeus stood with their backs to each other, while being surrounded by villains who blocked all exits. Too bad they didn't know that the two kids weren't stuck with them, they were stuck with Flash, but they would certainly find that out soon.

Mountain Zone

In the area of ​​artificial mountains, probably made through some Quirk, three child heroes had their backs to each other, as they were also surrounded by villains, forming a triangle, each drawing his weapon and / or activating his Quirk; Laura put her bone claws out and prepared to fight, Nico took her staff from her chest while trying to analyze the situation to think about the ideal spell and Azari removed his belt, turning it into a staff and activating his Quirk, covering his body of electricity.

Fire Zone

In one of the two areas with its own internal climate, the deputy representative of the room, Ava, put herself in a fighting position, activating the claws of her uniform while facing three villains in the middle of a literally burning city, with several buildings on fire and random flames and fires in the streets.

Storm Zone

In the second area with its own climate, Tyrone and Groot stood with their backs to each other as they were surrounded by four villains, with no time to think about how the whole place worked; wind and rain were felt inside that place, which was dark and quite cold.

Finally, back at the entrance, not everyone had been teleported to other locations; leaving Danger, Pietro, Wanda, Kamala, Tandy, Luke and Danny, still staring at the reddish man who had made their friends disappear, all ready for the inevitable confrontation.

And back in the center of the place, with the conflict already underway, after Daredevil successfully knocked out another villain, pulling him close and giving him a straight kick in the face, the dark-haired man sighs tiredly and finds himself obliged to interfere in the situation.

In the teachers' room, a specific hero was going through a very uncomfortable and common situation for most people;

"I'm sorry, but the person you tried to call is unavailable, please leave a message after the..."

Tony hangs up the phone in frustration, he had been unable to call either Danger or Matthew...

— I can't reach either the Red or the Tin Woman ... well, they're teaching, something that I, perhaps, should be doing too - even though he didn't admit it out loud, Tony knew that spending all his energy in the morning small heroic acts everywhere had been an amateur action. He then checks his watch to try to see how much energy the reactor would hold - a little more than 5%, that should give me a ten minutes or so, I think it's time enough to arrive with a triumphal entry - he says putting himself in armor, nanotechnology quickly covering his entire body, and standing up;

"It's time to join my students and ..." Tony tries to formulate something to say inside the armor, but he instantly feels short of breath and a tightness in his chest, quickly opening the helmet visor and starting to cough a little of blood. Right when the door is opened

— Okay Stark, don't even think about going out - a recognized voice says when the door opens, and Tony can only turn his head when he finds himself in such a humiliating moment; Howard the Duck, the talking humanoid duck wearing his red suit and red tie - that's right, the kids' favorite talking duck, but most importantly, I'm the principle and now your boss too!

— Howard, how long I haven't seen you - Tony says returning to his seat and pretending to be interested in talking to the talking duck - your feathers look very shiny today

— The secret is keratin, but I don't see how it might interest you Stark, so quit the small talk *quack* - he says and then takes a cell phone out of the pocket of his red jacket and opens it on any news site - look at the news, is there anything familiar here?

— I don't know, any other Nobel I won and I don't know? - the hero says pretending not to understand what was heppening

— No, it's actually a lot of news about how Iron Man solved three incidents in just one hour - the duck says seeing the number one hero cut his line of sight and sighing - you can even say that the real fault lies with the criminals that still torment this city even with you here. But let's admit that you have to learn to control yourself every time you hear a cry for help, and mainly limit that Friday's function

—...- the hero says nothing, even though he is receiving a moral lesson from a talking duck

— And on top of that you have your new duty as a teacher, even if you don't want to receive a salary, you insisted on being here to keep an eye on the boy who "accidentally" is the successor of your power while maintaining the symbol of peace - the duck says passing by the hero and heading towards the couch - and the only way you can keep yourself out of the spotlight is by teaching, so I gave you this job and ... holy Daffy Duck, smoke is coming out of your armor, that does not sounds like good news ... - the hero duck says as he watches the armor vibrate and release smoke, but quickly Tony deactivates it and returns to his standard baggy clothes

