
01x05 The Chance

Those first two weeks of August had passed like two years for Peter, and nothing seemed to be improving. Peter hadn't even managed to show any joy that night, even though he had met Daredevil and Punisher, and had heard that Tombstone had been caught, all he cared about was the innocent blood in his hands ... but the worst of all was Aunt May; he wanted her to be furious with him, to scold him, to blame him for everything, that honestly would make him feel much better, but no, when she appeared running between the police cars, all she did was hug Peter, not caring with the boy's blood or sweat, she just squeezed it close to her chest, running her hand through his hair while letting her nephew cry, soaking her shirt. Besides, even though the boy told everything, from the meeting with Iron Man until that night, she did nothing but listen carefully to what her nephew said, until in the end she simply said;

"— I'm so happy that you'll be able to follow your dreams now..."

The wake had been a few days later and Peter had shown nothing, had remained emotionless and with his head down all the time; not even Flash who had attended with his mother had spoken to him, and Peter would even be grateful for that, if there was any trace of happiness in him.

The days that followed were worse, Peter did not leave the room, but left the door open, with that May came in with a snack, talked to the boy as much as she could and left him again. Peter didn't speak to Mr.Stark anymore and had stopped training, even though the test was only a few weeks away, Peter didn't care, he probably wouldn't do the test anymore ... What kind of hero let innocent people die?

However, that morning had been different, without thinking much, he had walked several blocks and headed for the cemetery and was now in front of Benjamin Parker's headstone. Peter didn't know why he was there, he didn't want to be there, but for some reason he couldn't leave. But he also didn't know what to do; should he cry? Shout out? Punch a tree? Talk with him? Nothing made sense, and he just watched that gray stone with his uncle's name ...

— Is this your first time doing this? - Peter hears a female voice to his right and turns a little scared - ah ... sorry, I didn't want to disturb

The voice in the case had come from a girl, probably the same age as the brunet, a little shorter than him, wearing a black coat with a skirt of the same color and carrying a bouquet of flowers. She was dark-haired, with straight hair running down her shoulders and back, with a nice red bow on top of her head, her eyes were an exotic shade of bright red, but which impressively did not resemble the boy of blood, war or violence, but a certain tenderness and curiosity. She had simple curves well hidden by the coat, she had a rounded face with slightly overhanging cheeks that gave her a cute appearance

— Sorry for being nosy, it's just that I've been in the same situation ...- she says staring at the headstone in front of her- and I just want to say that, it's okay, not knowing what to say ... They will understand if you do not want to talk, but if you want, say what your heart wants.- she says smiling slightly and looking Peter in the eyes, with a reddish in the cheeks, she then turns to her headstone;

— Hey grandpa, it's me again ...- she says to the headstone as if she has already done this several times, in addition to actually speaking as with a person right there- I came to exchange your flowers, since you like tulips so much. ..I and Pietro are very excited by the test, we work hard and we want to make you proud ...

At that moment Peter turns to where his uncle Ben was, with thousands of things stuck in his throat that he wished he could have the eldest to share; the anger, the frustration, the sadness, the longing, the emptiness he felt inside himself ... But none of that mattered, his uncle had always said that bad things existed and would come to bring us down, he needed to be resilient at that moment. ..But that was not what he meant either ...

...Until the plug fell; Ben's last words;

"... I have my hero right here ..."

Ben had always seen him as a hero, no matter what time, he had always believed that his nephew was destined for great things in life, in his last conversation, his uncle had not confronted him, had not stood in his way, he had sided with him, he had said about his responsibilities ... and now he had a new one to fulfill;

— Now I understand Uncle Ben ...- the boy looks at the tombstone with a new smile on his lips and a tear running down his cheek- I will fulfill my responsibility, I received these powers, and now how I use them has become my responsibility . I promise never to give up Uncle Ben, I promise to move on in the dark, guide me through the storm ... I promise to become the number one hero!!!

But for that, he needed to do something first. He recovered and ran towards the cemetery's exit, with a huge smile on his face and a new flame burning in his heart. A certain brunette who stayed there still felt that it wouldn't be the last time she saw the boy ...

