
Getting Jaxson

"What's her mates name?" Her dad asked; guess I forgot to mention that.

"Jaxson Allen, Alpha Brent Allen's son." I answered.

He let out a huge breath and ran his hand through his hair. "This isn't good, they need to be together."

"Why?" I asked taking in his worried expression.

"When a female mate goes through her first heat--if she hasn't yet fulfilled the mating--it can be painful until the mating occurs." He said.

"I know all that, Emma is proof of it." I said.

"That just with regular wolves. When two wolves that are born with Alpha blood are mates it is way much stronger. The first heat can last up to a month sometimes longer if they don't go through with the mating. It starts off with being constantly aroused to the point it hurts. Then from the fifth day onwards it's just physically painful. What Emma is experiencing right now is nothing compared to what will happen."

"What happens?" I asked.