— Hunf – Tony grunts when he sees no escape from the school principal

— Apparently you will have to stay here to rest some more, but what a pity - he says not sounding sorry for Tony - but taking advantage of you being here, why don't we go through some of my personal teaching philosophies with a drink - the duck says clicking some buttons on the table that make two glasses appear and fill with green liquids - no alcohol for you of course

"Now I'm sure this will take a long time ..." thinks the hero as he accepts the drink and sits in the armchair facing the director "but I still have this flea behind my ear from being unable to contact either Red or Danger ... "

— Okay, how about we start with the combat pedagogy seen through the lens of the ethical use of Quirks - says Howard ready for the sermon

— This will take a while ...

— What did you say?

— Nothing - the hero responds quickly and takes a sip of his drink, wishing for a little bit of ethyl in order to survive the next few hours

— Tandy, Danny, did you find anything? – Danger asks her students, for knowing their individual skills better

— Tyrone is in here, that I'm sure – says the blonde using her light to find her partner's darkness - and I think Groot is with him too

— I listen to others in different places - says Danny when using his Chi to increase his senses - they are all still inside - he says, which brings more tranquility to the teacher and his colleagues

— What do we do then? The guy apparently teleports fast enough to escape attacks - says Kamala, a little disappointed that she is not ideal for that confrontation

—...- Danger stops for a moment, analyzing the possibilities of the available Quirks - Mr. Maximoff!

— Ah, yes? – answers Pietro

— I have a job for you; run to the school and warn the teachers about what's going on here! - she says with determination without taking her eyes off the villain - the alarms are not ringing and our phones and radios are useless at the moment, and it must be the fault of one of these villains. Even with Daredevil taking care of several, it is likely that this specific one hid as soon as he arrived here. It will be faster for you to run than for us to find out who is scrambling the signal!

— Yes! But I can't, I won't abandon you - he says, his voice shaking a little

— Outside there are several alarms, so they are keeping us trapped inside - says Luke taking a step forward and raising his fists

— If you can get out they won't follow you - says Danny prostrating himself next to Luke, his fists starting to shine - use your super speed to escape this guy

— Use your Quirk to save others, be a real hero - says Danger transposing confidence to his student

But in any case, Pietro felt insecure, he had promised not to run from his problems, from his friends, from his family; not after everything that had happened. But looking back, he is comforted by a pair of red eyes and a new pair of light blue eyes.

— Go - Wanda says only, when she affirms with her head an inner thought of her brother, and Tandy beside her doing the same thing

— Okay, leave it to me! - he says putting himself in the running position, with his legs slightly bent and his hands touching the ground, ready to shoot

— Even if this is your only option, are you foolish enough to strategize in front of your enemy !? - the red man says nervously, and with a movement of his arm, launches another burst of red and black mist in the direction of the group, but someone already expected this movement

— It won't matter whether you know it or not after I do that! - Danger says when you reconnect with the installation and activate one of your defenses / training devices; automatically opening several floodgates underneath and around the villain, loudspeakers that emit sounds in high frequency and high intensity, directed in order to create a sonic hologram capable of holding objects in the air - Sonic Tractor Ray!

— Okay, if we are going to face them do you have any plans? - Kei asks Peter after recovering from his shock

— Not yet ... - Peter says crouching and putting his hand on his chin to think - these guys must have some advantage where they are, which means they should already know what was in the EDR before they were transported here. But I think they have a weakness; they must not know what our Quirks are

— How do you know that? - asks Gwen - are you a psychic by any chance? Go, quick, what am I thinking? - she puts her fingers on her temples and starts looking at Peter

— What? Not! It's just that they sent us here Gwen - he says and the blonde now starts to look at Peter in a more serious way, as if now paying attention to what the brunette was saying - our Quirks are better in closed spaces, where we can move better on our way

— That's true! If they knew that, they probably would have sent us to open places

— Exactly! Their goal was to separate us into smaller groups and capture us more easily, we can use this to our advantage - Peter then gets up and looks out the window - look! None of them are trying to climb the building, because they are still a little insecure, because, as far as they know, the three of us can be super powerful ... But that way they will not underestimate us, they are being cautious and intelligent, at least for now...