At Pier 4, Tony looked at his watch again, it had been two weeks since he repeated the routine; he went to the Pier after trying to contact the boy, left a voice message and waited by the beach for him to appear, knew he needed some time, but if he really wanted to become a hero, he would return. Tony looks at his watch once more, already getting up to leave, when he turns to go back to the city, he then sees a small and familiar brunette in his makeshift gym clothes, a huge smile on his face and breathing quickly in front of him;

— At last! - he exclaims pretending irritation to the boy who just laughs - what are you waiting for? This garbage will not leave here alone ...- the same says to the boy who throws his backpack on the bench and runs to continue his training, not noticing the simple smile that appeared on Mr. Stark's face

After two more weeks of effort so that his body could return to the capacity it had before, in addition to hours of study, really this time, the morning of the big day had arrived. Tony walked with a cup of coffee in his hand to the beach, and almost spilled his drink when he stared at the beach, completely clean, with no other debris piled on the sand, she was spotless, and nearby, a sweaty, shirtless boy raises his arms in the air screaming, he had succeeded ...

It was now three o'clock in the afternoon, the boy Peter was happy to leave the building that had taken the theoretical test of M.A, he had managed to answer everything, he was quite satisfied with his result, but he knew the time would be now. The theoretical test only served as one tenth of the final result, it only helped those who almost reached the minimum, it was not much, but it helped. Now, the practical test, the one that really counted, and that everyone really trained to perform, which everyone was most nervous about. Peter stops when he realizes he has arrived at his destination; he was in front of the gate at M.A, the huge building completely glazed on the outside, which housed the most promising future heroes from all over the world, one step away from realizing his dream, everything seemed to have happened so long ago; all these seven months had been much more than he ever imagined to pass, but he would make it all worthwhile, reaching his goals ... until he heard a familiar call;

— Stupid Wall-Crawler ...- the boy turns to find none other than Flash, also wearing the school uniform where he had studied, Peter then realizes the face of few friends of the brunette

— Ah, Flash...- he says surprised, for a second forgetting that the boy would also take the test

— Get out of my sight now before I crush you!

Peter soon leaves the front and faces the other side without wanting to make a fuss at that moment, he was not so afraid of Flash anymore, but even so, it was not very healthy to irritate the brunette, even with everything that had happened and Flash was no longer tormenting him so much. As soon as he passes, the boy again faces the building;

— Now, after all the training with Iron Man and the help of my uncles, I will finally become a hero ...- he starts to walk, but his left foot curls up on his right heel and he starts to fall ; 'or I'm just going to crash my face on the floor at once' thought the brunette, but before he could reach the floor, he feels his body stop, as if his backpack pulls him, he looks over his right shoulder noticing his old yellow backpack wrapped in a kind of red energy, and looking to the left, he watches the same girl from the cemetery wiggling the fingers of her right hand with a ball of energy of the same color in her palm;

— Hehehe, are you all right? - the girl asks having a little fun with the scene and helping the astonished boy to stand up again, deactivating her Quirk right after- I stopped your fall using my Quirk in your backpack, sorry I didn't ask before ...- she says smiling and putting her hands together, she still wore the red bow, but now she wore a school uniform coat -... but I thought it would be okay for me to catch you so you wouldn't fall ...

—...- the boy was static, even though it was the second time she spoke to him, he had his head much more in the present now, which meant, more dizzy face

— Hey, you're the graveyard boy, aren't you? I hope I helped- she says smiling, recognizing the boy, which makes him blush even more- doesn't that make you very nervous too?

— Ah...I...well...- it was everything that Peter had neural capacity to say

— Well, I think I'll see you in there, see you! - she says waving and entering the building, while Peter was raving about the fact that a pretty girl had started a conversation with him that wasn't going to ask about school stuff (even this being not really a conversation, more like a monologue) which had left the brunette with a beautiful silly smile on his face

Inside the building, in one of the school's gigantic auditoriums, all enrolled students waited for instructions in their respective seats, which had not been so generous to two boys, as the seating sets were shared by schools. However, the lights then go on and a familiar, and for some, irritating, voice starts to speak, the same coming from a well-known hero dressed in red and black in front of a big screen;

— Wath's up virgins ... I mean, candidates for a position at M.A, it is with great pleasure (another in the case) that I present to you myself! Your teacher and voice of the morning warnings when I fell like doing it! I DEADPOOL !!! NOW IT'S YOUR TIME, SCREAM THERE !!! - the mercenary hero puts his ear to the crowd that remains silent, having only one distant cry in agreement- one at a time, please ...

By continuing in the vacuum of the majority, Deadpool gets tired;

— Cool mood huh guys, whatever, let's go to what they pay me to do ...- he says putting glasses over the mask and pulling a paper from inside his pants- let's talk a little about the practice, but like everyone are minors, let's talk about the test ... ARE YOU READY!?

Nothing was heard but one; "Aye aye captain!", Probably coming from the same person as before and a certain "fanboy" moment from a certain brunette

— Oh my God! It's the Mercenary Hero: Deadpool! He is so cool, I can't believe that all M.A teachers are professional heroes ...

