
Entry 1

I guess I'm keeping a diary now! Based on everything else I've gone through today, this might as well happen. I'm definitely going to need to give this to the gems when (if) I ever get home, I'm sure they'll want to "study my findings" or something like that.

Let me introduce myself:

My full, "legal" name is Stevonnie Quartz Cutiepie Maheswaren DeMayo Universe. Most people just call me Stevennie Mahuniverse.

Up until today, I was two different people. Yeah, sometimes they'd form me for fun or combat, but I've always been able to... Separate afterwards, you know?

I've tried that in this world. So many times. My brain is different here- I can't tell what thoughts are Steven, which are Connie, and which are my own. It's quiet now, in my head. Not a peep from Universe or Maheswaren. It's just *me*.

Connie told us not to touch the glowing thing. Connie is usually right, but we (I?) rarely listen. Now we're on the side of the road, stuck together, having another mild panic attack, and in a completely different art style.

I don't feel this world's music like I do my own. If I randomly burst into song here, I doubt I'd know the lyrics or have the sky provide a backing score. I could always do that at home, though Steven often preferred to do his own backing ukulele or guitar.

The music here is harsher, more modern, more intense. It doesn't allow for singing, it calls for action like the score from one of Lapis' shonen animes. The art style here reminds me of those as well. Connie was never allowed to watch them at home, her (my?) mom thought they were too "adult" even for a 16 year-old. Steven was rarely regulated, unless Pearl was home.

I don't see any people here. No real signs either. The most disquieting (oh! That's a fun one!) part, however, is the shouting I hear in the distance. I don't know of my (Steven's) shield will work here. I'm afraid to find out. I'm going to look for cover. Wish me luck, multivese! ⭐