— So we have to make a strategy based on our strengths - Kei concludes by boarding the train of reasoning - it would be better if we knew exactly each one's Quirk ...

— Let me go first!?!?!? Please!!!!!!! - asks Gwen desperately, as if it were a matter of life and death

— Ã...ok - Peter says not wanting to upset the girl, and thinking it would be better, since he hadn't seen the other fights in Iron Man class

— Yay! - she says raising her arms, but soon turning to the two boys - well, my Quirk allows me to create a gap in the air to another dimension, with it I can overcome obstacles here and travel greater distances, because the distance there is equivalent to double here. But I have to know the exact distance to where I am going and I can only create portals that point directly to the first one that was created

— Wow, I knew you were good Gwen, but this is insane ... - Peter says trying not to be a fanboy at the moment and looking at his hand - I have the same skills as a spider; I have increased strength and agility, I can scale surfaces, I have a proximity sensor and I shoot organic webs from my wrists, but the latter is limited and hurts me a little - he says pointing to the gauze around his wrist

— I have the ability to summon these six monsters that I draw - Kei then says getting closer to the other two and showing his notebook, this time open on pages covered with sketches of different creatures, plus some notes on the side, probably about the skills of each - they have some specifications; I can only invoke fresh drawings, so I almost always practice them, they last about fifteen minutes and can be invoked in two sizes; small and medium. The small ones are one meter long and approximately 20 kilos, while the medium one is two and a half meters long and some reach 200 kilos.

— Wow, you have almost a private army - Gwen says with shining eyes

— Yeah, but it's not over yet; I can keep a medium or two small without them disappearing. If they die they disappear and cannot be summoned again until I am asleep and I get a huge headache when they die ... - Kei remembers the fight, when he was useless after Fireclaw was defeated - ah, I can summon five small ones a day, but only two medium ones. Well, I think that's it, they also communicate with me and me with them, but depending on what I ask they will not obey depending on the personality of each one

— Wait, do they come with personalities? - Peter asks taking his eyes off the drawings and facing his colleague

— Of course, what kind of artist do you think I am? - he says a little pissed and going to tell him more about each one - Fireclaw is my main, he is always ready for a fight and is very competitive. Slizzik is also good at fighting and always wants to be superior and ...

—And this one? - Peter says showing the drawing of what appeared to be a species of muscular lizard with blue lines running through his body - how well can you convince him

— Hi-Vo? Well, he's the least intelligent, so much so that he can't even speak, he's basically a dog ... why?

— I think I have a plan - says Peter smiling, checking again if the monster's characteristics were the ones he had read and strategized about - how long does it take you to draw it?

— Hmmm... – the boy scratches his head while looking at the drawing - give me seven minutes!

— Okay, enough time for me to tell you the details ... - says Peter with the actions ready in his head

— Hehehe, those cry babies must be crying for mom right now - comments one of the villains looking at the broken window - I can't wait to put my hands on them

— But remember, Stane said he has no idea of ​​their powers, they can do anything - so he says using his Quirk to create a hand of earth that would lift up on the ground - but of course we have an advantage down here so I'm not too worried

— Hey guys!? - the villains look up just to see the boy with brown hair and red clothes standing on the side of the building, holding on to a white rope - wow, what ugly faces, you guys know that it's not hallowen yet, right?