— Just give me a favor and shut up! – the brunette at his side says angrily

— My lord and savior Bob Ross, give me patience... All right! As you were warned at registration, you will run twenty-minute combat simulations at one of seven stations simulating urban areas, as described in your applications - everyone then looks at the letters 'A' to 'G' on their registration cards. Peter can see that he and Flash had stayed at different stations, probably because they were from the same school

— Stop staring at my paper! - Flash says nervous again and Peter then turns to face Deadpool, but he managed to hear a- damn, I really was hoping I could finish you ...

— Okay, as explained in the cards, in each area there will be three different types of enemies, each with an amount of points proportional to the difficulty, that is, as we all knew, size does matter! That is, use your powers to destroy and earn points, is it very difficult to understand this? And remember, killing your classmates just outside, and if you're going to kill, don't leave evidence ok?

—Excuse me Mr. Pool, I have a doubt! - a boy in one of the rows closest to the stage stood up with his hand raised too; he was dark-skinned, with curly hair cut in a peculiar shape of three triangles, he wore a school uniform and a purple and black colored cloth draped over his neck and fell over his right shoulder.

— Bring it on Jungle Prince!

— According to the card we received, four different types of robots were listed, but you only told us about three. With all due respect, if this is a mistake in an official M.A document, this is shameful! - he says in an accent referring to ... East Africa? - We are exemplary students and expect the best from the most outstanding school in the United States! Such a mistake does not do justice to your reputation! Additionally, you with the messy brown hair! - he says turning and pointing directly at poor Peter

— Me? - he points to himself ashamed because of the unexpected attention turned to him now, mainly by the yellow eyes that the boy had

— You've been mumbling this whole time! Stop it! If you can't take this seriously, please leave, you're distracting the rest of us! - he says harshly what makes Peter cover his mouth and whisper one; 'sorry'. What gets a laugh out of some close students

— Okay, okay, calm down, electric kitten! - Deadpool says trying to calm the boy down and bring his attention back to himself - the last opponent is worth zero points- says the teacher, making a very suggestive sign to indicate 'zero' - this rascal is just an obstacle for us to have a little fun while watching you almost die. There's one at each station, so don't be afraid to run like chickens when you find it

— Thank you very much for the explanation! Please continue - the same boy says crossing his arms over his chest in an 'X' as some sign and sits down again

— Okay, this is the quickie I had to give today, but now, an encouraging phrase from Napoleon Bonaparte- he says and the famous napoleon painting on his horse appears on the screen, but it was Deadpool who was on the horse ... - 'A hero is one who manages to overcome life's difficulties ...' a bit of a joke, but that's what I have for today, let's hear a strong one now: "EXCELSIOR" !!!

Except for the same girl screaming in response, all the students present then get up and head outside for each transport in each simulation area;

In simulation area 'B', all students were already changed into their respective exercise clothes, free of school uniforms, most were huddled in front of the huge gate that would give them access to the practical part of MA admission, but only one brunette was further back, having been the last one to get off the bus, he looked at all that and thought to himself, trying to calm him from nervousness and anxiety;

—Well, now is the time. Time to see if the seven months of training really paid off ... Time to do my best ... I will become a hero ... Just as I always dreamed ... I will not give up now- he then ends his motivational pocket speech and slaps his own face with both hands at the same time ...

"The sacred ground of M.A's terrain, the school with the best hero training course on the planet, the place that any child would like to go and study. Of course, there are similar programs out there, but they don't even reach the M.A's feet, which is why it's almost impossible to enter.

The list of alumni includes some of the greatest hero idols on the planet;

Iron Man, number one hero, the most famous professional hero (who didn't actually take the heroes course, but the other courses are just as difficult to enter as, so they reveal that fact).

The legendary peacemaker with the most fighting wins, General Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, the Red Hulk!

Not to mention the famous motorcycle maneuver artist, the infernal hero, the Ghost Rider!

Graduating from M.A is basically a requirement if you want to become a great hero. So, I held my head up and marched towards the practical entrance exam; this is it! The first step towards fulfilling my dream of becoming a professional hero! "

In front of the gigantic doors that separated them from the 'B' simulation area, all the boys and girls were anxiously waiting for the practical test to begin; those robots were what separated them from a school place with the most prestigious hero course on the planet.

­— This is insane! – one of the boys in the crown says

— There must be an entire city in there... – another one says

— Do you imagine how much it must have cost to build all this here ... - another comment impressed

— The M.A is amazing...