— Finish him! - one of the villains screams, prepared to throw his Quirk at the boy

— Ahhhh... – Peter pauses for a moment facing those villains - the heroes went that way - he says pointing to the right, but quickly jumping and narrowly deflecting a blast of energy that had been launched in his direction

— After him! - another villain screams as they go towards the boy who fired more webs and was swinging around the side of the building, making them take a walk around the building

"They fell into the trap" thinks Peter as he turns the building around and enters again, looking like he has disappeared in the eyes of the villains, also seeing Kei prepared for part two.

— What's up guys? - the little boy asks, and this time the villains do not waste time and fire their Quirks in the direction of the boy, as Peter had predicted - go Hi-Vo! - the boy says tearing the page from his notebook with the fresh drawing and throwing it on the floor, and with a blue flash, Hi-Vo takes shape.

The huge and muscular black lizard, with blue lines running through its body and with spines on its head and front arms, simply opens its mouth after being invoked and starts to absorb the energies launched towards its crirdor; fire, electricity, energy, it sucked and fueled as if it were a black hole. And while the short-distance villains were still close to the long-distance group, a blonde girl appears beside them, coming from a crack in the air, and throws a grenade in the middle of the group with something very special inside, then she giggles and opens another portal while the grenade explodes;

— What the heck is this!?

All the villains are then surprised to be trapped by a white, sticky substance that held them in place, preventing them from moving. Peter then jumps from the first floor of the building, falling beside the monster and Kei and fires a web right in the middle of the villains trapped in his webs too; quickly taking it from his open wrist and giving it to the black and blue monster

— Now is with you big guy! – he says giving him the web

— Szzl-k-pop-pop! – he says and snatches the web, trapping it in his mouth and activating the blue electricity of his body, making it run through the web and consequently the villains. That were electrocuted by such energy and proximity to each other, until they fall to the ground, passed out and still restricted by the web

— That was amazing! - Gwen says appearing out of nowhere behind the two boys and almost killing them both with fright - using your web on one of the grenades and the big electric guy here and …hmmmm !!! - she says excitedly, pulling the two boys by the neck, having to lift Kei off the floor, and kissing them on each cheek, smearing that area with her pink lipstick

— I think I'm in love ... - Kei says with hearts in his eyes as he watches the blonde go towards Hi-Vo and likewise hugging and kissing him

— Well ... - Peter starts a little flushed and wiping his cheek with the sleeve of his uniform - we better go, this isn't over yet ...

The boy then proceeds to walk back to the central area, and the two colleagues follow him. Kei also releases Hi-Vo, knowing that the timeout would probably exceed, and he was not ideal when it came to being sneaky. The three then walk, paying attention to their surroundings to make sure there was no one around and that they were not being followed.

— Okay, what's the plan now, captain? - Gwen asks pausing for a moment and saluting Peter and Kei looking at her and copying the movement too

— Okay, first, stop the salute - he says and they both lower their arms - ok, getting help should be our priority; if we follow the corners of the installation we will go straight to the exit, so we can avoid the central part completely

— Good idea, Captain - Gwen responds in a more animated way, but soon returns to a slightly more serious tone - so we don't have the chance to meet the villains Mr. Murdock is facing ... - she says stopping to look in the towards the central part, in which fighting noises and some explosions could be heard

"Yeah, but how long will he last ..." Peter asks mentally, not sure how long his teacher would last against a large group ...

— If he doesn't get any help ... - Peter starts talking still staring at the central area - then he will just try too hard, and will end up being defeated by those villains while trying to protect us

— Wait, you're not going to tell me you're suggesting ... - Kei asks, apprehensive at the idea of ​​his colleague - are you trying to kill us or something !? - the boy asks a little scared when facing the brunette

— I'm not saying that we should jump headfirst in the middle of the fight ... - Peter says trying to show them his point - but, maybe we can find a way to get some villain out of the fight, to relieve ...

"We had just had our first real fight and we had won, but that had only given us false hopes. It made us think that our powers would be no match against the enemy, we would soon realize how wrong we were ... "

Back in the sliding area, a peculiar brunette with a tuft of white hair stared at half a dozen of the infamous "villains", as they declaimed themselves, completely bound and immobilized by his iron chains, lying or leaning somewhere, without nothing out but their heads and feet. The boy in question starts to reason and show his disappointment;

— So the plan was to separate us and then kill us - remarks Reyes facing his opponents - tsc, you were totally unprepared. In fact, it seems, you didn't have any training and you have no idea how to use your Quirks ... - he says starting to walk in the middle of the tied villains, in order to get out of there and help his colleagues

— This power, he tied us up the instant we got here ... - one of the villains comments when he sees the boy pass

— This boy is not a child, he is the devil! - another says terrified

— So tight ... - comments another, feeling suffocated by the chains

Robbie listened to none of that, busy in his own thoughts as he recalled the words of the young adult who seemed to be the leader of it all; "How do they think about killing Iron Man? At first I thought they were going to bring together a group of high-ranking criminals to simply dominate them ... "

But his thoughts are interrupted when he sees another villain emerging from one of the rocks with a sword in his fists and another presence on his back. But before he is attacked, a chain emerges from behind the boy and quickly coils around the first villain, who falls to the ground immobilized, and then, the young man pulls out an iron dagger from inside his jacket and turns to unload a little of his anger at the villain behind him, but finds him completely frozen, with only his face sticking out and his staff just inches from the boy's face. He then looks further back to find one of his colleagues;

— Hey Reyes! – Korean Seol Hee says leaving behind the frozen villain and walking over to the boy with her arms behind her body

— Hee...– he says monosyllabically, again putting his dagger in his jacket - how long have you been here?

— I arrived at the same time as you ... - she says shrugging and looking around - but you had all the fun in the first few seconds, it's like I was invisible - and then she points with her thumb at the frozen villain - I thought you needed a hand

— I didn't... – he says a little nervous and starts walking again

— And me thinking that only I had powers of ice ... - she says softly and then accompanies the boy - and what is the plan now?

—... – the brunette stops for a moment and looks around, then focuses his gaze on the horizon and starts talking - I don't think the main objective of these guys is to attack Iron Man with numbers ...

— Look at that, he speaks more than two words - the girl says sarcastically, then is silenced by a withering look from the boy for having been interrupted - sorry ... - she says holding her laugh

— These guys are low-level criminals, just pawns, as far as I can tell, there must be three or four really dangerous people here ... - he says turning his gaze on the immobilized criminals - if that's the case, what we need now it's more information ... - he then says going towards a criminal tied and sitting

— Well, we have the information here - the girl says crossing her arms in front of the body - but how are we going to get them to talk?

— I have my methods ... - he says crouching in front of the criminal, who does not look him directly in the eye. Reyes could heat the chains, but he would not use that power, and shrinking the space by crushing it could kill him too quickly, so he preferred a more traditional method;

Making sure that the criminal's body was well secured and not at all loose, giving no room for movement, he put his hand lightly on the man's boot. And then, staring at him deep in the eyes, until, with a quick movement, he turns the man's ankle at an unnatural angle, at least twisting it, but probably shattering the connections of the villain's ankle. Seol turns her back quickly so as not to witness the scene.


— Listen, luckily I'm wanting to be a hero, if not, I would have already taken your foot off ... - the boy says taking his knife and digging into the earth beside the man's foot as a form of threat - and if you tell me how you plan to kill Iron Man, I won't break your other foot ... so what? What is going to be?

In the artificially created mountains within the EDR, three young people showed all their abilities when facing opponents. Azari quickly dodges a blow and quickly uses his stick to grab his opponent's neck and throw it over his shoulder in a judo maneuver, together electrocuting him when his body is wrapped in electricity. He then takes an acrobatic leap backwards to join his mate Nico. She used her staff to block an attack and quickly used a spell to knock her attacker back.