Everyone seemed to be very relaxed, at least outside, except for a familiar brunette, who was separated from the others by a few meters and tried to remain calm. Obviously he had already faced life or death situations, but he was certainly overestimating himself at the time because of his powers, but now it was for real, his chance to become a hero, his only chance ... The boy remembers the words of Deadpool in their lecture, trying to keep the necessary information and try to formulate some strategy

— It's a simulated battle - Peter says to himself, the goal was to be able to defeat "villains" as efficiently as possible, and possibly causing the least amount of damage to buildings. He looks around, observing the diverse group of boys and girls ready to face whatever comes to win a spot 'none of them seem nervous, they are all so confident, some even have special equipment ...' the brunette thinks watching the other competitors; until his gaze stops at a recognizable red ribbon from the cemetery girl who kept him from falling before the lecture - I should probably thank her for the help ... - Peter says to himself as he starts walking towards her.

Until he stops after a few steps when he feels a hand on his left shoulder, fearing that it was Flash to threaten him ... oh no, he was on a different battlefield, thought the boy ... but what if it is the boy who spoke to Deadpool, saying that Peter was talking too much ... the boy then turns to the person slowly, and is instantly relieved to see that it was another boy. He was a little taller than himself, he had fair skin, messy blond hair and a little long, gray eyes that looked at him with curiosity and a countenance that was as if emanating serenity

The mysterious boy looks Peter in the eye and then turns to the direction the brunette was tracing, watching the brunette with a red bow, who had her eyes closed, her hand on her chest and breathing deeply

­— The words of a heart in a storm will only bring rough seas to those who hear it - the same says still looking in the direction of the brunette, but soon turning his eyes to the boy, who was now on his right side

— Ããã... did you get that out of some fortune cookie or ...? - Peter asks a little confused, but with a touch of sarcasm

— She seems to be trying to focus on the tasks ahead ... - the blonde responds without losing his serene face - talking to someone without having your own spirit in peace will only bring more distress

Peter meditates on the boy's words, it might even sound like a scolding if it hadn't been said the way it was, but Peter had to agree with the same; he wasn't 100% confident, so he would probably be nervous talking to her, which might cause her to lose focus and miss her chance to join M.A; Peter knew that all those were technically his rivals for the vacancies, but a hero must fight precisely, he would do nothing to harm the others, who had probably trained and tried as hard as he ...

Peter was going to turn around to thank the boy and ask him his name, until they both heard the hustle and bustle of the mercenary hero on a speaker;

— Very well, let's start !!! - Deadpool screams from the top of a tower near the simulation area, waving his arms as he jumps from side to side – Gogogo!!! Pick up the pace!!! Drop the fridge!!! Hit the pedal heavy metal!!! There are no countdowns in real battles !!! Run suckers, you are just wasting your time here !!!

Peter pauses for a moment watching the professional hero, his words take a long time to really infiltrate the brunette's brain, until he casually looks back to realize that all the other candidates had already shot towards the city, and consequently the same was in last;

— Damn it! Hey, wait, leave some villains for me !!! - the same says immediately starting to run after the others

Peter keeps a constant speed when running a few meters away from the main group; some had turned a few corners, but Peter wanted to get to the center where there were likely to be more robots to be destroyed; but unfortunately, despite having given everything in the months of training, many of the participants had trained for years for that moment, so the brunette realized that more and more he was getting even more behind;

— Okay, just calm down - Peter says to himself as he tries to reach others - it's okay, you have plenty of time, I'll be able to reach them ...

Until the thoughts and the attempt of a motivational pocket speech are interrupted by a movement to his right, which he senses with Spider Sense, and as soon as he stops, the wall of one of the buildings is smashed, and from there he leaves a robot; it was green, it seemed to have a military style, its support was by means of a single wheel, it had a humanoid appearance, with the wheel, a trunk, two arms of a machine gun, protected by iron shields with iron spades at the ends as if they were the hands, on which, the one on the left, had a big white '1' painted on it, it probably should have been the amount of points that it represented, and on the top, a head with a single red robotic eye, and now it was going at full speed towards the boy.

- 'Target acquired, prepare attack' - the robot announces by focusing its eye in Peter's direction and starts at full speed, screeching tire, in the direction of Peter

But Peter was no longer a quirkless who had never taken part in a fight, he was a new person, full of determination to become a hero, he prepared himself, slightly lowering and rolling up the sleeves of his gym coat to release the webs more easily, he prepared to launch the web at the right time and narrowly escape the robot, but everything proved useless ...