— They don't seem to end - the class representative comments to his colleague - we have to find a way to stun them at the same time

— You who have electrical powers, can't electrocute them so that we can escape? - Nico asks with a certain irritation in her voice

— It is not so simple ... - the young African man says trying to remain calm - I can only cover my body with electricity, focusing on it at a long distance is still something I have to train. I could do it, but I would hit you and she mainly - Azari ends pointing to the last member of the trio; Laura Kinney.

The brunette, as soon as she saw the villains, entered in an unstoppable berserker mode, with her Quirk, giving her reflexes, agility, strength, a regenerative factor of envy, the same having been nailed by bullets a few seconds ago, in addition to her bone claws extending from her hands and feet, which cut iron like butter. Both Nico and Azari found it impressive that she was not killing anyone, she was jumping through the opponents, clawing their legs and throwing them into the air, destroying weapons and kicking low places with tremendous force. She was certainly a force to be feared, and a girl not to be irritated.

— If I can get her here and protect us, do you think you can electrocute these guys? - Nico asks the representative who just nods, without taking his eyes off his opponents. The girl then concentrates for a moment and then screams - Decipher the laws of nature and bring her to me!

Shortly thereafter, lightning strikes from within the staff and an air wave appears and covers Laura, lifting her off the ground and delaying her close to Nico;

— What the hell ... - she doesn't have time to question and return to action, Nico puts an arm in front of her and screams again

— Decipher the laws of nature and protect us from electricity! - and then, a stone wall rises from the floor and covers the two girls completely - now Azari! - her cry is muffled by the rocks, but the boy hears and gives a small smile.

The boy then hits his staff on the floor, closing his eyes and concentrating his power. The opponents use this moment and invest in the direction of the boy. But then, before they even touch the boy, he gives a huge howl and a wave, a true electric pulse, is created and that travels the entire length of that mountainous area, electrocuting all the villains present, who fall to the ground unconscious.

The stones then come loose and the girls get up to watch all the enemies on the ground. Laura retract her claws, but sniffs the air looking for something else, while Nico reduces the size of her staff and places it in a compartment on her back, quickly going to Azari, who leaned on his staff, wheezing and looking quite exhausted.

Little did they know that only one opponent was buried in the ground, waiting for the right moment to attack.

— Parker, if you do more than just look to see how things are going ... - Kei begins trying to be a little threatening - I send to everyone the drawing I did

— Uuuuu, send it to me, please? - asks Gwen interested

— I'm aware, we will leave the moment it gets dangerous ... - the boy says trying to keep his composure

The three children were crouched behind a small wall, in order to analyze how Professor Murdock's situation was to see if he needed any help or not. The three then raise their heads to see and an impressive scene comes; several villains unconscious and Mr. Murdock still fighting with those who were standing. He punched, tossed, tied, he certainly looked dejected and tired, panted hard and had a little blood on his lip, but he didn't stop.

After picking up his staff from yet another villain now passed out, he notices the young man with brown hair, probably the one in charge of this operation starting to run towards him with open arms, he had just wiped his mouth after eating a kind of brownish paste.

— Final boss! - Daredevil says and throws half his bat in order to restrict him, but unlike the other villains, this one seemed to be much more capable, quickly taking Matt's bat while continuing to close the distance between them, until the Daredevil manages to elbow his opponent in the belly, which encourages the students hiding nearby, but that doesn't last long.

Given his fatigue, Matt was no longer using his ultrasonic hiss to destabilize the latest villains, and he didn't count that this would be his fatal mistake …

— You are really very skilled - comments the boy in his jovial and sarcastic voice - but let us admit, you are more human than many other heroes, and you get tired faster ...

Matt then feels his opponent's hand on his elbow and suddenly, his heat sensors go off. He feels tremendous burning in the elbow area, and quickly pushes the young man back and walks away. Then he can perceive the area around his elbow, with his clothes completely melted and sticking to his skin, and underneath, almost charred flesh, this sensitivity unfortunately made it difficult to visualize his surroundings, but he feels a presence;

Fortunately his hearing was the most trained, and he narrowly escapes an attack by another henchman, bending down and kicking him while holding his arm with his shattered elbow. Standing up afterwards, he uses his legs in a series of kicks to hit the other villains, but he also tried to dodge others who approached, who tried to use this opening.