... when a ray of blue energy from somewhere on the boy's left hit the robot, destroying it before it could reach Peter. The boy is startled by the sudden brightness and burst of energy, falling back and thanking the robot for not having exploded in front of him, and then looks in the direction from which the burst came; meeting a boy, with his hands outstretched and floating, surrounded by an undulating blue energy, he wore conventional clothes and what stood out was a golden helmet with a kind of red four-pointed star on his forehead, which made his eyes look whites underneath

— Got him! - the same says happily closing his fist in a celebration - Thanks for serving as a distraction, comrade! We make a great team with you being the bait, but, I don't think I'll see you much in the future even then, see ya! - the same says and shortly afterwards takes flight away

Swallowing his anger at being hindered, Peter then focuses on returning to his goal of continuing the race, until he hears a beep from the speakers;

— "There are only ten minutes left !!!!" - Deadpool's voice screams bringing distress and despair to Peter's heart

— Oh no! - Peter when he hears this, he starts running towards the center - this is not good, this is not good ... Come on, I need points, and quick! - he says to himself as he continues to run and observe the various robot housings with different scores drawn on the side streets, was it really half the time already?

Peter then finishes his run when he arrives in the central area and is faced with a scene that would make him delirious in his hero nerdiness, if his place in M.A was not at risk; on the central avenue of the training area, several robotic carcasses together with several young people showing the most varied Quirks met, each trying as hard as possible to get as many points as possible, which further reduced Peter's chances of getting points;

The boy looks around, observing some recognizable faces; he sees the girl in the red bow, with her arms outstretched and wiggling her fingers, with a ball of red energy in her hands, and in front of her, a robot with a large painted red '3' was levitated, being surrounded by the same energy pulsating red and was thrown in the direction of other low-scoring robots, she then stops with her hands on her knees, breathing hard;

— Okay, these should be at least 28 points ... - she says looking at the carcasses and then running again to get more points

'28 points? ... 'Peter asks himself astonished, impressed by the amount of points she had won in the same amount of time he had achieved 0.

A little further away, Peter can observe the dark-skinned boy who had complained to him during the lecture, he moved with great agility, having his chest surrounded by a circle of electricity, and delivering kicks and blows to the machines, which together upon impact, they were charged with electricity that electrocuted the robots' internal circuits;

— That leaves me with 45 ... - the same says when hitting another robot with a powerful kick

— How did he get so many !? - Peter asks himself scared

— 32 for me –someone else says when smashing a robot's arm

— 21

— Hey, that's mine...

Peter stops, astonished looking around him, seeing so many points that each one has achieved, but so few remaining robots, which were also quickly destroyed, only one thing happened in the boy's head; 'At this rate, there will be no enemies left ... I will fail! 'He thinks worriedly

"Clearly the examinees have no idea of ​​the amount of villains present or their locations * quack * - a voice in a dark room says when watching on the monitors some cameras, which in this case showed a boy with tousled brown hair running in despair, a skinned boy dark with an exotic haircut, with a shape of three triangles running around looking for more robots and another boy in a gold helmet with a red star wrapped in a blue energy, who seemed to have noticed the camera and now winked at her - they they have limited time * quack *, need to cover a wide area * quack * and hunt to the last target * quack * - the voice says to the other people in the room, as the cameras changed and now showed a blonde girl, wearing robes white on top of a building, casting what appeared to be blades of light at the villains below - some use the high ground and gather information to get the advantage * quack * ...– the camera then turns to a silver and blue blur at high speed - ... others use speed to overtake their competitors * quack * ...– the camera returns to showing the boy in a golden helmet exploding another villain with his blasts of energy - ... of course, staying calm while under pressure can be a big advantage * quack * - the camera then shows a black-haired boy, with an animalistic face, surrounded by robot carcasses and his arms pulsing black goo that covered both arms - as well as pure power and combative ability * quack * ... "

— The most successful students use a combination of all these tactics, * quack * - the voice belonged to a very strange creature; literally a humanoid form of duck; the size of a child's body, but flippers, feathers covering his entire body, a large orange beak and small eyes, had no wings, only arms covered in white feathers, on which the right held a green cocktail, he wore pants red and an overcoat, vest and tie equally red over a white shirt - they achieve the highest results * quack *

— Hmmm, I would say that this year's group seems very promising - says a feminine, velvety and sensual voice from the back of the seats

— Well, there is still a long time before it ends - says another voice, this time male, rough and hoarse - and the real test is yet to come, let's see how they react ...- the same says right away by opening a protective capsule and pressing a red button, not taking his eyes off the screen, about to see the show really starting

In the midst of all the combat and destruction, a sound suddenly came out over the others in the middle of each of the simulation areas; a noise of several explosions, much bigger and louder than any individual of the participants would be able to produce. Everyone then stops and watches the creator of all that destruction: a huge robot that comes out of the smoke, destroying several buildings while standing up. The other robots must not have been more than five feet tall; it easily exceeded 130, moved around with giant wheels on tracks, its giant robotic hands crushed nearby buildings, and its huge rectangular head eight luminous points representing the light detectors on the front. Everyone stopped for a moment, when facing such monstrosity, they could see the similarities with the image of the zero point robot, that was just a distraction, as Deadpool had said;

"... this rascal is just an obstacle for us to have a little fun while watching you almost die. There's one in each station, so don't be afraid to run like chickens when you find it ... "

— I-i-isn't that a little extreme? - Peter thinks facing the mechanical monstrosity in front of him

The huge robot then lifts and closes its right fist and then takes it towards the ground with the greatest possible force, punching the ground. The impact makes the whole place tremble and a huge gust of wind that raises a real sandstorm is thrown in the direction of the candidates, who protect themselves as they can. Until the wind stops and only the dust remains suspended. Peter watches the huge robot get up and also sees the other candidates running away from it, out of the fog of dust.

For fear or for the simple uselessness of trying to face that thing, nobody cared, all the candidates ran for their lives and their vacancy, to try to get more points or simply guarantee the vacancy with the points they already had by not being run over by the machine murderer

"Now things get interesting ..." a soft, masculine and quiet voice says to his colleagues in the room with the monitors, even though he is not able to use them well "... the true character of a person is only really revealed when he or she is faced with danger "

Peter ends up unbalanced in an attempt to turn and run and ends up falling, standing with his back on the ground and watching in amazement the monstrosity getting closer and closer, and through his peripheral vision, seeing the other participants running away;

—This is a disaster - he says to himself as he starts to crawl, shaking with fear, trying to escape - I have to run to be able to destroy smaller villains! Damn, damn, damn, I'm still out of points!

"Less than two minutes left, hurry up!" Deadpool screams through the speakers

— WHAT?!?!?! TWO MINUTES?!?!?! - the flashbacks of all the training he had to pass during these months passes through his eyes, all the runs, the garbage shipments, the arm wrestling with one of his armor ... - Everything that Iron Man did for me ... All training ... It will be thrown away !!!

— Angh! - a groan of pain is heard by Peter, who looks back and watches the girl from the cemetery; face down on the floor, her face sweaty and dirty, an expression of pain and she seemed to be prevented from moving, probably by some building debris trapping her ...

"Is this your first time doing this? ...

I stopped your fall using my Quirk in your backpack, sorry I didn't ask before ...

... but I thought it would be okay for me to catch you so you wouldn't fall ... "

With great powers, come great responsibilities…"

Peter hears again the voice of the girl who helped him in two different moments and Uncle Ben's too, he is static for a moment, just facing the whole situation; the trapped girl, people running away, the robot approaching ...

"You don't get points as a reward for destroying the gigantic villain ..." The same male voice comments with colleagues; "But there is an opportunity, a chance to shine ..."

Peter's body acts before his thought, but unlike the first time, he faces the objective head on, certain of what he would do; and when he could see, he had run and taken a huge leap, leaving all the strength of his legs, running over the girl and landing a few meters from the approaching robot ...

"And to show what you're made of!"

Running the last few meters to the metal monster, Peter extends his hands, which with all the impact of his strength and the jump, crush the bodywork, and with that he tries to push the robot to stop it.

Using all his strength, Peter sinks his feet into the ground, breaking the concrete and keeping his arms flexed by pressing more and more of the robot's green bodywork. His vision blurs, his arms start to burn with exertion, and he feels his feet scraping on the floor, his sneakers and sock probably destroyed. He tries anyway to make the giant stop, but it didn't seem to be making much difference ... But he had to, at least until the girl was safe. He quickly turns around, leaving his back on the metal and still with his feet sunk in the concrete and trying to stop the machine anyway.

Then, noticing his intact wrists, Peter shoots a web to the right, the sticky tissue explodes from his fist, splashing a little blood and a web is stuck to the side of one of the buildings; doing the same on the left, the web travels a little more because of the distance, but it also gets stuck; Peter continues with more and more webs, until the inside of his forearms is almost raw and the red liquid with a strong smell is running down his arm, dripping down his elbow and staining the rolled up sleeve of his shirt.

The boy held the webs with all his strength, with his arms outstretched, his shirt was tearing, he felt every cell in his arms stretching and about to burst, but he can hold on, when he can see, he was a few meters from fallen brunette, who still watched everything without moving a muscle, just watching the boy with astonishment showing all that determination, using everything he had to help her.