— Your Quirk is certainly impressive and must be very useful in several situations - says the brunette when he gets up and realizes that he had a broken rib - but one of them is not here, an open space against a large group, don't you think you are out of your element?

Dodging an attack, he pulls his baton again with his good arm and ties the neck of the villain who attacked him, quickly throwing him in the direction of another and using kicks and the bat to end others who approached

— It is certainly impressive to see you in action - the young man says sounding impressed - look at you, still standing and fighting, you are so cool - until he then smiles even more and in a psychotic way - but just for the record, I'm not the final boss ...

Matt can then perceive a presence at his side, recognizing the great figure who was one of the last to leave the portal and who had not joined the confrontation until then. Daredevil felt the creature there, but he didn't hear any beat, that thing was not a living thing ... And with a quick hit, the creature hits the hero, breaking his helmet in half ...

Peter looks at that scene with nothing but terror in his eyes ...

— But how interesting, and what would this new technology be, some kind of tractor beam? - the reddish villain asks while suspended in the air, but still keeping a serene and calm face - it's a very impressive weapon, but lass es uns nicht vergessen, let's not forget, you are a rescue heroine Danger, expert in rescuing people of disasters, that is, you don't have much of a battlefield notion ... - the villain then manages to create a small portal under himself and opens another one next to Danger, imposing on it the force of the tractor beam ...

— AAAAAAH – the heroine screams when surprised by the force of the portal pulling her left side, she even tries to disconnect from the interface that controlled the room, but it was all too fast. With immense force, her robotic left arm, along with part of her torso, also cybernetic, are pulled out by the force of the tractor beam, and she starts to hang up - sorry, he got me ... - she tells her students before to turn off and lose control of the tractor beam, thus freeing the villain

— Danger! – shouts Kamala worried about the teacher

— Pietro, go! - Luke shouts next to the sprinter, this was his only chance

Pietro even thinks to reply saying that he would not abandon them, but Danger's words come back to him, telling him that he should use his Quirk to save his colleagues, to be a true hero. Finally Wanda's image comes to mind, nodding his head and that was the only push he needed. He then gets ready to run and shoots.

— Mercury Acceleration! - he screams when shooting, raising a shock wave when he passes beside the villain and heads towards the exit

— A sheep, trying to escape the wolves - the villain says still calmly, but with an air of irritation - I just can't allow that to happen! If other heroes appear it will be more difficult to kill Iron Man - he says right then starting to form a portal on Pietro's path

Even at high speed, Peter can see the portal forming quickly, right in front of him, if he continued, he would probably be teleported to another place, ending this chance of getting help;

"That responsibility has been entrusted to me!" the platinum one thinks when he remembers his colleagues scattered around the locality, equally fighting for their lives "My powers have brought me this responsibility! Colleagues, I will keep you safe! "

But when Pietro was about to brake to try to dodge the portal, it just dissipates and Pietro can go through there without any problems. Looking back he can see the villain with a face of pain, with a luminous fragment on his shoulder. Looking further back, the boy sees blonde Tandy with one arm outstretched and with other daggers of light in her other hand.

— Go Pietro! - she says staring the boy in the eyes, the same then nods and runs again

— You cheeky child! - he says angrily, removing the fragment of light and crushing it in his hands, quickly drawing his swords - I will have to take care of you myself! Lest you step outside these doors! - he says, immediately enveloping himself in the black and red mist, disappearing for a moment and reappearing on Pietro's path with his swords drawn. - It ends here!

"That was it, the evil that the professionals faced. We had our first vision, but the worst was yet to come "

— What did you think of him, Daredevil? - asks the young villain as he watches the hero completely immobilized by the robotic humanoid creature - he is the artificially created Anti Symbol of Peace, but you can call him Sentinel ...