"That's it, show who you are ..." says Tony Stark in the dark room "Personify what it means to be a hero; nothing is more noble than your own sacrifice "

As Peter got closer and closer, he could see that his effort was serving something, noticing the iron giant slowing to a stop, breathing deeply and letting go of the webs, standing up for a miracle; having his shirt soaked with sweat and blood on his sleeves, until he hears it;

"TIME'S UP!!!" Deadpool's voice can be recognized indicating the end of the evaluation

The physical and now mental fatigue was too much for Peter, the whole emotional burden was too much for his poor brain, and he starts to fall; but fortunately, even stuck and tired, a spark of energy was still left of the brunette trapped between the concrete blocks and she used it to activate her Quirk, creating the red energy ball and launching it over the boy, covering him with the same energy , and causing it to fall slowly until it reaches the ground unscathed, and she deactivates it and breathes with difficulty, as if she had to make a lot of effort for such an action.

— Did you see what he did? - one of the boys asks when he sees Peter lying on the floor

— I never imagined that he would have all that strength ...- answers another

— Me neither...

— It looks like a rope creation kind of Quirk; but it doesn't seem to be something so weak...

— If he had all this capacity, how could he not get any points all day?

— Maybe he was trying to fool us...

— Jokes on him, is not like he's going to pass with no points

— True, but that was really cool...

All the freshmen present there discussed the whole situation of the brunette, having worked so hard to stop something that was worthless and having none to feel at least comfortable; well all but two boys in particular who watched the brunette lying on the floor, without wanting to, having similar thoughts

"Everyone is missing the point ..." thinks the Afro-descendant boy, watching the talking brunette in amazement, from Deadpool's lecture.

"Didn't you see what he did?" the blonde thinks, recognizing the brunette at the entrance to the simulation area "He sacrificed everything ..."

"... just to save that girl" the brown-skinned one accidentally complements the blond "He should know how much time he had left ..."

"But even with all these concerns, he didn't hesitate to jump" added the blonde

"So ... of course, I would / should have done the same" are the thoughts of the brunette and the blonde respectively "The exam, the judges, they saw that ..."

—Back everyone, please - says a voice from behind the group of teenagers - whoever has no problem, please stay away, this is a medical situation

The voice itself was that of a woman wearing a blue nurse's uniform and putting blue latex gloves in her hands as she ran to catch up with the two fallen students. The woman herself had dark brown hair with a slight wave falling over her shoulders, had slightly brown skin, full lips, a wrinkled nose, thin eyebrows over dark brown eyes. She had a serious expression as she approached the fallen brunette girl

— Whoa, who's the hot nurse? - asks one of the boys with the hormones on the skin

— This beauty - begins the boy with a strange helmet floating next to the action - is the heart of M.A; Claire Temple, the Night Nurse. The school nurse.

Returning to the nurse, she went down towards the brunette girl who was breathing hard, she had managed to free herself from the concrete block that was just holding her leg. Claire helps her sit up and quickly picks up her stethoscope, listening to various points on the girl's torso, to see if there was something wrong with her breathing; but there was nothing, he was just tired

— P-please ...- the girl says in a weak voice, and turns her head to observe something to her right - help him ...

The nurse doesn't even have time to digest what she saw when she stood up and hurriedly walked over to the fallen boy, noticing the purple arms and the dried blood clinging to his body;

—My God ...- she says stunned watching the unconscious boy, how he had used his Quirk in a way that he couldn't handle ... it's like he doesn't know his own power, thought the heroine, but there was no time to lose, she quickly takes one of the gloves from her hand and puts it on the boy's back, taking a deep breath and activating her own Quirk, with the boy being covered in a greenish light, and having his arms being repaired slowly, with the muscles regenerating and the skin repairing, until not even scars remained

— What is she doing? – one of the boys in the group asks

— Apparently you never saw a heroine nurse in action - says the same boy in a helmet, now going down to the floor, deactivating his Quirk and removing his helmet, revealing his messy black hair and his lilac eyes - her Quirk is an incredible increase in the affected person's ability to heal, it is the only reason that MA is able to maintain these reckless examinations

Three days had passed since the practical exam; after passing out from the intense effort of trying to stop the giant zero-point robot, Peter had woken up in the infirmary room, with his clothes soiled in blood in a bag and clean clothes, he had met the heroine Night Nurse who had helped him, and then May she had come to get him at the door to return home. The days that passed were extremely depressing for the boy, he knew that he had done well on the theoretical test, but also that just that would not be enough to pass the MA, not with zero points in the practical part, but mainly because he failed contact Mr. Stark to find out if he had any information that would give him any hope ...

— The result should arrive today or tomorrow, right? - Aunt May asks him behind it while cleaning some books off the shelves, attracting them with her Quirk, and the boy remained sitting on the couch, with his cell phone at his side and just staring at the wall, without any emotion

— Yeah ...- he responds and lowers his head, having conflicting feelings of wanting and not wanting to know the result; May realizes that his nephew wants to be alone and leaves the room

But what else went through the boy's head was one thing; Iron Man. He had seen potential in him, even though at first he wanted to remove the spider's poison from his body, he had really believed in the boy, believed that he would be worthy to inherit his energy, Peter was devastated to have disappointed him. Peter would not change what he had done, of course he would have liked to be more attentive to see the robots earlier and get more points, but in no way would he change his last act in order to try to help the girl, he had done what he thought was right. .. even if it cost you the dream of being the greatest hero of all ...

Until he hears his aunt entering the room running and screaming;

—Peter! Peter! Peter! - she says arriving in the room with an envelope in her hand and a face in a mixture of happiness and despair - it arrived ...- she says showing the white envelope with the seal with the acronym M.A

Now was the moment of truth ...

Outside her nephew's room, May found herself walking around, as concerned as the preteen on the other side.

Peter looked at that envelope as if it would explode at any moment; there was one of two options, the most likely, of failing the test and the start of his search for another course of heroes, or the beginning of his journey to become the number one hero.

No longer putting up with stress and worry, gathering momentary courage, the boy tears the envelope, revealing a letter of paper still in one of the pieces of the envelope, but the main one was a small metal disk with an electronic surface that fell from the envelope damaged and stopped at his desk; instantly activating a holographic message ... with Iron Man on the screen that floated in front of the brunette;

"— Are you recording this here? I hope you are ... " the hero appears to him wearing his hero costume, but with the viewfinder raised, his bony features and dark circles were very recognizable given his proximity to the canvas

— Mr. Stark!? – the boy asks confused - but this is from M.A right ...?

"— First of all, if you are asking a question or talking to me, know that this is a recorded message ... " he says moving away from the screen and sitting in an armchair behind him " ... secondly I just wanted to say that I humbly accepted the job at MA as a teacher, you know, new horizons ... "

— The Iron Man working on M.A? – the brunette asks himself impressed

"—...wait ... how many different messages? " he seemed to be talking to someone behind the scenes, until he rubs his eyes and gives a tired sigh "... ok, ok, let's get to it; even if you earned 0 points in the practical exam, of course, that would mean that you failed ... "

Peter's animation begins to drain, he begins to feel extremely frustrated and disappointed, until the hero speaks again;

"... if that was all we would evaluate! But first, watch this; ... "

The hologram then changes to another video, this time with the brunette with the red bow entering somewhere, she looked sad and wore a school uniform

"Excuse me ..." she says weakly to whoever was there, quickly appearing a man with dark hair who seemed to be wearing a suit, but his back was turned, so it was difficult to see who he was "... there was a boy in the same area that I; thin, messy brown hair ..." Peter soon realized that she was talking about him " ... is it possible that I can give him some of my points? I-I heard people saying he didn't get any points ...

"You will never be able to be with the best of the best ..." Peter hears Flash's words mixing with the girl's

"At least the points he lost because of me ..." she insisted

"There was no reason for you to be in danger like that!" the harsh words he had received that put him down for his actions were drowned out by the words of the brunette who exalted him and who wanted to reward him for his actions

"He saved me!" she says louder and with flushed cheeks

"Along with now having a Quirk..." continues Mr. Stark appearing on his back in front of the paused video "... your actions resulted in the actions of others." He then turns to face Peter "The exam was not counted only with points for destroying villains ... how could a course of heroes reject people who save others and do what is right? Do you call that keeping the promise? This is a job that requires taking a chance to put that promise into practice; RESCUE POINTS! " the hero says excited and his screen is replaced by a scoreboard;

In which his name was in seventh position ...

"Peter Parker ..." continues Iron Man "60 points!" Peter couldn't believe his name, even with the score showing his zero point of villains, not only on the list of admitted, but among the top ten selected "And Wanda Maximoff, 45 points!" he says with the video turning to the brunette, who now he knew her name was Wanda, showing that she had taken 28 villain points, along with her 45 rescue points, leaving her in third position

"You two passed, you can sleep peacefully now" says the hero returning to his normal self "Come on, Parker, this is' Marvel Academy 'your hero academy"

— Yes sir! - Peter could not contain his tears that fell down his cheeks 'I got Uncle Ben' was all the boy thought

'The first step was taken for me to become the number one hero!'